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Research: Russia & Syrian regime overwhelmingly responsible for atrocities in Aleppo

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The Syrian Archive, a Berlin-based data collection project, published a new report on Tuesday that showed that the unlawful attacks on civilians in Aleppo in the second half of 2016 had mainly been perpetrated by Russian and Syrian forces.

Sifting through over 50,000 videos from the devastated city, the team of six - three of whom are Berlin-based volunteers working on top of day jobs - were able to verify some 1,748 videos of human rights violations in Aleppo and its surroundings.

"While attacks and violations have been committed by all parties, including the international coalition, Turkish forces, and rebel groups, the visual evidence analyzed in this report shows that overwhelmingly, Syrian and Russian forces were responsible for the largest amount of human rights violations in Aleppo city and suburbs during this period," said Hadi al Khatib, the project's founder, presenting the report in Berlin.

This is a bolder statement than the one made by the United Nations' Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) - in its report published on March 14.

The OHCHR report, which was based on interviews rather than video evidence, did not mention Russia specifically, preferring instead to say that "all parties to the Syrian conflict" continued to perpetrate "violations and abuses which resulted in civilian casualties or otherwise impacted the civilian population." Though the OHCHR did admit that the Syrian Air Force and "pro-government forces" were deliberately targeting schools and hospitals with airstrikes.

The report also showed that weapons known to cause particularly heavy civilian casualties - barrel bombs, cluster bombs, incendiary bombs, and chlorine gas - were being dropped from warplanes on residential areas, which is a war crime.

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In other news water is wet. It's ridiculous how the world is doing all it could to defeat ISIS while nobody seems to bother with Alassad who committed far more atrocities.


In other news water is wet. It's ridiculous how the world is doing all it could to defeat ISIS while nobody seems to bother with Alassad who committed far more atrocities.

Because the bloodthirsty Alassad is " only " committing atrocities within the borders of his own country. He's not a threat to the rest of the world in that he's not exporting a deadly ideology that could end up bringing down our western democracies. It's the sad truth. He killed tens of thousands of his own people but like every other dictator, his influence is " contained " within his own borders.

ISIS might have killed less people in total but they are orders of magnitude more dangerous than Al Assad. Anyone trying to compare the two or saying that Assad is worse needs to take a step back and realize that in the long term, al assad is childplay compared to isis and their ideology.

The best outcome would be to have them both dealt with but we all know that Russia will never let anything happen to Assad and we all know he won't stop killing his own people once he reclaims complete power over Syria. It's depressing.
In other news water is wet. It's ridiculous how the world is doing all it could to defeat ISIS while nobody seems to bother with Alassad who committed far more atrocities.

Probably because nobody wants to deal with the fallout of yet another forced regime change.

Dude Abides

Because the bloodthirsty Alassad is " only " committing atrocities within the borders of his own country. He's not a threat to the rest of the world in that he's not exporting a deadly ideology that could end up bringing down our western democracies. It's the sad truth. He killed tens of thousands of his own people but like every other dictator, his influence is " contained " within his own borders.

ISIS might have killed less people in total but they are orders of magnitude more dangerous than Al Assad. Anyone trying to compare the two or saying that Assad is worse needs to take a step back and realize that in the long term, al assad is childplay compared to isis and their ideology.

The best outcome would be to have them both dealt with but we all know that Russia will never let anything happen to Assad and we all know he won't stop killing his own people once he reclaims complete power over Syria. It's depressing.

ISIS can't bring down western democracies.
Because the bloodthirsty Alassad is " only " committing atrocities within the borders of his own country. He's not a threat to the rest of the world in that he's not exporting a deadly ideology that could end up bringing down our western democracies. It's the sad truth. He killed tens of thousands of his own people but like every other dictator, his influence is " contained " within his own borders.

The only way ISIS can bring down Western democracies is if Western countries decide to trade in their democracy for authoritarianism because they are scared of Muslims. It takes two to tango. ISIS are just thugs with expert PR.


ISIS might have killed less people in total but they are orders of magnitude more dangerous than Al Assad. Anyone trying to compare the two or saying that Assad is worse needs to take a step back and realize that in the long term, al assad is childplay compared to isis and their ideology.

You're falling for ISIS propaganda. Losing your head over videos of individual beheadings and destruction of artwork whilst dismissing mass murder on an industrial scale because it doesn't feel as scary.

How can you possibly be ok with the carpet bombing of hospitals if it means a specific ideology is less prevalent? Get some priorities.
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