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Racism caught on tape (NSFW) for starting car : White woman +kids vs Black male

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This has nothing to do with racism she has mental issues she needs help the root of the problem always goes back to the up upbringing with usually with some sort of child abuse or no moral teachings and that cycle will continue with her children it's best to just have compassion for her and people like her.
Ok, she's breaking down. Like, hard.
She's trying to play victim. Not working. Boo hoo cry me a river, no sympathy.

This has nothing to do with racism she has mental issues she needs help the root of the problem always goes back to the up upbringing with usually with some sort of child abuse or no moral teachings and that cycle will continue with her children it's best to just have compassion for her and people like her.
Compassion only gets you so far. If the person you show compassion for is unwilling to change their flaws, and see the error of their ways, it's okay to leave them behind.

We've got 7 billion people in this world and not all of them are going to turn out to be good folks or productive members of society, that's reality. It's maybe time then to stop trying harder to stem that for some people over others simply because of the way they look, or because they can use assets (kids, money, etc.) to emotional collateral.


If you watched that issue and didn't come away thinking she was mentally unstable, well......

Of course she's a racist, but that type of behavior also comes off as a person who has wildly volatile mood swings and anger issues.

I think, unfortunately, our culture today allows for even "rational" people to show their ass in public and think there are no consequences. Was George Zimmerman mentally unstable? No. He was just a punk badass poseur looking for trouble, and when he bit off more than he could chew he pulled a gun.

His default mode -- black kid in a hoodie -- is what set him off.

Same with this woman. She just shot her mouth off, went right for "the word," thinking there are no consequences for actions, and then the calm African-American dude recorded her.

She flipped out because she was caught. She didn't flip out and then use the word.


As a white man, who grew up in a rural area surrounded by racist assholes, there is nothing that burns me up more than people who would do something like this to another person, especially in front of children. Her conduct is absolutely reprehensible. I feel terrible that he had to go through that, and I feel terrible for her children that they have to be raised by such a deranged person. Unfortunately, they will probably grow up to be just like her.


Eh, she's changing her story.

First it's a loud car, and now it's he was going to hit her son with his car?


Holy shit, you could not make this up.

Coached I'm sure. Probably added the honky and cracker bits too cuz I don't know... THE CRAZY

Even with that, still defends using the words she did, proving she is as stupid as she is insane.


She's saying:

- the guy almost hit her son with her car
- she told her son some people are 'ignorant'
- the guy said, "oh, really?"
- the guy called her a 'cracker' and 'honky'
- she is not racist because she has a black cousin
- she got pissed off, is bipolar
- nigger means 'ignorant person', look it up
- is really not a racist
- nothing would have happened if the guy didn't try to hit her kid (?)
- won't apologize for saying 'nigger', wants the guy to apologize for almost hitting her kid and making her lose her temper

She's a wreck. I try not to take pleasure in anyone's misery, no matter how much they bring it upon themselves. Just a sad, miserable situation - she fucked up big time and she knows it will stick with her for a very long time.

Yet she claimed none of that in her phone call on the video, and never mentioned it for the entirety of the recording despite knowing the driver was recording and even accurately assuming he was going to put it on YouTube.

Reply · Like · 8 · Follow Post · about an hour ago

Mandy Jay · Niagara County Community College
Unfortunately she is an estranged relative and I can confirm this is Janelle. She is like this all of the time. She started a fist fight at my mothers funeral and destroyed all of the flowers.
Reply · Like · 2 · 41 minutes ago

Probably bi-polar, but still racist as fuck considering she is spreading the seeds to her kids and thinks her husband is willing to kill a nigger.

Yeah, this makes this story even sadder. She's not right in the head, and probably not getting the help she needs.


If the guy almost hit your kid, isn't that something that would be all up on the initial video? Why would she allow the cause to be "he started his car?" With the rant she was having, I'm sure she would be yelling about that if that was the case.


She's saying:

- the guy almost hit her son with her car
- she told her son some people are 'ignorant'
- the guy said, "oh, really?"
- the guy called her a 'cracker' and 'honky'
- she is not racist because she has a black cousin
- she got pissed off, is bipolar
- nigger means 'ignorant person', look it up
- is really not a racist
- nothing would have happened if the guy didn't try to hit her kid (?)
- won't apologize for saying 'nigger', wants the guy to apologize for almost hitting her kid and making her lose her temper

She's a wreck. I try not to take pleasure in anyone's misery, no matter how much they bring it upon themselves. Just a sad, miserable situation - she fucked up big time and she knows it will stick with her for a very long time.

But...he was parked? And in the video she clearly complains about him starting his car, not running anyone over.
That woman is the definition of trash. Throwing endless slurs at someone because he "scared" her kid by starting his car. She didn't seem too concerned about her kids being scared of their mother screaming, swearing at, and threatening a man for no reason.

Oh, and did she say she stripped for a bunch of cops. WTF?


José Mourinho;114698140 said:
Sensitivity does run high, no doubt. And this whole idea of not jumping to conclusions and trying to remain impartial might seem fair. But, I can understand a defence of somebody who, in a heated moment, maybe called the bloke a nigger once then caught herself on. Her anger wouldn't entirely excuse the language used, but at least she could mount a defence. But there's surely got to be a line, and if there is, she most definitely crossed it.

On viewing that video I don't for a moment believe she was just heated. I feel confident in saying she's a crazy racist. Don't think this particular case calls for diplomacy.

When does one cross that line? Saying it more than once?
If someone is prone to calling black people niggers "in a heated moment" I don't see why any diplomacy or impartiality needs to be extended. There are so many other ways to demoralise someone or express your anger that don't involve slurs. Hurling slurs at someone as soon as you're emotional about something isn't normal and there's no context in which it should be understandable or acceptable.
Ah..the car honking landowner shtick. Odd how she didn't mention ANY OF THIS in the video when she was on the phone..interesting. If only she had a gun..


Unfortunately, there are a lot of racists in the small towns outside of NYC and Albany. NYC tends to skew the state Democrat in elections.
That has nothing to do with anything. You seem to be equating political affiliation with racism? That's an interesting generalization to make in a thread about intolerance.

Besides, you seem like you might not be familiar with the area. Cheektowaga isn't a 'small town'.
Dude asked what the demographic was, and I answered. There is a lot of racism in the small towns outside of NYC, I'm sorry you find that opinion offensive.
Case in point.
She's saying:

- the guy almost hit her son with her car
- she told her son some people are 'ignorant'
- the guy said, "oh, really?"
- the guy called her a 'cracker' and 'honky'
- she is not racist because she has a black cousin
- she got pissed off, is bipolar
- nigger means 'ignorant person', look it up
- is really not a racist
- nothing would have happened if the guy didn't try to hit her kid (?)
- won't apologize for saying 'nigger', wants the guy to apologize for almost hitting her kid and making her lose her temper

She's a wreck. I try not to take pleasure in anyone's misery, no matter how much they bring it upon themselves. Just a sad, miserable situation - she fucked up big time and she knows it will stick with her for a very long time.

man, there ain't an excuse for Janelle Ambrosia and I can only hope this shit sticks to her for as long as it'll keep her miserable at maximum effectiveness. I'll take whatever pleasure from it that you don't want.
Sad, miserable situation but i've known fuckups like this so it sure as fuck ain't the first time she's done something like this, just the first time she's had to cover her ass
I'mma use Janelle Ambrosia's name every time I talk about Janelle Ambrosia, fyi
public shame is one of the many tools we have to subvert this sort of racism and show people the consequences in this day and age
so I'm gonna take it as far as I can reasonably go with it


Dude asked what the demographic was, and I answered. There is a lot of racism in the small towns outside of NYC, I'm sorry you find that opinion offensive.

Let's not pretend every town outside of NYC is a bastion for racism...yes, there are racists everywhere, in every state. There's nothing special about any particular town in NY, and it's bullshit to say it is otherwise.
Welcome to the current state of this country. Sensitivity runs high these days. The lady was clearly upset and I am not going to judge her without knowing what set this all off.

This is more than ironic considering your avatar. Not saying we should throw rationality and logic deduction out of the equation, but c'mon....it's clear as day there's no scenario that can justify Janelle Ambrosia's use of slurs here despite what happened.

There's never a scenario where that's ever okay.
I think this is her twitter account. Could be parody, but I doubt it. Comedy gold

Janelle Ambrosia @JanelleAmbrosia · 16m
Everyone is in titled to their own opinon

There's millions of closet door racists. I'm the only one who has the guts to say what i feel. Sorry to the people who think that i care!!!!


Yet she claimed none of that in her phone call on the video, and never mentioned it for the entirety of the recording despite knowing the driver was recording and even accurately assuming he was going to put it on YouTube.

Her story is changing because she's panicking given how this story spread like wildfire. She ended the call abruptly upon realizing that what she was saying was making her look even worse.

It's one thing to have despicable, racist views, but it's a whole other level to broadcast those views repeatedly when someone's recording you in this day and age.


Let's not pretend every town outside of NYC is a bastion for racism...yes, there are racists everywhere, in every state. There's nothing special about any particular town in NY, and it's bullshit to say it is otherwise.

But dude, he said NYC and Albany.

Good call on the WNY and Update are different things though. I hate when people fail to make that distinction.
She's saying:

- the guy almost hit her son with her car
I find that hard to believe when his car was parked and she only ever mentions it starting.
- she told her son some people are 'ignorant'
That's an interesting thing to call someone who accidentally scared your child. Wonder why she used that specific word....
- the guy said, "oh, really?"
- the guy called her a 'cracker' and 'honky'
Weird she never mentions this in the vid in response to why she's calling him a nigger.
- she is not racist because she has a black cousin
- she got pissed off, is bipolar
Probably the only clear truth here. If that's your excuse for going off that hard, you'd think you'd also apologize for your actions instead of using it as a shield from criticism.
- nigger means 'ignorant person', look it up
- is really not a racist
Yes, I'm sure if this dude was white, that's the word you would use to insult him.
- won't apologize for saying 'nigger', wants the guy to apologize for almost hitting her kid and making her lose her temper
"I overreacted and I want you to apologize for it!"

No sympathy for this woman. Only for her kids.


But dude, he said NYC and Albany.

Good call on the WNY and Update are different things though. I hate when people fail to make that distinction.

We get that from a lot of people who live in NYC...as if they don't realize they're attached to a huge state.


The obvious solution for black people to please GAF's Stormfront Defense Force is to tape every minute of the day and having a swedish albino serving as a witness.


I really hope she doesn't do anything dumb to herself or her kids out of spite over all of this. I have a slight feeling something else more tragic might come out of all this. Especially with her family apparently throwing her under the bus as well.
Losing your temper isn't an excuse to call someone a racial term tbh. I've lost my cool at other races before but never have I said a racial term right at said person.


She's trying to play victim. Not working. Boo hoo cry me a river, no sympathy.
Exactly. For those insinuating the guy was egging her on from the car with his camera, this is exactly why he was right to record her.

All it would take is one little thing like him stepping out of the car or her lunging at him through the window and the cops would be involved. If that happens, good luck at being a black man against a white mother in the eyes of the law when she starts acting like the victim.

People like this who claim their anger took over are always surprisingly good at bottling it up when it suits them.
The obvious solution for black people to please GAF's Stormfront Defense Force is to tape every minute of the day and having a swedish albino serving as a witness.

The hashtags coming from that would be glorious.


Losing your temper isn't an excuse to call someone a racial term tbh. I've lost my cool at other races before but never have I said a racial term right at said person.

Exactly. She was angry and her real opinions came gushing out. She didn't want to hold anything back, and she didn't. She let her racism jump right in there.
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