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Russian trolls create fake self defense company called Black Fist to promote to black



The St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency—the same Kremlin-linked troll farm that placed thousands of ads on Facebook—also had boots on the ground. Russian trolls from the “American Department” of the Internet Research Agency duped American activists into taking real action via protests and self-defense trainings, BuzzFeed News reports, in what would seem to be a further attempt to exploit racial grievances. Taken together with Russians’ efforts to infiltrate social-media platforms, make contact with campaign officials, and hack into campaign databases, this is the latest evidence that Russia’s cyber campaign to disrupt the U.S. election was far broader and more wide-ranging than previously thought.

Somewhat bizarrely, the Russians also contacted activists like M.M.A. fighter Omowale Adewale about self-defense training. The troll farm established a self-defense group, Black Fist, whose Web site reads, “Be ready to protect your rights . . . Let them know that Black Power Matters.” After being approached by a man named Taylor on Instagram in January 2017 about holding classes, Adewale started to train a small group. The classes increased in size and frequency as Taylor advertised them through Facebook ads, but they stopped in May when Taylor cut off communication with Adewale altogether.


The troll farm was also linked to a group called Black Fist, according to RBC. Black Fist’s site says that the group teaches black communities self-defense, or as the Black Fist site put it, "organized by black for black." The website is still up, though its Facebook and Instagram accounts have been suspended. The group did not immediately respond to a BuzzFeed News request for comment sent to the email address provided on its page. Facebook also declined to comment on Black Fist’s page being taken down.

Adewale, in an interview with BuzzFeed News between personal training clients, said that he was first contacted by the man he knew as "Taylor" via his Instagram in January 2017, to teach four self-defense classes a month. Though he was initially wary, his concerns dropped once the first of the payments came through — $320 per month. Adewale, like White, described the man with whom he spoke over the phone but never met, as having "an accent from the African continent."

Now the website for Black Fist is still up, and I just saw this story on CNN Jake Tapper but it seems utterly bizzare… Why would they be paying MMA/Boxing trainers to train black people in self defense classes, and why were they asking for pictures of said training classes?


Now the website for Black Fist is still up, and I just saw this story on CNN Jake Tapper but it seems utterly bizzare… Why would they be paying MMA/Boxing trainers to train black people in self defense classes, and why were they asking for pictures of said training classes?

To scare white supremacists with fake pictures of "the Blacks getting ready for race wars" or some other shit like that.
Now the website for Black Fist is still up, and I just saw this story on CNN Jake Tapper but it seems utterly bizzare… Why would they be paying MMA/Boxing trainers to train black people in self defense classes, and why were they asking for pictures of said training classes?

"Look at all these scary black guys learning to fight and talking about black power! Something must be done about them!"


Now the website for Black Fist is still up, and I just saw this story on CNN Jake Tapper but it seems utterly bizzare… Why would they be paying MMA/Boxing trainers to train black people in self defense classes, and why were they asking for pictures of said training classes?
To scare white people.
The troll farm was also linked to a group called Black Fist, according to RBC. Black Fist’s site says that the group teaches black communities self-defense, or as the Black Fist site put it, "organized by black for black."

That should have tipped everyone off that this wasn't written by an actual black person
"black for black"


My fake-Black radar is well oiled. I watched a Twitter account go under recently for posing to be a black guy. Some Twitter accounts were talking the Black Panther trailer and kept referring to black people as the blacks.


It's like they ran the Wikipedia page for FUBU through English to Russian Google Translate then back again.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
The Cold War is back, maybe never left.

All this, from election tampering to this, reads like examples to destabilize countries.
It works because America was always divided and the majority does fuck all to even acknowledge it

They are figuratively highlighting America's deep rooted division and racism and the majority of white America are still incapable of self reflecting on how they are complicit.
"organized by black for black."
That should have tipped everyone off that this wasn't written by an actual black person

For education purposes, what would an actual black person write, especially one living in, say, Russia?

EDIT: Rereading everything, looks like it was about adding "people"? I'm going to file that under Russian group's grasp of English and not their research.
Troll farmer has got to be one of the more enjoyable jobs in Russia, as long as you are full on board the Putin anti America train. Getting paid to churn this nonsense out to screw with your enemies. Would love for one of these guys to wake up and defect and spill the beans fully, not that he would make it to us or Western soil or if then, make it out of intelligence service hands.


This is ridiculous.

What a mad year 2016 was.

Adewale, like White, described the man with whom he spoke over the phone but never met, as having "an accent from the African continent."

Did they hire another person to mediate?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Is Russia trying to orchestrate a civil war within the US?
if its basically free and the people are dumb enough, why not? its basically consequence free and apparently easy to get a giant orange tirkey elected.
To scare white supremacists with fake pictures of "the Blacks getting ready for race wars" or some other shit like that.

Based on past precedent they are probably hoping to worsen civil unrest if not actually fanning the flames of a real race war (because that's a pretty far fetched goal). The Soviet strategy during the civil rights era was initially to try and discredit or sideline MLK because of a belief that he would avert a race war, and then after he was killed they switched gears into treating him as a martyr with more or less the same hope, that this would trigger this race war they wanted to take down their principal rival.


Unsurprising. It's been Russia's goal to to spread civil unrest in the US for a long time now. The easiest way to do that is by causing racial tensions. No doubt they own the IP to some legitimate white supremacist sites as well.


cross-posting from the other TEN-GOP account thread since they appear to have the same RBC investigative source material:

Mother Jones Summary: http://www.motherjones.com/politics...igation-about-a-kremlin-linked-troll-factory/

Original Source (in Russian) http://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/17/10/2017/59e0c17d9a79470e05a9e6c1?from=center_1

A notorious Russian internet “troll factory” spent about $2.3 million during the 2016 election cycle to meddle in US politics, paying the salaries of 90 “US desk” employees who helped wage disinformation campaigns via social media that reached millions of Americans. The operation also contacted US activists directly and offered them thousands of dollars to organize protests on divisive issues, including race relations.

These revelations and many more came out in an investigation published on Tuesday by the Russian newspaper RBC about the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a tech firm based in St. Petersburg, Russia, that has developed a specialty in spreading pro-Kremlin messages in the West.

The IRA has been written about before by a number of news outlets, and by RBC itself. But this latest piece from RBC—a respected business newspaper in Russia known for angering the Kremlin with its reporting on Putin’s associates—is the first to home in on the IRA’s operations during the 2016 US election.
By the middle of 2015, as the US election was ramping up, the IRA’s staffing had increased to between 800 and 900 people. The organization had also shored up its arsenal of media tools to include “videos, infographics, memes, reporting, news, analytical materials,” and more.

In spring 2015, a number of IRA staffers held an experiment to see if they could successfully organize a live event in the US from behind their computer screens in St. Petersburg. They did this by targeting New Yorkers on Facebook and attempting to lure them to a specific event where they would receive a free hot dog. There were no actual hot dogs, but enough people showed up at the specified location to make the agency deem the experiment a success. “From this day, almost a year and a half before the election of the US President,” writes RBC, “the ‘trolls’ began full-fledged work in American society.”

Within the next year, the staff of the IRA’s “American Department” grew threefold, increasing to between 80 and 90 people—about one-tenth of the entire agency.

Three former employees of the IRA told RBC that the head of the American Department is a 27-year-old Azerbaijani man named Dzeihun Aslan, a point also corroborated by an internal Telegram chat obtained by RBC. (Aslan denied any such involvement in conversation with RBC.)

By RBC’s calculations, the American Department spent about $1 million annually on salaries. The lowest-level employees were paid about 55,000 rubles ($960) per month, but also received bonuses based on “the reactions of participants in communities” they were targeting.

RBC identified 118 Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts linked to the IRA’s meddling in US politics.

In September 2016, at the height of the US election season, the American Department posted more than 1,000 pieces of content per week, reaching between 20 and 30 million people that month.

A source close to the leaders of the IRA told RBC that most of the agency’s American content had less to do with supporting a specific candidate than with promoting volatile social issues that happened to dovetail with Trump’s rhetoric. “There was no directive to ‘support Trump,'” one source told RBC. “Direct connections were drawn between societal problems and the actions of the ruling party at that time [the Democrats]. Hillary [Clinton] is the party’s representative, which means she’s also to blame.”

RBC analyzed hundreds of IRA posts and found that Clinton was mentioned in the posts much more often than Trump.

The total budget for promoting political ads to American audiences came to about $5,000 a month, or about $120,000 from June 2015 to May 2017. About half of that was spent on content aimed at sowing racial divisions.

The IRA spent about $80,000 to support 100 US activists who organized 40 different protests across the United States.
That last part is a big one. The GOP has been astrotufing for ages, but direct foreign interference w/ live protests like that is a big step up from the cyber-stuff.
The NOI has been teaching self defense classes to Black Americans for decades though. And thats an actual organisation with deep community ties, not some random guy with an instagram page.
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