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Under political pressure, Kuwait cancels major event, switches to Trump’s D.C. hotel

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The Embassy of Kuwait allegedly cancelled a contract with a Washington, D.C. hotel days after the presidential election, citing political pressure to hold its National Day celebration at the Trump International Hotel instead.

A source tells ThinkProgress that the Kuwaiti embassy, which has regularly held the event at the Four Seasons in Georgetown, abruptly canceled its reservation after members of the Trump Organization pressured the ambassador to hold the event at the hotel owned by the president-elect. The source, who has direct knowledge of the arrangements between the hotels and the embassy, spoke to ThinkProgress on the condition of anonymity because the individual was not authorized to speak publicly. ThinkProgress was also able to review documentary evidence confirming the source’s account.

In the early fall, the Kuwaiti Embassy signed a contract with the Four Seasons. But after the election, members of the Trump Organization contacted the Ambassador of Kuwait, Salem Al-Sabah, and encouraged him to move his event to Trump’s D.C. hotel, the source said.

Kuwait has now signed a contract with the Trump International Hotel, the source said, adding that a representative with the embassy described the decision as political. Invitations to the event are typically sent out in January.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If this is really Trump pressuring them then it would be impeachable...if he were a Democrat or a black guy.


Strap on your hooker ...
Nah, Trump is going to make some big monies as prez now that everyone is going to flock to his Trump hotels and stuff
Thing is, he doesn't just have properties in the US. His assets overseas are going to have a big glowing target painted on them, and I shudder to think how he'll react if they get targeted for protests or attacks.


The General Services Administration and Government Ethics Office have declared that Trump will *immediately* be in breach of the lease as soon as he assumes office, so there is that.

Ironically meaning he's not doing anything wrong as President, he's doing wrong as Lessee of the Old Post Office.


I honestly want the names of the dumbasses on team Trump stupid enough to pressure a foreign government into switching to Trump's hotel. Because if this becomes a legal thing, Trump will disavow their asses and let them be hung for the offense.

He's going to get to line his pockets either way, being this brazen about the pressure is just stupid. Trump only understands loyalty when it's others loyal to him; he has no concept of it the other direction.


If this is really Trump pressuring them then it would be impeachable...if he were a Democrat or a black guy.

They're not going to impeach him right away - he's the ultimate, dream rubber stamper that the GOP has always wanted. He'll gladly sign away Social Security and Medicare, dismantle the ACA and every environmental regulation ever made, and cut taxes for corporations and the rich without the slightest hesitation or pushback. Perhaps *after* he gives them all what they want, THEN they might consider impeachment, but there's far too much wrecking of domestic policy and the safety net to do first.


That's one way to get business back at his hotels, force people to go there or else.

Did the hotel business for Trump stay down after the election, they were getting hit hard before.
But no there are no conflicts of interest, no sir

Trump supporters were so fucking played

So, my guess is response from Trump supporters are hes a businessman and this is good business. Yet, if it were to have been Hillary, or Bush, or Sanders, or whoever (Cruz? Rubio?) I am sure his voting base would be talking about the swamp and corruption in government. How far off the mark am I?
It's already publicly known that the Trump Hotel has an embassy sales team. The other hotels in DC do the same thing.

It would be business malpractice if the hotel wasn't trying to sell to embassy functions and guests, but it also looks awful and of course ambassadors would feel pressured to switch.

The trump hotel in D.C. really needs to be divested in some way but I don't expect much to happen on this. I'll be very, very surprised if the press conference in January reveals anything that is actually decent about disentangling Trump from his businesses.
If this is really Trump pressuring them then it would be impeachable...if he were a Democrat or a black guy.
That's because Republicans would actually take action if this were the case but democrats let stuff like this slide.

Trump needs to be litigated the ever living fuck out of

I want to know the location of every single cent he has invested or who he owes money to. Fuck every democrat who doesn't do what they need to do to make that happen.


If trump succeeds in his terms, will this set a new trend for the wealthy to try and hold high offices themselves?

Feels like Bernie's nightmare.


Was wondering the same. I fear its the liberal equivalent of conservativeeagle.com or something.

One quick way to tell is just look at what other sites are linked to. This one references politico, house.gov, business insider, and washington post. Credible news sources often reference other credible sources to back up their statements.


In the early fall, the Kuwaiti Embassy signed a contract with the Four Seasons. But after the election, members of the Trump Organization contacted the Ambassador of Kuwait, Salem Al-Sabah, and encouraged him to move his event to Trump’s D.C. hotel, the source said.

This is laughable (because it's so sad) if true. They solicited him.


I still believe the GOP wants him to screw up so badly they can replace him with President Pence.

A lot of GOP members despise him too, lest we forget.
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