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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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After looking through Twitter it's hard to say what he's actually replying to.

When I first looked at the tweet it inked to a conversation about the game not hitting in 2014 but now it is a blank reply. I guess the other guys 2014 comment deleted? I dunno. But there is no conversation he is replying to anymore


Graphically nothing else touches it. This is almost some Ryse level graphical upgrade except without the polycount reduction.


When I first looked at the tweet it inked to a conversation about the game not hitting in 2014 but now it is a blank reply. I guess the other guys 2014 comment deleted? I dunno. But there is no conversation he is replying to anymore

Ahh I guess I'll take your word for it. Regardless, I'll be really happy to see a 2014 release date confirmed next week. Sony really needs to take advantage of the primetime spot they can give this game during the holidays.


Ahh I guess I'll take your word for it. Regardless, I'll be really happy to see a 2014 release date confirmed next week. Sony really needs to take advantage of the primetime spot they can give this game during the holidays.

The holidays? Bah, such a generic release schedule for this game, smh.


I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Can you link me to the specific conversation? I just want to see what the original comment is.


there is nothing else in the conversation thread. maybe the original tweet was deleted or Andrea was just tweeting back at shinobi or thuway for some past tweet that implied that the game was being delayed?


So this is the first footage I've ever seen of The Order outside of the intial announcement trailer.


I thought for sure the beginning was some sort of prerendered cutscene...and then they started playing it.

The future is now people. Please tell me I'm not the only one wholly impressed by how good this looks, I don't know if I can wade through 67 pages haha


I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.

Huh?! This is kind of a big deal! I certainly hope he's referring to the release date!


Once again, you keep telling people what they should or should not like. Cinematic games like Uncharted 2 and TLoU I've enjoyed immensely, the story and gameplay. No one is forcing you to play these games, no one is holding a gun to developers' heads to make these games. I'm an older white male, I like playing as that character, it's something I can relate to.

Those games NEVER TAKE THE CONTROLLER OUT OF YOUR HANDs... at least most of the time when you get good dialogue and its feels like I have traveled some where in those titles too. But they do it very carefully and there budgets for both of those are pretty low for the quality we get. Its COD, Halo and BF where they put SO much effort in hiring good actors,bigger set pieces or good tech that is used ONLY ONE FUCKING MISSION. I think Beyond and Heavy Rain pretty much show off worst of this type of game that plays its self. Sorry but NO I do not want games to become movies I press a button now and then. I WANT A GAME WITH GOOD GAMEPLAY. Thats why these are called GAMES or at least thats why they should be.

The type of games they perfectly show off the art of game story telling in three different forms are Dishonored, Spec ops: The Line, and Deus Ex:HR. Your choices affect the world but a lot of how the world is shown to you is through GAMEPLAY. Not silly cut scenes or upping the MOVIE like parts but no in the the fucking gameplay is where you learn and FEEL like the person there. Its pretty much show via gameplay instead of telling you via cut sceine. Gamings "Show" is interaction with the world instead the "Tell" by cinematics. And the saying goes. SHOW NOT TELL.

I would say for all of its flaws Crysis Triology does a pretty good job of showing you the sides of what gameplay can do and what Cinematics can do. Crysis one and warhead are a tour de force on how letting the player go wild really can make the game amazing. Playing with those poor North Korean solders is a blast.

And while Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 had some of moments they really show how the this cinematic drive has taken over and for most cases ruined the focus on gameplay. Still The franchise is more gameplay focused than half of the CODs of late. Really I do think this games are the new MOVIES idea must die. They are NOT and I want more Portals and Half-lifes with gameplay being my reason to taste then story.... not the other fucking way around.


I'd be in the dick
So this is the first footage I've ever seen of The Order outside of the intial announcement trailer.


I thought for sure the beginning was some sort of prerendered cutscene...and then they started playing it.

The future is now people. Please tell me I'm not the only one wholly impressed by how good this looks, I don't know if I can wade through 67 pages haha

Yeah, the game is fucking gorgeous and it's coming from a smaller sized team early in the gen who have only made PSP games before. Bodes really well for the future.


Streaming can cause lag and make the graphics look muddy, but its not gonna generate all that screen tearing, and its certainly not going to make those npc animations look so stiff and jolty.


Don't know how to embed tweets. However, the issue you have with the tearing is likely because of the Twitch stream.


Those games NEVER TAKE THE CONTROLLER OUT OF YOUR HANDs... at least most of the time when you get good dialogue and its feels like I have traveled some where in those titles too. But they do it very carefully and there budgets for both of those are pretty low for the quality we get. Its COD, Halo and BF where they put SO much effort in hiring good actors,bigger set pieces or good tech that is used ONLY ONE FUCKING MISSION. I think Beyond and Heavy Rain pretty much show off worst of this type of game that plays its self. Sorry but NO I do not want games to become movies I press a button now and then. I WANT A GAME WITH GOOD GAMEPLAY. Thats why these are called GAMES or at least thats why they should be.

Relative to the topic at hand, The Order, your complaint comes off as premature as we have not seen any substantial videos of gameplay or cinematics.

And not every game needs to cater to your definition what it ought to be.


By "differentiate" you mean shooters with different "skins". Vanquish is a game that had your typical dude-bro weapons but because the way the gameplay is set up makes it that much different compared to other shooters. So my "confidence" is based from what snippets I've seen and I can make direct comparisons.

I'm not seeing that here.

I don't mean different skins. Resistance did not have your typical dude-bro weapons - each was unique and defined the gameplay. Tell me now, where is your list of The Order's weapons? Where is your list of The Order's enemy types and behaviours?


There is no MP, already been confirmed.

This plus the rather uninspired cover shooter gameplay has me worried a bit about this game. There's gotta be something more to it than what they've shown... there's gotta be. E3 is going to make or break for this title, they better bring some surprises


Given that this is the case, I want a longer campaign with a lot of replayability. With the amount of content in certain games these days, that's just a value proposition expectation of mine.

Yea, I'm in the same boat. I mentioned it before, but if this game does not
offer at least 15-20 hours of story related gameplay, then I will wait until it
hits the $20 mark.

After spending so much money on Infamous, I was shocked at how much
shorter it was than the previous games in the series. Never again :/


Gotta say that the gun play just from that section seemed very...stale. However ill reserve my judgement until we see a section with more exploration rather than an obvious Segway section that limits the players ability to look around and explore etc.


Just got to see this now. To say it looks good is a huge understatement. Probably the most visually impressive next
gen game so far. The only thing that stands out in a bad way is the eyes, as I have mentioned before. They make the characters seem possessed, just like Chloe in Uncharted 2. Creepy as hell.

That being said, there is something really wrong with the sound design in this clip (in the game?). The voices seem to be coming from a recording session in the same room even though the characters are far apart, same for the weapons, its hard to explain. Its just really, uhm, raw? Maybe its not edited or something... I have no idea how that works. But still... really really weird.

I will reserve my judgement on the gameplay for when the full game is released. I don't think its fair to do so based on the 5 mins of footage we saw so far.


I do love that all Sony's first party debs are all trying to one up each other with each release! Also moving from the cinematically straight to gameplay was seamless (I love this!)


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Graphically looks great, but the gameplay feels weird. Specially I don't know how I feel about the aspect ratio. And guns are even more weird, didn't feel like shooting. And why was it burning and blowing when he was using some kind of a machine gun?

I will wait until more game play, and story sure looks interesting.


Yea, I'm in the same boat. I mentioned it before, but if this game does not
offer at least 15-20 hours of story related gameplay, then I will wait until it
hits the $20 mark.

After spending so much money on Infamous, I was shocked at how much
shorter it was than the previous games in the series. Never again :/

InFamous was ok for me. First play through took me 15+ hours, second play through around 10-12 hours, and I'm still doing Paper Trail stuff, so it's not too bad. But yea, I'm in the same boat. No multiplayer and I want 15-20 hours of gameplay or a campaign that is extremely repayable.
Yea, I'm in the same boat. I mentioned it before, but if this game does not
offer at least 15-20 hours of story related gameplay, then I will wait until it
hits the $20 mark.

After spending so much money on Infamous, I was shocked at how much
shorter it was than the previous games in the series. Never again :/

I think your standards may be a bit high. 15-20 hours is a lot to ask for this type of game. Most story driven shooters are half that.

I also don't get all the negativity surrounding the gameplay from a lot of posts here. I never understood why everything had to be NEW or Original or some how revolutionize the genre. There are very few of those types of games released because they are A) Risky and B) very hard to pull off. Further, some of them fall flat on their face when the new gameplay mechanic is not well executed and then we hear another chorus of negativity about the game being a stupid gimmick.

I am perfectly fine with simple iteration and building on the backs of proven methods. There is nothing wrong with that and if people can just sit back and enjoy it for what it is, you'll probably have a better time with it. If you don't like it, that's fine, but you don't need to carpet bomb a thread to make sure everyone knows your distaste.


Gameplay looks a bit boring but I don't give a shit as long as the graphics and story are good. It will be like playing a David Cage game.

Graphically the game looks insane


Graphically looks great, but the gameplay feels weird. Specially I don't know how I feel about the aspect ratio. And guns are even more weird, didn't feel like shooting. And why was it burning and blowing when he was using some kind of a machine gun?

I will wait until more game play, and story sure looks interesting.
It shoots some kind of flammable projectile and then he fires a flare that sets it on fire
Graphically looks great, but the gameplay feels weird. Specially I don't know how I feel about the aspect ratio. And guns are even more weird, didn't feel like shooting. And why was it burning and blowing when he was using some kind of a machine gun?

I will wait until more game play, and story sure looks interesting.

It's supposed to be a Thermite Gun. It's not like an explosion, but sending over extremely hot projectiles to presumably set things on fire.



YouTube gameplay quality versus earlier frame buffer grab.

Overall visuals, lighting, post processing, fog etc have been improved, but the detail is all but murdered in this poor quality footage.




It's not really a game for me, but I can understand the appeal with the Uncharted crowd. Since it's SP-only, and likely not a long game, it's a wait until $20 or less purchase for me.

They really nailed creating a strong atmosphere though. Have to give them props for that.


This looks good, that's about all that can be said thus far, until we see more.

I love the extrapolatory bullshit that has filled this thread based on less than 2 minutes of gameplay.


No multiplayer and I want 15-20 hours of gameplay or a campaign that is extremely repayable.

Yea, I'm hoping the resources saved on not having MP may perhaps lead to
a more meaty SP campaign.

I think your standards may be a bit high. 15-20 hours is a lot to ask for this type of game. Most story driven shooters are half that.

I'm hoping for gameplay length similar to that of The Last of Us, where 20hrs+
is possible.

If anything, my standards are influenced by the price increase for games in Canada.
69.99 + 13% tax essentially means that the game MUST have significant content to warrant
a full price purchase.

With that said, graphics are phenomenal and gameplay seems solid. I only hope
the story is as impressive as the visuals.


I can't believe how shitty the video quality is on this tease. What was the point.
To better appreciate the final game. I'd seriously take this over bullshit CGI trailers, though it would be nice to be able to download full quality trailers onto consoles. I haven't even checked in forever to see if I can do that still or if they just went to streaming.


I believe the lead dev basically said it was false. I believe I saw a tweet from him saying, " that is not true :) " or something like that in response to someones comment about it not hitting in 2014.


In response to a " not coming out in 2014 " type comment.

Don't know how to embed twitter lol, so i just took a snapshot of the tweet.

This was not in response to a potential delay. @ifastrapid asked if it was true that the shown build was 10 months old and initially planned for Gamescom last year.
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