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Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line – Announcement Trailer | PS5 & PC


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line is a new narrative DLC campaign for the PC and PlayStation®5 versions of Terminator: Resistance and will be available to purchase worldwide from Steam and the PlayStation Store on December 10th, 2021.

【 About the Game】

ANNIHILATION LINE picks up mid-way through the main campaign story. The Resistance has just defeated their first Infiltrator, but for Jacob Rivers, there’s no time to rest up. Orders have come down from John Connor himself that he is to assist in the investigation of Northridge Outpost, a civilian settlement which has mysteriously gone silent.

Why did no-one from Northridge attempt to radio in? Is this the work of Skynet? And are the civilians still alive? To find answers, Rivers and a small team of Resistance soldiers led by Connor’s right-hand man Kyle Reese, must head into the most dangerous territory imaginable...the land beyond the Annihilation Line.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I'm down for $20 or less sure. The core game is a solid 3 out of 5 romp and is indeed the best Terminator game.


OK this is strange console exclusive DLC

Terminator Resistance became a defactor "PlayStation Exclusive" (+PC) when they did the enhanced PS5 game; the original game was on Xbox, no clue why they dropped that ecosystem but it's continuing here (also, this DLC won't be for PS4,) so not a surprise I guess, but not an answer why.

Another thing sort of strange IMO is that they're doing this as DLC instead of a stand-alone game. There was a time when DLC required assets from the disc, where it saved a bit on including the engine of the original, where it sold specifically to be added in. Nowadays, the savings would be minimal and the game UI can be modular and updateable, so I would think you would sell something like this as just another Terminator Resistance game. (When I saw the post go up, I assumed at first this was the sequel.)
  • Thoughtful
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Gold Member
Stoked about checking this out. The game was actually really impressive for a small studio AA title. The best Terminator game yet. Very faithful and full of Easter eggs, it was tight.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Have the Xbox version. The game is janky as fuck. Not sure why people love it so much, it feels like a Unity fan mod.


Have the Xbox version. The game is janky as fuck. Not sure why people love it so much, it feels like a Unity fan mod.
because its the closest thing we have that sort of captures the tone of the first 2 movies since anything after that has been rubbish

the game itself is pretty ordinary though


I will check this out. The base game is average, but if you are a Terminator fan you will probably get more enjoyment out of it. I know I did. It is the only thing that has been released in over a decade with this license that is actually decent.

Lone Wolf

I played on Xbox and I don’t want to buy it all over again. Maybe when its on a 75% off sale ill get it on PS5.


Sweet, I'll have to pick this up on the PC side. Thanks for the heads up on it. Had a blast with the first one last year even though I think I jumped into it a year after launch (or at least there was a thread for some free DLC) and it brought back memories of Bethesda's Terminator games from the mid 90s.


I took it as just consoles, but agree that is weird. While its a good game and I really liked it, paying for exclusivity, really? Does anyone think this moves a needle?
I don't think Sony would pay to have this as an exclusive lol most likely they made the choice to go with PS5 to get away from the limitations of PS4 / Xbox One & have a better return of investment vs making it run on 7 different consoles.
Bought this game on Steam Sale yesterday for $20 and ended up playing it all day. As a Terminator fan, I absolutely loved it. It's really nothing special from a gameplay perspective, and it does feel quite eurojanky at times, but I got hooked to it regardless. It was clearly developed by actual fans of the series, as opposed to being a cheap cashgrab like the Terminator Salvation videogame.

In any case, I'm looking forward to the new DLC :)

Edit: forgot to mention the game's soundtrack was excellent, and brilliantly incorporated the original films OST
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NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Get a look at the new DLC campaign for Terminator: Resistance in action! Annihilation Line will be available to purchase digitally for PlayStation®5 on December 10th, 2021.

Jacob Rivers, Kyle Reese, and their team must escape a Skynet ambush, evading a band of machines who are out for their blood - including the terrifying HK Centurion.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PC. Also available on PlayStation 5.

"Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line tightens its combat to bring a slightly more compelling challenge to its firefights, but fails to inject any new ideas to spark any real life behind its glowing red eyes. It certainly looks great, and mowing down robotic hordes can provide some cheap thrills up to a point, but humdrum mission objectives and supporting characters that are duller than brushed steel make for a sidestory that's every bit as forgettable as Resistance's main quest."
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