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Sony teasing The Order sneak peak at 1pm PT today.

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Still not enough to tell much, really.

Visually, stunning. From the few snippets we saw, I'd say they've landed the atmosphere of the game too, it really feels like you're in that a well-crafted Victorian era.

Gameplay-wise, there's nothing wrong with a conventional TPS formula. But when you stick to conventional, then the selling points of the fundamentals is the execution. Level design, weapon variety, tightness of the controls, enemy AI, enemy types.

Even at a fundamental level, we've seen extremely little of that. We've seen only 2 gun types being used, and basically only small scripted environments, and your average human AI enemy.

Nevermind the 'unique aspects' of The Order that hasn't even been demo-ed, there's really not enough of the most basic fundamentals to call the game out.


are we watching the same videos here? is that cam footage because the game looks like another downgrade.



Unconfirmed Member
It looks like a run-of-the-mill cover based shooter. I'm not saying the game will be bad, or that it needs to reinvent the wheel, but I think I'll be passing on this.
RaD needs to take a page out of Evolution's marketing team. They're busy rolling out 1080p high bitrate Driveclub videos while 1886 is left with mundane compressed snippets.

Who in their right mind would think anyone would find a guy standing behind a pillar for 90 seconds interesting?
I'm struggling to find the logic from Sony showing us this clip now.

Is this a knee jerk reaction to what MS has been doing lately?

Don't get me wrong this game is looking gorgeous but that shitty stream from twitch isn't showcasing the game in the best light.

Hoping for more explanation at E3
I'm struggling to find the logic from Sony showing us this clip now.

Is this a knee jerk reaction to what MS has been doing lately?

Don't get me wrong this game is looking gorgeous but that shitty stream from twitch isn't showcasing the game in the best light.

Hoping for more explanation at E3
Yup. Sony is on the run now that MS is going in for the kill, much like a gazelle runs from large cats. They're swaying like a prize fighter who just took a solid hit to the jaw, doing everything they can to avoid a knockout.


I think it looks terrific, and with the vampire healing we saw and the game having some connection to monsters -- I have to wonder if this is really going to be almost more of a RE4 type game than gears (forgive me if I'm not up on the latest details, all I know is from the limited gameplay footage). Which would be *awesome*.

edit: I also see talk of a downgrade.. oh please. it looks better than ever. and even if there *was* a slight downgrade (I disagree) development is fluid, it's not worth losing your pants over. Trust me that the team wants to put our the best looking game they can, and indeed seem to be succeeding. enough already.
Graphics look insane but I'd be lying if I say that I'm impressed by the gameplay.

You could have just said 'Graphics look insane, but I'm not impressed by the gameplay', saved yourself a few letters.

I'm struggling to find the logic from Sony showing us this clip now.

Is this a knee jerk reaction to what MS has been doing lately?

A shitty Twitch video of some boring generic gameplay is the perfect one-up to MS's release of the full name of the new 2015 Halo game, earlier this week.


That's why we wait for good quality footage instead of insanely compressed streaming footage recorded with the ass of dead person

if they didn't want people making judgement calls on footage they released because it was compressed, then they shouldn't have released compressed footage for people to make judgement calls on...


Character in motion looks great, still not a fan of the crosshair which sticks out like a sore thumb in midst of the minimalist hud design.


I first watched the "HD" vid from my phone screen. No feels were gained there. I thought there was something wrong with mein eyes so I moved to my PC monitor.

And you guys know what? Either this is early footage or just the effects of a poorly captured stream, because the framerate is choppy as hell.

Although aesthetically it has that CG/Movie-look down the colours are muted, only brought to life by the cadence of particle splendour that scream out and ignite from the impressively modelled weapons.

I think the thing that some here have latched on is the undeniable feeling that gameplay-wise, since the advent of Gears (of dubya) the genre hasn't really moved on. We were leathered to death with "snap - to - wall - hold L trigger - to - aim - pew - pew" last generation for 8 years..

In a lot of cases we see the same timings/mechanics to aim shoot. Motions that we've been seeing 8 years. The familiar zoom to over the shoulder, pause and pop, and the like manifests into irritation.

I actually think this game will have a decent E3 and, from what I've seen so far (little), be fun enough romp. The reveal reaction weirdly reminds me of Ryse's, where "informed gamers" everywhere (mostly here) tarred and feathered the game for not doing anything revolutionary gameplay-wise, whilst being stunning to look at. The dumb blonde theory.

I just hope NaughtyDog and Black Tusk read the replies. While we don't need kinect hand-waving or "look, more enemies!" gimmicks to push towards dat next gen gameplay vista, we also don't want to be mired in the past.

This game looks bloody, bloody amazing and probably doesn't deserve to be judged either way until we get some solid footage and not some PR junior's idea of PR.

We have E3 to look forward to for a full reveal. I'm pretty positive there's more variety in there that will further distinguish this game from it's TPS forefathers.

Edit: UI is normally tweaked later isn't it? The cross-hair looked a little too bland.

BTW the Sound design was awesome. Dat next gen French accent.
well if we're just going to post random comparison pics,

Crisp image vs muddy image? Nice. That and I'm still not seeing a downgrade, Sony don't bullshot, they haven't so far this gen anyway, unlike all of MS' games.

Did you see the comparison of character models?

I'm not picking on Microsoft, I just couldn't say with confidence who else does it
As important as gameplay is, it's only one factor of many that can make a game good. Take TLOU for example, the gameplay wasn't really revolutionary, it was simply iterative of many TPS that came before it. It was also a technical marvel, but of course that is not what made the game great (even though it doesn't hurt), but it was the amazing story and character development that turned it into a masterpiece and brought to life by excellent acting and directing.

The Order looks to have an amazing setting and an intriguing story. If it can execute those well, I think most people will really enjoy it even if the gameplay is "generic". Mind you, they have yet to show us all the new stuff they have been hinting at so don't write it off just yet.


If there's any problem I have with Sony is that they don't show off their games in the best light. With Infamous they just showed the same mission being played over and over again in almost every trailer. Now with The Order they're using Twitch? I'm really looking forward to this game so I hope we get a better trailer at E3.


Unconfirmed Member
Great. Thanks mate. I'm going to stick with BBC Breakfast though, that one you're watching looks like another downgrade to me.

Actually, you are.

Hey, chill.

One of my favourite games of this year is Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. I absolutely love it! But ya know what else I think? Its a run-of-the-mill platformer. It doesn't bring anything new to the genre, and it certainly doesn't reinvent the wheel. But I like it because it is a cleverly designed platformer.

My point is, I don't expect The Order 1886 (or any game for that matter) to reinvent the wheel in order for me to enjoy it. It just needs to give me some incentive to get more excited about it. What I've seen so far doesn't make me say, "I would buy a PS4 for this game alone!".

Did you pass on TLoU too?

Nope. I've got the game, just haven't around to it yet.
Really strange way to bring back The Order to the front page with a tease that culminates in an abysmal Twitch stream, srsly what the hell?

It looks good as far as I can tell, but I'll wait for some real footage to judge about anything. The only thing that's certain, those dudes on the balcony trying to shoot down the injured and his helpers are either stupid, blind or abused the opium pipe...


Well, releasing a new video showing a lot of the stuff we had seen before, only in much worse quality this time, really doesn't look like a smart move.

Also, while compression is really bad, that sign should still be somewhat visible. It's probably gone for good, for some reason.


Dreams in Digital
Well, releasing a new video showing a lot of the stuff we had seen before, only in much worse quality this time, really doesn't look like a smart move.

Also, while compression is really bad, that sign should still be somewhat visible. It's probably gone for good, for some reason.

The font was probably too taxing on the GPU. Sacrifices had to be made.


Noticing 4 changes so far:

1) Outfit change. The new ones seem more "dressed for the occasion". Thought the old ones seemed a lot more interesting, albeit out of place. Not sure which I like more.

I'm in the same boat. While the old outfit looks cooler in a way, it's more like a ceremonial uniform or something. Doesn't look like something one would wear for combat. But it does look prettier.


Did you pass on TLoU too?

Why would he? TLOU never sold itself as a cover shooter. They boasted advanced ai, stealth, exploration and resource management -- and the first video of someone playing the game shows exactly that.

If anything, I hope the negative reaction will encourage RaD to show a gameplay video that proves everyone wrong. Something that shows us what this game is doing better than anything thats come before.
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