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I now understand why some of you have become a bit cynical towards games media.


Didn't have those in the UK!


I honestly didn't remember seeing Edge over here either, and then thought about how Next-Generation reminded me of it a bit. Turns out NG had a bit of content from Edge. I didn't have the money, or desire for more than two good gaming mags per month (Diehard was rather expensive), but I did remember NG being worthwhile whenever I'd occasionally buy one.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
There's a pretty simple explanation, and it's got nothing to do with the nonsense bribery conspiracy theories.

Hyperbole brings in eyeballs. Hyperbole gets the Facebook shares and Reddit upvotes that any professional website needs in order to survive in 2014. People don't make NeoGAF threads about nuanced criticism - they make threads when some cheeky reviewer gives the hottest new game a 5/10 or when GameWhatever says Titanfall is the best thing since sex. Want to put an end to the hyperbole? Stop paying attention. (You won't.) Or maybe find a new business model for media outlets. (Good luck!)
So instead of bribery, it's more like blackmail?

Hey Joel, I'm really looking forward to Titanfall. I can't wait to see more of Titanfall. If I had to pick one game I'm most excited about, it would be Titanfall. There will be new Titanfall footage later! Can you believe we get to see more Titanfall? I played some Titanfall last month and it was incredible. Titanfall. Titanfall.

He's becoming insufferable on Twitter.

I've always been sort of an optimist when it comes to game previews compared to some of the negative Nancys out there. Not because I truly believe the games media, but more because I feel there needs to be a balance in any forum, whether it be GAF, or whatever. So, when I see what seems like mob mentality forming, I try to offer a different perspective on the matter.

This is becoming increasingly difficult.

Not because of GAF, but because what I'm reading/seeing/listening to previews from the games media is not coming into fruition. Sometimes the games media gets it right, and I appreciate that, but when you have quotes like this:

(That was taken from an IGN preview of Titanfall from last August.)

I have to call bullshit, now that I've played it for some time.

Maybe its the games media's job to over exaggerate, to get readers excited for a product. Maybe I've fallen into that trap in the past. I'm finding myself siding with the negative Nancys. I look to actual gamers(I mean people who don't play games for a living) for opinions now.

Am I wrong for becoming a cynical bastard now?

At one time, Dave Halverson was pilloried for this kind of immodest purple prose before Generation 7. I've come to realize it wasn't to gain and keep access to exclusives and was for wierd nichey games instead of echo chamber-approved AAA blockbusters, so it wasn't "OK".

That said, games media is broken, but games media people deserve understanding (until one makes their stupidity or collusion easy to understand, then fuck 'em).


don't take reviews seriously. go to the ot and read the players' impressions, not from some internet celebrity.

Now I just watch the gameplay videos and read GAF to decide if I want the game or not. Been deceived far too many times by these "professional reviewers". That $60 Assassin's Creed III purchase still burns.
Now I just watch the gameplay videos and read GAF to decide if I want the game or not. Been deceived far too many times by these "professional reviewers". That $60 Assassin's Creed III purchase still burns.
that 60$ asscreed1 burned more for me.


Sounds like you're one of those people that like to hate something just because it's popular.

How is that any worse than loving something just because it's popular? *cough* Uncharted 2 and TLOU? Both of those were good for what they brought to the table, but the legendary amount of hybperbole that surrounds them on this site is astounding. It's like they are both holy relics.


The media overhype of titanfall has been super gross.

There is a reason why Titan Fall is being over hyped. The xbox brand was the favored console among the media last gen. All multiplatforms were always shown on 360 except for when there was a partnership with sony. During launch the media tried really hard to make it seem like both xbox1 and ps4 were equal in power or downplaying the differences in multiplats. Some also tried really hard to make it seem like both were selling equally. Now that ps4 is doubling xbox in its home territory, some of them will do everything to make sure titan fall is hyped. I have seen many times were an article will leave out the other versions to make it seem like its only on the xbox 1. I think part of the media is pissed ps4 is winning.


The game looks great, but it's not a system seller for me. I'm sure many people will get an Xbox one just for this game, and maybe someday I will too. But not for $500.
Mk8 and SSB are system sellers thought.


I've found the "big boy" reviewers to be quite, quite bad. IGN in particular, nearly every review that I read from them is just...poorly written? Positive, negative, whatever, a lot don't really even tell me anything about the game. This happens often, IGN's Bravely Default review for example was nearly worthless to me and barely told me anything about the game dispute being a positive score.

Then there's other stuff like this Donkey Kong TP stream: http://www.twitch.tv/biggestinjapan/b/503438141
(Go to 04:46:00 and onward for where the magic starts.) Where some reviewers seem to not even want to play the games they're assigned to review. Seriously, his Kotaku guy basically says ""I don't have time for this anymore, I haven't played hard games for YEARS because of this (challenge), I just want to beat this dumb game and move on" and just fails at the game over and over, trying the same thing again and again and blaming the game for it.

I just feel so disconnected from the typical games media guy/girl at this point that their opinions hold almost no weight to me at this point.

That was just sad, yet frustrating to watch. Thank God I grew up at the time when challenging games were common.


There is a reason why Titan Fall is being over hyped. The xbox brand was the favored console among the media last gen. All multiplatforms were always shown on 360 except for when there was a partnership with sony. During launch the media tried really hard to make it seem like both xbox1 and ps4 were equal in power or downplaying the differences in multiplats. Some also tried really hard to make it seem like both were selling equally. Now that ps4 is doubling xbox in its home territory, some of them will do everything to make sure titan fall is hyped. I have seen many times were an article will leave out the other versions to make it seem like its only on the xbox 1. I think part of the media is pissed ps4 is winning.

The 360 versions were normally shown because that was primarily the platform that publishers used for their review copies. The media is also not "pissed" that PS4 is selling more. It's not "good guy Sony against the evil Microsoft monolith."


There is a reason why Titan Fall is being over hyped. The xbox brand was the favored console among the media last gen. All multiplatforms were always shown on 360 except for when there was a partnership with sony. During launch the media tried really hard to make it seem like both xbox1 and ps4 were equal in power or downplaying the differences in multiplats. Some also tried really hard to make it seem like both were selling equally. Now that ps4 is doubling xbox in its home territory, some of them will do everything to make sure titan fall is hyped. I have seen many times were an article will leave out the other versions to make it seem like its only on the xbox 1. I think part of the media is pissed ps4 is winning.
This is so stupid I don't even know where to begin. Did you not notice which game won every single award last year?


How is that any worse than loving something just because it's popular? *cough* Uncharted 2 and TLOU? Both of those were good for what they brought to the table, but the legendary amount of hybperbole that surrounds them on this site is astounding. It's like they are both holy relics.

People's love for Uncharted 2 and TLOU is genuine. I get the feeling that some people who like to criticize popular games are only doing so to play devil's advocate. I'm not saying that anyone who has an unpopular opinion is a troll, but when you hate something just because a lot of people like it that doesn't contribute to good discussion. If someone explained why they think a game doesn't deserve acclaim rather than just bashing it, then it would be more geniune.
It's been disgusting for awhile. It used to be good reviews for exclusive previews, but now the media's protection and covering up for MS has been just disgusting. From gaming media going "Sony too" or let it play out for drm before e3, to trying to equate how a PS4 costs just as much as a Xbox One after prices were revealed by Adam Sessler and the like, to the non stop hyping of Titanfall by the gaming press before it's release(Geoff Keighley should just go ahead and say those Titanfall tweets are sponsored or is that not allowed to get paid for them by MS/EA?). You even had Marcus Beer try to start false rumors about overheating about the PS4. I already know the review scores that will come out for Titanfall will be all 9-10s from main gaming press as the reviews have been bought and paid for.
Then there's other stuff like this Donkey Kong TP stream: http://www.twitch.tv/biggestinjapan/b/503438141
(Go to 04:46:00 and onward for where the magic starts.) Where some reviewers seem to not even want to play the games they're assigned to review. Seriously, his Kotaku guy basically says ""I don't have time for this anymore, I haven't played hard games for YEARS because of this (challenge), I just want to beat this dumb game and move on" and just fails at the game over and over, trying the same thing again and again and blaming the game for it.

Is this a grown man playing the game or a five-year-old child with a deep voice? What a pathetic display.


Yeah, it's a joint conspiracy by Microsoft, EA and the gaming media at large. Never mind the fact that a plethora of people who played the game prior to the Alpha and Beta had nothing but good things to say about the game. Never mind the fact that there's a 46 page impressions thread on the game's beta filled with people having a great time, and a 104 page key begging thread. It's all just manufactured hype, or maybe Titanfall is just a great game from a quality developer.


People's love for Uncharted 2 and TLOU is genuine. I get the feeling that some people who like to criticize popular games are only doing so to play devil's advocate. I'm not saying that anyone who has an unpopular opinion is a troll, but when you hate something just because a lot of people like it that doesn't contribute to good discussion. If someone explained why they think a game doesn't deserve acclaim rather than just bashing it, then it would be more geniune.

Group polarization tends to take that "genuine love" (or hate) and raise it to zealous levels, where a person might not feel that intense about it otherwise.


If you have a large fanbase who from a game's announcement and on is very excited about the game and already calling it game of the year (Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword come to mind), you have to make those readers happy to ensure they keep coming back. That is why a lot of game sites are like that and in my opinion it's why games like Metroid Other M and Skywars Sword get 9.0s by default, despite months later the staff admitting the games are garbage.

I like gamespot because they aren't afraid to give low scores to big hyped games.

My biggest problem with games journalism is the quality of writing, most forum posts are better than some articles I read.



He should change his title, then.



I think Eurogamer's article from the Dorito episode says everything that needs to be said.

Games journalists are few and far in between. Most of them are paid marketing arms of major publishers masquerading as independent journalists. If company X wants to pay personality Y to promote their games, that's fair game. There simply needs to be more disclosure of these kinds of deals.

It's a sad state of affairs when a big gaming publisher can send some snacks and beta codes to a "journalist" and gain that person's loyalty. It speaks volumes to the gross lack of balance in the consumer/media/publisher relationships.


It's really no different than modern day film journalism, or any journalism dealing with media consumption, and yet it's critiqued infinitely more.


I don't trust gaming journalism at all. I don't know of any that gives an informed, fair and decent review. They're either money hatted, lie and cover up major flaws to keep good relations with the publisher or in cases like Sterling, use controversial reviews to fuel their own egos.

Their complete lack of knowledge on the technical aspect of gaming is woeful too.

I mainly see several previews, watch footage and talk to people on forums to build up my own take on what a game will be like.

It's obvious there will be times a reviewer won't share the same view as you on a game, but when they start knocking points off one game for a flaw, then praise another with the same flaw, you know something is up. the ones with no consistency are the worst offenders.


I've found the "big boy" reviewers to be quite, quite bad. IGN in particular, nearly every review that I read from them is just...poorly written? Positive, negative, whatever, a lot don't really even tell me anything about the game. This happens often, IGN's Bravely Default review for example was nearly worthless to me and barely told me anything about the game dispute being a positive score.

Then there's other stuff like this Donkey Kong TP stream: http://www.twitch.tv/biggestinjapan/b/503438141
(Go to 04:46:00 and onward for where the magic starts.) Where some reviewers seem to not even want to play the games they're assigned to review. Seriously, his Kotaku guy basically says ""I don't have time for this anymore, I haven't played hard games for YEARS because of this (challenge), I just want to beat this dumb game and move on" and just fails at the game over and over, trying the same thing again and again and blaming the game for it.

I just feel so disconnected from the typical games media guy/girl at this point that their opinions hold almost no weight to me at this point.

I know what you mean. It pisses me off that Ducktales remastered got trashed because the reviewers found it to be difficult and that lives are "an outdated concept". They clearly just want games that hold their hand the whole way through where everyone can beat it in exactly the same amouny of time, so they can move on to their next review. Think of older journalists who would review games that were all very difficult and had to beat each game first. The only reviews I read and watch anymore are Gamespots cause for most of the reviews they actually review the games mechanics and not how many side missions or unlockables there are.


It's quite clear why games media members are loving the game and it's a legit reason not some conspiracy theory. Some of them are actually saying this: They are actually good at the game unlike COD or BF. Why? Because of the minions. Finally they have a K/D > 1.0 and obviously they feel good about that.

Respawn didn't create a K/D total and a K/D for only pilots because of "reasons". They created because they know people want to feel good about themselves especially those that have a loud speaker about the game.

Is it wrong? No. Is it bribery or anything like that? Clearly not. They are just playing the cards because this move actually caters for the low skill denominator. Make everyone feel good and they will keep playing. Unfortunately this moves the FPS even closer to the Duty Calls parody. Walk 2 steps -> Guitar riff -> Level up. Constant gratification.

Once again is it wrong? No. This is exactly what made the mainstream love COD 4. Level up. Perks. The carrot. Maybe it will work and we will soon have every FPS multiplayer with 20 target dummies just to please our brain and make everyone feel good. No skill required.

EDIT - What should be worrying is that some are already taking on the "internet" about any criticism towards Titanfall. Very similar to their reaction regarding Mass Effect 3...
Everyone experiences games different.
1 person thinks its great the other thinks its garbage.

Once everyone stops thinking about games media as something that is 100% free from biased and opinion the sooner you feel better about it.


I don't understand why this is a thread.

The quote is perfectly reasonable. the game is hyper-kinetic, there is constant movement and it's incredibly frantic. The quote is referencing that.

This thread just feels like a platform for the OP's anti TF opinion.


No, but you're wrong for generalising.

Just like every job, there are some people who do it better than others. Just because one writer can't control his emotions doesn't mean people should be cynical of 'games media' as a whole. They should only be cynical of that specific writer.

I hate when people sarcastically sigh "games journalism" when a site writes something iffy, as if the actions of one writer sum up an entire group of thousands of others.

This, pretty much.

I'm a game critic as well, and I always look at what the competition is doing and how well I think they're doing it. IGN to me isn't the best example of 'game criticism/games journalism', even though their numbers sorta prove me wrong. But just because Geoff Keighley has thirty pounds of Doritos on his lap while whispering sweet nothings about Halo, doesn't mean I'm not trying to do the best I can, trying to articulate why I think a game is good or not.

Like pretty much everything else in life, you gotta decide for yourself who you can trust or not.


It may also be this is the kind of game that particular dude would like and get exited about, they are people. If look for it, I bet you will find a cynical apathetic view of Titanfall from another dude in media as well.

I honestly found more lame people looking for conspiracy or payroll in everything.. like no dude, people that cover shit also like shit, nothing suspicious about that.


I don't understand why this is a thread.

The quote is perfectly reasonable. the game is hyper-kinetic, there is constant movement and it's incredibly frantic. The quote is referencing that.

This thread just feels like a platform for the OP's anti TF opinion.

That was only one example. It wasn't the end all be all for the point of the thread. I've already addressed this.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
It's more like the reality that since time immemorial humans have been drawn to what's flashy, not what's subtle. Have you seen a magazine cover recently?
We're not simply talking about a distinction between flash and subtlety here.
It's really no different than modern day film journalism, or any journalism dealing with media consumption, and yet it's critiqued infinitely more.

Film critics usually base their reviews on the merits of the film they are reviewing and don't give a film a good score just because it's marketed as a summer blockbuster.
this is what pushed you over the edge?

this completely innocuous expression of excitement over an action-packed frame is what made you decide to start hating on games journalists?

that's it, i hate gamers now - you've gone and done it.


Yeah i see him as a hypeman and nothing more. The VGX Titanfall hype was disgusting glad Joel decided to call Dorritos pope out on it.

All he has to do is post one tweet with a few buzzwords and we are all over it. It's partially our fault that he gets us hyped so easily.

Nintendo says fuck all and we're hyped for Nintendo Direct megaton announcements every time.


you just don't understand how amazing the xbox ecosystem is bro

you just don't get it

How dare these people not be excited about Titanfall? It is the second coming!

Some media is indeed exaggerating the hype a bit, but the game honestly looks a lot of fun and I will probably get it on PC.
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