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The tone of starcraft 1 / brood war is amazing.

Although the cinematics and art are a bit dated the atmosphere is still great - it's scary, it's bleak, it's dark. very alien-esque - exactly the right tone for this type of game. I don't feel like this type of sci-fi gets enough love, and I do not understand why Blizzard did not proceed with this direction for the sequels and even try to push the horror aspect further.

see the intro cinematic of broodwar:

another cinematic:


imagine what this could have been if they did it with modern graphic fidelity.. instead we get some far too colourful, somewhat cartoony shit afterward. and a lame story to boot. x_x
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
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I loved this game back then. It was one of my first PC games and I got blown out by the music and the aesthetics of the game, as this felt like a huge leap compared to other titles like AoE.

I recently got the remaster and man, what a fine job they did with this one. The remastered graphics look amazing while staying 100% true to the source material, and they even re-recorded the voices... while still letting you choose the old ones for nostalgia purposes. You can notice the care they put into it.
Game still holds up amazingly well too, with the unit pathfinding being the only downside. Campaign is still very fun.


The single player campaigns were great. There was an AI to defeat and most missions could be played at your own pace.

S2 only had short, timed missions where you had no time to even expand your base and experiment. There was no AI, only pre-made structures that were never replenished once destroyed or the same waves of enemies over and over. It was the worst (and last) RTS i ever played.


A great ambient music/tone makes such a dramatic difference it's not even funny, it's what makes the games stuck in your head forever, and SC is one of the prime examples to that, from the main menu theme, through briefing rooms and the actual missions background music, it's a masterpiece. I mean, the very first Zerg briefing and seeing/hearing the Overmind still gives me the same chills as it did back in 1998:


Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Yep Diablo 1 and 2, Starcraft and BW, Warcraft 1 and 2 plus all the expansions were simply incredible. I thought then that I would be a Blizzard fan until the day I died.


Gold Member
My absolute favorite level in a RTS is till today one of the first SC missions where you have to defend the colony against the Zerg. So many Aliens vibes!


Linux User
SC2 really screwed up the storyline. But I don't blame Blizzard too much- you just can't pick up where you left of 15 years later.
I agree OP there's something truly magical about StarCraft and Brood War. The team at Blizzard North were banging on all cylinders in that period between 1997 and 2008. Once the Activision merger took place and most of those guys left, the company would never be the same. You have to wonder if the merger never happened, would they have had it in them to make a more authentic StarCraft 2 than the one we got? Hard to say. That's already a long time to go on releasing critically acclaimed masterpiece back to back. I'm just grateful I was there for each game they dropped and had a gaming PC to appreciate them while they were hot and fresh. Truly they stand out as legends in videogame history.


They pretty much ripped off WH40K so they wanted to try to diferentiate themselves from it as much as they could with SC2.
If you want something similar(IMO better) try the Warhammer universe. Once I discovered it made me realize how shallow Starcraft really is in terms of tone, lore and worldbuilding.
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