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Valve: "We absolutely see Half-Life: Alyx as our return to this world, not the end of it"


Tag, you're it.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Valve said that Half-Life: Alyx "will mark Valve's return to the world of Half-Life, not the end." Good news for people who don't have a virtual reality headset. However, in January, during the AMA on Reddit, the developers said that they had no idea what would happen next. You can end up with Half-Life 3 as well as a card game or an RTS...

Just a reminder: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time

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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
That’s good to hear.

Now how about making this work for traditional input methods so that the people who paid the way for half life to be so well loved in the first place can play it?

Not hating on VR. But it’s an expensive hobby for little gains, and everybody has been waiting since the dawn of man for a new damn half life...

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Now can you release the game on PSVR or something that *doesn't* cost an arm and a fucking leg to afford? Seriously PC VR is fucking expensive.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Now can you release the game on PSVR or something that *doesn't* cost an arm and a fucking leg to afford? Seriously PC VR is fucking expensive.
Kinda my same reaction, people will stand in line for pretty much any Valve PSVR game, Portal 2 was so successful on PS3, and valve on consoles was an amazing gaming moment.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
When was the last time these were confirmed though? Valve confirming something is in development has a pretty weak correlation to it actually coming out
Michael Shapiro (voice of Barney and G-man) said there's another surprise announcement when you play HL Alyx. Something to that effect.


Gold Member
I certainly hope so. I'd love to see Valve make more games, and good ones. Like they used to. :messenger_loudly_crying:

I still want HL3, L4D3, and TF3. :messenger_pouting:


Would be awesome to get a full fledged mainline PC game but not gonna hold my breath.

Since their "stream-box" failed we won't get a PCgame, Valve doesnt give 2 shits about making games when they are making bank on Steam as a platform.

Now can you release the game on PSVR or something that *doesn't* cost an arm and a fucking leg to afford? Seriously PC VR is fucking expensive.

No, that won't generate a sale on their new VR-hardware.

When was the last time these were confirmed though? Valve confirming something is in development has a pretty weak correlation to it actually coming out

I'm guessing that we will see a new VR-game from Valve about "when they release "Steam-VR 2.0"-o'clock".


I've had 0 interest in this game. 1 because I dont have a pc vr, only psvr and I won't get a setup for pc because it's too expensive to get a nice one and my head can't handle cheap vr. And I dont really care about alyx, she is an ok side character but I dont want to play a whole game as her, I want to continue with Gordon because it's his story I've followed so far.

So unless half life 3 comes out with a continuation of the story I'm not really interested.


well, fuck me sideways and call me cassandra, will we actually eventually get Half Life 3? I know almost everyone has lost hope by now... but with this... COULD IT BE?


I've had 0 interest in this game. 1 because I dont have a pc vr, only psvr and I won't get a setup for pc because it's too expensive to get a nice one and my head can't handle cheap vr. And I dont really care about alyx, she is an ok side character but I dont want to play a whole game as her, I want to continue with Gordon because it's his story I've followed so far.

So unless half life 3 comes out with a continuation of the story I'm not really interested.
Gordon barely is a character so much as an empty vessel through which we experience the story of the world and "side characters."
I should stop smoking for real this time and I'll have enough money to buy an Index in a couple of months :messenger_hushed:

This is like back in the '90s and early to mid 2000s when you needed new hardware every 1-2 years!


I should stop smoking for real this time and I'll have enough money to buy an Index in a couple of months :messenger_hushed:

This is like back in the '90s and early to mid 2000s when you needed new hardware every 1-2 years!
Believe it or not it's been about 4 years since the Rift came out
I really hope that this leads us into having an actual Half-Life 3 and maybe some more Portal too. I'd be OKAY with another Left 4 Dead as well, but can honestly do without it. Maybe a return to Day of Defeat? Hell, give me something Valve. I don't care about DOTA2 and I'm past my cringe days so CSGO is out as well. TF2 is dying because you refuse to support it anymore. :(


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
The end of HL Alyx will include a Trailer for HL3
A supposed leak I read says the last 1/4th of the game has you taking control of Gordon on the Boealis. Supposedly Alyx was sent back in time by Gordon while they're on the Borealis to change certain events but has memory loss or whatever as a result. The leaker claims to have been a playtester but they weren't allowed to play to the end so they weren't privy to how it wraps up. Yada yada. I dont believe the leak but have at you.
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Diddy X

This absolutely means we will eventually get Half-Life 3, I mean they are getting into the universe again and we have that HUGE cliffhanger at the end of the last game of the main series.

Hype is already over 9000.


I'd also like to return to that world. With Episode 3.

^ This.

I remember watching that Interview Keighley did with the 3 devs and it basically seemed the only reason they decided to make the game was because they already had the HL assets in the Source Engine and none of their other existing IPs were suitable candidates. There was nothing in the interview that suggested it was a choice fuelled by an actual desire to bring HL back versus simple convenience over coming up with a new IP (because that would require some actual effort). I dare say it will be a great VR showcase game, but this notion that finally, we're going to be moving a step closer to the conclusion of an episodic Trilogy of an IP Valve left abandoned and unserviced for over a decade is wishful thinking. This is all about trying to galvanize the VR space and make it more of a thing.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Kinda my same reaction, people will stand in line for pretty much any Valve PSVR game, Portal 2 was so successful on PS3, and valve on consoles was an amazing gaming moment.

Too bad that whole initiative went nowhere after. IIRC, Portal 2 was their last real game they developed. Everything since has been nothing but low effort MTX filled monstrosities.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I'm a bit more pessimistic. I think future titles might still be spin offs or even remakes. Hopefully I'm wrong and we do get a proper sequel.


Gold Member
^ I ain't quoting all them gifs, but yeah. Lord knows it ain't feasible, but that doesn't change the fact that I still want them, lol.

Kev Kev

^ I ain't quoting all them gifs, but yeah. Lord knows it ain't feasible, but that doesn't change the fact that I still want them, lol.
lol yeah same here. ive been saying for years they should release a "black box" or something just like they did the orange box with all the "3's" they havent done

HL3, L4D3, TF3 and Portal 3

it would be insane

but i'm 99.999999% sure that'll never happen... but im still holding out hope for that 0.00001% chance 🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
lol yeah same here. ive been saying for years they should release a "black box" or something just like they did the orange box with all the "3's" they havent done

HL3, L4D3, TF3 and Portal 3

it would be insane

but i'm 99.999999% sure that'll never happen... but im still holding out hope for that 0.00001% chance 🤷‍♂️
Man, SAME. Can you imagine the implosion from such a thing?! Lmao. Yeah, I'm right there with you. Maybe if we cross our fingers hard enough....

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