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Traditional Console Cycles Are Over, Says NPD Analyst.


No shit Sherlock, Phil Spencer was saying this before the release of the X. It's as if these analysts completely ignore some media channels and just focus on historical data. They seem to be literally living in the past rather then the present. The average gamer can see the way things are going way before these so called experts.


No shit Sherlock, Phil Spencer was saying this before the release of the X. It's as if these analysts completely ignore some media channels and just focus on historical data. They seem to be literally living in the past rather then the present. The average gamer can see the way things are going way before these so called experts.

True, I work in a bank and I hear the entertainment analyst on the phone to his clients and sometimes I think "what are you talking about, man?"
I think there will always be a place for $100-300 inexpensive consoles using physical media a.k.a Nintendo's target market.

Humans fetishize physical possessions and the convenience of digital won't change that.

I also thing they're mis-reading the market. For the reasons stated above, people are perfectly happy buying a 5-year old console that can still play Spider Man, Madden, Forza, or whatever else strikes their fancy. The push towards new hardware will continue slowing down just like it did in the smartphone and tablet markets.
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Gold Member
It may be completely unrelated to this analyst. But I can only imagine the higher you go up in the industry the worse this so called awareness gets. No offense to this guy.

It's like GameStop hiring a non-gamer. Someone who can sell a product. I can imagine Video Rental stores have done this and Hollywood has had it worse.

Imagine a game developer being completely unaware. They want to make milenials happy because their head guru saw a few at the mall doing something.

If you think about it, Don Mattrick had a long run with EA and even MS. He even said veterans could play Xbox 360 instead of XBO. The guy lives in a mansion and he thinks that vets should play a legacy device.


1)Development time of AAA games skyrocketed, we're getting way less big games than we used to be, and it took like three years for this gen to actually feel worthwile, so people are not even nearly as being starved for new consoles as they were at the end of last gen
2)Production values are currently so high i don't think there's that much of demand for a technical jump
3)Mid-gen upgrades helped current-gen consoles to stay relevant for people who care about that
4)Games are now online services with entire comunties that need to be preserved and carried over, consoles are now starting to become ecosystems
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Next gen is going to be the last one and it's going to last until 2030. You're gonna have to rob people at point blank to convince them they need an upgrade past a real 4k console. Hell, 4k itself was sort of a scam to push people to upgrade once the corporations figured out pc hardware was too strong for 1440p and it would hurt sales.


No way. I think that console cycle is something that makes gaming exciting. I like having new different machines with new features and OS. I like the events that take place when a company unveils their new console. I think that console cycles are here to stay for now.
not really. and heres why, this gen was released at a bad time to release hardware, just like last gen. there was no new tech and we were on the verge

however when 7nm computer parts come about in 2019 and 2020. the jumps past that wont be significant enough to warrant a ps5 pro.

unless they give us an underpowered ps5. if the system is less than 12 teraflops its underpowered.

a pc gpu with 8gm VRAM was on sale for $340 dollars few days ago. if they can't get that in a $500 PS5 then its doomed
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always chasing the next thrill
not really. and heres why, this gen was released at a bad time to release hardware, just like last gen. there was no new tech and we were on the verge

however when 7nm computer parts come about in 2019 and 2020. the jumps past that wont be significant enough to warrant a ps5 pro.

unless they give us an underpowered ps5. if the system is less than 12 teraflops its underpowered.

a pc gpu with 8gm VRAM was on sale for $340 dollars few days ago. if they can't get that in a $500 PS5 then its doomed
Yeah like a console gpu is the same as a pc gpu.
I wish people would stop this crap.
Gta5 ran on a xbox 360
I don't think the console cycles are over. They've just been adjusted.. The mid-gen refreshes are different, but for the most part it is still the same hardware, only slightly beefed up.


Only in so far that you now get "in between" generation hardware upgrades to the consoles.
But the usual console cycle will continue and it will continue until the first time it wont work out and backfire for either sony or microsoft its that simple, you dont stop what works until it stops working.


Next gen is going to be the last one and it's going to last until 2030. You're gonna have to rob people at point blank to convince them they need an upgrade past a real 4k console. Hell, 4k itself was sort of a scam to push people to upgrade once the corporations figured out pc hardware was too strong for 1440p and it would hurt sales.

You don’t think a better CPU plays a factor at all? Better AI and physics. More believable cities that are more densely packed?

There’s much more than just resolution when buying a new console.

And as far as graphics go, Ray tracing, less pop-in, better shadows, etc are reasons people may want a newer machine.
PS3 cell thingy killed of any "out of place" console architecture experiments for the future i think and its better that way.

well. one thing bad it did, it drove prices up, since the parts are no longer manufactured by Sony directly. they would have to pay for expensive RAM, and cpu and gpu and pay those companies profit margins

thats why consoles back in the day were much cheaper. a computer in the 90s was like a thousand bucks. a console was 300 or less sometimess.

the ps3 did end that, but not because it was engineered in house. but because it was just badly engineered.
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