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With the new kid I have to admit that consoles have there strengths.


Playing my PS5 is the only way to get some playtime with the new baby. I’m currently playing Spiderman 2 great game. Setting in front of the PC is impossible with his sneaky hands lol
My son decided to put 5 games into the slot of my PS3, quite impressive really, drive didn't work again and had to go digital with it though (luckily PS4 release was only 6 months away).
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Heathen. Your name should be stripped for this betrayal


I use my new PC just like a console, couch gaming and I’m currently going through Ori and the Blind Forrest with the kids, been playing Hollow Knight too.
But when they’re playing by themselves they use Switch, usually Mario Kart or Minecraft.


I still can't imagine having children, I can't even look after myself. OP what age were you when you had your first child?


Lucky you, I weren't even able to use the TV as it's on Sesame street and Peppa Pig 24/7 lol.
I still remember fondly how the Vita and Switch saves my life as a young parent back in the days.
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