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New Bloodborne gameplay trailer


I never got into the Souls series, but how likely is it that this game will let you customize the look of your character? I know you can use different weapons in Dark Souls, but are their different armor options that actually change your appearence?

yes there are

This got me more excited for this game than anything. I cannot wait to explore this new and mysterious world.


I never got into the Souls series, but how likely is it that this game will let you customize the look of your character? I know you can use different weapons in Dark Souls, but are their different armor options that actually change your appearence?

Tbh I'm confused about whether the second part of your sentence is in reference to Dark Souls or Bloodborne so I'll just cover all bases:

Dark Souls lets you customise your character, including classes and there were hundreds of armour sets and weapons to find during the game.

With Bloodborne, who knows? Not really sure why something so specific would be a deciding factor at this point without knowing the larger context of the game tbh.

I'm also surprised at how many people in this thread never got into the Souls series. I'm NOT surprised that many people didn't get into the Souls series, just at how many are in this thread; meaning just the art direction and setting alone seem to be pulling in a lot of new players; awesome!


I never got into the Souls series, but how likely is it that this game will let you customize the look of your character? I know you can use different weapons in Dark Souls, but are their different armor options that actually change your appearence?
Confirmed a long time ago. You can also pick gender.
Tbh I'm confused about whether the second part of your sentence is in reference to Dark Souls or Bloodborne so I'll just cover all bases:

Dark Souls lets you customise your character, including classes and there were hundreds of armour sets and weapons to find during the game.

With Bloodborne, who knows? Not really sure why something so specific would be a deciding factor at this point without knowing the larger context of the game tbh.

I'm also surprised at how many people in this thread never got into the Souls series. I'm NOT surprised that many people didn't get into the Souls series, just at how many are in this thread; meaning just the art direction and setting alone seem to be pulling in a lot of new players; awesome!

Confirmed a long time ago. You can also pick gender.
Awesome, thanks! Sorry, I'm on my phone at work, or I'd have done the research myself. And, yeah, Croyles, the amazing artstyle and ambiance are what initially caught my interest. If I had the systems to play it, I'd probably go play Dark Souls while waiting.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I am hoping that this game is not difficult like Dark Souls, but unfortunately from the look of the combat that does seem to be the case.


Hope some form of real-time model damage is implemented. The more detailed a game is, the more the absence of this feature is noticeable, IMO.


I am hoping that this game is not difficult like Dark Souls, but unfortunately from the look of the combat that does seem to be the case.

Yeah, it will be.

Tbh, Dark Souls is not difficult, it just requires patience, which I guess some people would equate to difficulty so yeah, it's difficult.



Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Yeah, it will be.

Tbh, Dark Souls is not difficult, it just requires patience, which I guess some people would equate to difficulty so yeah, it's difficult.


Patience = Time. I don't have the time that I used to dedicate to learning the combat. It was fun when it worked, but the game has a real difficult learning curve and is not fun for a new player. It might be fun for some, but not everyone. If they can make an easy mode, I will buy the game, if not than I won't.
I wasn't a huge fan of the souls games because of the slow nature of the combat and the dull presentation. This one looks a lot better. Its like God Of War and Demon Souls had a really f*cked up baby. Looks great and pretty cinematic too. I feel like this


After watching the trailer, I'm getting some serious Hellsing, Castlevania-like, 1920's Horror film vibes from this game.

Yes, I really want this game.

I'd loved to see what they could do with that art style in an (dark) Harry Potter/Sorcerers game

Warner Bros, if you here me.

Although this gameplay trailer gets my attention, I will definitely purchase it.

Anymore of these shots out there?

This looks absolutely phenomenal.


Grandma's Chippy
You know, I have not jumped in on a new console yet. But this may get me.

I am addicted to Souls 2 right now.

Oh man what I would give for a Souls collection on PS4... I would be SOULD (Yes, horrible pun ;) )
Is this anyone's most hyped game of this gen so far?

it is for me. By a large margin.

I would say yes without hesitation if it werent for No Mans Sky existing.

But yes, Demons Souls was my GOTG last gen so my hype couldn't get much higher. The actual gameplay reveal did not disappoint in the slightest but only made my hype even stronger.


There is no other game I want on the system that isn't coming to PC, but I will be forced to buy a PS4 for this one. Souls games are too good to miss.
I never cared about Dark or Demon Souls. Art style looked unappealing and gameplay too slow. But they really knocked it out of the park with the presentation here.

This piqued my interest which I didn't think it would


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The Souls games sound intimidating as hell to me, but this looks wicked cool. The atmosphere is more up my alley, I think this'll pull me in for a try.


Is this anyone's most hyped game of this gen so far?

it is for me. By a large margin.

I can't remember the last time I was this hyped for a game. Maybe when I was waiting for Ocarina of Time? That's the last time I can remember ever being this hyped. This is the king of all hypes for me. Every inch of this game looks like it was made to fit my tastes. I have not seen a single objectionable thing to any element of this game.

I am fully ready and prepared for it to release and it to suck and me to criticize the shit out of it, I ain't no fanboy. But my fucking christ if they haven't hit every fucking note right so far. I can't be more hyped, it is impossible.


This game looks a lot like Demon's Souls, which is excellent. DeS had the best atmosphere in all of the souls games. The reason to buy a PS4 for me along with Guilty Gear Xrd, can't wait.

Also, for the people complaining about it being brown, I hate brown games, but this game really nails it in the art direction. It uses the colors really well. Something I can't say for almost all of the games that opt for this.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Bloodborne + Silent Hills + The Evil Within... Horror/gothic making a come back this gen?

And they all largely (well, seemingly) play differently/different genres, which is even more awesome!

Which is funny for me personally... Because I do not watch horror movies. Just can't. Don't like that style in ANY medium, except games. Most likely because I like the control in extremely thrilling/dramatic circumstances. I can usually do without the gore.
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