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Rumor: HBO's Last of Us will focus on climate change and rape culture


According to an insider, HBO's upcoming Last of Us series will adress political issues like the climate change, problematic white men and rape culture.


Ellie would be the protagonist in a heavily female focused plot while men will mostly play antagonists.


Credibility-wise: Ofcourse no official statement is made but in this day and age everything is in danger to be politicized to a certain extent.

What do you think gaffers and most importantly, do you think the game itself will be used as a tool for a political message?

Link: http://archive.is/BI2Bi


Gold Member
I guess the rumour didn’t stick for TLOU2 so now they’re repurposing it for the show?



Currently Gif and Meme Champion
No the series released last year. Woke to the max, hbo was betting on it to be their next GOT, probably won’t see a S2 instead.

I watched it, was a bit unpleasant with all the over the top racism.
Cool, thanks for the info : ) Will not watch.
Don’t believe a word of it. And hbo would stay away from woke messaging after the Watchmen reception.
You'd certainly hope so, particularly after it played a huge part in killing their GoT golden goose, but you also can't expect cultists to make logical decisions.


Gold Member
Does that mean Joel will also be raped and it's not played for laughs?

Cause that some rape culture i would really want too see a show explore.
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You'd certainly hope so, particularly after it played a huge part in killing their GoT golden goose, but you also can't expect cultists to make logical decisions.
It’s a shame. The take was it is Commentary on current politics as was the original during the Cold War. Current politics in the imagination of professional victimhood grifters maybe. Racism, persecution, it’s all real, but to suggest it’s the hottest thing around in a world that has never been further removed from such things is absurd.
Is this the new low hanging fruit concern trolling? Just make up random SJW shit and attach it to any form of Last of Us media?
I think it’s more indicative of what a massive problem woke vandalism is in media currently.

It’s easy to make something like this up that can’t be instantly dismissed as bollocks, because this kind of crap is bloody everywhere right now.

It’s like how last gen you could easily get attention by claiming a series was going to change to chase the Call of Duty audience, and way too often it ended up being entirely true, even if it was probably a coincidence 9 times out of 10.


It's almost like someone wants to get a rise out of the GAFers here and makes these sort of 'leaks'.

Not that I really care about the TloU2 at this point … but I don't believe it. Also, amazing how this IP went from 'zombie apocalypse' and 'parenthood' to 'female empowerment'.
Wait wokeness messed up got? How so?
You didn’t notice the weird shift in later series to women being in charge of everything, male characters becoming increasingly dumb and weak willed, identitarian views on anyone not white seeing white people as instinctively hating them, general lack of depth and subtlety in characters that had before hand been subtle, intelligent manipulators with personal interests instead of vague one dimensional archetypes?

Don’t get me wrong, it was no where near as brazen as it is these days, and far from the biggest reason the show shat itself to death in the final series, but I mean Aria’s super human murder spree and completely unearned killing of the Night King alone kind of scream progressive politics getting prioritised over good writing.
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If this true I bet the whole premise is that Global Warming causes the mutation of Cordyceps to start infecting humans......somehow. Also just getting infected causes men to show their true form; rapists! Dun dun dun!


You didn’t notice the weird shift in later series to women being in charge of everything, male characters becoming increasingly dumb and weak willed, identitarian views on anyone not white seeing white people as instinctively hating them, general lack of depth and subtlety in characters that had before hand been subtle, intelligent manipulators with personal interests instead of vague one dimensional archetypes?

Don’t get me wrong, it was no where near as brazen as it is these days, and far from the biggest reason the show shat itself to death in the final series, but I mean Aria’s super human murder spree and completely unearned killing of the Night King alone kind of scream progressive politics getting prioritised over good writing.

I think this is really stretching. In no way do women rule everything, Bran ends up ruling most of the kingdoms, the majority of the kingdom's individual rulers are men and John goes back to being in charge of the Free Folks and Watch.

I agree the writing definitely went downhill but there was lots of really dumb things in later seasons that had nothing to do with progressiveness.
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