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U.S. Army Corps told to approve Dakota pipeline easement

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Buckle up. This could get rough. Like, watershed moment rough.

A big part of me wants to say good - i don't know.

On a more humorous note i had the very brief thought of "Is Shia LaBeouf going to be the martyr (well, catalyst really - but martyr sounds more dramatic) to ignite revolt?"


Not surprising, but certainly no less sickening for it. The Trump admin is run by greedy, destructive maniacs and half the voting population of this country loves it because it's so much more honest.


So is Trump going to make sure the inevitable protests are crushed to send a message to everyone else?

I have a bad feeling that this is going to get bloody.


So is Trump going to make sure the inevitable protests are crushed to send a message to everyone else?

I have a bad feeling that this is going to get bloody.

It's going to be a bloodbath. All for the almighty dollar. All for big profits. In trump's world human lives don't really matter, do they?
So is Trump going to make sure the inevitable protests are crushed to send a message to everyone else?

I have a bad feeling that this is going to get bloody.

Of course it will. When have natives in this country not shed their own blood in defiance of white progress?


Looking for meaning in GAF
The army is being asked to enforce a commercial construction?

The ARMY? What the fuck.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
This is truly awful. My heart goes out to the Native community.

If those vets that were coming in to protest go again, what's Trump going to say about them?

Same stuff he said about McCain and Khan's family probably.
If those vets that were coming in to protest go again, what's Trump going to say about them?

Just more spit in their faces. But I still hope they mobilize against this again. I mean GOP voters love the military so I hope they at least fucking listen to the vets who helped fight for this country
If those vets that were coming in to protest go again, what's Trump going to say about them?

He'll call General Wesley Clark Jr. a traitor to this country. Even though he has done more for the US than anyone in Trump's family ever has or likely ever will. He'll also say that he and his Dad are loyal to NATO over the US and accuse him of working with European countries to undermine him.


Both parties are totally the same. Hillary would've told the Army Corps the same thing.
/s if it wasn't obvious


Can they refuse on safety/ethics grounds? At the very least they can drag their feet with the process.

I read the article as well, not sure if this means anything.

On Tuesday evening, the Standing Rock tribe said the Army could not circumvent a scheduled environmental impact study that was ordered in January.

"The Army Corps lacks statutory authority to simply stop the EIS," they said in a statement.
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