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Remnant 2 has sold over one million units in just FOUR days since official launch


Gold Member



Definitely well earned. Game is incredible and addicting. Haven't put it down since early access release.
Very much looking forward to the future of the franchise and Gunfire games as a whole.


Just bought it this morning on XSX (downloading now while at work). I only play solo so I hope it wasn't a wasted purchase.
it's a very fine game solo. obviously great in co-op too, but i've got 10+ hours in on my solo character and it doesn't feel like you're missing anything.

tbh the biggest advantage of co-op is the chance to get rez'd when you die instead of just immediately going back to the crystal. just play handler with the doggo bud if you want to still have that experience solo.


Hopefully they use those resources to implement crossplay at some point. It's the only thing stopping me from buying it

March Climber

Gold Member
I love then games seem to come out of nowhere and own hard
good job
It’s a sign that GAF needs to cover more games like this, because as someone who pays attention to AA and indie this didn’t feel like an ‘out of nowhere’ moment and instead felt like a just deserved moment.

Instead we give majority focus to the biggest publishers and then complain about them and say ‘gaming’s dead’.



But what was the big differentiator between Remnant and Remnant 2? Streamers?
I really liked the first one so I was looking forward to the sequel anyway, but could it be that this one got noticed partially because it is basically only the third console game to use Unreal 5 and people are curious to see how it looks?


Gold Member
Good for them . Now that I’ve played a good 10 hours of the original , the second is definitively a step up on what was already pretty good . Very addictive exploration and thank god the mini map is night and day versus the first which is a major win
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I really liked the first one so I was looking forward to the sequel anyway, but could it be that this one got noticed partially because it is basically only the third console game to use Unreal 5 and people are curious to see how it looks?
But gameplay wise is anything drastically changed? I have the first one and dont know if i should play that and not buying yet Remnan 2 should i skip it and go straight for the second?


Great game, well deserved. As a solo player I love it. Will I be able to beat it? Probably not without help, but making discoveries and the Adventure mode is just excellent.


two questions:

Is there matchmaking for PUGs? If so, how easy is it to get matches.

How does this play on Steam Deck? If shitty, has the dev said anything to improve performance?


But gameplay wise is anything drastically changed? I have the first one and dont know if i should play that and not buying yet Remnan 2 should i skip it and go straight for the second?
first game is good. but unless you're somebody that is fine with playing the same type of game back-to-back, I would just get the Remnant II.

Yes it's similar to the first but basically every aspect is improved. Combat has better movement & shooting mechanics and allows for more build diversity, level design & game structure is better, visual design is better, soundtrack is worlds better (and honestly my favorite this year after FF XVI)
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Gold Member
One thing is for sure we need more dogs in games.

I can't stop giving old Winston a stroke after he pulls me out of the shit for the 1900th time.

Good boy!
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Gold Member
Good for them. Maybe they can release their next one with better optimization. With that many units sold, they should be set to make another. I’m waiting for it to either hit one of the subscriptions or a big sale.
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Gold Member
Good for them. Maybe they can release their next one with better optimization. With that many units sold, they should be set to make another.
Performance could be better yes, but it runs stutter free and above 60 most of the time. Thats a win in my eyes after the shit show of most of the big pc releases recently.



But what was the big differentiator between Remnant and Remnant 2? Streamers?
Are you talking about sales wise? Remnant 1 is actually better than 2 but 2 has very good graphics (Nanite tech). Both games are great though.
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The first game left a positive impression on most people who played it, many of whom did so for free. Gunfire Games simply built on that positivity with competent marketing and a sequel that largely delivered what people wanted.

I hope Remnant 3 (or whatever they work on next) share the same core DNA and allows them to go wild off this games success.


But gameplay wise is anything drastically changed? I have the first one and dont know if i should play that and not buying yet Remnan 2 should i skip it and go straight for the second?
I haven't played the second one yet, but from what I have seen so far it seems like the same thing just with certain improvements and more polish. Maybe it is worth playing the first one for story and continuity, but honestly I don't remember a thing about the story so maybe that is not that important.


Are you talking about sales wise? Remnant 1 is actually better than 2 but 2 has very good graphics (Nanite tech). Both games are great though.

General reception.

Seemed like no one was talking about the first game, but the sequel caught on very well. Twitch numbers are also pretty high.


What kind of game is it exactly? Is it open world action RPG? Seems really interesting and would have bought it in a heartbeat if it wasnt for BG3 launch. It's good to see it doing well so I'll definitely check it out later, and it seems it's going to get a lot of content updates in the future too. Btw, is there other sword than that clunky looking junkayard heap?
I guess this shows that number 2 games are where the money is at quite often if you just stick with it and ideally also improve a bit. Will also be interesting with Lords of the Fallen e.g., where the IP had potential, the publisher obviously thinks that, it just did not stick the landing the first time.
It's quite sad that some promising games are immediately abandoned when their initial game does not do huge numbers.


General reception.

Seemed like no one was talking about the first game, but the sequel caught on very well. Twitch numbers are also pretty high.
The success of this game was built on the back of the first game. People loved the first. I have over 300 hours in it.
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