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Please Stop Apologizing by Bill Maher (NYT Editorial)

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Please Stop Apologizing
Published: March 21, 2012

THIS week, Robert De Niro made a joke about first ladies, and Newt Gingrich said it was “inexcusable and the president should apologize for him.” Of course, if something is “inexcusable,” an apology doesn’t make any difference, but then again, neither does Newt Gingrich.

Mr. De Niro was speaking at a fund-raiser with the first lady, Michelle Obama. Here’s the joke: “Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white first lady?”

The first lady’s press secretary declared the joke “inappropriate,” and Mr. De Niro said his remarks were “not meant to offend.” So, as these things go, even if the terrible damage can never be undone, at least the healing can begin. And we can move on to the next time we choose sides and pretend to be outraged about nothing.

When did we get it in our heads that we have the right to never hear anything we don’t like? In the last year, we’ve been shocked and appalled by the unbelievable insensitivity of Nike shoes, the Fighting Sioux, Hank Williams Jr., Cee Lo Green, Ashton Kutcher, Tracy Morgan, Don Imus, Kirk Cameron, Gilbert Gottfried, the Super Bowl halftime show and the ESPN guys who used the wrong cliché for Jeremy Lin after everyone else used all the others. Who can keep up?

This week, President Obama’s chief political strategist, David Axelrod, described Mitt Romney’s constant advertising barrage in Illinois as a “Mittzkrieg,” and instantly the Republican Jewish Coalition was outraged and called out Mr. Axelrod’s “Holocaust and Nazi imagery” as “disturbing.” Because the message of “Mittzkrieg” was clear: Kill all the Jews. Then the coalition demanded not only that Mr. Axelrod apologize immediately but also that Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz “publicly rebuke” him. For a pun! For punning against humanity!

The right side of America is mad at President Obama because he hugged the late Derrick Bell, a law professor who believed we live in a racist country, 22 years ago; the left side of America is mad at Rush Limbaugh for seemingly proving him right.

If it weren’t for throwing conniption fits, we wouldn’t get any exercise at all.

I have a better idea. Let’s have an amnesty — from the left and the right — on every made-up, fake, totally insincere, playacted hurt, insult, slight and affront. Let’s make this Sunday the National Day of No Outrage. One day a year when you will not find some tiny thing someone did or said and pretend you can barely continue functioning until they apologize.

If that doesn’t work, what about this: If you see or hear something you don’t like in the media, just go on with your life. Turn the page or flip the dial or pick up your roll of quarters and leave the booth.

The answer to whenever another human being annoys you is not “make them go away forever.” We need to learn to coexist, and it’s actually pretty easy to do. For example, I find Rush Limbaugh obnoxious, but I’ve been able to coexist comfortably with him for 20 years by using this simple method: I never listen to his program. The only time I hear him is when I’m at a stoplight next to a pickup truck.

When the lady at Costco gives you a free sample of its new ham pudding and you don’t like it, you spit it into a napkin and keep shopping. You don’t declare a holy war on ham.

I don’t want to live in a country where no one ever says anything that offends anyone. That’s why we have Canada. That’s not us. If we sand down our rough edges and drain all the color, emotion and spontaneity out of our discourse, we’ll end up with political candidates who never say anything but the safest, blandest, emptiest, most unctuous focus-grouped platitudes and cant. In other words, we’ll get Mitt Romney.




I agree, people getting silly about the little stuff it overshadows the shit matters. The news only got to Trayvon Martin after they were tired of talking about Rush.


One thing I thought was hilarious about Gingrich asking Obama to apologize for De Niro's comments(which is retarded in itself) is that he lambasted Obama for apologizing for the military burning Qurans. Gingrich is a fucking joke in his beliefs, as are most republicans.


The outrage in this country has reached a point where, many times, it's difficult to sperate truly outlandish and terrible things against comments that should be brushed off.

If somebody says something that actually offends you, I get the anger. But, most times, I just see people bitching to pretend they're offended rather than actually being hurt by a phrase or comment.


I enjoyed the article. Then again, I think Maher is pretty funny and I watch his show regularly.

I definitely agree that political factions have become far too comfortable manufacturing rage and offense at the slightest "inappropriate" comment or action.

Our culture is so fragmented now that it's pretty easy to turn off self-righteous blowhards like Rush Limbaugh or Hannity and find something else to occupy your time. Life's too short to be constantly angry about the fact that not everyone agrees with your point of view.


I enjoyed the article. Then again, I think Maher is pretty funny and I watch his show regularly.

I definitely agree that political factions have become far too comfortable manufacturing rage and offense at the slightest "inappropriate" comment or action.

Our culture is so fragmented now that it's pretty easy to turn off self-righteous blowhards like Rush Limbaugh or Hannity and find something else to occupy your time. Life's too short to be constantly angry about the fact that not everyone agrees with your point of view.

bu...bu...but my point of view is the correct one...

Unneeded jab at Canada by an unfunny US comedian. Go figure.

you broke the article.


I find Rush Limbaugh obnoxious, but I’ve been able to coexist comfortably with him for 20 years by using this simple method: I never listen to his program. The only time I hear him is when I’m at a stoplight next to a pickup truck


I like Bill, although you can argue he's just the left version of Rush. But hey, he's on point here.


a lot of neogaf members should read this article imo


The fake outrage makes me roll my eyes a lot on here. At least I'm hoping it's fake and these people don't have the thinnest skin on earth.

But it's a big problem I have with the rest of the country too. Everyone's such a whiny bitch now about every little thing. It's sad really.


Yeah, this is getting out hand.

Obama apologizes once and now everyone and their mother expects him to give a formal apology to everyone, for everyone, in relation to everything a person finds inexcusable in America? When the fuck did this start!?


I think the issue is that we have too many pundits on too many platforms just trying to fill time and get attention by stirring the pot, so we're constantly inundated with manufactured outrage.
While people in the political spectrum are "offended" for political gain most of the time, it's definitely true that people in all walks of life seem to be walking around waiting to be offended just so they can hear themselves talk.

it's quite annoying. Happens online, in the work place, among acquaintances, etc all the time. I mostly try to ignore them, but they can get damn annoying.

these are the type of people who stop allowing our children to play tag or win sporting events.

Bill Maher on intolerance: Tolerate.

methinks you missed the point.
Bill Maher said:
I have a better idea. Let’s have an amnesty — from the left and the right — on every made-up, fake, totally insincere, playacted hurt, insult, slight and affront.

LOL. He'd have no show if that happened. How insincere.

I like Bill, although you can argue he's just the left version of Rush. But hey, he's on point here.

Can't really agree with this.. nobody walks around wearing a Bill Maher t-shirt (ditto-heads were popular in the 90's), the Democratic Party didn't name him an honorary member of congress, and he simply isn't anywhere near as popular with anyone compared to how popular Rush has been at times on the Right, for an actual Political opinion.

I really don't think it's a great comparison.

Rush Limbaugh has truly been a part of Republican politics for 2 decades.. Bill Maher is just a guy who has been on HBO.. and who generally leans left. He isn't a spokesperson for anyone, whereas many in the past have claimed Limbaugh is a spokesperson for them.


I defy you to make that argument.

What a crock.

Well Bill absolutely disagrees with anyone saying that. Currently listening to last weeks show.

He said he didn't understand how he was the "leader/voice" of the Democratic party. For one, he wasn't a democrat. And two, if he was the leader of the Democratic party pot would be legal by now.

But anyhow, who would you say is a better antithesis of Rush?

I think that donation really putt a mark on him. So yeah while Bill is "representative" of liberals, it's not exactly the same way. For one the Republican candidates seem completely afraid of disparaging Rush. Dems..I don't think they would care either way.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
If comment could be considered racist or sexist: Outrage from liberals
If comment could be considered anti-religious or morally depraved: Outrage from conservatives


No bald cap? Lies!
I think the issue is that we have too many pundits on too many platforms just trying to fill time and get attention by stirring the pot, so we're constantly inundated with manufactured outrage.

This is definitely a major factor. We have too many news stations and not enough news.

Well we do have more than enough news, just not exciting news you can summarize in 2 minutes and doesn't require more than a few brain cells to process. So they have make up shit out of the most meaningless events.
Well Bill absolutely disagrees with anyone saying that. Currently listening to last weeks show.

He said he didn't understand how he was the "leader/voice" of the Democratic party. For one, he wasn't a democrat. And two, if he was the leader of the Democratic party pot would be legal by now.

But anyhow, who would you say is a better antithesis of Rush?

I think it's one of the differences between the left and the right.. dems and republicans.

Just look at how popular Conservative radio talk-shows are and have been.

There's isn't an antithesis to Rush for the Democratic party.

Makes sense considering the difference between "Conservative" and "Liberal." The latter group isn't sitting around listening to the radio for direction in droves. The TV personalities on the left also don't do as well.. it's simply not as popular to get behind someone elses opinion on the left.


It's one thing to manufacture offense for political gain. De Niro's joke was really tame, and I have a hard time imagining that anyone was actually offended by it. It's not making fun of anybody; it's playing on the "is America ready for a black President/first lady" talk of the last election, and it's obvious that there's no substantive issue being raised, even.

To the extent that a speaker is politically relevant, though, it's important to keep two things in mind:
1. You can't just ignore what they're saying while remaining informed about politics. I don't know in advance what Obama is going to say, but I have a duty as a citizen to have some idea of what he's up to, so if he says something I find offensive I can reasonably demand an apology.
2. People who speak for lots of others need to be publicly called out because, if they're saying it, lots of people are thinking it. Limbaugh's recent comments needed to be called out because Limbaugh's audience is very large and much of it would have nodded along to what he said. It's a good thing to know where the misogynists are and to know who's willing to tolerate them.

Edit: Now, part of the reason politicians are always apologizing is that frequently it's just good politics. If Obama wanted to denounce Maher for stuff he's said and which the right kept bringing up when we were all talking about Limbaugh, that would all-in-all help Obama. Maher isn't important, and Obama comes off looking centrist for denouncing someone with a leftist reputation as well as much more pro-woman than the Republican candidates who couldn't bring themselves to call out Limbaugh for fear of his influence.

I use "apologizing" loosely to mean denouncing someone who's basically on your side, politically. It gets trickier when, as with De Niro, the event was endorsed/attended by (in this case) Michelle Obama. When you're the president or the first lady, or anything like that, you're a public figure and nothing you do in public is going to be private, and you have to conduct yourself in public in a manner befitting a head of state. Yeah, that means you can't go see Louis CK perform. On the other hand, you get to be president.


LOL. He'd have no show if that happened. How insincere.
His show isn't about being offended by the right. It's about calling them out for their bullshit.

I can't remember Maher *ever* asking someone from the right who said something offensive to apologize for it. He'll make fun of them or call them an asshole for it, but he never acts offended.
am I the only one who doesn't get De Niro's joke?

America is now used to the idea of having a Black President/First Lady.

The joke was a reference to the pre-Obama talk of "Is America ready for a black President/First Lady?"

It's not really that funny.. and certainly not offensive... other than the knee-jerk "Oh my God, he brought up race and color.. it must be racist!"

Racial humor != racist humor. Lost on a lot of people.
It's a Colbert-esque sarcastic play on the situation. Previously there was the question of whether America was ready for a black first lady, now the question is whether we're ready for a white first lady.
Hmm OK. Because the potential white first ladies in question are so terrible? Seems like a really bad joke.


I think it's one of the differences between the left and the right.. dems and republicans.

Just look at how popular Conservative radio talk-shows are and have been.

There's isn't an antithesis to Rush for the Democratic party.

Makes sense considering the difference between "Conservative" and "Liberal." The latter group isn't sitting around listening to the radio for direction in droves. The TV personalities on the left also don't do as well.. it's simply not as popular to get behind someone elses opinion on the left.

That's kinda true. Which is both a curse and a blessing for Liberals. Conservatives are extremely motivated people.


so wait, is the outrage over trayvon martin too much also then? or is that justified because [insert reason here]
Man, the amount of political chaff that the Republicans fire out (and Democrats let themselves get dazed by) is shocking, no wonder barely anything gets done.
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