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Okay, so how do you protect yourself from spoilers in the FF7 Remake part 2 ... if you're a PC gamer only?


Yes, we all know what happened in the original. And yes, we know that the remake is going to do a lot of the things the original did. But it'll do other stuff differently. And some people would like not to get spoiled.

The problem is that if you do not intend of buying the console version of the game, you need to wait 1-2 years before playing it on PC.

So how do you avoid spoilers? Is it feasible? I mean, you're bound to stumble on a message board / reddit thread / youtube video which will literally scream / mention a spoiler / difference between Remake Part 2 and the original.

So, assuming that buying the game for the PS5 isn't an option ...

What do you do? You sure as hell can't have a media blackout for two freaking years! You can't avoid YouTube for two years - can't avoid social media for two years.

So what do you do?


just like how i didn't spoil myself for part 1. didn't read or watch anything about it. not that i was trying to avoid it. i genuinely wasn't interested in playing the game so ignored it. i only started playing it a couple weeks ago on PC. i knew one big spoiler

aerith dies

but it seems like that might be changed in part 2. i don't know. other than that i didn't know shit about the game.

i will admit now that i'm into the game it will be difficult to avoid spoilers but again i just won't read/watch anything. hopefully by "winter 2023" there is a PS5 Slim console and more than 1 game i want to play on PS5. i might be tempted to buy a PS5 (again, only if there is a slim model) just to play Part 2. i'm not sure how much longer my PC will last otherwise i'd just wait for the game to come to PC.
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King of Gaslighting
Stop searching for it for one. If you can't help yourself in that regard, regularly remove searches (or just searches related to FF7R) from your YouTube search history. I clear my YT search frequently because YT has, and always will have, shit spoiler protections (I mean they don't even try with that "Recommend Video" sidebar).


I hate spoilers as much as the next guy and have managed to avoid them for various types of media over the course of years, even decades in many cases.

One example would be The Last of Us. I bought the original release in 2013 and didn't like it, so I never finished it. It wasn't until Summer 2019 that I finally went back and finished the game. I avoided spoilers for one of the generation's most popular games for six years because the game was so coveted that I told myself I'd have to finish it one day. In that case, it wasn't worth it because the game was shit all the way through.

Just don't click on any related threads, videos, etc. and it shouldn't be too difficult. Pretend it doesn't exist until it's time to play. Either that, or give in and play on console like I will for something like FF7.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
My biggest problem is YouTube, honestly. Content creators you follow will eventually post/upload a video with a spoiler title/thumbnail.
... will they? Maybe before part 2 releases, you should unsubscribe from the people who seem likely to do that. I've always found it very easy to avoid spoilers for anything I'm looking forward to, spoilers don't really follow you around, usually you'll have to find them. If a YouTuber is likely to drop spoilers for you, you should at least temporarily unsubscribe from them. Or permanently unsubscribe, if they're intent on spoiling stories for their audience.
"How do I avoid spoilers without buying the game for PS5?"

"You buy the game for PS5."

"... Thanks, man. That was really helpful."

There's no other way, unless you stay off youtube and all gaming sites for a year or maybe even longer depending on when they launch on PC. Have square actually confirmed that it won't be launching on PC alongside the PS5?
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Anything dumb / ridiculous they pull out will be spoiled before the game comes out anyway, like the time jannies or the pompadour guy was for the first part.

So it doesn’t really matter.


Gold Member
Just don't search for it and forget it exists. The youtube algorithm won't give you spoilers if you don't watch related content.
If the algorithm is already spoiled, i think cleaning the cache/history of the browser should work. If you really, must watch something related to the game, use anonymous mode.
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I haven't been spoiled and still haven't played it. Even if I had been its not that big of a deal.

It's not that difficult to avoid any discussion. Now random spoiler drops in unrelated topics are different.
Avoid any thread that mentions it in the title, avoid any final fantasy subreddits, and hope Square doesn’t take so long to release the PC version next time.
It's not possible, man. Looking at your avatar alone reminds me of going into some best graphics thread here on gaf and being completely spoiled on Kraid being in Metroid Dread. Did my best to avoid any info on that game, and BAM some fucker posts a Switch game's high res gifs ruining that for me. You can try your damnedest, but if you have ANY subscriptions to gaming in general on yt, or visit this site or any other gaming forum at all, there is an amazing chance that what ever you're avoiding can be spoiled easily.
Especially with something as viciously popular as Final Fantasy VII, good luck on avoiding spoilers TC, I'm rooting for you.
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“Buy our preferred plastic box or else we’ll ruin your enjoyment of a game you’re waiting for. “

Nobodies gonna go out of their way to spoil the game. Its a big game that will pop up all over YouTube and chances are, you will see spoilers. I've seen spoilers for many games I've yet to play because of that.


Why put yourself in this situation if you care about the game? If your a fan then buy the game day one and support the developers.

Get a PS5 for FF7 remake 2 and Final Fantasy 16. And all the other awesome Sony 1st party games that are guaranteed to hit the console day one. Life is too short for this shit.


Gold Member
Why put yourself in this situation if you care about the game? If your a fan then buy the game day one and support the developers.

Get a PS5 for FF7 remake 2 and Final Fantasy 16. And all the other awesome Sony 1st party games that are guaranteed to hit the console day one. Life is too short for this shit.
Unfortunately not everyone wants to buy an entire console to play single game, maybe because they think its a waste of money or maybe its just too much of a hassle.
OP also didn't say anything about having interest in playing any of these "awesome Sony 1st party games" so its a moot point.


It's not possible, man. Looking at your avatar alone reminds me of going into some best graphics thread here on gaf and being completely spoiled on Kraid being in Metroid Dread. Did my best to avoid any info on that game, and BAM some fucker posts a Switch game's high res gifs ruining that for me. You can try your damnedest, but if you have ANY subscriptions to gaming in general on yt, or visit this site or any other gaming forum at all, there is an amazing chance that what ever you're avoiding can be spoiled easily.
Especially with something as viciously popular as Final Fantasy VII, good luck on avoiding spoilers TC, I'm rooting for you.
Exactly. And thanks.
Why put yourself in this situation if you care about the game? If your a fan then buy the game day one and support the developers.

Get a PS5 for FF7 remake 2 and Final Fantasy 16. And all the other awesome Sony 1st party games that are guaranteed to hit the console day one. Life is too short for this shit.
Because I don't want to buy a console ever again. I'm done.

Especially since for this specific game it's not a matter of 'if' but 'when' will it release on PC. I'm fine with waiting, I just want to not be spoiled.

Lokaum D+

put a parental block ( or something else ) on ur browser that ll block ur acess to any "final fantasy" "FF" site/word/search on the internet ??

*i dont know how those parental things work or if this is even possible.
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Exactly. And thanks.

Because I don't want to buy a console ever again. I'm done.

Especially since for this specific game it's not a matter of 'if' but 'when' will it release on PC. I'm fine with waiting, I just want to not be spoiled.

Why don't you want to buy a console ever again? Sounds like you had a bad experience or something.


i have played last of us 2013 in 2020 on a ps4 borrowed from a friend

i didn't have a clue about the game at all as a pc only gamer

its been, what, 2 years since the release ot tlou2. i still have no idea why people are outraged, what kind of stuff it stirred within users lol. i only know the muscular lady, and that's the only thing i know about tlou2 (unless someone intentionally gives a spoiler in this very topic, as of now)

solution is simple: stay away from such topics. for example: i also have no idea what happens in forbidden west. literally, zero clue.

my friend for example, as a ps only gamer, have no idea what happens in halo. he didn't even have a clue as to what actually is a "halo" in game world. i had to explain it to him (bcoz he said he had no desires to play the game). simple: something is out of your reach, it is better be out of your interest reach.)

by the way, i have no idea what happened in the original or anything so you get the idea, LOL

stay away from those game's threads, simple. stay away from console new sites.

follow r/pcgaming for pc game news. that should be enough lol
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Gold Member
its been, what, 2 years since the release ot tlou2. i still have no idea why people are outraged, what kind of stuff it stirred within users lol. i only know the muscular lady, and that's the only thing i know about tlou2 (unless someone intentionally gives a spoiler in this very topic, as of now)
Kratos is Ellie's Dad


Why don't you want to buy a console ever again? Sounds like you had a bad experience or something.
No, I just decided to focus on one ecosystem. If I invest on say, PS console games, I have to keep buying PS consoles if I want to keep and update my PS games to better versions. So the more ecosystems I invest in, the more machines I have to buy/maintain/upkeep/upgrade.

The PC is the best choice to have one ecosystem, has the biggest library of all ecosystems, does the best upgrades for its games and has great modding support.

So, I decided that if I have to invest on ONE ecosystem, the PC was the best choice.
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Kev Kev

it can be done OP.

ive avoided spoilers for tons of games, movies and tv shows over the years. once in a while something will slip through and i will try not to think about it with the hopes that i will forget when i start playing, but once ive seen it thats pretty much it.

the youtube thumbnail thing pisses me off so much. like, why? how dense do you have to be to do that? smh.

honestly tho i think the bigest risk factor is people i see IRL. if you have friends and fmaily you hang out with a lot, chances are one of them is just going to be talking about it openly, probably not caring about spoilers bc they are a dodo (or just inconsiderate........ or both).

other than that, you can do it, just try to avoid anything that even ooks like the topic. dont click links to youtube videos that are ffvii remake related, or FF related at all. stop following FF related youtubers or whatever. and just hope that you dont over hear something you dont want to. and if you do, try to do anything to forget about it so youre brain thinks its useless information and doesnt catalog it.
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Delete anything Final Fantasy-related from your YouTube history to avoid recommendations for FF videos. And obviously don't search for Final Fantasy videos. This is the best way to dodge HYPEST TWIST/BOSS/ENDING EVER?!? spoiler thumbnail bullshit.

I also make it a point to avoid Twitter, 4chan, and YouTube entirely during the week leading up to a movie or game I'm looking forward to. It's pretty easy to avoid spoilers within a short timeframe but doing it for a whole year is going to be tough. I'd just get a PS5 if I were you.


Gold Member
it can be done OP.

ive avoided spoilers for tons of games, movies and tv shows over the years. once in a while something will slip through and i will try not to think about it with the hopes that i will forget when i start playing, but once ive seen it thats pretty much it.

the youtube thumbnail thing pisses me off so much. like, why? how dense do you have to be to do that? smh.

honestly tho i think the bigest risk factor is people i see IRL. if you have friends and fmaily you hang out with a lot, chances are one of them is just going to be talking about it openly, probably not caring about spoilers bc they are a dodo (or just inconsiderate........ or both).

other than that, you can do it, just try to avoid anything that even ooks like the topic. dont click links to youtube videos that are ffvii remake related, or FF related at all. stop following FF related youtubers or whatever. and just hope that you dont over hear something you dont want to. and if you do, try to do anything to forget about it so youre brain thinks its useless information and doesnt catalog it.
Honestly not thinking about it is probably the best solution.
Didn't watch Breaking Bad until years later after final season, didn't get a single spoiler because i simply didn't care about the series until i sit down to watch it. I still have no clue about what happens in Stranger Things (aside from the fact later seasons seem suck for some reason).
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Can be done. I'm never reading spoiler discussions and looking up videos of games I didn't play yet. I barely watch trailers either, especially not launch trailers. Okay, FFVII is probably been discussed more and while being different its still heavily based on an old game played by millions, but you can avoid spoilers by not clicking on youtube endings, not taking part in spoiler discussions etc.

But if you really want to be sure, buy a PS5. Its not out until like another 18 months, enough time to save up. Part 3 will be first on it too. PC will follow like over a year down the line? Thats quite long.
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I avoided all spoilers for Red Dead 2. Played it more than 2 years after release.
When you see it come up on a stream or video or forum post just get out.


Gold Member
why u triggered at my post

i just joked
i like the way the emoji looks
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Honestly, just learn to cope with the possibility of things being spoiled.

The only other option is to spend a lot of money to get games on whatever platform they first release on and play through them in the first week, and even then, the spoilers will be out there already, so if you want to make absolutely sure you'll just have to go on media blackout as well. Probably not worth it!


Gold Member
ctrl+c ctrl+v:

Essential Chrome extensions:

- Spoiler Protection 2.0 (image thumbnail blocker and mentions blocker)
- Unspoiler (mentions blocker see screenshot below)


Youtube mentions and channel blacklist tools: BlockTube + Channel Blocker.

Twitter: - go Settings and privacy -> Privacy and safety -> Mute and Block -> Muted words - add all keywords you can think of related to the game to the list.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
I’ll at least play final fantasy 7 part 2 since I played the first cloud is a real hero no debate.


ctrl+c ctrl+v:

Essential Chrome extensions:

- Spoiler Protection 2.0 (image thumbnail blocker and mentions blocker)
- Unspoiler (mentions blocker see screenshot below)


Youtube mentions and channel blacklist tools: BlockTube + Channel Blocker.

Twitter: - go Settings and privacy -> Privacy and safety -> Mute and Block -> Muted words - add all keywords you can think of related to the game to the list.
This is amazing. Thank you!
No, I just decided to focus on one ecosystem. If I invest on say, PS console games, I have to keep buying PS consoles if I want to keep and update my PS games to better versions. So the more ecosystems I invest in, the more machines I have to buy/maintain/upkeep/upgrade.

The PC is the best choice to have one ecosystem, has the biggest library of all ecosystems, does the best upgrades for its games and has great modding support.

So, I decided that if I have to invest on ONE ecosystem, the PC was the best choice.

With Sony now porting their games to PC, you'll get to play most games. Your only issue will be avoiding spoilers because of delayed releases. Good luck with that because youtube is always spoiling shit for me. Its hard to avoid because even thumbnails are spoilers.


I avoided Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers for 8 weeks. And I avoided TLOU2 spoilers until the PS5 patch….. train your eyes buddy and you can do it
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I actively go on threads and never had part 1 spoiled...if a single moment can spoil a WHOLE story its a poorly written story. Got to be surprises throughout.


Gold Member
I'll just watch Zero Punctuation so Yahtzee can spoil it and shit on the game at the same time. To answer your question, I willingly do not.
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“Buy our preferred plastic box or else we’ll ruin your enjoyment of a game you’re waiting for. “
No one said that. But, if you don't play a popular game for more than a year after its release and you follow gaming media, it's going to get spoiled. There's no real way around that.

Whether Aerith lives or dies will be common knowledge shortly after release. Good luck avoiding that information for 12 months.
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Gold Member
Sorry just read the title but I'm one of those people who hasn't finished FFVIIR, currently chapter 16, playing on my PS5, and yeah I'm spoiler free thus far.

As for the next announced titles, yes I see those threads but I don't click on them.

Self control etc etc
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