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Sonic Frontiers hits 3.5 million units sold, surpassing Heroes as best-selling 3D Sonic title


Funny how people can think this is a great number for the franchise, since Sonic was a match to the Mario in popularity back in time.

There are like, 6 differents plataforms this game got release and this is what they can with a game with 'Sonic' name? There are games getting sold in one single machine and still selling more than this in less time.


Funny how people can think this is a great number for the franchise, since Sonic was a match to the Mario in popularity back in time.

There are like, 6 differents plataforms this game got release and this is what they can with a game with 'Sonic' name? There are games getting sold in one single machine and still selling more than this in less time.
Perspective is everything. Sonic has been shit for almost 25 years, and its sales have also been shit for almost as long.

So something breaking out of that... mold is to be celebrated, even if it still isn't not even close to the franchise's height.

Disco Dave

Gold Member
Super stoked for this absolute rude boi to be introduced
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Funny how people can think this is a great number for the franchise, since Sonic was a match to the Mario in popularity back in time.

There are like, 6 differents plataforms this game got release and this is what they can with a game with 'Sonic' name? There are games getting sold in one single machine and still selling more than this in less time.
Yea that was also a time where platformers reigned supreme. Nowadays platformers are FAR from mass market appeal. Besides Mario (which sells like crazy just from being Nintendo's Mickey to begin with) and N-Sane Trilogy (which sold heavily on nostalgia), name one unique non-remastered platformer that sells anything even remotely close to even Frontier's numbers. Last I can think of was LittleBigPlanet which was back in 2008.

It's also amusing to see people saying Sonic doesn't "sell well" because it's "shit" when there's zero relevancy really in the sales figures to the quality of the game. Sonic Forces sold better than Unleashed and Generations iirc, and both of those games are great, significantly better than Forces. These games aren't made on huge budgets to begin with, so they almost always make money.

Additionally, Sonic has a significantly steeper learning curve than Mario, which is why you even hear this "Sonic is garbage" shit to begin with, it just makes the games polarizing. Which is not inherently a bad thing.
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Gold Member
Yea that was also a time where platformers reigned supreme. Nowadays platformers are FAR from mass market appeal. Besides Mario (which sells like crazy just from being Nintendo's Mickey to begin with) and N-Sane Trilogy (which sold heavily on nostalgia), name one unique non-remastered platformer that sells anything even remotely close to even Frontier's numbers. Last I can think of was LittleBigPlanet which was back in 2008.
Astro's Playroom has sold 30 million units. :messenger_winking: /s


Funny how people can think this is a great number for the franchise, since Sonic was a match to the Mario in popularity back in time.

There are like, 6 differents plataforms this game got release and this is what they can with a game with 'Sonic' name? There are games getting sold in one single machine and still selling more than this in less time.
If its the best selling 3D Sonic, that shows the franchise is growing and moving in the right direction.

The fact that there are other franchises that are more popular isn't too relevant.


Gold Member
If its the best selling 3D Sonic, that shows the franchise is growing and moving in the right direction.

The fact that there are other franchises that are more popular isn't too relevant.

I don't think its the point, as Sonic still pretty much popular thanks to the good vibes from movies.
No, its about the spread this game has over the consoles. It has presence in about every console you can imagine, so 3 million isn't much of impressive when you put in comparison with the likes of Nintendo games which are only sold on Switch and sells gazillions in a shorter period. Since they are positivelly praising this sell I can only assume the production cost is relativelly low.

It also reminds me that here in Brazil, Sonic Frontiers didn't even last a full 2 weeks before going on a discount(Origins took almost a month before discount). I'm also astonished since I though Heroes sold more than this.
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The fact that there are other franchises that are more popular isn't too relevant.

Is relevant for the argument lol. If you don't find relevant, its up to you. But is does to the fact of Sonic not being so popular as he used to be.
SEGA is like doing snail steps at this point, while the movie is doing wonders to the franchise.


Is relevant for the argument lol. If you don't find relevant, its up to you. But is does to the fact of Sonic not being so popular as he used to be.
SEGA is like doing snail steps at this point, while the movie is doing wonders to the franchise.
You forgot all the TV shows and comics...


You forgot all the TV shows and comics...

Can't say about comics and TV show because we don't have numbers and figures? While the movie is extremely popular in comparison.

All of these comparisons with Nintendo games are so weird to me, are we forgetting that Sega isn't a console manufacturer anymore?

IMO is a silly excuse for the argument. I merely talk about Mario because Mario x Sonic was a thing in 90s.
We can make comparison with Sony IPs if you wish, but I guess the results will be pretty much the same.
And is not like SEGA don't have resource to make amazing games. They did with the movie and was very good return.
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Gold Member
IMO is a silly excuse for the argument. I merely talk about Mario because Mario x Sonic was a thing in 90s.
Exactly, when they were competing with Nintendo. The moment Sega moved away from consoles, they didn't need to invest heavily in marketing Sonic games as a means to sell more hardware.


I don't think its the point, as Sonic still pretty much popular thanks to the good vibes from movies.
No, its about the spread this game has over the consoles. It has presence in about every console you can imagine, so 3 million isn't much of impressive when you put in comparison with the likes of Nintendo games which are only sold on Switch and sells gazillions in a shorter period. Since they are positivelly praising this sell I can only assume the production cost is relativelly low.

It also reminds me that here in Brazil, Sonic Frontiers didn't even last a full 2 weeks before going on a discount(Origins took almost a month before discount). I'm also astonished since I though Heroes sold more than this.
They are praising it because its selling well for a 3D Sonic. They aren't going to be comparing it against Nintendo games, because otherwise the sales of every console game Sega ever published would not ve impressive.


Well deserved. Its not a patch on 2D Sonic but I had legit fun with it. Frontiers is rough around the edges but I think its a fun game. I actually liked the combat moves you can pull off in succession and the 3D cyberspace stages are good. Its also my OST of the year.

Fat Frog

I advertised for Google Stadia

Frontiers's director said he will try to fix the momentum issue in the next game and Sega confirmed the sequel will have a bigger budget.

With the multiples updates (+ the new Movies/TV shows), i think Frontiers can reach 5 million units in 2026.

It would be good but not impressive.
On the other hand, if the sequel really improves the formula, Frontiers Second Impact could be a true blockbuster.
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Gold Member

Frontiers's director said he will try to fix the momentum issue in the next game and Sega confirmed the sequel will have a bigger budget.

With the multiples updates (+ the new Movies/TV shows), i think Frontiers can reach 5 million units in 2026.

It would be good but not impressive.
On the other hand, if the sequel really improves the formula, Frontiers Second Impact could be a true blockbuster.

I honestly think it has potential.
For me they need to drop this ugly realistic visuals and do an open world using Sonic world.

Frontiers's director said he will try to fix the momentum issue in the next game and Sega confirmed the sequel will have a bigger budget.

With the multiples updates (+ the new Movies/TV shows), i think Frontiers can reach 5 million units in 2026.

It would be good but not impressive.
On the other hand, if the sequel really improves the formula, Frontiers Second Impact could be a true blockbuster.

Well it was at 2.9 million at the end of December and 3.5 million announced today. So they did about 600k in the last 4 months. Basically they are on track to sell another 1.2 million this year which would put them at 4.7 million. I think they can get to 5 million a lot sooner than 2026.

If its holiday 2023 and Frontiers is $30 then several parents are going to buy it for their kids, that's impulse buy territory. For holiday 2024 I am sure there will be $20 sales for the game.


Gold Member
Good for the devs but feels like a Pokemon situation. The game has some of the worst pop-in I’ve ever seen.

Hopefully they’ve laid a good foundation though. It’ll be fun to see what they do with the next one.


Sonic Heroes has shipped 4.58 million units between the PS2 and GC versions (XB1 version didn't cross 1M).
If the DC and GC versions are added together Sonic Adventure has shipped over 4M too.


Is relevant for the argument lol. If you don't find relevant, its up to you. But is does to the fact of Sonic not being so popular as he used to be.
SEGA is like doing snail steps at this point, while the movie is doing wonders to the franchise.
Even in the SNES days Mario was selling more than Sonic.

Or think about this way. Street Fighter and Megaman were both very popular when Sonic and Nintendo games were. Does that mean Capcom's sales exepctations for multiplatform Street Fighter and Megaman games today are going to be anywhere even close to what Nintindo's big games sell? Of course not.

Its the same for Sonic, no one at Sega is expecting it to get anywhere close to Nintendo numbers.


Gold Member
Good for the devs but feels like a Pokemon situation. The game has some of the worst pop-in I’ve ever seen.

Not sure where I heard, I think from DF, that the game was likely built on Switch and then escalated for bigger plataforms. That would explain why the lod is so aggresivelly bad.


Gold Member
Not sure where I heard, I think from DF, that the game was likely built on Switch and then escalated for bigger plataforms. That would explain why the lod is so aggresivelly bad.
That’d definitely be an explanation, although it sounds weird to make the game for Switch and then ‘upgrade’ the other versions rather than downgrading Switch version specifically.


It sold basically 300k in around a month... That's fantastic, especially since it hasn't been discounted below $40.


Good for the devs but feels like a Pokemon situation. The game has some of the worst pop-in I’ve ever seen.

Hopefully they’ve laid a good foundation though. It’ll be fun to see what they do with the next one.

To be fair Sonic is running at VERY high speeds, while in pokémon you have terrible pop-in while jogging in a turn based game.


We can make comparison with Sony IPs if you wish
How would that be a comparison that makes sense? Compare it with other recent 3rd party platformers... Like Crash 4, for example. It didn't do close to those numbers, especially not this close to release and at that price.

So really, trying to spin 3.5 million copies in 6 months for a third-party platformer as a failure is really weird.


Gold Member
To be fair Sonic is running at VERY high speeds, while in pokémon you have terrible pop-in while jogging in a turn based game.
I don’t think that’s an excuse in the era of SSD’s.

Forza Horizon 5 is open world at high speeds as well, and vastly more impressive visually, and has waaaay less intrusive pop-in. And that’s not even a next-gen title.


How would that be a comparison that makes sense?

IDK, for the sake of the reply? Thats 'why' comparing Sonic with Mario "as a franchise" is a fair comparison because both have a sucessful movie release. Is just in gaming they are like miles in distance.
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If I recall correctly only two Sonic games sold over 5m.

If Heroes was the best selling of the modern games this is not a very high bar to cross. it makes me wonder about the quality of the games released the last 20 years and I'm considering replaying them to find out why people weren't drawn to them. I hear great things about the Adventure games, Unleashed, and Generations but those were apparently selling to a minority.


IDK, for the sake of the reply? Thats 'why' comparing Sonic with Mario "as a franchise" is a fair comparison because both have a sucessful movie release. Is just in gaming they are like miles in distance.

Mario made a billion in 3 weeks, Sonic 2 did ~400k lifetime. So, both successful movies but on different levels, just like Frontiers and Odyssey are both successful games on different levels.


Mario made a billion in 3 weeks, Sonic 2 did ~400k lifetime. So, both successful movies but on different levels, just like Frontiers and Odyssey are both successful games on different levels.

Just a little detail you forgot to mention, there is no limitations between Mario movie vs Sonic movie on movie theaters, while Sonic Frontiers launch on PS4, PRO, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, Series S, Series X, PS5, PC and Nintendo Switch, while Mario Odyssey release on Nintendo Switch.
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