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Sekiro's final boss is the best final boss in any game i have ever played


Gay porn is where it's at.
This fucking game: The game

what an absolutely legendary boss fight, the whole game is good, but the final hour is just peak from software, if this had better soundtarck it would've beaten bloodborne for me
the cherry on top tho, isshin the sword saint
hardest boss fight i have ever fucking faced in a video game
i think i've died here 130 times(yes i kept counting)
it was torture
blood and sweat were shed
i lost a keyboard
i lost 4 hours of my life i'll never get back
but guess what?
i kept fucking going
i kept trying again and again
with every try, i learn something
i started memorizing every movement
and then
it happened...


it clicked
i shit you not, the next turn i started seen his movements 10 steps before he do them
it was glorious
i wrecked his shit up so hard i barely took any damage

saw the credit, popped a smoke, and took a walk outside
let me tell you this, not even sex feel this good
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Yep it was amazing, it's everything a final boss battle should be. It's really challenging but not cheap or unfair, it looks great and, most importantly, felt like a sort of final test of everything you have learned through the game.
And Sekiro in particular has this thing where often when you finally beat a hard boss or enemy you do so in a sort of zen mode, you go from getting destroyed to beating the enemy in a way that almost felt too easy. Took me like 2 hours to beat the final boss and after getting beaten again and again, on the attempt where I actually beat him I still had several healing items left at the end (and the same happened to several people I've talked to).
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Love this game. I agree Isshin the sword saint is an amazing boss. Feels impossible at first. Genichiro first fight and Owl's 2nd fight are up there too


Maybe I'll try to get into it. I just could not enjoy Sekiro at all. I beat every souls game at least 2-3 times each. I couldn't play more than 10 hours of Sekiro, I don't know why but I hated it.

I'll give it another go.
It's up there, for sure.

On my third playthrough once I was actually good at the game, I defeated him the exact right way that you're supposed to, and I felt so proud of myself.
This fucking game: The game

what an absolutely legendary boss fight, the whole game is good, but the final hour is just peak from software, if this had better soundtarck it would've beaten bloodborne for me
the cherry on top tho, isshin the sword saint
hardest boss fight i have ever fucking faced in a video game
i think i've died here 130 times(yes i kept counting)
it was torture
blood and sweat were shed
i lost a keyboard
i lost 4 hours of my life i'll never get back
but guess what?
i kept fucking going
i kept trying again and again
with every try, i learn something
i started memorizing every movement
and then
it happened...


it clicked
i shit you not, the next turn i started seen his movements 10 steps before he do them
it was glorious
i wrecked his shit up so hard i barely took any damage

saw the credit, popped a smoke, and took a walk outside
let me tell you this, not even sex feel this good
I had a similar experience in that it took me a million tries, but after I beat him once, I felt like I could do it again easily (and did in NG+).

However, I don't necessarily see that as a good thing. It took me too long to get to that point. And I was mostly just relieved to be done, rather than feeling good.

I kind of hate when games ramp up the difficulty greatly at the last fight. I'm usually ready to finish up, but get stuck and frustrated trying to get over a final hurdle magnitudes harder than anything preceding it
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
It's fucking great, that's for sure. But for me he's still 2nd to Genichiro in the tower halfway through. Even though Genichiro is... probably harder overall? He's the ultimate test of everything you've learned up to that point, an absolutely perfect boss battle in almost every conceivable way, except maybe the lightning mechanic which is a little weird. Easily one of the best in any video game, period. Isshin is awesome, but by that point I was more desperate for closure than I was actually enjoying the fight, and I definitely left satisfied, but less so than when I finally bested Genichiro. Beating him pressed my "let's fucking go" button and I played even more ruthlessly than before for the remainder of the game, which ultimately fed into Isshin's defeat.

Damn, what a game. Feel bad for those that don't have the time/interest/energy to put into mastering it, because it's so rewarding.


You spend the whole game waxing on and off, painting fences and sanding floors. Then, boom! You’re a master


Can’t Git Gud
god no.
He is way too hard... 4 phases (including geni who is not easy too) ?!
Overall I had an issue with most bosses in sekiro. The game played great and I had a nice flow of failure and learning for the most part... but each boss stopped me for hours.
Once I've "got it" on apes, then it went super smoothly and fun until Ishin.... yeah... fuck that. and fuck kos
It took 60+ tries before I was able to beat him.

He is a really good example of what a final boss shoud be in a game. Incredibly challenging.


Great boss. Maybe the best. I enjoyed, Gen, the ape and others.
Nowhere are hard as Orphan of Kos lol.
He had a good difficulty
This fucking game: The game

what an absolutely legendary boss fight, the whole game is good, but the final hour is just peak from software, if this had better soundtarck it would've beaten bloodborne for me
the cherry on top tho, isshin the sword saint
hardest boss fight i have ever fucking faced in a video game
i think i've died here 130 times(yes i kept counting)
it was torture
blood and sweat were shed
i lost a keyboard
i lost 4 hours of my life i'll never get back
but guess what?
i kept fucking going
i kept trying again and again
with every try, i learn something
i started memorizing every movement
and then
it happened...


it clicked
i shit you not, the next turn i started seen his movements 10 steps before he do them
it was glorious
i wrecked his shit up so hard i barely took any damage

saw the credit, popped a smoke, and took a walk outside
let me tell you this, not even sex feel this good
Bro, you sure you doin' it right ?!

Anyone that tells me beating a videogame boss feels better than busting a nut...

I didn't bother trying more than a few times - I had heard he was 4 phases, so I just turned the game off and watched the ending on YouTube.

The only time a video game is worth that kind of effort to me is something like Beat Saber for the physical exercise.
i don’t like to tell people this.... but I gave up after about 30 tries... i just couldn’t be bothered anymore

phase 3 with the gun is some straight bs and no guide on youtube helped me that much


I'm currently two days in to trying to beat Isshin the sword Saint and been one hit away from killing him but I messed up.

I played dark souls 1, 2 and 3 then bloodborne and now this for the first time start in I think November.

Not sure who is hardest at this point but Isshin is definitely top 3!

I'm enjoying the fight that much I've given up trying to cheese him and too will try to become Keanu Reeves

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If pure challenge is what you're looking for, then I could see the argument, but I feel like this boss fight was just too great of a difficult spike.

I eventually managed to beat him, but felt like I just got lucky, to be honest. The existence of this boss is why I haven't finished the game a second time when I normally run through FROM games multiple times.

I like to "git gud" in these games, but only to a certain extent.


Gold Member
It was pretty good but i prefer gael from ds3 dlc if we only talk about from games.
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Gold Member
I hate the fact he can be cheesed, I was getting so hopelessly wrecked on my 1st paythrough I ended up doing that and I regretted it big time.
I did beat him many times since then the legit way, an amazing boss especially the Inner version from the DLC.
This is why I still think Genichiro is the best, with all the moves he's got to punish you if you attempt some of those cheap "bait and run" tactics.
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Sekiro is one of those games I really want to play, but feel like I probably shouldn’t for the sake of my sanity!

Ill try it super cheap, but I’ll be going in with the mentality of “just stop if it’s annoying you”.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah, I had heard the boss was incredibly difficult so I went in knowing that I would waste 4-5 hours on it like I did Genichiro. But surprisingly, it took me less than an hour. The game basically prepares you for that fight the entire game. The first genichiro phase is pretty much identical to when you first fight him. Then there is the lightning reversal which makes the final form a breeze. The umbrella nullifies the special attacks and the rest is parrying.

I had a much harder time with the beast bosses in the game. Once you realize that the game is about parrying and attack instead of dodging and playing passively, the game becomes super easy. Especially if you use divine confetti and ako sugar to do more damage. i saw so many streamers somehow get to this boss without learning to parry and were still trying to dodge his attacks or staying back. Nah, you gotta go right back in. The moment i stopped giving a fuck about my posture meter, i became lethal.

i have no regret saying this; its by far the best final boss fight of all time.


I think the boss is good but many people were unprepared for the difficulty spike. Many of the harder bosses in Sekiro are skipable. If someone skips all the hard bosses usually by the time you fight Isshin you are not prepared at all. On the flip side if you have fought all the optional bosses the fight is not really too hard. Personally, I thought the Owl fight at hirata was more of a challenge.


I am not masochistic so I hate that boss and I gave up Sekiro there. I don't feel pleasure repeating something 100 times. If I need to repeat something more than 10 times I start to hate the game and even video gaming as a whole, even myself for spending time in that shit. So no, not the best boss fight for me.


Not gonna lie I had my fair share of trouble to beat Isshin but I thought it was a pretty enjoiable fight in the end. The only boss that had me thinking about dropping the fucking game was the guardian (and then guardians) Ape. That fight is just bullshit.

Codes 208

Gold Member
Isshin is a really damn good final boss but frankly my dear, Gael is the best final boss of the From games due to the deep message that he represents (he’s basically you, a soul-devouring beast at the end of the world with no name and fights you over the literal nothing that is left of a dead world.) he’s hard but not unfair (his attacks are well telegraphed and with the right weapon you can strip his health bar pretty fast. And for a boss with three phases: his are some of the best in the series (though lady Maria, sister friede, soul of cinder and Ludwig also have amazing phase transitions.)

Isshan’s difficulty spike makes him a little harder for me to place higher but again, he’s still a really damn good boss and fighting isshan at his prime after kicking the shit out of your poser rival for the second (or third time if you beat him in the tutorial) was fuckin’ baller.

One of my favourite souls bosses.

i found demon of hatred way harder
Demon of hatred is harder because they decided to throw a dark souls boss into a from game that unironically doesn’t play like souls. All the time we learn to repel/deflect/parry and suddenly we now have to dodge and flail around or get two-shot by his big ass.
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The nicest person on this forum
Demon of hatred is harder because they decided to throw a dark souls boss into a from game that unironically doesn’t play like souls. All the time we learn to repel/deflect/parry and suddenly we now have to dodge and flail around or get two-shot by his big ass.
That guy felt hard at my first encounter but once you know his attack pattern you see he leaves so much room for you just keep attacking him even without using finger whistle tool.

To me hardest boss in Sekiro is Isshin in Shura route, because he has some really nasty fire moves and not much room for you to escape it.
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Lil’ Gobbie
I need to revisit this game. Big fan of the soul series, but I dropped this after the monkey boss because i feel like you can spam guard and perry everything
He really is an incredible fight. I've beaten the game a half dozen times and he is still my favorite part of the game.

There are a number of attacks he does in each phase that hit really hard but once you know how to approach them, you can quickly turn the tides.

Some of the other optional bosses were almost as difficult, but nothing will top this. IMO this is the high water mark for From boss fights.


Demon of hatred is harder because they decided to throw a dark souls boss into a from game that unironically doesn’t play like souls. All the time we learn to repel/deflect/parry and suddenly we now have to dodge and flail around or get two-shot by his big ass.
Basically why it's my favorite boss. It's a boss who does not rely on Deflecting everything.

Overall I did not like Sekiro because lot of mini boss/boss fight are quite similar and most rely on Deflecting everything. Isshin is no exception. Very underwhelming to me in term of "presence" as a final boss. Just having more phases than every other boss doesn't make it more interesting for me.
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