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Guerrilla: GG's new IP won't be at E3 - not ready to show yet


love on your sleeve
How can this game not be ready to be shown? Hasn't it been worked on for 3-4 years already?

Worked on in pre-production. It's reasonable to assume getting KZ: Shadow Fall ready for launch took up the vast majority of their resources.


Worked on in pre-production. It's reasonable to assume getting KZ: Shadow Fall ready for launch took up the vast majority of their resources.
Don't they have two separate studios? I understand Naughty Dog only has two separate creative teams where a smaller one can think up ideas and maybe do some preliminary work while another game is in full production by a bigger team, but I thought there was another full studio with GG? I don't think a Naughty Dog like arrangement works if they don't want to have, like, 4+ years between Killzone games.


Guys, I'm worried. I'm worried the fallout a and restructuring of march maybe worse than we thought. Man my hype is declining.

It happens every console transition. Cofounders of ND left before Uncharted came out, and the game was still awesome.

2014 is an odd year because SCEA has a new boss and WWS has been mute for a long time (almost never the case in previous years leading into the show.) For E3, just go in having low expectations, that way you ain't disappointed.


Don't they have two separate studios? I understand Naughty Dog only has two separate creative teams where a smaller one can think up ideas and maybe do some preliminary work while another game is in full production by a bigger team, but I thought there was another full studio with GG? I don't think a Naughty Dog like arrangement works if they don't want to have, like, 4+ years between Killzone games.

I don't think there's full studios when they say they have "two teams". Everyone has been assuming that this means there are two separate studios within the same building, but I'm guessing this isn't the case and probably won't be unless you're the size of a Nintendo or Ubisoft.

It's more likely that there are enough people to move a project along until the point where it becomes all hands on deck and the whole studio is working on it. At the same time, the creative parts of development (art, story, etc) have probably moved on into preproduction or DLC since there's really not much else for them to do. The Naughty Dog situation is probably how all of the expanded SCE studios are structured at this point. A large studio by first party standards, but not huge enough to sustain two totally separate games. And why would you do that? Ideally you'd like to take the lessons learned from each game (at least on a tech standpoint) and iterate on that from within. Otherwise you'd have two teams solving the same technical challenges and a ton of redundancies.


love on your sleeve
Don't they have two separate studios? I understand Naughty Dog only has two separate creative teams where a smaller one can think up ideas and maybe do some preliminary work while another game is in full production by a bigger team, but I thought there was another full studio with GG? I don't think a Naughty Dog like arrangement works if they don't want to have, like, 4+ years between Killzone games.

I'm guessing you're thinking of Guerilla Cambridge. They were developing Killzone: Mercenary in that same time frame and someone here said they've switched over to DLC for Shadow Fall. I don't think any of Sony's studios are set up to where they can do full production on two AAA titles simultaneously. Santa Monica was and is probably closest to that.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
Don't they have two separate studios? I understand Naughty Dog only has two separate creative teams where a smaller one can think up ideas and maybe do some preliminary work while another game is in full production by a bigger team, but I thought there was another full studio with GG? I don't think a Naughty Dog like arrangement works if they don't want to have, like, 4+ years between Killzone games.

The reality is we don't know if they have two roughly equal sized teams or not. I will say that I highly, highly doubt that the game was just sitting around in pre-production until Killzone came out. They literally formed an entirely different studio--that much we do know, and we know that studio's been around since like 2011 or something. In any case, more likely they're just splitting their games up like someone else said.

And I just realized I don't have a dog in this fight. I just need S-E to stop BSing and give a brother XV and make Triad Wars not be multiplayer/online-only. After that, I'm good. Outside of Uncharted Sony's stuff is never a draw for me at E3 anyway.
This was a response to all of those who are already dismissing the Uncharted 4 reveal, a possible TLG reintroduction, a potential Project Beast trailer...because, you know, they are not surprises! Well, good luck thinking about surprises that would be more impressive and exciting that those three disappointing (lol) announcements...

Yet here we are posting in a thread about GG not showing their as yet unseen, unannounced game.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
I could not be any less hyped for Sony's E3 right now.
I guess it's better than hoping for too much.
So glad I chose to wait on a PS4. Won't be buying one until next year at this rate.

Such a disingenuous post. Ya, because a GG video clip would validate your purchase or make you buy one? The game has not been announced and there is no release date, how could it possible affect any decision?
Such a disingenuous post. Ya, because a GG video clip would validate your purchase or make you buy one? The game has not been announced and there is no release date, how could it possible affect any decision?

Maybe his post was just a reaction to the overall PS4 lineup, and this game being so far from release is just another reason?


I'm guessing you're thinking of Guerilla Cambridge. They were developing Killzone: Mercenary in that same time frame and someone here said they've switched over to DLC for Shadow Fall. I don't think any of Sony's studios are set up to where they can do full production on two AAA titles simultaneously. Santa Monica was and is probably closest to that.
No, I know of the name change for them. I distinctively remember reading news about GG setting an all new studio in, like, 2010 or 2011. At least it wasn't reported like Naughty Dog having two teams, but much more like they expanded Guerrilla Games more extensively. It seems it's even in a different location than the original one (or was planned to be):



I get the feeling, no matter what, some people have already decided to be disappointed with whatever Sony shows.

Port begging, concern trolls, doomsayers - yep, this is a new console generation for certain.
Yet here we are posting in a thread about GG not showing their as yet unseen, unannounced game.

It is most probably a W-RPG, having the setting briefly described by Shinobi in a tweet-post of his. Oups! Seems like I ruined another possible megaton for a lot of people. How evil of me to prevent GG from ever showing it, let alone selling it to the masses. No more surprises, I fear. The teams working on the project are slowly vanishing, one by one, and soon enough nobody would mention their once expected to hit project...
Oh, and yes! MM project will probably be about creating and sharing; Sony Bend game is said to be a horror title, or at least induce panick; PD will reveal yet another GT...So Sony should avoid ever discussing those three either.
No megatons!
Didn't expect this at e3 myself, maybe gamescom. As long as sony shows me some beast souls im good. Dont even care about TLG anymore either tbh.
It is most probably a W-RPG, having the setting briefly described by Shinobi in a tweet-post of his. Oups! Seems like I ruined another possible megaton for a lot of people. How evil of me to prevent GG from ever showing it, let alone selling it to the masses. No mas surprises, I fear. The teams working on the project are slowly vanishing, one by one, and soon enough nobody would mention their once expected to hit project...

The fact you said most probably says a lot. You're not even 100% sure what kind of game it is. No one knows what it looks like, no one even knows the name. It's not like what GG has done before so when it's shown it'll be a surprise.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
No Gurrilla Games...no Media Molecule.

This E3 is looking to be quite disappointing for Sony in terms of NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS.

I'm sure The Order and Uncharted 4 will impress, but ehhh...I have a feeling this year will be a repeat of last...1 new IP announced.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Not expecting a lot of bombshell new announcements at this E3.

The one I was hoping the most for, Fallout 4, is already confirmed to be a no show.

I expect to see
Uncharted 4
Halo 5
Halo Collection/H2A
Deus Ex Universe
The Order
Battlefield: Hardline
Star Wars Battlefront
Quantum Break
Forza Horizon 2
The Last of Us: Remastered available now
Assassins Creed Unity
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Homefront 2
The Division
Madden 2015
Sunset Overdrive
Fable Legends and possibly FA XBO
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Farcry 4
No Mans Sky
The Witcher 3
Zelda WiiU
Majoras Mask 3DS
Maybe Mass Effect 4
and maybe one or two cool new games we have not seen or heard of before, and an inevitable Ubisoft reveal, unless it is just AC:U.

Also half expecting some more nice Remastered/Definitive Editions like maybe/hopefully
Gears Collection
Uncharted Collection
Mass Effect Collection

If even like 70% of that is shown, and its not all CGI teasers, then it will be a damned good E3. Throw in a surprise or two, and we are in for some good times.


I hope Sony and everyone else has a good E3.

But yeesh, these last couple weeks have been really rough. It's like publishers just want to rip the band-aid off and deliver the bad news before the show, so that all the E3 news is positive. Hopefully it's nothing but awesome announcements from here going forward.
The fact you said most probably says a lot. You're not even 100% sure what kind of game it is. No one knows what it looks like, no one even knows the name. It's not like what GG has done before so when it's shown it'll be a surprise.

We're not a 100% sure that Project Beast is a PS4 exclusive...So there you go!
As for Guerilla's new IP, I am pretty certain that the info provided by Shinobi are correct. So it will not be that big of a surprise to me. Neither will it the many souls who have read his hints...sorry.


I love how there are so many experts at game development these days... Games take time to make! From the way people are carrying on every team should release and show their game the moment a console is announced no matter what state it's in.
Rubbish post.

And what if it turns out to be totally veritable. Will it still be a rubbish post if it is ultimately vindicated?

I am truly befuddled by the absolute animosity in this and other threads, towards those who have a pessimistic viewpoint. They are constantly besmirched and derided as "trolls". IMO is really petty. Are those who express consistently positive visions maligned by those who disagree with them? No! So why are there so many who feel the need to vilify those with opposing viewpoints?
Look no one ultimately knows what this E3 will bring from Sony, but one thing is clear. Sony hasn't given us much, thus far to anticipate. There silence is not helping to elate fans much. Now, their silence could belie a truly fantastic presentation. I am praying it will be as such. However, personally I am preparing to be disappointed. Despite what some here have claimed I don't have monumental or unreasonable expectations. I just want to see some real surprises and most of all see more titles for 2014.

The bottom line is, I wouldn't discount his viewpoint until this E3 is over. I hope he's wrong as much as you, but right now we have nothing to go on.
In the now irrelevant topic of studio acquisitions, even if the Order is successful, realistically Sony shouldn't make an acquisition offer.

Not until the studio proves its long-term sustainability.

Eg. Irrational is a great studio, but any studio that take 5 years of full production to release a game is well... not good for business.

On the other hand, Guerilla is not seen as a top-tier studio compared to the best in the business, but they are clearly a more financially reliable studio that can release million seller games every two years.


So, if Project Beast isn't Sony's only ace, they must have something that no one knows about? U4 and TLG will be huge but we already know about them, so you couldn't really call them aces up the sleeve, or megatons.
Although I guess seeing U4 running could be a megaton in its own right..

FF7 HD is confirmed to be in development by an insider on here I can't remember. Maybe they will show it :0


It was Verendus

It's happening. He's obviously not going to give any indication as such though so it hardly matters until they're ready to announce something. His comments make sense. It's a huge project that will take a lot of effort, and demand a lot from him personally, in order to ensure the end result is something satisfactory.
Fuck man. What the hell is Sony going to be showing exactly? Uncharted 4 is obvious, same with another DriveClub demo, but no media molecule, No Guerrilla, so this has to be the year of The Last Guardian right? Or will they try to push the fuck out of Morpheus and PlayStation Now? I just want first party games Sony.


Fuck man. What the hell is Sony going to be showing exactly? Uncharted 4 is obvious, same with another DriveClub demo, but no media molecule, No Guerrilla, so this has to be the year of The Last Guardian right? Or will they try to push the fuck out of Morpheus and PlayStation Now? I just want first party games Sony.

E3 is not the only game show in town


Unconfirmed Member
And what if it turns out to be totally veritable. Will it still be a rubbish post if it is ultimately vindicated?

I am truly befuddled by the absolute animosity in this and other threads, towards those who have a pessimistic viewpoint. They are constantly besmirched and derided as "trolls". IMO is really petty. Are those who express consistently positive visions maligned by those who disagree with them? No! So why are there so many who feel the need to vilify those with opposing viewpoints?
Look no one ultimately knows what this E3 will bring from Sony, but one thing is clear. Sony hasn't given us much, thus far to anticipate. There silence is not helping to elate fans much. Now, their silence could belie a truly fantastic presentation. I am praying it will be as such. However, personally I am preparing to be disappointed. Despite what some here have claimed I don't have monumental or unreasonable expectations. I just want to see some real surprises and most of all see more titles for 2014.

The bottom line is, I wouldn't discount his viewpoint until this E3 is over. I hope he's wrong as much as you, but right now we have nothing to go on.

Isn't the point to not have anything to go on? Otherwise why the fuck do we have an E3.
Fuck man. What the hell is Sony going to be showing exactly? Uncharted 4 is obvious, same with another DriveClub demo, but no media molecule, No Guerrilla, so this has to be the year of The Last Guardian right? Or will they try to push the fuck out of Morpheus and PlayStation Now? I just want first party games Sony.

Yeah, it sucks that some things are getting pushed, but there is still a lot of potential surprises. 2nd party Quantic Dream may have a new trailer or an official reveal for what their game really is. Sony Bend may have something to reveal and who knows, they may push a CG trailer of whatever Sony Santa Monica is cooking up, but I think that is less likely. SCEJ may have something else to show besides a TLG re-reveal.
No Gurrilla Games...no Media Molecule.

This E3 is looking to be quite disappointing for Sony in terms of NEW ANNOUNCEMENTS.

I'm sure The Order and Uncharted 4 will impress, but ehhh...I have a feeling this year will be a repeat of last...1 new IP announced.

Tell me, since you're from the future, which penny stock should I buy and hold over the weekend?


I still think Sony is gonna have a great show at E3. They wouldn't be doing that theater deal if they just plan to release every game in 2015, and have this just be a year of Last of Us and Driveclub (which I really want). I think we will get some very nice surprises at E3 whether it's directly from Sony or 3rd party. Hopefully we get to see some of what GG has planned at Gamescon maybe?


Lost all credibility.
Maybe Sony is simply saving all their major announcements for Gamescom because they don't see E3 as a very valuable place to announce stuff.
I think it's just DriveClub, some HD re-releases, and indie games as it stands for the rest of the year.

I guess they could announce something for Fall still, but I'm not seeing many open studios.

Well that doesn't sound good at all. The only thing now that can save SONY's E3 for me, is the announcement of Project Beast and if that turns out to be the rumored Xbone's big 3rd party exclusive. I am going to be so disappointed and distraught.


Why are you reading my tag instead of the title of my post?
Where's that list of all the Sony 1st/2nd/3rd parties and the possible games they're working on?


Expecting an Uncharted trailer with 3 seconds of gameplay,the game won't have a stage demo if it's their fall 2015 title,don't think TLG will be there TBH.


I still think Sony is gonna have a great show at E3. They wouldn't be doing that theater deal if they just plan to release every game in 2015, and have this just be a year of Last of Us and Driveclub (which I really want). I think we will get some very nice surprises at E3 whether it's directly from Sony or 3rd party. Hopefully we get to see some of what GG has planned at Gamescon maybe?

I hope they've got some awesome unannounced titles for 2014, but the situation now is looking pretty dire. Hopefully they have something up their sleeve. Maybe Uncharted can ship this year, maybe they bought some kind of timed exclusivity for a promising 3rd party game.

While it certainly wouldn't be a megaton, I hope they announce Journey Remastered. I never owned a PS3, so Last of Us and Journey are the main Sony titles I've been hoping to play.


Fuck man. What the hell is Sony going to be showing exactly? Uncharted 4 is obvious, same with another DriveClub demo, but no media molecule, No Guerrilla, so this has to be the year of The Last Guardian right? Or will they try to push the fuck out of Morpheus and PlayStation Now? I just want first party games Sony.

I think there's a very good likelihood of TLG, Project Beast and UC4. Those three right there would be an absolutely epic E3. Some folks need to remember, sony is showing this presser in theaters around the country. I would think they have a megaton or two left.


Junior Member
I hope they've got some awesome unannounced titles for 2014, but the situation now is looking pretty dire. Hopefully they have something up their sleeve. Maybe Uncharted can ship this year, maybe they bought some kind of timed exclusivity for a promising 3rd party game.

While it certainly wouldn't be a megaton, I hope they announce Journey Remastered. I never owned a PS3, so Last of Us and Journey are the main Sony titles I've been hoping to play.

You are so lucky that you have not played the last of us. 2014 is looking snazzy for you. I doubt judging by what has been shown so far that there will be a better game you will get to play this year from any publisher than the last of us.


Analyzing Sony's E3 2014 games (what's likely):

- DriveClub was supposed to release at launch. After an 11 month delay, it's now Sony's big fall exclusive.
- The Order: 1886 was supposes to release this fall, not it's been delayed to 2015.
- Uncharted PS4 was already revealed back at VGX 2013.
- The Last Guardian was supposed to release back in 2011 as a PS3 game.
- Project Beast was leaked at the beginning of May.


So now if something leaks ahead of reveal then it doesn't count as a good exclusive?
The Order, Uncharted, TLG and Project Beast is a bad line-up of exclusives?
Here's also something for you to analyze on: Bloodborne, Kill Strain and Entwined.
People who have no games to play and depend on announcements of new games to satisfy themselves need to get a PC, another console, or get out. Man, I just can't stand people saying no games anymore. Here have three of mine I have so many fucking games I could drown myself in them. I love new games too. But I'm not gonna start a panic because Sony didn't announce 20 games at E3.

I mean jezuz I'm playing on Steam right now: Dishonored, Castlevania, Witcher 2, The Bridge, and Batman AA as well as random indie stuff. On PS4 I have PS Plus and KZ, Infamous, Knack, and now tlou when it comes out. I simply barely have enough time as is and I have PLENTY in the backlog besides this.

And let's not kid, I am playing all these games at next gen standards, like SGSSAA, so they are all like next-gen games to me. I can't identify with people who need this trunk of games to be announced year one for a system.


So now if something leaks ahead of reveal then it doesn't count as a good exclusive?
The Order, Uncharted, TLG and Project Beast is a bad line-up of exclusives?
Here's also something for you to analyze on: Bloodborne, Kill Strain and Entwined.

Seriously, those four games would make for one hell of an E3.


So now if something leaks ahead of reveal then it doesn't count as a good exclusive?
The Order, Uncharted, TLG and Project Beast is a bad line-up of exclusives?
Here's also something for you to analyze on: Bloodborne, Kill Strain and Entwined.

No way. The only one out of those not getting purchased is The Order.
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