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Who is your fav boss from Dark Souls Trilogy?


So it's gonna be one of those threads. (warning: a bit strong language, not for the weak of heart)

I am going to start with Smough and Ornstein. Dark Souls to me was a dogshit garbage port of an overhyped game until I reached Lordran. I did not find the game or its bosses one bit difficult, the most annoying thing to me was that there was no fucking map to know where the fuck I was going or pause in-game to receive phone calls. Now I am just pretty much the best guy to play hard games, I am just good with these games because I just play most games on hard mode so the whole this is hard game was not really hitting me. I was like 'wtf is this weak shit' UNTIL I reached Smough and Ornstein and motherfucker... now I was a bit underleveled but still I got my ass handed down to me in a royal fashion and I was then like this is fun, real fun. This is where the fun begins. Took me a lot of tries to kill them both. On a side note: FUCK THOSE TWO ARCHERS. I would have murdered a kitten in rage. Those two made me feel that the whole 'Hard game' word of mouth of Dark Souls was a flappy bird style of troll marketing for a PC game. The music was awesome. The design and boss phases were awesome and the most important part which is why I think they are the best is that after defeating them the game gives you the best of rewards, absolutely the best of rewards, The amazing chest (Now we don't talk about the whole that's illusion thing because frankly, I don't give a shit alright). Now, praise the sun.
Those two archers were the real "git gud" moment for me, I died countless times to them.

As far as bosses it's Smough and Ornstein for me as well, that fights was just too memorable.
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Dark Souls Sword GIF by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

It even ties in Bloodborne and Dark Souls lore, it was a perfect final boss for a legendary game series.


Never understood the love for Ornstein and Smough. I found the battle thoroughly annoying. Not hard (though it was hard), but just a bothersome chore because it was more annoying than it was difficult. Add to that the fact that Anor Londo is such a great moment for the game and it's punctuated at the end by such a silly boss design. It's like an Abott and Costello routine at the end of the game's magnum opus setting. Speaking of which. Anor Londo is such a great setting. Why does the battle take place in what looks like a room that is there only to allow the game to load assets for an actual boss. I cannot say enough bad things about that encounter.

Knight Artorias, on the other hand.... That boss battle is, IMO, the series at its finest. It's narratively impactful and from a gameplay perspective it really shows off the risk/reward style of combat that Dark Souls is known for. Maybe it's less popular tha the O&S one because it was DLC, I dunno.

Codes 208

Gold Member
Slave Knight Gael. The ultimate skill check at the end of the final game. His lore was also very interesting as he reflects your own intention on finding the dark soul.

Two nameless fight over what remains of nothing at the end of the world in a sea of sand and nothingness. There are no stakes, no saviors, just death and delaying the inevitable in hopes of giving one girl the chance to start a new world with the blood of the dark soul
Snorlax and Pikachu.

Honorable mentions for Artorias, Sir Alonne and Gael.
…i get that reference (not to DS1, but the animation that came from)

OT: if we include bloodborne then I would have to say Orphan Kos. Holy shit what a ride, no boss has yet topped him for me in terms of keeping me on the edge (though gael is still a damn close second)
Sword Saint Isshin was also pretty damn hard and Malenia is to Elden Ring what Kos and Gael are to their respective games (but she can be cheesed a bit with the help of the mimic. Solo however she absolutely scares the shit out of me with her wombo combo)
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Gold Member
Too many good ones to pick a favorite., especially since I haven't played the original in a bit.

I think 3 might have the higher percentage of bosses I liked, and 2 probably had the lowest.
Dark Souls Wolf GIF by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

Sif. For 3 reasons :
Its a giant dog with a sword.
I beat it first try.
When he is close to death he do not get stronger but weaker, and if I remember well even try to escape a litlle. Amazing feeling to see it flee and understand that you are his doom. For me it make me think about if I really wanted to kill it during the fight instead of after (like the archdemon in 5.3).
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
If you include Demon's, Storm King probably, just for the epic look.

Of the main trilogy... the ones that stand out to me were the DLC bosses from DS2. Fume Knight is a merciless skill check even AFTER you do the leg-work cleaning hazards out of his boss room, and I think the rot-dragon boss in Sunken King (name escapes me) was the most fun fight of its type in the series.


I love The Pursuer in Dark Souls 2. I went straight to DS2 after beating DS1+DLC, so I thought I was going to have an easy time. Then The Pursuer absolutely stomped me over and over in my first encounter with him.

But what's great about him is that he keeps popping up throughout the game, and by the end, he's incredibly easy. Not just because you're more powerful, but also because your skills have improved. It's a great way of showing you your progression and ability to handle things the game throws at you.


Artorias is the original great boss. Good lore, good entrance, good fight, no nonsense. Just you and him in a big circle. Spot on.
2 is wank, so it doesn't get any nominations
Nameless King is the spiritual successor to Artorias. Those delayed attacks took some adjusting, and he killed me more than Artorias did. A satisfying win after you die enough times that you're too experienced to lose.

Overall Artorias is my favourite. He doesn't try to fuck with you by changing the rules, he's well within the established rules but is a challenge nonetheless. Even when you beat him, you fought a lower strength version of him that only had one arm an lacked him shield because he gave it to his pet wolf. He inspired the Abyss Watchers in 3, and his sword's R2 is so good that it lives on in Elden Ring as Lion's Claw.

Let's not take anything away from The Nameless King's lore though, the man was referenced all the way back in DS1 (sorry Solaire, it wasn't you) and when we finally get to him we find that the reason he was stricken from history was for siding with the dragons over his dad, Gwyn. Then afterwards we find that Ornstein gave up on Anor Londo to go back to his old boss, meaning he switched sides. Nameless King turned on his family and he was right to do so.


Gold Member
Dark Souls Wolf GIF by BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment

Sif. For 3 reasons :
Its a giant dog with a sword.
I beat it first try.
When he is close to death he do not get stronger but weaker, and if I remember well even try to escape a litlle. Amazing feeling to see it flee and understand that you are his doom. For me it make me think about if I really wanted to kill it during the fight instead of after (like the archdemon in 5.3).
Winner, especially if you do the dlc first…


Sister Friede and Father Ariandel.
I experimented a lot as I got stuck for a while and really enjoyed figuring out the different weapons and approaches. I eventually destroyed them with ease with dual claws and finding opportunities to use the high risk high reward weapon art. It was really satisfying landing it and getting the bleed effect off.


My jaw dropped to the floor the first time I saw the King of the Storm, I couldn't believe how amazing the graphics and animation were, then the Nameless King beat my ass for hours. Good times.


Gold Member
Nameless King (DS3)
As the player steps into a realm of mist a deity riding a dragon descends from the sky to challenge them. After an epic battle with the dragon, the player is speed blitzed by a being out of their league. The battle is difficult but fair.

Darklurker (DS2)
After overcoming the trials of the Abyss and diving even deeper, the player is attacked by a floating demon with an unparalleled knowledge of arcane magics. When it seems like the player has gained the upper hand the demon does the unthinkable and splits in half creating another copy of itself. To even remove one's eyes from either for a moment means certain death.

Looking Glass Knight (DS2)
After fighting past the berserk living statues of Drangleic Castle the player is confronted by a large heavy silver knight with a mirror shield and magic sword. To him their strikes are merely an inconvenience. As he grows tired he lowers his shield and it seems like an opening has presented itself, but nothing can even budge him. Then a shadow being breaks out of the mirror of his shield and he resumes his onslaught. He falls without truly testing the player's limits, but his striking image is unforgettable.
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Probably Abyss Watchers.

Not the hardest fight, but by far the coolest. Love the approach to the cathedral.

And the music is something else.
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Gold Member
Bell Gargoyles
Ornstein & Smough
DS3 final boss
Father Gasgoyne

Four bosses I thought I can never beat, and then after tens of tries, mastered. Ludwig remains.
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Nameless King:


It has that perfect mix of being fun, challenging, conceptually cool and visually awesome.

Never understood the love for Ornstein and Smough. I found the battle thoroughly annoying. Not hard (though it was hard), but just a bothersome chore because it was more annoying than it was difficult. Add to that the fact that Anor Londo is such a great moment for the game and it's punctuated at the end by such a silly boss design. It's like an Abott and Costello routine at the end of the game's magnum opus setting. Speaking of which. Anor Londo is such a great setting. Why does the battle take place in what looks like a room that is there only to allow the game to load assets for an actual boss. I cannot say enough bad things about that encounter.

I think it was just memorable for a lot of people because it's the big "git gud" moment in DS1. Up until that point the bosses in the game aren't really that challenging, specially if you've been reading a wiki and got something like the drake sword early (which falls off in late game but is really good early on).

It also has the "oh fuck" moment when you finally beat one of them and the other powers up. And the extra challenge of killing Ornstein second to get the cool armor.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I don't know if I have a favorite off the top of my head. I remember hating the gaping dragon but on my last play through I felt it was much easier so maybe that one? I've barely played 2 and haven't touched 3 much. I absolutely need to get those out of my backlog at some point.


Kalameet. That was the first big bad dragon boss that felt big and bad just challenging enough. Difficult but fair. Loved the lore behind him. And the added bonus of the having an extra hard boss attached to him: his tail cut.


It's hard to choose. I loved so many of them, sure some were a pain but it's part of the experience. Top ones if I could choose 3..

1. Midir - he was just so amazing to see, the size of the arena and his mass like wtf.
2. Sister Friede - just an amazing atmosphere and the triple phase was killer.
3. Yhorm - Just seeing him get up was badass.


This thread has reminded me how good Soul of Cinder and Friede are.

Soul of Cinder is made up of OP builds from DS1, then you beat him once and hear that classic piano mix come in and know you're fighting the soul of Gwyn, the OG Lord of Cinder giving you one last fight. That boss was a challenge, but it was a good one. A fitting final boss for the series' storyline.

Friede the original 3 stage fight has a lot of variation in it, and is one of the better bosses in the series. Again, a challenge you won't walk through but you'll have fun (if you dodge her grabs).
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