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Your favourite Alien's' Game


I loved the original Aliens Versus Predator, I remember it from 1999, a real golden time on PC for me, I can't remember what card I ran it on, It may well have been NVidias first card as my 3d accelerators were Matrox Millennium, Voodoo and then NVidia's first GeForce.

I just remember the game looking and sounding phenomenal, playing as a marine really gave me some jumps.

Following this for me is the AVP 2010 remake and then isolation. Isolation is great and a totally different style of game, While I also loved it it was too long and seemed like it out stayed its welcome when playing it.



Good one on the marine campaign from the 99' game.

I remember Aliens on the C64 back in the day being pretty intense too.


Of course, Alien Isolation as it recreates the setting of the first film so brilliantly.

But I will always have a soft spot for Aliens vs Predator 2 which is sadly not available to buy digitally. That was probably my first ever PC game that really scared me.

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AvP2 definitely. Marine campaign is great, especially the first half an hour or so before you even meet your first alien. So much tension.


Gold Member
Man, honestly, it's really hard to choose for me...
  • I got a Jaguar (thanks based parents) JUST for Alien Vs Predator, lol. So that means a lot.
  • Alien Trilogy on PS1 was awesome cause it loosely took you through the films. I had the fat box PS1 version, and adored it so much.
  • Aliens Vs Predator 99 meant a ton because of all the awesome experiences I had in it. Playing as an alien online and destroying light sources to freak out marines, haha. It was a great time.
  • AVP 2 I ended up checking out way later unfortunately, because I didn't have a PC strong enough to play it. But I DID get to experience multiplayer. The whole evolution thing ruled.
  • The Alien Vs Predator arcade game was ALWAYS played when I saw it, which was thankfully pretty often. I remember beating it with a stranger and getting super hyped.
  • AVP Extinction, while I didn't play it a ton was really cool for a console RTS, I always wished it was ported to PC.
  • Alien Isolation had the most immersive Alien experience to date and some very memorable moments.
  • Aliens: Fireteam Elite is honestly probably one of the best "Aliens" branded games yet. All I've ever wanted was an L4D Aliens game, and that's what this is. I loved everything about it, but just wish it had a larger budget. Glad it exists though.
Okay, sitting here, I feel like it's close between AVP 99 and Isolation, but for different reasons. But I feel like I'd have to go with Isolation because in the end, I feel like it was handled with even MORE passion and care than the previous games. I almost forgot about Aliens: Fireteam Elite, which would probably be third for me as it was something I always wanted and didn't think would happen. The outcome was surprisingly solid considering the budget and small studio. I just would've loved to have seen what they could've done with a larger budget.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Alien Isolation is a brilliant game, one of the best uses of a license ever, and unfortunately for the other Alien games, the one to beat.


Gold Member
Alien Trilogy was great. Never finished it because I found it quite hard, but good Doom clone.

Alien 3 for the SNES is a forgotten title that was quite interesting. A mission-based shooter with a time limit, hard but good, and graphically impressive.

I have to admit the one I played the most, though, was Alien 3 on the Game Boy. Kind of a turd objectively, very hard for a lot of wrong reasons, but I played and replayed it a lot back then.

These are the only Alien games I played. Trilogy is of course the best, but also the one I played less.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Alien Isolation which is now on GOG so definitely get that.


It was on sale for around $10 when it came out on GOG.


please be advised I am an admitted GOG shill and consider them to be the best thing to ever happen to digital distribution. Thank you for your time.

On another note I did like Aliens versus Predators on the Xbox 360. That game was severely underrated.
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AvP 1 and 2 on the PC for me. I loved those so much, especially the Alien campaign in 2, was so fun growing as the Alien. Its been too long since I played both I'll give them a replay soon.


I was kind of young when I'd play this at my friends house, it was so fuggin frustrating but we'd still put hours and hours into it... I have no idea why and I bet if I played it today it's most likely an awful game.
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AvP 2 by Monolith. It's a crime that they never made another one, instead wasting time and talent on shitty LOTR AC clones.

Isolation is very close, also fantastic.


I was always partial Aliens Online from the 90's on Gamestorm and I believe it was also available on AOL. Getting kills as a face hugger was the most satisfying win. No longer possible to play unfortunately.


Alien Isolation is the crown king of Alien games, but of the games that follow the space marine cliches from Aliens (i.e. all of them), honestly I think AvP 2010 might be my second-favorite.

And yeah, I know, earlier AvP games were "better" but I'd argue that they were better only for their time. This is actually one of those cases where I think dated technology undermines the gameplay because I honestly find those older games boring as hell these days, and the Alien creatures in them look so crappy that they're more funny than scary. AvP 2010 on the other hand is a very solid shooter and it still looks pretty badass visually. The Alien creatures in that game are animated beautifully and they're a force to be reckoned with. Make a wrong move and they will tear your ass to shreds in one hit - now that's how Aliens are supposed to be. Huge, scary, and powerful. Not some janky-looking cannon fodder that explodes into tiny giblets after two shots like in the original AvP and AvP2.

That's why I also prefer Alien Resurrection over some of those other Alien shooters. If it wasn't for its psychotic difficulty level then it would've been a classic because it's also one of those games that makes for a very accurate and scary Alien experience.
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Gold Member
Isolation by far.
It instantly became one of my favorite games of all time.

AvP 2010 is a good runner up. The multiplayer was unique and really fun.


Isolation and the old AVP games. Other than that, there really hasn't been an actual good modern Alien(s) game unfortunately.

I'm not saying it's the best Aliens game as the previous AVP titles are much superior, but I enjoyed the graphics and the multiplayer was off the chain. I loved the Predator's shoulder cannon and the way that reticule flies across the screen to lock onto its target.


AvP2 multiplayer was really good, probably the Aliens-related game I’ve played the most. It looked pretty bad in terms of graphics but everything felt so good when it came to movement and weapons. I remember leaping across the map on Compound as a Xenomorph (preferrably the drone class) and obliterating poor marines. Very cool mechanic.
But there are several that are pretty good (at least for their time):
Alien Trilogy
AvP 1999
Alien Isolation.

Alien Trilogy was the scariest fucking thing ever when I got it on my PS1 as a 6-year old. I don’t think I made it past the second level. Yet I kept coming back, because just like the films it just had that draw that comes from something that fascinates and scares the shit out of you at the same time.

Alien Isolation is the only one that has the tone of the first film (the best IMO, but Aliens is not far behind) though, a real achievment by Creative Assembly.
Pure art.

Never got around to playing through AvP 2010 because I tried it and didn’t like it at all. Clumsy controls, slow and sub-par compared to AvP2, at least in multiplayer. Playing as a Xenomorph felt like a chore with wierd inputs to transition from surface to surface (how they managed to fuck up the simple ”crouch to wallcrawl” is beyond me. It also resembled the AvP movies waaay to much and those films were disasters tbh. Pretty wierd Rebellion decided to follow those rather than their own brilliant version.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Alien Isolation is the crown king of Alien games, but of the games that follow the space marine cliches from Aliens (i.e. all of them), honestly I think AvP 2010 might be my second-favorite.
AvP 2010 was a blast. If it's the one I'm thinking about made by Sega that came out on the Xbox 360. I thought that was a lot of fun especially the multiplayer.
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