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Splinter Cell Remake Job Listing Reveals The Original Game’s Story Is Being Rewritten For Modern Audiences


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

A job listing for a scriptwriter on the upcoming Splinter Cell Remake at Ubisoft has indicated the development team are revamping the story for modern audiences.

Here’s a description of the job:

Using the first Splinter Cell game as our foundation we are rewriting and updating the story for a modern-day audience. We want to keep the spirit and themes of the original game while exploring our characters and the world to make them more authentic and believable.
As a Scriptwriter at Ubisoft Toronto, you will join the Narrative team and help create a cohesive and compelling narrative experience for a new audience of Splinter Cell fans.



The new lead for Splinter Cell.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I literally hate Splinter Cell fans. Just shit endlessly on Conviction and Blacklist until the series died. Years later with heads removed from their asses they realized those games were pretty great.

But of course let the shitting begin again. You were all such geniuses to get through Chaos Theory. The NSA should have hired you after beating the game so that your pure stealth standards could be put to use defending the country. We don't even know what the new game is yet but let's hate it so that our chubby from beating Chaos Theory 20 years ago can stay forever partially hard in our hearts. Amen.
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I'd rather Splinter Cell stay dead than have modern day Ubisoft make a new game.
This is the mentality we all need to have when it comes to reboots of old franchises. Just because a developer or publisher bears the same name, it doesn't mean anything 20 years later.

I'd rather Splinter Cell as an IP die and have a new franchise that has a similar espionage style and real world geopolitical narrative than for some dev team with "fresh ideas" destroy Sam Fisher and his legacy.
This is the mentality we all need to have when it comes to reboots of old franchises. Just because a developer or publisher bears the same name, it doesn't mean anything 20 years later.

I'd rather Splinter Cell as an IP die and have a new franchise that has a similar espionage style and real world geopolitical narrative than for some dev team with "fresh ideas" destroy Sam Fisher and his legacy.
I agree. A lot of companies unfortunately love to get older, familiar or popular franchises and insert their ideologies or “new ideas” into them instead of trying that stuff with new franchises. Yes, this applies to movies and TV shows as well.
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I literally hate Splinter Cell fans. Just shit endlessly on Conviction and Blacklist until the series died. Years later with heads removed from their asses they realized those games were pretty great.

But of course let the shitting begin again. You were all such geniuses to get through Chaos Theory. The NSA should have hired you after beating the game so that your pure stealth standards could be put to use defending the country. We don't even know what the new game is yet but let's hate it so that our chubby from beating Chaos Theory 20 years ago can stay forever partially hard in our hearts. Amen.
Conviction was awesome, but Blacklist not so much.


I literally hate Splinter Cell fans. Just shit endlessly on Conviction and Blacklist until the series died. Years later with heads removed from their asses they realized those games were pretty great.

But of course let the shitting begin again. You were all such geniuses to get through Chaos Theory. The NSA should have hired you after beating the game so that your pure stealth standards could be put to use defending the country. We don't even know what the new game is yet but let's hate it so that our chubby from beating Chaos Theory 20 years can stay forever partially hard in our hearts. Amen.
I mean do people actually in retrospect like Conviction and Blacklist if they were hardcore original fans?

They sacrificed their identity to reach a new audience with "action'y" and "cinematic" gameplay, and their sales suffered directly because of that, and that was the cause of the franchise ignominious end.

People liked Splinter Cell, it sold well, then they changed how it played, the tone of the games, and then finally changed the voice actor, and surprise, it killed the franchise.

Now a decade later, you have Ubisoft being more of cynical corporation than a game developer, so yeah, maybe two failed mainstream games (conviction less so) a decade ago and an uninspiring developer/publisher combo is a justifiable reason to be dismissive of a reboot.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I mean do people actually in retrospect like Conviction and Blacklist if they were hardcore original fans?

They sacrificed their identity to reach a new audience with "action'y" and "cinematic" gameplay, and their sales suffered directly because of that, and that was the cause of the franchise ignominious end.

People liked Splinter Cell, it sold well, then they changed how it played, the tone of the games, and then finally changed the voice actor, and surprise, it killed the franchise.

Now a decade later, you have Ubisoft being more of cynical corporation than a game developer, so yeah, maybe two failed mainstream games a decade ago and an uninspiring developer/publisher combo is a justifiable reason to be dismissive of a reboot.
Game devs aren't slaves that have to make the same thing over and over again for decades. 3 games of the same thing is enough. Replay it.

They tried to make a sequel based off 24 which was the coolest spy show out at the time. The games innovated on gameplay and 100% hold up. People should try playing a game for what it is, not what they stubbornly think it should be.


Game devs aren't slaves that have to make the same thing over and over again for decades. 3 games of the same thing is enough. Replay it.

They tried to make a sequel based off 24 which was the coolest spy show out at the time. The games innovated on gameplay and 100% hold up. People should try playing a game for what it is, not what they stubbornly think it should be.
You're right and I agree that devs should be able to make what they want sure, I just think I take issue with them contorting an established franchise into something else.

And tbh, I would love a 24 style game today, as long as it wasn't called Splinter Cell.

It's sort of like Prey. People liked Prey, they wanted Prey 2, instead they got "Prey", a good game in and of itself, but it wasn't a Prey game. Call it something different, make it a new IP, and there really is no issues. IP's have specific identities and their current fanbase is built around that identity.
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They haven't even written the story? In expected a significant amount of the game to be done by now. They announced it almost a year ago.

What the fuck man. Silent Hill, Splinter Cell, Metal Gear, it doesn't matter. I'm just fucked.

Thank god for Fromsoft in modern gaming.
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I literally hate Splinter Cell fans. Just shit endlessly on Conviction and Blacklist until the series died. Years later with heads removed from their asses they realized those games were pretty great.

But of course let the shitting begin again. You were all such geniuses to get through Chaos Theory. The NSA should have hired you after beating the game so that your pure stealth standards could be put to use defending the country. We don't even know what the new game is yet but let's hate it so that our chubby from beating Chaos Theory 20 years ago can stay forever partially hard in our hearts. Amen.
Blacklist was funnish in a retarded actiony way (especially in co-op). Conviction deserves to be shit on, other than some mindless co-op fun. But if that shit is the future of Splinter Cell??

I'll keep beating my fat chubby to Chaos Theory until the day I fucking die. I fucking bathe in your hate. I'll throw a fucking bath bomb in that shit and soak. Amen.
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March Climber

Gold Member
the game had a story?

for real, the stories in Splinter Cell games were always so fucking boring I usually ignored it all
The first three games had story bits presented in a very bland way and honestly I can so barely recall most of what happened. I think it's the right call to try and modernize that aspect.

Hopefully it will be something incredible like how MW Reboot was.
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