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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


im just going to say 'boo' and move on.

i dont think its nice to pay devs monies for exclusives, timed or not. Only creates backlash imo


Yeah no kidding, I've loved the TR series since I played the first game in 1996 but the reactions seem a lot stronger than I would have expected. Granted, exclusives of any kind seem to drive some people nuts, as every DLC exclusivity deal has proven.

But despite not owning an Xbone this news elicits only a shrug from me, I guess it's just too early to be overly concerned about next years releases for me. I'm sure there will be other games released at the end of 2015 so I can wait to get Rise on Steam or PS4 6 months or a year later.


I mean, outside of maybe selling more X1 units? I don't see how this really adds more fire to anything. X1 owners were always going to get this game. So it does nothing for them. By fire, do you mean cut out the majority of the fan base from playing a sequel a series they supported?

I mean..I guess?
I mean that if MS get aggressive about securing exclusives, they might actually put up some decent competition. As it stands, the gen is already won and the other two consoles are simply 'also-rans'. I'd like to see MS turn up the heat a bit and keep Sony on their toes.


Bold move, I like it. This gen needs a bit more fire because right now, it's boring as fuck.

Of course, this means I won't be playing the new Tomb Raider, and that's a shame. I'll get by though.

Yup I agree. I thought true third party exclusives were all but dead, but Ms brought it back! Amazing move.
I finally mastered a foreign language today: Cboatnese.

I mean that if MS get aggressive about securing exclusives, they might actually put up some decent competition. As it stands, the gen is already won and the other two consoles are simply 'also-rans'. I'd like to see MS turn up the heat a bit and keep Sony on their toes.
Moneyhats are the laziest, most despicable way to do it, however. It wasn't cool when Sony did it, it wasn't cool when Nintendo did it. I'm sure Sega probably did a couple and even that wasn't cool. The fact is: if MS wants to be a real competitor (in a way that also gets core gamer respect), they need to put these efforts towards internal, 1st-party IP development, not moneyhatting 3rd-party content.

This isn't very hard to understand.


Junior Member
Shinobi and Cboat both coming out and saying it's only time exclusive.

Well, that just seems like a waste of money for MS. It will only make people pissed off when announced, and then it'll come to other platforms down the line. Sigh...



definitely will be on PS4/PC....after 6-12 months, but i I do not care. have ps4, xone and not a big fan of TR 2013..
But CBOAT post can means "no 3 years exclusivity, one year" "no 3 years exclusivity, forever".

or if he really knew anything he could just tell us outright.

Rebuking someone predicting 3 years of exclusivity isn't exactly a gutsy call. No games has a 3 year exclusivity deal. It's either 6-12 months, or it's permanent. In this case it's probably 6-12 months.
This game was being made for PS4, so it made me confused that MS was able to make them drop PS4.

Now we know it's not.

Ok, I can play it later with the rest of the dominating console marketshare. Crisis averted.
I dunno. To me this just seems wrong. Like I said earlier, I get exclusives. I just don't like the idea of exclusives being made from established multi-plat franchises, especially when it involves cutting out the majority of the consumers that supported it in the first place.

Exclusives can only be acquired when two companies come together and reach an agreement that both sides see as mutually beneficial. Mind you, I'm not saying that I'm a fan of the move. I'm not tipping my hat to MS for this savvy maneuver. I just have an "it is what it is" reaction to it.

And before settling on a stance, I'm waiting for the dust to settle a bit in terms of figuring out the nature of the move. If as expected it turns out to be a timed exclusive, I honestly can't be motivated to react indignantly. I mean, if you're a PS4 fan that wants the next installment of Tomb Raider as soon as humanly possible, then this is a bummer. But aside from that, I just sort of feel like the options are ultimately going to be there. Need Tomb Raider ASAP? Get an Xbone. Otherwise, wait for what might turn out to be a more polished port later.


I mean that if MS get aggressive about securing exclusives, they might actually put up some decent competition. As it stands, the gen is already won and the other two consoles are simply 'also-rans'. I'd like to see MS turn up the heat a bit and keep Sony on their toes.

Fair enough! I do not like this at all (I say this as an X1 owner)...however, I can agree that it's good to see them be aggressive. I just wish they were using that in different ways.

Exclusives can only be acquired when two companies come together and reach a benefit that both sides see as mutually beneficial. Mind you, I'm not saying that I'm a fan of the move. I'm not tipping my hat to MS for this savvy maneuver. I just have an "it is what it is" reaction to it.

And before settling on a stance, I'm waiting for the dust to settle a bit in terms of figuring out the nature of the move. If as expected it turns out to be a timed exclusive, I honestly can't be motivated to react indignantly. I mean, if you're a PS4 fan that wants the next installment of Tomb Raider as soon as humanly possible, then this is a bummer. But aside from that, I just sort of feel like the options are ultimately going to be there. Need Tomb Raider ASAP? Get an Xbone. Otherwise, wait for what might turn out to be a more polished port later.

Appreciate the well thought out/rational reply. I still don't know how to feel about this. Because I can step out of my emotions and try to see this purely from a business perspective. But I still feel like both companies (MS and CD), are making a bad move in terms of the long term/bigger picture. But I'm not an expert in business, so there's that.


Of course it's timed. And I'm willing to bet that it's less than one year exclusivity window and it won't remain even Xbox console exclusive by the end of 2016. MS is desperate.
Exclusives can only be acquired when two companies come together and reach a benefit that both sides see as mutually beneficial. Mind you, I'm not saying that I'm a fan of the move. I'm not tipping my hat to MS for this savvy maneuver. I just have an "it is what it is" reaction to it.

And before settling on a stance, I'm waiting for the dust to settle a bit in terms of figuring out the nature of the move. If as expected it turns out to be a timed exclusive, I honestly can't be motivated to react indignantly. I mean, if you're a PS4 fan that wants the next installment of Tomb Raider as soon as humanly possible, then this is a bummer. But aside from that, I just sort of feel like the options are ultimately going to be there. Need Tomb Raider ASAP? Get an Xbone. Otherwise, wait for what might turn out to be a more polished port later.

He said it.
So glad. They need more exclusives. It would be nice if they had their own shit, but I'll take this. The first one didn't make the biggest fan of me, but it's a nice title to have in your pocket.
So it's panning out that this is potentially exclusive to Xbox through 2015 and possibly an attempt by Microsoft (or SE too, I guess?) to put Tomb Raider into a direct fight against Uncharted and somehow think that will work out for them. Good luck with that, guys! That's probably not going to end well.

That's on Square-Enix for planning a likely release versus Naughty Dog but surely still a freaking ton of money shelled out by Microsoft. Even versus Uncharted it's not like it would have sold zero PS4 copies. People being pissed is reasonable. An entire generation ago already we entered the realm of previous exclusives > all platforms and few examples of things retreating to exclusivity. Ironically, Square-Enix opening up the FF series to Xbox is practically the defining moment of that story.


Gold Member
What a clusterfuck this announcement has become. Seriously, a better choice would have been to announce a new Battletoads game from Rare, which of course would be exclusive to Xbox One.
Win win for Sqaure. Good for them.
It's a win for Microsoft.

I'd guess, based entirely on speculation, the value of the lost sales for Square Enix even if this is timed and eventually releases on other platforms will exceed whatever they were paid. This is a franchise that can sell in the realm of 7M lifetime, with half of that if not more coming from non-Xbox platforms. A large proportion of those sales though, come from early in the life cycle. Releasing later on other platforms, if that ends up being the case will, mute sales a bit, imo.


Time Traveler
Someone please make a summary.

Basically, information we had was this was an exclusive, now CBOAT, who has proven in the past to have insider information, has said that it is timed, and confirmed that it's less than 3 years.

Plot thickens.


So was Splinter Cell... and I didn't see the outrage when Conviction was announced to be exclusive to the 360.

Seriously, what is the big deal. If you want to play it so badly, then just get an Xbox One. Exactly what Microsoft wished for when it entered into this agreement with Square Enix.

"If you want it so badly, then just waste 500 dollars on a box you do not want and do not need. Hey, it's good for MS! "


Cool, good to know it's only timed.

Kind of a shame that Phil 'God's gift to Xbox' Spencer is still up to MS's old tricks though.

Old tricks?

Did he trick Square Enix here? Did he have someone there blindly sign an agreement and scream AH-HA! GOTCHA! TOMB RAIDER 2 IS OUUUURS~


Lol at Gaf collapsing because of 3 words from CBoat.

Of course it's timed. It's crazy to me that so many people are spending so much energy worrying that it won't be. You will definitely be able to play on PC in 2016 I am sure of that. PS4, who knows? Might be the same time as PC, Microsoft might have a clause to make them wait longer, much like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse.
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