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Robert Mugabe to nationalise Zimbabwe's diamond industry

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the guardian said:
The president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, has said his government will take possession of all diamond operations because existing miners had robbed the country of its wealth.
[...] “The state will now own all the diamonds in the country,” [...]. “Companies that have been mining diamonds have robbed us of our wealth, that is why we have now said the state must have a monopoly,” Mugabe said.

The largest diamond mine in Marange, Mbada Diamonds, sued the government at the high court on Monday and was allowed to take control of its mining assets. Chinese-run Anjin Investments also challenged the government ban at the same court on Wednesday, according to a court application seen by Reuters.

Mugabe said he told the Chinese president, Xi Xinping, during his visit to Zimbabwe last December that his government was not getting much from Chinese-owned mining firms.

Zimbabwe was the eighth-largest diamond producer in the world with 4.7mcarats in 2014, according to industry group Kimberley Process. Last year the government received $23m (£16.2m) in royalties and other fees from diamond mines, down from $84m in 2014.

Zimbabwe's collects a total of $3.263 billion from exports so "$23 million" per year for diamonds is an insulting lie when 13% of the world's diamonds are mined out of fields in Marange, one of the richest diamond deposits in the world. A November 2012 report by a non-governmental organisation revealed a huge lack of transparency of diamond revenues in Zimbabwe. It turns out that nearly all of those diamond dollars have been going to Dictator Robert Mugabe and his rich friends. So then, what is the real number? According to the Associated Press, $2 billion as of Nov. 2012. To put this into perspective, Zimbabwe's mineral exports were $1.8 billion for that year. What's even worse is that some of those diamonds are tainted with blood. In the 2008, the Zimbabwean government used soldiers to mine and enslave villagers to also mine.

I wonder what difference this will make in Zimbabwe. It really doesn't sound like it could be any worse.

I just did some reading on this guy and he's a real piece of work. He became an African legend after leading a successful rebellion against the white rulers of Rhodesia. Mugabe easily won the first Zimbabwe election in 1980 and showed his true colours very soon after that. As president, he immediately established a one-party state and put together a North Korean trained security force called the Fifth Brigade. One of their first tasks was genocide against the minority Ndebele tribe, the tribe that the only other candidate of that 1980 election hailed from. Between 1982 and 1985, at least 20,000 Ndebele people were killed and buried in mass graves. Several years later, Mugabe expanded his powers, officiating himself as a dictator. It's been more than 36 years since Mugabe won that 1980 election and he has remained the ruler of Zimbabwe ever since. Born just before the fall of the Ottoman Empire and three years after Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for discovering the photoelectric effect, Robert Mugabe is 92 years old.



Dude is a regular Mr. Burns.

I do hate diamonds though but he should just leave that industry alone. Country needs fixing but there's so many things to do that I don't know what should come first.


He'll die at some point. One of the gifts of being human, no one lives forever

I'm not sure if his death will be a gift for Zimbabwe. It's demonstrated pretty clear that he is a horrible person but there is always something worse. My fear is that the country could fall into civil war. Just look at this list.


So many leaders across Africa that have been sitting there longer many of us have been alive. I hope the transitions go smoothly when these men die but god damn there are a lot.
Socialism is great though when Bernie Sanders does it.
The problem here is not socialism, it is the fact that Zimbabwe is a one-party state. All dissidents have to face the Fifth Brigade. If people could vote his wrinkling ass out, they would (and they've actually tried).
I'm not sure if his death will be a gift for Zimbabwe. It's demonstrated pretty clear that he is a horrible person but there is always something worse. My fear is that the country could fall into civil war. Just look at this list.


So many leaders across Africa that have been sitting there longer many of us have been alive. I hope the transitions go smoothly when these men die but god damn there are a lot.

The problem here is not socialism, it is the fact that Zimbabwe is a one-party state. All dissidents have to face the Fifth Brigade. If people could vote his wrinkling ass out, they would (and they've actually tried).

This is exactly what socialism is- the government owning the means of production.


This is exactly what socialism is- the government owning the means of production.

I'm talking about Sanders's socialism - democratic socialism. The kind where the government owns the means of production but if they abuse it, can be voted out. The problem in Zimbabwe is the fact that people can't vote him out.


cool? So South Africa will either take a greater share or maybe Zimbabwe's people will have a better quality of life. Or maybe the dictator will take the lion's share and piss a little on the elites while everyone else still suffers under him.
Socialism is great though when Bernie Sanders does it.

Pointing to a corrupt politician and his government as an analogy to something else which has no other relations than in name is incredible stupid. No political system is created equally, furthermore as others have said; Bernie Sanders is a capitalist. Do you think governments control production in many socialist countries?

There is a difference between regulation and intervention over corporate fuckery, and monopoly @ The act of barring any competition or capitalistic gain. You're trying to drive a straight arrow through something that has endless parameters.
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