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Rep Steve King is incapable of empathy, hates children, and is an abhorrent human


I can't take this shit anymore. Thread title sums it all up.


Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, an immigration hardliner, said Wednesday that Congress does not have to do anything to protect young immigrants who came to the country illegally as children. Instead, King said they can "live in the shadows."

"They continue to live the objective that they sought to achieve when they illegally entered America," King told

"They continue to live the objective that they sought to achieve when they illegally entered America," King told

"They continue to live the objective that they sought to achieve when they illegally entered America," King told

Yes. When they chose to come to America as children. What a disgusting, vile, awful, human being. Every single person who voted for him is deplorable and I hate them.


boy you don't have to look hard at this guy's wikipedia page to see he is a piece of trash.

a choice snippet:

“There’s been legislation that’s been brought through this House that sets aside benefits for women and minorities. The only people that it excludes are white men...Pretty soon, white men are going to notice they are the ones being excluded.”[
Steve King is an enormous racist and bigot and it reflects pretty badly on his district and the country that he keeps getting reelected with like 60%+ of the vote. I swear we get multiple threads a year on the horrendous shit this man says or does.

Here is Steve King with french neo-nazi Marine Le Pen.


He is a reflection of a big part of America, I know people like you tend to ignore that side of your country but it is there.


People who claim not to support this stuff but vote for the people who do because of their supposed values are shitty people. The people who do both are even worse.
The true face of nationalism.
Utter disregard for all humans that don't fit a certain image.

I thought the West learned its lesson from WW2 and wouldn't allow nationalism to take over ever again, but the US always seemed to think that it practiced a non-toxic form of nationalism. There is no such thing.
We currently see what happens when someone decides to embrace these basest human instincts and grabs power via a nationalistic, populist message.

Lets just hope this exercise doesn't go all the way.


I wouldn't be surprised if most of Iowa's farm workers are illegal. But instead of going after the employers, (which is what you'd do if you actually wanted to fix the problem), he's going after the workers.

He wants them to "live in the shadows". Which is exactly where a corrupt corporation wants their employees. They want their workers too scared to report to authorities any wage theft, inhumane work conditions, abuse by bosses...etc.

That keeps wages down and profits high.


a large contingent of people in this country seem incapable of empathy for anyone beyond their immediate family

and income/religion/race/gender

or like, anyone else


Other Steve King bangers:

Steve King on Robo-Abortions said:
Smoe [sic] of us signed a letter — 70 of us — to Kathleen Sebelius and asked if they had distributed grants for telemedicine to any of the abortion providers including Planned Parenthood, There [sic] response came back in the affirmative that they had issued several grants to Planned Parenthood. And these funds, as near as we can determine, are being used to provide telemedicine for the robo-abrotions* [sic], the robo-Skype abortions as I’ve described

Steve King on White People said:
I would ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about, where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?

Steve King on Babies said:
We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies.

Steve King on Dog Whistles and the POTUS said:
Barack Obama is very, very urban

Steve King on Why Slaves Owe Him An Apology said:
Obama apologized for slavery. Americans are tired of apologizing. We're a proud people. We're the vigor of the planet and there's nothing for us to apologize for until they come and thank us for the things we've done.

Northwest Iowa is frightfully Republican. You know how there are urban precincts where Romney didn't get a single vote? It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out there were precincts in Sioux county that had zero Hillary votes. But usually that's tempered by less conservative Republicans and Democrats in Sioux City, Council Bluffs (when King's district still included it,) and Ames.

Unfortunately, I think he's pretty ensconced in the seat now until a viable R primarys him. Even though Iowa's redistricting is one of the models for non-partisan districting, that corner of the state will be R for the foreseeable future.

The pisser of all of this is that it was so close to being avoided. His first primary was a four way race and he didn't get enough to win outright. At the nominating convention, he barely squeaked by to get the nomination. The firm I was working with at the time had done work with two of his opponents so we had to sit on our hands, but I can tell you Iowa would've been better off if Brent Siegrist had won instead.
That's his base. Same as Trump's.

You have a significant portion of Americans who are actually evil. Time to face this fact.

Human beings in general are pretty evil. I don't think anyone's doubting that. Steve King is a horrible horrible excuse for a person though. God!
Heard Steve King speak at the RNC last year for Trump's nomination. He was legitimately frightening to listen to. People upstairs who heard bits and pieces thought I was watching a WW2 documentary on Nazi Germany.
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