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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - This game saved my (gamer's) day


I bought a used copy for PS5, since it was the cheapest option (XSX used ones are more expensive)
And, boy, have I had that much fun in a while? No.

This game is perfect. In any direction except visuals which, after HFW, should be much better. But it still looks very good! Unreal Engine 4?


Because we are at gaming forum, I thought I will create a thread in that regard.

  • The visuals: nice!
    • Animations are spot on.
  • The direction, writing: great!
  • Cutscenes: Hollywood AAA!
  • Combat: the best I have seen in a while!
  • Story: engaging!
  • Audio: wow!
  • Is it a true AAA for current gen consoles and PC? YES.
What is your opinion on this game? Cheers!


Gold Member
I was fortunate enough to enjoy it at launch on PC because I didn't have many issues whatsoever. I loved it, honestly. Probably one of the best single player Star Wars experiences in a LONG time. I didn't think the story was riveting or anything, but it did feel more engaging compared to the previous game, I thought. Everything else felt like a step up IMO.


I was fortunate enough to enjoy it at launch on PC because I didn't have many issues whatsoever. I loved it, honestly. Probably one of the best single player Star Wars experiences in a LONG time. I didn't think the story was riveting or anything, but it did feel more engaging compared to the previous game, I thought. Everything else felt like a step up IMO.
Like you say, step up in any direction - the best SP Star Wars game since Dark Forces to me.


It's one of my highligth of the gen so far, really enjoyable game.

Some good things about it:

- very nice to superb graphics
- top tier audio
- combat is a lot more fun than the first entry (especially the double lightsaber stance)
- good story with imo good characters
- nice flowing gameplay (movement and combat)
- level design feels a lot more organic and natural than the first one
- Cere doesn't look like a fish that got stung on the face by a wasp anymore.

My major gripe with it is the constant crashing with raytracing enabled on PC. Other than that I highly recommand it.


Gold Member
I stopped playing when you crash land on the first planet, where the performance tanks a ton. Played on PS5. Will wait for more patches and revisit in a year.
Get to the end then maybe we can discuss it. I have mixed feelings on some narrative decisions but everything else outside of performance was great. I literally smashed the fuck out of it from the Friday release date to Sunday. Could NOT put it down.
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I´m also waiting to play it on PC. Fallen Order stuttered alot and Survior seem to suffer even worse in this regard.
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Agreed on all points, absolutely fantastic sequel. I especially loved Cal in this though. He's changed and is so rugged, and in certain scenes he does some badass stuff. If there's one thing I didn't like is how a certain character decides to go about things towards the end, but other than that, amazing on all fronts. Can't wait for the third game.


Gold Member
How is it on PS5 in performance mode? Playable or no? I’m still waiting until it’s fully patched.
It’s fully playable, it just has severe framedrops on the first planet you get to with image quality that simultaneously manages to look blurry and pixelated at the same time. When I say framedrops, I mean it feels like it goes from 60ish to 30ish. I tried quality mode to see if I’d get a consistent 30ish but nope, that drops near half as well.

I would just come back later, honestly. Jedi: Fallen Order also took quite awhile to get patched as where it is now.


Gold Member
Quality mode is the way to play it as of right now on PS5. That's what i'm doing and it's been overall a solid experience.

Supposedly more patches are being worked on, but EA has been radio silent now for over 2 weeks so who knows....


I'm happy you enjoyed it. :)
Looking forward to play it when it's on discount as i loved the previous game. Hopefully by then they will adjust the performance mode on consoles.. whats the logic in having RT in performance mode when it's nowhere near a steady 60fps?

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Loved the first game and will DEFINITELY get this if they fix the console performance. I don't expect miracles but I won't reward the current state of the game with a purchase.


Dreadful performance, coupled with screen tearing which makes it look pixelated.

BUT, thankfully enabling VRR made it bearable.

Overall, I thought the story was a little slow but really turned up to 11 by the end. Had a real blast the last 5 hours.


Gold Member
I was fortunate enough to enjoy it at launch on PC because I didn't have many issues whatsoever. I loved it, honestly. Probably one of the best single player Star Wars experiences in a LONG time. I didn't think the story was riveting or anything, but it did feel more engaging compared to the previous game, I thought. Everything else felt like a step up IMO.
How did you avoid issues on PC? It was super choppy on my rig at first. Plays like a dream now but man, I just stopped playing and waited for patches. Still working on finishing it?

Just curious. What are you running on your PC. They said something about certain configurations were having issues. I thought it was bs until I read your post.


I like it so far but it is a highly overrated game (like the original was). My biggest gripe so far is that the game has crashed to dashboard twice on PS5.


Gold Member
How did you avoid issues on PC? It was super choppy on my rig at first. Plays like a dream now but man, I just stopped playing and waited for patches. Still working on finishing it?

Just curious. What are you running on your PC. They said something about certain configurations were having issues. I thought it was bs until I read your post.
I couldn't tell you, I just installed on PC day 1 and went. The first level had 2-3 stutters that were less than half a second during a cutscene, but that was it for me. When it got to the next level and the more open areas it performed even better. Nothing every interfered with gameplay, or made it hard to play, and it was running at LEAST 60fps+ 90% of the time. I had seen much were performance on other games, so I was so confused when everyone was raging. But there were a few other posters on here that sounded like they were in my position, close to it, or even better.
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