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Pfizer Vaccine Effective atleast 6 Months

He and his wife both founded BioNTech. They are major league ballers.
He and his spouse are among the hundred wealthiest people in Germany. As of January 2021, Forbes estimated his net worth at $4.6 billion USD. Şahin will receive the Knight Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit, one of the highest honors conferred by Germany, in March 2021.

His name means "Lucky Falcon" in Turkish.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Wasn’t it the “novel” part that made it so deadly? So once you get the vaccine it’s never novel again anyway?


Well isn't herd immunity kicking in. I read something on politico about it.

Oh the 2nd dose is so much worse than the 1st dose for side effects. Have fun. :goog_devil:

Got mine on Wed, put me on my ass most of the day yesterday, ended up taking 4-5 hours of naps during the day.

Feels good to be part of the solution to stop this spread, not to mention protect myself and those around me.
Dang, I hope not. First shot was a cakewalk for me.


Gold Member
I’m sorry, am I supposed to think this is reassuring?

You all better hope further, reliable data suggests antibodies from the vaccine last longer, because the reason most adults even get shots at all is because they’re not supposed to get a booster every 6 months, for life.

I’ve seen an 80+ yo man test negative after repeated positive tests for COVID, then end up in the hospital with a positive test and COVID pneumonia barely 3 weeks later. 100% efficacy in the elders is useless if immunity doesn’t last. We can’t get senior citizens in for a booster shot every other month.

Boss Mog

I'm gonna wait on the J&J. One dose with minimal side effects compared to the others is just what the doctor ordered.
I’m sorry, am I supposed to think this is reassuring?

You all better hope further, reliable data suggests antibodies from the vaccine last longer, because the reason most adults even get shots at all is because they’re not supposed to get a booster every 6 months, for life.

I’ve seen an 80+ yo man test negative after repeated positive tests for COVID, then end up in the hospital with a positive test and COVID pneumonia barely 3 weeks later. 100% efficacy in the elders is useless if immunity doesn’t last. We can’t get senior citizens in for a booster shot every other month.

So then wait for the data before the hand wringing?
The MMR vaccine I got almost 40 years ago is still working.

To call whatever the current COVID shots are a "vaccine" is an insult to other vaccines and the scientists that helped create them.

I'm glad people can virtue signal by posting their COVID shot cards on social media now, but I'll take my chances without getting the shot.
The MMR vaccine I got almost 40 years ago is still working.

To call whatever the current COVID shots are a "vaccine" is an insult to other vaccines and the scientists that helped create them.

I'm glad people can virtue signal by posting their COVID shot cards on social media now, but I'll take my chances without getting the shot.
This is correct. The "vaccines" they are pushing now do NOT block transmission, they only reduce symptoms. That's why they're still asking you to wear a mask and social distance.

So now in 6 months you can get another booster shot with even more risk of injury or death. Constant life of fear.

Life is dangerous people. Not guaranteed tomorrow. Go LIVE.
This is correct. The "vaccines" they are pushing now do NOT block transmission, they only reduce symptoms. That's why they're still asking you to wear a mask and social distance.

So now in 6 months you can get another booster shot with even more risk of injury or death. Constant life of fear.

Life is dangerous people. Not guaranteed tomorrow. Go LIVE.

The bolded needs citation.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Do you think it's a possibility that masses of vaccinated people will allow for a much more deadly variants to mutate?
I'm not a virologist. But from what I heard on the radio months ago, the virus gets a chance to mutate when its in immunocompromised people. So the people that tend to get really sick and get RONA will have it stay in their body much longer than 14 days. In that environment, the compromised immune system can't kill it so it has more chances to mutate. The vaccines are 90%+ effective in preventing infection, and 100% effective in preventing serious infection.

So basically, widespread vaccination EARLY is by far the best thing we can do to help combat further mutations.
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I'm not a virologist. But from what I heard on the radio months ago, the virus gets a chance to mutate when its in immunocompromised people. So the people that tend to get really sick and get RONA will have it stay in their body much longer than 14 days. In that environment, the compromised immune system can't kill it so it has more chances to mutate. The vaccines are 90%+ effective in preventing infection, and 100% effective in preventing serious infection.

So basically, widespread vaccination EARLY is by far the best thing we can do to help combat further mutations.
I will have to read more on this.


I get the feeling that Covid 19 wont be controllable and it will continue spreading for a few years until we have lost a lot of people that are risk factor to it
I get the feeling that Covid 19 wont be controllable and it will continue spreading for a few years until we have lost a lot of people that are risk factor to it

Survival of the fittest. I hope all you godless heathen are happy now.

Let the Great Culling begin!


Survival of the fittest. I hope all you godless heathen are happy now.

Let the Great Culling begin!

I feel like i already got it twice (one lung infection after asia trip around november 2019 with throat problems up to february 2020) and one annoying sickness a few months ago with throat problems. :D They couldnt tell why i got a lung infection back then and when i was sick the last time i just stayed home.
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I get the feeling that Covid 19 wont be controllable and it will continue spreading for a few years until we have lost a lot of people that are risk factor to it
In terms of control, COVID-19 is the flu and once mass hysteria dies down we're going to treat it like the flu. There will be a yearly shot available for that year's most likely variants - some people will get the shot and some people won't. We're going to have yearly deaths from COVID just like we do the flu, shingles, etc... but life will go on and return to normal.
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