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Phil Spencer On Xbox’s Unusual Strategy, Working With Sony, And More


Xbox chief Phil Spencer has heard from the skeptics. They think that what he’s doing with Xbox means that Microsoft is giving up on consoles, or even going third party. That’s all wrong, he told me during an extensive interview in Los Angeles last week, where we discussed his vision for Xbox, the recently announced potential gaming deal between Sony and Microsoft, and whether he’d ever want to put Gears of War on the PlayStation 4.
(The following transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.)

Stephen Totilo, Kotaku: I want to talk first just on a platform level. I would describe what you and your team are doing these days as “refreshingly radical” in terms of how you’re running a platform. You’ve really broken down a lot of walls and done a lot of things that, in the past, would have been thought of as things a platform holder wouldn’t do. As a thought experiment, I thought that if PlayStation was doing what you guys were doing, last year, God of War would have come out day and date on PS4 and PC.

Phil Spencer, Xbox:

Totilo: I wouldn’t have necessarily had to pay $60 for it. I could have gotten it as part of a subscription that got me a lot of games. And at some point in the future I might be playing it without even needing a PlayStation by just having it streamed to me.


Totilo: I’m curious how far you see this vision extend, because I know some people wonder: “Does Xbox even need to have a box?” long-term. Does it need to have all its games all on one device anymore? Where does this go eventually?

We use this tagline both internally and externally: Play the games you want, with the people you want and we say on the devices [you want], which you can think about as “anywhere.” And we are driven by that. We actually think two billion gamers on the planet, the size of the business that gaming is today, that for us the industry continues to grow when we reduce friction to people coming in.
The scenario that always just drives me crazy is, I’m a parent, you’re a parent, we live in the same neighborhood, we have kids, you go into Best Buy and you happen to buy an Xbox. I go into Best Buy and happen to come out with a PlayStation. Our kids want to play Minecraft together, and they can’t. And I think overall, as a gaming industry, how does that grow gaming? It’s changing, it’s not just us. We’ve made great inroads with Nintendo. But this started when we were going to ship our first-party games on Xbox and PC at the same time, a few years ago.

There’s always the core that kind of comes back [and says]: “You’re reducing the need to buy an Xbox.” I actually find that in reality people play on a console because they enjoy playing on a television on the couch with a controller in their hands, and it’s an experiential thing more than it is trying to sell an individual device. To shorten it: We focus on the player; we don’t focus on the device.

Totilo: But you can make enough money doing what you’re doing? This is a business.

This is easy. The business is selling software and services. The business is not how many consoles you sell. The consoles are not where the profit in this side of the business is made, which is where the whole: ‘Who’s selling more consoles’ at any one time as the kind of root good of who is doing well in the business is just not true. You have other companies entering gaming who don’t even have a console as part of their equation. It’s all about how many games are people playing. And how much people are spending playing those games and how often they play.

Totilo: So if you had your way, would you be selling Gears on the PS4 this September?

I think the experience we bring to the family room with Xbox and focusing on things like compatibility and focusing on things like cross-play is actually important to where we see gaming growing, which is why we are focused on consoles and spending a ton of money and resources investing in Scarlett. The same thing on PC.

So, today, people are saying: “Are you going third party?” Whatever that means. But the idea that we are a platform company continues to be true, and we think about how that platform infrastructure could grow. And we think having the world’s most powerful console, having a great Xbox in the home, is a critical component to that.

Totilo: Yeah, but you value having Cuphead and Minecraft be able to break those traditional boundaries and wind up on the Switch…

With Xbox Live so that everybody is playing together….

Totilo: So, to go back to that, would you value at some point having a Gears or a Halo on a PlayStation or a Switch?

The games themselves are critically important to players and people playing. But ensuring that you have a connected ecosystem with the players, where people’s save game and their state and their friends list and their entitlements move seamlessly from every ecosystem—from every device—that they want to play on is critical. There aren’t other systems where we can go do that today.

Today on the Switch, what we’re able to do is we have Xbox Live on the Switch so we can keep those communities connected. And we have, as you pointed out, a certain number of franchises that have shipped over there. But in the end we think us having a native platform in the home for years is going to be critical for to continue to push our vision of where the gaming platform should be.

Totilo: So where would you draw the line between which games you’d value seeing on other platforms? And which you would not?

The vast majority of what we do is going to be on Windows, it’s going to be on Xbox and it’s going to be on xCloud. And the nice thing about xCloud is that it is an Xbox in the cloud and so we don’t actually have to go build another version of the game. That is a distinct focus for [Xbox games chief] Matt Booty and the team. We value the relationships we have with the other companies that are out there. We think that we learn from them, we think we can help gaming grow all up with cross-play, cross-buy, cross-progression, all these things that we focus on. We think we’d be incredibly limited in pushing that vision if we weren’t strong on console and growingly strong on PC.

Totilo: In terms of partnerships and surprising things, the announcement abount a month ago that there’s a partnership between Sony and Microsoft that is gaming-related startled a lot of people and confused some people. Can you talk about what that deal is, where it comes from, and what it means if I think of the world in terms of Xboxes and PlayStations?

We should start, just so we’re clear, that it’s a memorandum of understanding. It’s the beginning of the kind of conversation. Sony and Azure looking at the future of cloud gaming. We look at what you’re going to need in order to be a future gaming platform—content, community, and cloud are things that we focus on—and there are only a couple of companies on the planet that really have a global cloud that can reach gamers everywhere. Today, it would be us and Amazon in terms of the scale. Google’s building their cloud.

So I think when you’re another gaming company and you’re looking for who you’re going to partner with, you could either go and invest tens of billions of dollars in trying to catch up, or you can figure out who your partners are. And the nice thing for us is—you can focus on Sony, you can focus on a lot of companies—we have this thing called Microsoft Game Stack. We announced it at GDC: it’s DirectX, it’s Windows Studio, it’s Azure. Even [Google’s Phil] Harrison when he was on stage announcing Stadia was showing Havok, was showing Digital Studio, was showing things that we build—we’re going to have platform components, as Microsoft and as our gaming org that competitors use. We do think about the strength that we get as our platform grows and having great partnerships with gaming companies helping us grow that platform strength is important to us.

Totilo: You could have blocked that memorandum? You could have said: “We shouldn’t work with these people. We’re competing with these people?” Would that not have been an option or a thing worth doing?

It’s just kind of counter to the strategy and what we are as a company. But I’ll say this: I actually think gaming is a better place because of the other brands that are there. In the last 20 years, the number of gamers on the planet has tripled. Gaming’s a $150-billion-a-year business, and it’s growing double digits. I don’t see us succeeding as necessarily requiring others to not succeed.

I’ve said this publicly before: I think the role that those other gaming companies play in gaming is critical. We’re a big publisher on those platforms. We have great relationships with them. So [instead of] blocking them so that it somehow kind of minimizes their impact on the future growth of gaming, I’d rather find ways of working with partners to help grow gaming. I just think it’s better, because it’s not a fixed market. It’s a market that’s growing. There are customers all over the planet that we haven’t reached that love to play video games.

We’ll have more from my chat with Spencer soon, as we discuss online toxicity, first-party game quality and more.



Still waiting for the answer to: "Will Gears or Halo show up on the Switch/PS". He completely fill-a-bustered on that question twice. We learned nothing we didn't know before that piece.
You expected him to give you a definite answer to that? If anything that’s probably shit he can’t or won’t discuss yet.

That question about if he could have stopped the memorandum of understanding was funny, as if he was wondering why Microsoft would ever do such a thing.


Gold Member
Phil be like.



Microsoft has much more extensive resources than either Nintendo or Sony, with a market cap greater than those two Japanese giants combined, and I'm not even talking about the Himalaya of cash they're sitting on since our government allowed US companies to start repatriating funds from overseas. Streaming and mobile will eventually vanquish the gaming industry we all know and love - gaming-as-a-service will be the rule and Microsoft is positioning itself perfectly for that future.

Kagey K

Basically he's saying we aren't selling enough consoles so we have to get our brand more exposure.

I guess that’s one way to look at it, it might be the wrong way, but it’s one way.

We already have evidence that an Xbox player is worth more to MS then a PS Player is to PlayStation.

Then you have Phil saying players who stick to thier OG Xbox ones are the best customers, when Scorpio released, because they don’t cost as much.

But I guess it’s all about consoles sold.

They already have before. Banjo on the GBA and viva pinata on the ds happened after MS acquired Rare.

And they’re not dead yet, sooo...

You missed the Blue Dragon sequels on the DS.


Except putting it on PlayStation diminishes thier services, unless Sony allows Gamepass and Xcloud on thier services,

That is the only way you see Gears or Halo on PS5.
I don't see them having gamepass on PS no. Nor Switch. But I do think they'd love to have their games available on other systems if they're allowed to use Live on them, like Minecraft on Switch for instance.

Kagey K

I don't see them having gamepass on PS no. Nor Switch. But I do think they'd love to have their games available on other systems if they're allowed to use Live on them, like Minecraft on Switch for instance.
I agree. Hence why Phil won’t say no.

He’s leaving those roads open and not burning bridges, but he knows they aren’t going to say yes anytime soon.


I guess that’s one way to look at it, it might be the wrong way, but it’s one way.

We already have evidence that an Xbox player is worth more to MS then a PS Player is to PlayStation.

Then you have Phil saying players who stick to thier OG Xbox ones are the best customers, when Scorpio released, because they don’t cost as much.

But I guess it’s all about consoles sold.

You missed the Blue Dragon sequels on the DS.
According to Ubisoft data I wouldn't take this as gospel and like it says in the report it's based on Ubisoft games.

Kagey K

Do you have any numbers from Sony or Microsoft that back up your claim?
I have Ubisofts numbers. Do you have any any other ones to dispute it?

If you want to argue my point it’s up to you to provide evidence that is different then what I already showed.
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I have Ubisofts numbers. Do you have any any other ones to dispute it?

If you want to argue my point it’s up to you to provide evidence that is different then what I already showed.
You have Ubisoft data about there products only so basically means nothing.
They already have before. Banjo on the GBA and viva pinata on the ds happened after MS acquired Rare.

And they’re not dead yet, sooo...

I think he’s talking about on a direct competitor. It would be like Sony putting Last of Us or Spider-Man on the Xbox One as opposed to having it on the iPad or PS Vita. Sure, I know Cuphead is on Switch, but I don’t really consider Nintendo direct competition.


Gold Member
Like he said, they don't care about hardware as much as they care about software a d services. That's where the profit's at.
There's also a lot of profit in hardware as in introducing new customers to your ecosystem. The narrative that "the money is only in services" is disingenuous at best. With the kind of capital Microsoft has, nothing should preclude them from doing both relatively easily.
I think it would be their best option: go 3rd party publisher.

Xbox is done for. They're merely delaying the inevitable.

Hmmmm.....We’ll what happens next generation. If it’s a similar outcome to this one, I don’t know what’s going to happen to their Xbox brand.

Kagey K

Hmmmm.....We’ll what happens next generation. If it’s a similar outcome to this one, I don’t know what’s going to happen to their Xbox brand.
The Xbox brand itself is likely to trend upwards, even if console sales go flat next gen.

Only because of the reach MS is extending now and will continue into next gen.
He successfully dodges the questions and subsequently answers them at the same time just not with what these leeches want who keep trying to force the PlayStation/Swich narrative on him.. Phil's word game is on lock and he knows people are trying to force a bunch of shit on him.

*Asked about bringing Gears 5 to PS4 and going third party*

"I think the experience we bring to the family room with Xbox and focusing on things like compatibility and focusing on things like cross-play is actually important to where we see gaming growing, which is why we are focused on consoles and spending a ton of money and resources investing in Scarlett. The same thing on PC."

His answer is focusing on and investing in Scarlett and PC.

"So, today, people are saying: 'Are you going third party?' Whatever that means. But the idea that we are a platform company continues to be true, and we think about how that platform infrastructure could grow. And we think having the world’s most powerful console, having a great Xbox in the home, is a critical component to that."

His answer is having the world's most powerful console and an Xbox in the home.

He's not feeding into their bullshit, he could just come right out and say no but he's fucking them around. It's really shallow and shitty what these "journalists" keep trying to do but he's handling it amazingly.
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Still waiting for the answer to: "Will Gears or Halo show up on the Switch/PS". He completely fill-a-bustered on that question twice. We learned nothing we didn't know before that piece.
That was a stupid question. MS wants their games eveywhere but through their platforms and services.

Switch is not direct competitor, so they can put some games there but not graphically intensive games like Gears and Halo. They will have to significant changes to the code to make it happen.


I bet the idea of MS making more money from them makes some people giddy but for the consumer console sales matter because it determines software support for the device they have bought. We know where the better software support is

I have Ubisofts numbers. Do you have any any other ones to dispute it?

If you want to argue my point it’s up to you to provide evidence that is different then what I already showed.

You have ubisoft data that show ubisofts financials for a year based on this:

we see that Sony’s hardware made 51.8 percent more in sales for Ubisoft than the Xbox One. That’s a big margin — but it isn’t as large as the worldwide hardware gap. Earlier this month, publisher Electronic Arts let it slip that it is selling software on 55 million total Xbox Ones and PlayStation 4s. We know that Sony has sold 36 million PS4s, which leaves 19 million for the Xbox One. That means we have a global market with 89 percent more PS4s than Xbox Ones. If Sony players spent as much as Microsoft’s consumers, we’d expect to see a revenue gap for Ubisoft between the two systems that was closer to 89 percent.

But what it fails to discuss is the fact that Ubisoft has partnered with xbox for a lot of game launches this gen and especially that year. Assassin’s creed, and Division being notable ones. Console bundles would be included and you will get a slight bump that doesn't match the hardware sales gap but the majority of Ubisofts sales and income are on PS4
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Yeah one of the biggest publishers in the world shows they earn more money/person on Xbox then PS and it means nothing.

Consoles sold is all that matters derp, derp....

Is that really the best you can do?

This has been the weakest arguement I’ve seen in a long time. Why are you contributing to this thread exactly?
Are you always this pleasant to deal with? I've been here a week looks like I have a name to add to ignore list.

Kagey K

I bet the idea of MS making more money from them makes some people giddy but for the consumer console sales matter because it determines software support for the device they have bought. We know where the better software support is

You have ubisoft data that show ubisofts financials for a year based on this

But what it fails to discuss is the fact that Ubisoft has partnered with xbox for a lot of game launches this gen and especially that year. Assassin’s creed, and Division being notable ones. Console bundles would be included and you will get a slight bump that doesn't match the hardware sales gap but the majority of Ubisofts sales and income are on PS4
Ubi tends to go both ways and I don’t remember any of the having certain marking rights or timed DLC.

Ubis records show over the years that yes PS4 does bring them in more income on the PS4, but it costs them more money/dollar and the rewards aren’t as great.

Kagey K

Are you always this pleasant to deal with? I've been here a week looks like I have a name to add to ignore list.
If that’s the way you deal with things then do it. I provided a point and then you asked me to argue against myself instead of you doing some lifting.

Ignore me, it’s not going to hurt my feelings or stop me from calling you out if you post something dumb.


Ubi tends to go both ways and I don’t remember any of the having certain marking rights or timed DLC.

Ubis records show over the years that yes PS4 does bring them in more income on the PS4, but it costs them more money/dollar and the rewards aren’t as great.

You dont remember division bundles? You don't remember the Assassin’s Creed black friday bundles?

Are you trying to suggest Ubisoft incur more cost on PS4? Because that is patently false. The article you posted is all based on revenue, not net income.
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Kagey K

You dont remember division bundles? You don't remember the Assassin’s Creed black friday bundles?

Are you trying to suggest they incur more cost? Because that is patently false. The article you posted is all based on revenue, not net income.
So show me the article that debunks Ubis numbers.

I know I’d rather have 1 customer that makes me 10 dollars then 10 customers that make me one.

You won’t find anything, all evidence shows that 1 Xbox customer is worth more then 1 Ps user over and over.


Spencer: It’s just kind of counter to the strategy and what we are as a company. But I’ll say this: I actually think gaming is a better place because of the other brands that are there. In the last 20 years, the number of gamers on the planet has tripled. Gaming’s a $150-billion-a-year business, and it’s growing double digits. I don’t see us succeeding as necessarily requiring others to not succeed.

I’ve said this publicly before: I think the role that those other gaming companies play in gaming is critical. We’re a big publisher on those platforms. We have great relationships with them. So [instead of] blocking them so that it somehow kind of minimizes their impact on the future growth of gaming, I’d rather find ways of working with partners to help grow gaming. I just think it’s better, because it’s not a fixed market. It’s a market that’s growing. There are customers all over the planet that we haven’t reached that love to play video games.
Wise words

Kagey K

Are you always this pleasant to deal with? I've been here a week looks like I have a name to add to ignore list.
For the record I’m usually more unpleasant, I kept the kid gloves on to try to help get you up to speed. I’ve torn way worse into people, for way less.

If that’s too much for you.... I’m sorry.

You aren’t cut out for discussion, there has to be a give and take and if you have nothing to give...


For the record I’m usually more unpleasant, I kept the kid gloves on to try to help get you up to speed. I’ve torn way worse into people, for way less.

If that’s too much for you.... I’m sorry.

You aren’t cut out for discussion, there has to be a give and take and if you have nothing to give...
I'm not on here for fights just game discussions but they can be done without insults. I've wasted way too much time on this already moving on.


Yeah one of the biggest publishers in the world shows they earn more money/person on Xbox then PS and it means nothing.

Consoles sold is all that matters derp, derp....

Is that really the best you can do?

This has been the weakest arguement I’ve seen in a long time. Why are you contributing to this thread exactly?
In all fairness its just one pub the sample is not big enough to come up with a definitive conclusion. Educated guess? sure
There are games that sell better on playstation and games that sell better on xbox, it could just mean xbox users prefer ubisoft games.
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Kagey K

I'm not on here for fights just game discussions but they can be done without insults. I've wasted way too much time on this already moving on.
So you disputed a fact, with a non fact and asked for us to argue your point for you, when that didn’t happen you set things to ignore and wasted your time?

Not a good look so far...

Kagey K

In all fairness its just one pub the sample is not big enough to come up with a definitive conclusion. Educated guess? sure
There are games that sell better on playstation and games that sell better on xbox, it could just mean xbox users prefer ubisoft games.
So help show us otherwise, I’ve said it all night.

The thing is it’s not just UBI reporting those numbers and you all know what I’m going to say next. If you googled it.

I get that you don’t want to lose, but there is no way to win. It’s a tough spot and you just have to eat it.

Facts are facts.

Kagey K

In all fairness its just one pub the sample is not big enough to come up with a definitive conclusion. Educated guess? sure
There are games that sell better on playstation and games that sell better on xbox, it could just mean xbox users prefer ubisoft games.
Don’t worry we have already covered that. I’m just waiting for the one person that tries that argument.

None of them will, as they all know the results by a simple google search.


So help show us otherwise, I’ve said it all night.
Heh im not disputing your argument just pointing out its an estimation an educated guess, a likely fact etc.
The thing is it’s not just UBI reporting those numbers and you all know what I’m going to say next. If you googled it.
I haven't but I'd apreciate easy handed data for future reference
I get that you don’t want to lose, but there is no way to win. It’s a tough spot and you just have to eat it.
I really really don't care either way.
Im just interested in fair discussion
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Speaking of strategies, more and more rumors appear, claiming that the weaker next-gen XB,, code named Lockhart, has been put on the shelf. And if you look at how Phil announced next XB, like it's a single console, may in fact suggest it is indeed true. Which would be a real shame IMO - just cut down some RAM and CUs in the GPU, so you have exact the same architecture, but enough power to render only in FullHD, at lowered price. Perhaps the reason could be the fact that FHD is becoming thing of the past, for a good couple of years getting FHD TV is basically a miracle, while 4K TVs are getting dirty cheap those days and more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon, so 1080p-targeting console would be a waste of time and resources in the longer run.
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Kagey K

Heh im not disputing your argument just pointing out its an estimation an educated guess, a likely fact etc.

I haven't but I'd apreciate easy handed data for future reference

I really really don't care either way.
Im just interested in fair discussion
Yeah I don’t do anything easy, my Gf will verify.

I don’t like word games, or other cyclical garbage.

I just want to get it done and get out of there.

I feel,the same way about many of these GAF discussions, but you guys are worse then some of the girls I dated.


Yeah I don’t do anything easy, my Gf will verify.

I don’t like word games, or other cyclical garbage.

I just want to get it done and get out of there.

I feel,the same way about many of these GAF discussions, but you guys are worse then some of the girls I dated.
wtf dude


I just heard an interview he gave at the giant bomb podcast, he said that they are aware that the cloud experience and the console experience are different and it's all about empowering gamers to play in more places (as in not replacing the console and the pc).

I really like him and I think he is a great mind in the industry. That question about gears on Playstation was great. Of course there wasn't an answer that wouldn't contradict them: say yes and drop a bomb in the internet and pushes some buyers away from their console. Say no and go against your message about platform freedom.

I think xcloud will be available on Playstation eventually.
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