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Rumor: Blizzard’s Survival Game Leaked Info


If you can sell things to other players that probably means drop rates are abysmal on a per-user basis, as they'll be trying to limit/sell boosts for the number of specific items in the whole economy rather than balancing against an individual player's time. If the best way for a player to get they want will be for them to get funneled through a trade system where Blizzard gets a cut on every transaction, it will negatively affect the exploration and survival experience.
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The words shop and sell in a blizzard thread, outrage in 3.....2......1.........

And of course you are here to defend the glory of the company because it was recently bought my Microsoft XD

If you can sell things to other players that probably means drop rates are abysmal on a per-user basis, as they'll be trying to limit/sell boosts for the number of specific items in the whole economy rather than balancing against an individual player's time. If the best way for a player to get they want will be for them to get funneled through a trade system where Blizzard gets a cut on every transaction, it will negatively affect the exploration and survival experience.

Not necessarily. You can do the same thing in most MMORPGs. But given Blizzard’s recent history I am certainly not doubting that they will be greedy cunts and try to nickel/dime players. Hoping they don’t though.
If you can sell things to other players that probably means drop rates are abysmal on a per-user basis, as they'll be trying to limit/sell boosts for the number of specific items in the whole economy rather than balancing against an individual player's time. If the best way for a player to get they want will be for them to get funneled through a trade system where Blizzard gets a cut on every transaction, it will negatively affect the exploration and survival experience.
Not quite cause this will be a survival game like Ark so servers will be small with prolly private servers available where you can tweak game world settings etc. A server will likely hold as many as a typical server from Conan, Ark or rust does not the ton of people WoW does.


If you can sell things to other players that probably means drop rates are abysmal on a per-user basis, as they'll be trying to limit/sell boosts for the number of specific items in the whole economy rather than balancing against an individual player's time. If the best way for a player to get they want will be for them to get funneled through a trade system where Blizzard gets a cut on every transaction, it will negatively affect the exploration and survival experience.
What can players make money in FO76?


Gold Member
Interested in a AAA take on a survival game, but this is miles off by the looks of things hopefully see something solid in the next couple of years.


First person always gets my interest tumbling but otherwise it sounds interesting with the building and fairytale world.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife


Something's telling me I've already played this.
"fairy tail"

Furries confirmed.

While not a huge fan of survival games, I generally like what Blizz puts out. Definitely something to keep an eye on as it develops.

March Climber

Gold Member
No it'll be at BlizzCon next year. Both Shadowlands and Diablo IV will be out by then, so they'll want to reveal something big for their big return.
I believe that it will be at Blizzcon, just not in any shape or form other than a logo or concept art that 2 random people will talk about for 20 minutes on stage.
I'm sure they'll sell cosmetics and stuff, but where in the OP does it talk about monetization?

“Fool me once…”

People are more wary of Blizzard’s cancerous treatment of its player base/fanbase and lack of respect they have for them. If this game comes out with no MTX, y’know as it *should*, I will gladly eat crow. However chances it are it will be filled to the brim with ”lol-its-only-cosmetics-bro” MTX which actively detracts from the design. Remember when you can get all the content by just playing the game? Maybe buying an expansion or two? That your own personal efforts could net you amazing equipment with top tier, stellar designs? Nope not anymore.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Nice defense of shitty design. Do you have any original thoughts of your own or do you just defend anything and everything because it is owned/purchased by your favorite plastic box company?

And when challenged you go straight to an insult. You can't argue, but instead result to insulting other posters. Nice job.

You made a disingenuous argument trying to compare two completely different game genres, and it's becoming a tiring argument to see people wanting single-player standards applied to on-going GaaS/MMO games.

When WoW was released in 2004 you never saw this argument. FFXIV didn't get it either, and fuck their MTX store is 100x bigger than WoWs. But suddenly in the last year or so you're seeing people scream that on-going games must follow single-player games and give you EVERY SINGLE THING in the game without any way to fund the on-going development on the game. It's like the idiots in 2004 when WoW came out who said Blizzard should work free and not charge a monthly fee for the on-going updates to the game.
They already fixed the biggest problem in like the last 5 WoW expansions with Dragonflight.
I couldn't care any less at this point, I loved early WoW and they ruined it completely to me over time (I think they got it wrong from the first expansion). Modern WoW is disgusting.
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And when challenged you go straight to an insult. You can't argue, but instead result to insulting other posters. Nice job.
I didn’t insult anyone. I just made an observation. Given how often you seem to mindlessly defend anything from Microsoft while not showing the same to Sony or Nintendo, despite them doing the exact same mistakes, it doesn’t take a prodigy to deduce that you are a warrior.

You made a disingenuous argument trying to compare two completely different game genres, and it's becoming a tiring argument to see people wanting single-player standards applied to on-going GaaS/MMO games.
Yes, people want complete/finished games instead of rushed products designed to slowly release content that would have been released at launch 10-15 years ago. People don’t want to constantly be sold content that was once available, for free, in the base game. Keep up the strawman arguments though. Clearly not disingenuous at all! :pie_eyeroll:
When WoW was released in 2004 you never saw this argument.
When WoW was released in 2004 it was a massive game with no MTX. Everything in the game was obtainable with time and effort. You couldn’t just pay, legally anyway, for the items/mounts/pets. And no, a Subscprition is not the same as MTX. Since the integration of a store and various services it was being heavily criticized. Then came the WoW Token and that was even *more* criticized. Anyone who played the game during those times would know this.

FFXIV didn't get it either, and fuck their MTX store is 100x bigger than WoWs.
Yes, FFXIV *did* get pushback against its MTX. It still does, daily.

But suddenly in the last year or so you're seeing people scream that on-going games must follow single-player games and give you EVERY SINGLE THING in the game without any way to fund the on-going development on the game. It's like the idiots in 2004 when WoW came out who said Blizzard should work free and not charge a monthly fee for the on-going updates to the game.
No, over the last year you are mindlessly defending things people have been criticizing for *years* because the company was then bought my Microsoft. MMOs used to give you everything in the game as long as you worked for it. Now that isn’t the case. And don’t start with the “but you can build gold reserves in WoW to buy all the in-store stuff!“ nonsense. The WoW token completely decimated the economy of the game to a point where it can’t even be salvaged anymore.

But mindless warriors like you will continue to create strawman arguments and dismiss reality/years of evidence because “oh noes, someone is criticizing a company that is owned by my avorite plastic box! Clearly this is an attack on my character :messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying::messenger_loudly_crying:“.
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