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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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How comedy focused is it?

The first chapter was amusing. Narcissistic main character, hammer space wielding musket girl and Bonta-kun providing some laughs.

Then chapter two comes along and the really stupid plot drags it down.

Really, if the dumb magic plot didn't appear, it could have been interesting enough to rebuild a run down amusement park.

From the New World had a terrible manga adaptation too. We have to believe... :(

Well on the plus side, can't be any worse than Chuu2Chuu! Lower expectations woo!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Akuma no Riddle - 02


Oh wow, didn't expect
Haru to figure out everyone was gunning for her so quickly!
Major props to Tokaku for not only
defecting to Haru side, but to have the stones to attend the assassin meeting and declare that she'll take them on in order to protect her.
A lot better than the first episode for sure!


Lament with us, my brother, for the death of dreams,


Yes, now all we have left to hope for is that Amagi Brilliant Park doesn't suck. :(

The Kyoani/Gatoh combo hasn't failed me yet. I believe. Hell, especially so if it's a comedy. Fumoffu was the best FMP after all!

...and it may never filled.

kinda reminiscent of the void i felt after finishing Persona 4


Eh, the P4 milkage has led to a lot of canon story after the main game to come out (I wouldn't say the best story, but eh), and more is coming, still. That particular void's been filled for me, for better or worse.

Sakura Trick - 12
It's over for me , for this episode i had a ample amount of jealousy , cuteness , pureness and just anything sakura trick , really.

The fiercest fight you could get in a yuri anime
Right now i'm not sure how we would handle a S2 if it happens since mitsuki-sempai is gone and the casting seem quite , how should i say this ? Thin ?
Maybe a school trip ? The bases for more are certainly there since we have the new student president and plenty of special things to do since there are A LOT OF EMPTY CLASSROOMS and most of the sub plot are still open.

I did like the pure mind of haruka & yuu in this final "trick".

Don't mind the embarassement , just continue !

Overall , Sakura trick was easily a 10/10 anime ..i loved everything in it , from start to finish and i'm quite open for more ..i don't think i'll ever be tired of this.


So, I watched 4 episodes of Battle Tendency and there were already like 2 arcs. I'm really impressed that they're not slowing down from the insane pacing Phantom Blood had, on the contrary, it seems to be moving even faster, they just have a lot more content.

Joseph is so best, I love how cocky he is.

Speedwagon still alive and making unnecessary commentaries, great, great...

I miss the stupid names Jonathan gave to his moveset though, I hope Joseph gets some Overdrive action too.


The poses always crack me up, I can't help but pose along with the OP
First impressions of the dub voices for Date a Live are not good. But I'm going to at least try and reserve my final judgement until the crucial scenes for the cast (Tohka's date with Shido, Kurumi going apeshit).

This however I despise greatly.


is this s*** ?

I don't believe this is true ..this is just ..... NO.

Just NO
"Kiss the girl, Save the world" ?
What is this , a "HEROES" punchline ?
First impressions of the dub voices for Date a Live are not good. But I'm going to at least try and reserve my final judgement until the crucial scenes for the cast (Tohka's date with Shido, Kurumi going apeshit).

Don't know what to think really; It's not that I hate the voices, but as you said, the trailer isn't enough to determine whether or not I should. I'll wait for those scenes to come up.

Link Man

Humanity Has Declined 4

Baseball more boring than chess. You heard it here first, folks!

After 4 episodes, I think this has already become one of my favorites.


Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 2

Yep, after two episodes it's clear that this is just a nice pleasant watch all round. Plenty of feelgood moments. Everyone's childlike wonder at the giant bubbles was really smile-inducing, and it earned major points for maso-roommate that he was the one to come up with the idea. He really is a pretty cool guy underneath all the...you know.

This episode also established beyond any reasonable doubt that Ritsu is a total cutie. Her reaction to the bubbles and to the movie were hnnnnnngh as fuck. Quite fun to see the MC struggling to contain the same feelings of hnnnngh.

Oh, and the new character seems like a real piece of work, just like everyone in this residence ~.~

Liked this episode more. I think unless it turns bad I'm in for the long haul.

Link Man

Hey guys, I'm back!

What did I miss? Probably not mu-

*sees there are over 2600 new posts since I left*

Well... this might take a while.

Basically, half the population wants us to become professional reviewers in order to enjoy our hobby. The other half is all like, "No U."


It warmed my heart reading some of the great community oriented posts today! If nothing else, I like that we can be reflective and forward thinking when discussing our potential shortcomings.

I don't expect many, or potentially any of you to feel this way but I feel that, as a poster on a large public forum, I need to try and aim for a certain standard when discussing anime. Why? Because being an anime fan is really hard work. There's very, very few genuinely trust worthy sources when it comes to anime recommendations about what to watch and why. The quality of discourse about anime is so low that we should be aspire to raise it to help others find shows that they will love.

Nearly every source I turned to before NeoGAF to help find anime to watch was genuinely shitty and none of my friends new anything about the medium. What's worse, the traditional gatekeeper of criticism and recommendation, print, is largely silent on the subject of anime. Someone, somewhere, should try and do a better job. It's not acceptable that there's barely any blogs or podcasts about anime that are worth your time. It's rubbish, especially with the very high volume of titles that get released and how poor most of them are. How is a complete newcomer to the scene supposed to know what to watch this season without help? They'll end up watching three shitty shows and then never coming back to anime because it's "all shit". They need a hand and we can be there to help them along.
I can really connect with this sentiment. I think following AnimeGAF marked the rough period where I went from viewing anime from time to time as a passing hobby, to fully taking it in as a medium with larger implications and potential as a form of storytelling. The bad rap that anime typically has is in part because of the lack of communities (and press coverage, the little that it has) that are able to help distinguish stand out titles from the riff raff. Which I guess Jex said more eloquently above, but it is worth highlighting because that sort of dialogue is key in making this community more than what you'll find just about anywhere else. But that's not even the best part! It's that I think typically you could only see that sort of ecosystem bloom from a much more inclusionary group of people, but instead we can have our cake and eat it too. That is to say, I consider this place very welcoming towards any new faces, and it's for that reason that we're the best.


Akuma no Riddle - 02


That shot was so perfect <3

selector infected WIXOSS 2

This is sooooooo Okada. Definitely getting similar vibes to Black Rock Shooter TV here, though this feels more coherent so far. So much emotional brokenness.

Glad to see that the card game actually seems to function as a card game now, with tactics being employed that would make sense in an actual TCG and deckbuilding factoring into the plot, though it's clear that the show isn't interested in getting into any of the details of how it works.

Two new Selectors introduced in this episode, who seem to fulfil diametrically opposite roles - Akira is a complete bitch-ass who needs to be taken down ASAP with no mercy (but also pretty strong, so the worry is that our protags won't be able to beat her, particularly since her opponent seems to be Yuzuki, who's suffering from a lack of confidence in her battling abilities), whilst Hitoe is a weak-willed, pitiable girl who would probably be a pushover to beat in battle, so the question becomes whether beating her is the right thing to do (and of course her opponent is Ruuko, so Tama's eagerness to battle all-out is doubtless going to be a source of tension here).

Bring on the drama!


Basically, half the population wants us to become professional reviewers in order to enjoy our hobby. The other half is all like, "No U."

I dunno about the rest of them, but I was just hijacking the conversation to promote more books to cosmicblizzard! Like Count of Monte Cristo!


First impressions of the dub voices for Date a Live are not good. But I'm going to at least try and reserve my final judgement until the crucial scenes for the cast (Tohka's date with Shido, Kurumi going apeshit).

This however I despise greatly.
There's no shortage of this type of packaging and promotion for anime. It can be pretty baffling actually. The one-liners on the backs of the Patlabor BDs were bordering on parody.
For this community to transform into reviewers they'd have to lose their specified goggles that makes them look at anime as if it was the best shit ever.

Loli goggles

Yaoi goggles

Moe goggles

Yuri goggles

Girls Doing Jack Shit goggles


That reminded me of this:

I went and grabbed some Berserk manga this morning.

Created by Kentaro Miura, Berserk is exactly what its title advertises, a savage, gruesome, and often darkly funny roller-coaster ride, inspiring the internationally popular anime series. If you're looking for graphic fiction to take home to Grandma, this ain't it - unless Granny smokes cigars and rides a Harley!

Created by Kentaro Miura, Berserk is meat-grinder manga at its most extreme - gruesome, violent, and darkly funny - and the inspiration for the wildly popular anime series. Look elsewhere if you're craving sweetness, subtlety, and good manners. Berserk is the bull in the graphic novel china shop - and who wouldn't watch a bull getting medieval on the dishes!

Created by Kentaro Miura, Berserk is maniacal manga to the max - relentless, harrowing, and gruesomely funny - and the inspiration for the popular anime series. If you're looking for graphic fiction tied up with a pretty pink bow, you'd better run for the hills - because Berserk will show you what you can do with that bow!

Manga blurbs are clearly an art form.


Setec Astronomer
For this community to transform into reviewers they'd have to lose their specified goggles that makes them look at anime as if it was the best shit ever.

Loli goggles

Yaoi goggles

Moe goggles

Yuri goggles

Girls Doing Jack Shit goggles
Matthew 7:3

"And why beholdest thou the goggles upon thy brother's eyes, but considerest not the goggles that is upon thine own eyes?"
Oh god, I just found out my sister is watching Diabolik Lovers.
RIP Jarmel sister , unless that's what she usually watches.
She's also watching Black Butler....

This is confirmed then.

For this community to transform into reviewers they'd have to lose their specified goggles that makes them look at anime as if it was the best shit ever.

Loli goggles

Yaoi goggles

Moe goggles

Yuri goggles

Girls Doing Jack Shit goggles

Drop yuri googles ? NEVER


Here's a couple of blurry "good ones" I snapped

To be clear, that Patlabor one reads "When there are Criminal Minds on the loose and Unsolved Mysteries to be solved, it's time for Goto's Angels to start Breaking Bad".

Can I get paid to do this?


Setec Astronomer
Here's a couple of blurry "good ones" I snapped

To be clear, that Patlabor one reads "When there are Criminal Minds on the loose and Unsolved Mysteries to be solved, it's time for Goto's Angels to start Breaking Bad".

Can I get paid to do this?
Oh my god, and the mismatched title card styles.


Here's a couple of blurry "good ones" I snapped

To be clear, that Patlabor one reads "When there are Criminal Minds on the loose and Unsolved Mysteries to be solved, it's time for Goto's Angels to start Breaking Bad".

Can I get paid to do this?

This is madp's calling. :(


Poet Centuriate
Here's a couple of blurry "good ones" I snapped

To be clear, that Patlabor one reads "When there are Criminal Minds on the loose and Unsolved Mysteries to be solved, it's time for Goto's Angels to start Breaking Bad".

Can I get paid to do this?

Well some one obviously is.


Here's a couple of blurry "good ones" I snapped

To be clear, that Patlabor one reads "When there are Criminal Minds on the loose and Unsolved Mysteries to be solved, it's time for Goto's Angels to start Breaking Bad".

Can I get paid to do this?

uh wow, that Patlabor one
Here's a couple of blurry "good ones" I snapped

To be clear, that Patlabor one reads "When there are Criminal Minds on the loose and Unsolved Mysteries to be solved, it's time for Goto's Angels to start Breaking Bad".

Can I get paid to do this?

Oh my god, those are worse than any parody version of bad back of the box quotes could ever hope to be.
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