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What are the chances that Nintendo brings back 3d screens for the Switch successor?

Would you like to see a return of glassless 3d for the Switch successor?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 25 22.1%
  • No

    Votes: 88 77.9%

  • Total voters


Even though it had its limitations, I think the 3d effect of the 3DS is one of the coolest features I‘ve ever experienced on any gaming system. Looking forward, it seems to me that glassless 3d could be a great feature to differentiate the Switch successor from the current Switch without having to introduce some new ‚gimmick‘ that may or may not be well received. And as cool as the 3d on 3DS was, I‘d imagine that on a current, more advanced 3d screen with higher resolution (1080p?), larger viewing angles, better contrast (OLED?) and possibly other features (HDR?), games would look pretty damn incredible. Of course, that wouldn‘t do much for people playing on a TV, but considering how popular the Switch is as a handheld, I think 3d would still be a worthwhile addition.

What do others think? Was 3d just a one-off, something that Nintendo included on a whim for the 3DS, or is it something that should be brought back and retained going forward?
I do not think that Furukawa would make this mistake.

A Switch successor with 3D would last for minutes, not hours.
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That is long gone, even in the days of the 3DS Nintendo leaned fast that 3D gaming technology was just a gimmick at the time and it succeeded in the right time. Even then Nintendo started to phase out 3D technology. This should be common knowledge.
happy lip sync battle GIF by Paramount Network


When even first party Nintendo games had crappy 3D support towards the end I really doubt we'll see them focusing on that again.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I thought the 3D effect was neat but I’m kind of ambivalent about it. I didn’t feel like it added all that much to my enjoyment of the game.

that said, it seems pretty damn clear that 3DS succeeded in spite of the 3D gimmick, not because of it. Nobody wants stereoscopic 3D anymore. It practically has negative value. Not gonna make a comeback any time soon


i always played with 3d effect on, made the screen feel like an actual window, so the games felt bigger.
but as much as i liked the feature it simply wont come back, at least not for switch xD


Please no... I mean it was a nice gimmick... which was abandonned at some point... (weren't all 3D mentions removed like a year after its release?)

Let them focus on the next, hopefully, beefier Switch (PRO or whatever it'll be called), shrink/remove as much as possible those nasty bezels, give us better joycons, a better battery (V2 was going in the right direction) and after and only after, they can add 3D, 4D, a second or even a third screen... (but please do it on different model, the actual one is perfect as it is).

So yeah, please no...

Codes 208

Gold Member
Stereoscopic 3D is a dead fad.

3D in general is dead, just give us either a higher resolution or focus on performance.
New switch takes 3DS games? Yes? Slot on the side that takes 3DS carts? Yes?
OP’s not asking if the next switch should be able to play 3ds games but rather if it should have stereoscopic 3D like the 3ds.
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Gold Member
Nintendo already released a handheld with such a focus on 3D that 3D was in the name. And they backpedaled, stopped making 3D games for it, and released a 2D version.

So, the answer is no.

Agent X

Gold Member
It's highly unlikely that Nintendo would bring back a 3D screen for any of their portables in the foreseeable future. It was fun to have on the 3DS, but (as others have already pointed out) it added to the cost, as well as required more processing resources that could be better utilized elsewhere.

New switch takes 3DS games? Yes? Slot on the side that takes 3DS carts? Yes?

This is a good idea. It would be more beneficial than a 3D screen. Unfortunately, I have my doubts that Nintendo would bother with this now, considering that the Switch has become established in the market

What are they going to do? Add a second screen with a stylus?

They could do it on a single high-resolution screen with a split-screen view. It is my understanding that the original 2DS model actually does this, by utilizing a single LCD panel and "splitting" it into two screens with its frame overlaid on top.


I loved the 3D effect and - having not bought a Switch - would very likely buy a successor if it had stereoscopic 3D. I absolutely do not see this happening so not really an issue, anyway.


voted poster of the decade by bots
Seems really unlikely, but Nintendo is a bit of a wildcard. Holographic projector though, $1,999.


In a perfect world of course I would, it's crazy tech and looks awesome.

But it's not free. So it's not worth the expenses and how it would change the sell of the system but personally if it could be somehow done really well for really cheap/"for free" yeah I'd be all over it.

3D is still really cool tech.


0% but I want it back. Some 3ds games look amazing with it, bravely default is one of the best looking games I ever played and it wouldn't have had half the impact on a 2d screen. Most people only experienced it on the OG 3ds and wrote it off but my experience with the newer models was great. If they got it to automatically account for distance as well as angle It would be a feature almost anyone would be happy to use. Its a shame Nintendo keeps rolling out half baked tech and it always poisons the well. Motion controls are another thing they were too early too and it has created a negative stigma that shouldn't exist.


While it is interesting in the beginning, afterwards you just forget about it since it doesn't have an impact on gameplay. Also it's not healthy for the kids eyes.
Even if the tech isn't there yet, I could see them bringing this back in the future. Maybe Switch 3? HD glassless 3D in the palm of your hand would be a killer app.
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A screen like the Switch's doing 3D would be fantastic. But when you see all the games that run in shit resolution and framerate, I have zero confidence in Nintendo to do this correctly.


The 3D trend is over! Now everyone is betting in ... I have no clue.
but the point is, to use 3D, Nintendo needs to implement it very well and I’m not sure if they are willing to invest in something (3D) that users have no any interest in. For gamers who doesn’t know how it worked on the 3DS, they will automatically think of those tv who needed glasses and make their eyes hurt.


It was a gimmick let it go, it was fun for some minutes then almost everyone turns it off.

Give me that OLED with higher resolution and DLSS and I'll be happy, probably will grab one, as I don't even have the base switch.


Gold Member
I wouldn't care as long as it's another separate unit, I wouldn't like the price of my console to increase because of 3D, I really hated it on 3DS


Gold Member
Would I like to see it? Yeah. With a decent resolution on a larger screen the effect could be really special. It will never happen though (barring Nintendo madness). Plus, there's no way to simulate the glasses-free 3D effect on the TV. Unless they go back to separate handhelds and consoles, it's just not a good fit for them.

Nintendo is willing to invest a fair amount of a console's overall budget into a core feature (or "gimmick" if you prefer) if they think it's worth it, but 3D screens didn't work out so well for them last time, and pretty much no one is making them anymore. If the rumors are true, Nintendo's only making the jump to OLED with the Switch redesign because there are a bunch if unused rigid OLED panels to be had for cheap. Custom ordering 7" 3D screens would be WAY too expensive IMO.

If they want 3D, they can achieve a lot of the same effect by putting a camera in the joycon and doing eye-tracking. Wouldn't be much good on a TV, since you sit so far away, but it could still work there too. *shrug*
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