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(Scott Adams) Talking to Nicki Clyne about her experience with NXIVM and the trial of Keith Ranieri


You have seen the stories about alleged "cult" NXIVM and its leader Keith Raniere's court case. You might have seen the HBO series on it called The Vow. I speak to one of the key players, Nicki Clyne, who is married to Allison Mack, and is known for her role on TV show Battlestar Gallactica. You will be amazed how different her story is from the one you see in the so-called news.

just gonna leave this user comment here -->

It would have been helpful for you to learn how to pronounce his name. Doing research ahead of time, for example reading the charges, the transcripts from the trial, the victim impact statements, the news articles from the past 20-30 years would also have been helpful. You have given a platform to a brainwashed delusional cult member--why? You could have also spoken to Rick Ross, renowned cult expert and a target of Raniere using Bronfman millions for ten years, or perhaps the man who broke the back of this cult, one Frank Parlato who runs a blog online that exposed this criminal operation. Scott, there is something missing in you. Perhaps it is your own narcissism at work here. Raniere was just sentenced to 120 years. You will be known now as one of the few people on the planet who cannot seem to understand what went on here. She is also lying to you, in case you didn't pick up on it.
I watched it yesterday because I basically watch all Scott's videos. I don't really know what nxivm is, heard about it only through this.

This lady was very much clouded by her feminist agenda. Also she was dancing around questions, avoiding giving an actual answer. For example 'were you branded?' -> talks about how the phrasing of the question blahblah woke shit to avoid answering.

It's nice to see how Scott handles this, he's definitely smart enough not to antagonize his discussion partner, and even say little things to put her at ease. (Like for example his comment about 'theres nothing the government can make worse', seemed like he placed that comment specifically to get her to view him as on her side).

So who knows what to think. She has signs of being brainwashed though.

Heard the guy was sentenced to 120 years so that's that I suppose.
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I'm surprised any of these people are still giving interviews.

I watched it yesterday because I basically watch all Scott's videos. I don't really know what nxivm is, heard about it only through this.

This lady was very much clouded by her feminist agenda. Also she was dancing around questions, avoiding giving an actual answer. For example 'were you branded?' -> talks about how the phrasing of the question blahblah woke shit to avoid answering.

It's nice to see how Scott handles this, he's definitely smart enough not to antagonize his discussion partner, and even say little things to put her at ease. (Like for example his comment about 'theres nothing the government can make worse', seemed like he placed that comment specifically to get her to view him as on her side).

So who knows what to think. She has signs of being brainwashed though.

Heard the guy was sentenced to 120 years so that's that I suppose.
Not surprised. According to the HBO doc, this cult was primarily aimed at the narcissism of far left upper income types. Tons of the women involved were sf professed feminists, the men were male feminists, and all of them followed vanguard, who portrayed himself as this Uber beta science genius who portrayed himself as this scholar who invented a new "science".

Not a religion, because religion is to crude and it's meant for the poor. It's science, and these people "believe science."


I don't believe he is an idiot. Maybe believes differently to you and has far different opinions. Doesn't make him an idiot.

Are you rich? Can I become rich by being an idiot? Why don't you humble yourself and consider that other people may be doing things you don't like for intelligent reasons.

There are plenty of smart people that I disagree with, it’s not my default position to think anyone who has different views is an idiot. I work with people and have lots of friends and family I consider smart and we vary wildly on things.

Adams is a one trick pony whose entire schtick is about playing devil’s advocate against the prevailing wisdom. It’s good that people are willing to do that, and he wrote a great comic strip for a long time how dumb things can be when everyone goes along with it and frivolous trends, but his tendency to get off to the smell of his own farts and apparently stick to his one trick against logic and facts tells me his intellect was always shallower than I ever could have imagined. Having a friendly chat with an apologist of an actual sex trafficking cult and describing the other accounts as “so-called news” seems like the ultimate culmination of his one note “I know what actually going on” routine.
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There are plenty of smart people that I disagree with, it’s not my default position to think anyone who has different views is an idiot. I work with people and have lots of friends and family I consider smart and we vary wildly on things.

Adams is a one trick pony whose entire schtick is about playing devil’s advocate against the prevailing wisdom. It’s good that people are willing to do that, and he wrote a great comic strip for a long time how dumb things can be when everyone goes along with it and frivolous trends, but his tendency to get off to the smell of his own farts and apparently stick to his one trick against logic and facts tells me his intellect was always shallower than I ever could have imagined. Having a friendly chat with an apologist of an actual sex trafficking cult and describing the other accounts as “so-called news” seems like the ultimate culmination of his one note “I know what actually going on” routine.

Will I get rich and get an Instagram model girlfriend if I lose a few iq points?

Brb, I'm going to develop a drinking problem and start smoking crack to see if the iq points I lose makes me get as laid and as rich as Scott Adams and Hunter Biden.
I will say after watching all of The Vow on HBO I thought Keith was gross and manipulative but legally I wasn't convinced he broke any laws. Even after reading through witness testimony I still don't see any super hard evidence to convict him based on the charges. The Racketeering stuff I think maybe is the only thing he's truly guilty of according to the law.
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There are plenty of smart people that I disagree with, it’s not my default position to think anyone who has different views is an idiot. I work with people and have lots of friends and family I consider smart and we vary wildly on things.

Adams is a one trick pony whose entire schtick is about playing devil’s advocate against the prevailing wisdom. It’s good that people are willing to do that, and he wrote a great comic strip for a long time how dumb things can be when everyone goes along with it and frivolous trends, but his tendency to get off to the smell of his own farts and apparently stick to his one trick against logic and facts tells me his intellect was always shallower than I ever could have imagined. Having a friendly chat with an apologist of an actual sex trafficking cult and describing the other accounts as “so-called news” seems like the ultimate culmination of his one note “I know what actually going on” routine.
He doesn't actually do that in the interview. He is obviously baiting her along, trying to make her feel comfortable by appealing to her viewpoints, in the hopes that she reveal more than she would normally do.

And it works. She reveals a lot of the contradictions and mental gymnastics that is obvious part of the echo the members, atleast the female members are in.

This interview was far more informative than another guy just calling her crazy, and implying she is stupid for an hour.

Stop getting offended because he trshed billion dollar corporations for one second in an hour+ podcast.

I will say after watching all of The Vow on HBO I thought Keith was gross and manipulative but legally I wasn't convinced he broke any laws. Even after reading through witness testimony I still don't see any super hard evidence to convict him based on the charges. The Racketeering stuff I think maybe is the only thing he's truly guilty of according to the law.

The reasoning to give him 120 years is absolutely ridiculous, and I wouldn't be suprised if he appeals and wins.

However some of the financial crimes are apparently very true, so he was always going to do time.
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