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Nobody is playing titanfall.


I just got off on XBO about 20 minutes ago. There were 2500 in my region (US Midwest), and like 2900 worldwide.

Something isn't right on your end.
I don't play many online games, but when I played CoD Ghosts and it had that many people online (Wii U peaked at about 2500 when I was playing) it felt very empty and choice of games wasn't very good. Anything except the basic game modes were impossible to get going.

3000 players feels "dead", especially when there are multiple game modes breaking everyone up. Are FPS games commoditized now?

Special C

MS just need to make it the Nov Games with Gold free download. Playerbase will rocket. Thats what they need to do to get people hyped for the eventual sequel. If players enjoy it, they will get the DLC.

November isn't a good month to do that. Sunset Overdrive will have just released and Halo MCC is coming out that month.


Yea, but that only makes it unlikely. It's not something that can't happen. Usually I wouldn't be so pedantic about your choice of words, but you were just going at BruiserBear for stating something as fact... impossible is very rarely a fact.

You could make this argument about any statement from any person or company. I decide to go with the facts presented and stated. When looking at what has been said so far it is factually impossible. Could they theoretically change their minds down the road? Yea sure but that doesn't change what we know right now and according to that it is impossible. I don't see what is wrong with my use of the term when it considers and applies all the facts we currently have.
9k players is pretty bad.

26,163 29,800 Counter-Strike (1999)
17,328 18,918 Counter-Strike: Source (2004)

Oh vey. Now we're comparing low spec PC games, meaning the potential userbase dwarfs the XB1 userbase by leaps and bounds.

I don't play many online games, but when I played CoD Ghosts and it had that many people online (Wii U peaked at about 2500 when I was playing) it felt very empty and choice of games wasn't very good. Anything except the basic game modes were impossible to get going.

3000 players feels "dead", especially when there are multiple game modes breaking everyone up. Are FPS games commoditized now?

There are at least 6,000 people on Titanfall right now on XB1. I'm not home right now but when I was an hour ago there were around 7,000 online. People are throwing out incorrect numbers in here.

You could make this argument about any statement from any person or company. I decide to go with the facts presented and stated. When looking at what has been said so far it is factually impossible. Could they theoretically change their minds down the road? Yea sure but that doesn't change what we know right now and according to that it is impossible. I don't see what is wrong with my use of the term when it considers and applies all the facts we currently have.

You are really fixated on this EA Access thing man. Swap out EA Access with GWG and everything I said earlier still applies. Titanfall isn't "dead" and won't be for a long time. In fact, GWG will add way more players than EA Access ever would, so it will have an even bigger impact.


I quoted him letting him know but I did go onto say that I hope respawn works out a deal with EA to add it to EAA so you might have just skimmed my post and saw that.

I think it's somewhat likely that it gets added to EAA, I mean it just seems like a waste of time otherwise to have ranked play, horde mode and all these updates coming out now when the population is about to drop off due to MCC/Cod next month. Respawn will want people to play these updates, the game isn't selling any more and most people who own the game probably won't bother going back to it with MCC and CoD coming out.

So I think it's likely that we will see either 1) Free with GWG 2) GOTY edition or 3) Added to EA access once ranked play etc is available to the public

#1 is probably safe to say it's not going to happen, #2 I can't see many people buying a GOTY edition at this stage especially at full price so the only real option left is #3... or to release a huge update like this that only a small amount of people will play.

I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get added though, but I do think there is a decent chance of it happening aswell.

I don't think they have said that, have they? I thought it just said "titanfall is excluded from EA access" in the small print?

I would say GWG is a very likely possibility. It makes sense for both MS and Respawn in a lot of ways. But it would probably only occur on either a holiday to encourage sales (Black Friday, Christmas, etc) or prior to the release of Titanfall 2 to reignite interest in the franchise.

As far as their statements go I remember them clarifying that all EA partners games were not eligible for EA access. The initial statement did indeed specifically cite Titanfall as not coming to the service but when people asked why they clarified that it was due to be an EA Partners game and that no such games would be a part of the vault.

You are really fixated on this EA Access thing man. Swap out EA Access with GWG and everything I said earlier still applies. Titanfall isn't "dead" and won't be for a long time. In fact, GWG will add way more players than EA Access ever would, so it will have an even bigger impact.

You didn't say GWG you said EA Access so yes I responded to the statement you actually made and the response you quoted wasn't even talking to you it was addressing Synth's concerns on my use of the word "impossible" which required me to argue its validity. So no I'm not fixated on it I'm responding to direct questions concerning my previous post.

I also never said Titanfall was dead I said it had a much smaller population than the pre release hoopla would have implied especially when compared to other games on the same platform. Comparatively speaking it's online population is small and that's a good indication of consumer interest. Despite incredibly high attach rates they have been unable to sustain or maintain their online population. Interest has dropped off. Their content updates have done little to nothing in in the way of consumer retention in the face of a very competitive market. While GWG would undoubtedly surge the population it doesn't solve their overall consumer retention issue.
Yes there are ppl still playing, but that number keeps dropping, and after the holiday releases, it's going to tank some more. And with how matchmaking works to play the game, it means more wait times or play lists being abandoned.

That game as it has enough mostly to enjoy the game, but the declining numbers and playlists with almost no one in them is not confidence building.


You could make this argument about any statement from any person or company. I decide to go with the facts presented and stated. When looking at what has been said so far it is factually impossible. Could they theoretically change their minds down the road? Yea sure but that doesn't change what we know right now and according to that it is impossible. I don't see what is wrong with my use of the term when it considers and applies all the facts we currently have.

Yea, we could do this all day, but you would still be factually incorrect about it. :p

If you've got something that won't happen unless something else happens... and that something else actually can happen, then it's not impossible... at any point in time. Unlikely? Sure. Impossible? No.

"It's impossible for them to selll the Xbox One without Kinect". Nope, not impossible (evidently).
"It's impossible for EA to change the terms of EA Access from what they explicitly state it is today". Nope, not impossible.

I used the second one especially for you btw, because it's an example I think you can relate to. I recall you being all "noooo don't trust EA, you never know how they're gonna switch shit up on you if EA Access takes off...", yet here you're saying it's impossible for them to even open the service up to a partner game? Biased dialogue indeed.


Yea, we could do this all day, but you would still be factually incorrect about it. :p

If you've got something that won't happen unless something else happens... and that something else actually can happen, then it's not impossible... at any point in time. Unlikely? Sure. Impossible? No.

"It's impossible for them to selll the Xbox One without Kinect". Nope, not impossible (evidently).
"It's impossible for EA to change the terms of EA Access from what they explicitly state it is today". Nope, not impossible.

I used the second one especially for you btw, because it's an example I think you can relate to. I recall you being all "noooo don't trust EA, you never know how they're gonna switch shit up on you if EA Access takes off...", yet here you're saying it's impossible for them to even open the service up to a partner game? Biased dialogue indeed.

So in your mind people couldn't ever use the word impossible because companies can change their minds. So you couldn't say

"It's impossible for Bloodborne to come out for PC or XB1."


"It's impossible for Smash Bros to com to XB1"

Because it is technically possible for those companies to change their minds despite having a historical precedent that would show otherwise. These scenarios are just as likely to happen because they exist for the same reason: IP Ownership.

And yes I was/am/will likely always be skeptical of EA because they have a historical precedent of anti consumer dickery which is exactly what makes their altering an established program to include games they don't own at high cost to them in order to benefit the consumer about as likely as making a cheese factory on the moon. But by all means let's dismiss my argument on the grounds of my having a healthy skepticism for EA and it's frequent shenanigans.

Saying my use of impossible is factually incorrect is an argument of semantics where as Bruiserbear's statement was incorrect due to actual readily available facts. Do you see the difference there? One is factually wrong and the other could theoretically be wrong some day if the company in question breaks every historical precedent in recent memory and actively goes against their previous statements to the consumer. The likelihood of them "changing their minds" is small enough and the current evidence is concrete enough to use the word in my opinion. That is unless you want to argue that "impossible" can never be used in conversations about IP ownership because "they can (theoretically) change their minds."


Going to sound elitest but...

Tried going back to it on my one and the resolution killed my eyes.

I'll try it when that new title update hits.
I just played the PC version, its worse, much worse... Hard Point had 40 players or so, the first two expansion packs had 0. A few hundred in Attrition and the new horde mode.

That's kinda sad. Every once in awhile it get in the mood to pick the game back up - it's a good game. But then I keep hearing posts like this.
So in your mind people couldn't ever use the word impossible because companies can change their minds. So you couldn't say

"It's impossible for Bloodborne to come out for PC or XB1."


"It's impossible for Smash Bros to com to XB1"

Because it is technically possible for those companies to change their minds despite having a historical precedent that would show otherwise. These scenarios are just as likely to happen because they exist for the same reason: IP Ownership.

And yes I was/am/will likely always be skeptical of EA because they have a historical precedent of anti consumer dickery which is exactly what makes their altering an established program to include games they don't own at high cost to them in order to benefit the consumer about as likely as making a cheese factory on the moon. But by all means let's dismiss my argument on the grounds of my having a healthy skepticism for EA and it's frequent shenanigans.

Saying my use of impossible is factually incorrect is an argument of semantics where as Bruiserbear's statement was incorrect due to actual readily available facts. Do you see the difference there? One is factually wrong and the other could theoretically be wrong some day if the company in question breaks every historical precedent in recent memory and actively goes against their previous statements to the consumer. The likelihood of them "changing their minds" is small enough and the current evidence is concrete enough to use the word in my opinion. That is unless you want to argue that "impossible" can never be used in conversations about IP ownership because "they can (theoretically) change their minds."

You're really invested in this argument for a game you seem to have no interest in, from a publisher you think is evil.


That's kinda sad. Every once in awhile it get in the mood to pick the game back up - it's a good game. But then I keep hearing posts like this.

It's not a bad game it just lacks the content most expect out of a AAA release these days. It's problem is that it doesn't exist in a vacuum and has to compete with so many other games with significantly more/newer content available.

You're really invested in this argument for a game you seem to have no interest in, from a publisher you think is evil.

How many times are you going to make pointless comments complaining about my posts in the most passive aggressive way imaginable? As I said to you last time I'm responding to Synth not you and the response is in direct response to her criticisms of my use of the word "impossible." My "investment" in the game or the publisher has little to nothing to do with my comment.

Furthermore I never said I had no interest in the game in fact I said I own it on PC. My skepticism regarding the publisher has nothing to do with the discussion on this thread and was only brought up in direct response to Synth's accusations of bias.

What I am invested in is having a conversation with others in this forum grounded in reality about the current online population of a game I own. That includes personal observations and opinions on the matter. What it should not include is someone else posting imbecilic quips questioning the intent or validity of my posts because they don't align with their own opinions on the matter. So how about you either actually respond to what I post or stop with the shit posting.
It's not a bad game it just lacks the content most expect out of a AAA release these days. It's problem is that it doesn't exist in a vacuum and has to compete with so many other games with significantly more/newer content available.

Agreed. It's an amazing shooter - technically. I just got bored with it after a few weeks.


Gold Member
It's as if some people need Titanfall to fail or something.

"nobody is playing", yet for some reason I never have any trouble loading up the variety or attrition playlists on Xbone.
I really, really, really enjoyed the game at launch. Thought it did some really innovative stuff with FPS that I liked a lot, like the free kill grunts, the frenetic and beautiful movement, movement in both horizontal and vertical space, and of course Titan integration.

However the constant mismatches where one team just slaughters another team got old fast. I don't necessarily blame them, but so many times I got dumped into a game where its like six people who are gen4+ vs. a bunch of people who are still gen0. Da fuq? The gen challenges were interesting at first too but quickly got extremely tiresome, I quit the game sometime when I realized I was not having fun at all trying to snipe someone ejecting from their titan and I'd need something ridiculous like 25 of those kills to advance.

Lastly "smart matching" is just a terrible, terrible idea for an FPS game like this. You need to have the option to choose a server and set server attributes, so people can play on games the way they want to. When the hype dies down trust in people to organize themselves. I'd rather play with semi-friends (GAFers, redditors, etc) on a few select servers where we can organize better balance and stuff than just throw myself into another random server and hope I don't get the one guy who loves to breathe hard into his mic.

I am 0/3 on season passes now though. Battlefield 4 was a disaster, barely touch it. Titanfall, barely played any of the DLCs. Destiny looks like a money grab and I am pretty sure I will regret buying the digital version with SP. I wonder how many people are completely turned off season passes now.
I played Last Titan Standing for about 4 hours last night. They were all full matches. So it seems fine to me. However, once HMCC releases...all bets are off.


At this moment on PC with CS : GO

Current Players : 220,480 Peak Today : 234,616 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Hell even Blops 2 is huge bigger then Ghosts for example i see every night almost 10k people playing it.


So in your mind people couldn't ever use the word impossible because companies can change their minds. So you couldn't say

"It's impossible for Bloodborne to come out for PC or XB1."


"It's impossible for Smash Bros to com to XB1"

Because it is technically possible for those companies to change their minds despite having a historical precedent that would show otherwise. These scenarios are just as likely to happen because they exist for the same reason: IP Ownership.

And yes I was/am/will likely always be skeptical of EA because they have a historical precedent of anti consumer dickery which is exactly what makes their altering an established program to include games they don't own at high cost to them in order to benefit the consumer about as likely as making a cheese factory on the moon. But by all means let's dismiss my argument on the grounds of my having a healthy skepticism for EA and it's frequent shenanigans.

Saying my use of impossible is factually incorrect is an argument of semantics where as Bruiserbear's statement was incorrect due to actual readily available facts. Do you see the difference there? One is factually wrong and the other could theoretically be wrong some day if the company in question breaks every historical precedent in recent memory and actively goes against their previous statements to the consumer. The likelihood of them "changing their minds" is small enough and the current evidence is concrete enough to use the word in my opinion. That is unless you want to argue that "impossible" can never be used in conversations about IP ownership because "they can (theoretically) change their minds."

Yea, it is semantics... up until the point where you respond to me restating it continuously even with the added context. You meant "unlikely", "very unlikely" or whatever... not impossible.

Like I said, I wouldn't usually bother to questions something so nitpicky, but you put so much emphasis on facts that it's weird that you'd argue such a non-factual statement so strongly. It's not even similar to your other examples as it's not like EA is a platform owner, and we're talking about porting the game to a rival platform. This would simply be standard business affair between EA and Respawn, much like their current publishing agreemnt.

My issue with your stance on EA is that whent talking about the same service (EA Access) you are on one hand saying that we should definitely take what they say at face value, whilst on the other hand saying we should remain skeptical of the thigs they say... depending on which angle you're arguing at the time. Should we trust what EA says about EA Access? Yes or no?

Synth not you and the response is in direct response to her criticisms of my use of the word "impossible."

Not a "her"... I think I need a new avatar...


The bots killed it for me, felt like I saw them way more than actual humans. Won't even bother with the sequel if those aren't axed.


This is funny considering how much MS advertised this as a true next gen game changer.

I think this is exactly why so many claim it's "dead." When you think about the statements, PR and hype surrounding the game prior to release the drop off in consumer attention is, in the minds of many, the equivalent of "dead." A game that hyped is not supposed to have a lower online population than Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare. By all metrics it's a disappointment and when viewed through the lense of gamers disappointment on a major heavily marketed console exclusive is an abject failure.

That's not to say I agree. Monetarily it was likely a massive success for Respawn but I think it's fairly obvious it didn't live up to EA, MS or Respawn's expectations given their statements prior to release.


The bots killed it for me, felt like I saw them way more than actual humans. Won't even bother with the sequel if those aren't axed.

They seem way more interesting in the Horde mode update. Way more dangerous and interesting to play against.

Hopefully Titanfall 2 pushes on with their SP and MP mix but actually fleshed it out into a meaningful addition.


Yea, it is semantics... up until the point where you respond to me restating it continuously even with the added context. You meant "unlikely", "very unlikely" or whatever... not impossible.

Like I said, I wouldn't usually bother to questions something so nitpicky, but you put so much emphasis on facts that it's weird that you'd argue such a non-factual statement so strongly. It's not even similar to your other examples as it's not like EA is a platform owner, and we're talking about porting the game to a rival platform. This would simply be standard business affair between EA and Respawn, much like their current publishing agreemnt.

My issue with your stance on EA is that whent talking about the same service (EA Access) you are on one hand saying that we should definitely take what they say at face value, whilst on the other hand saying we should remain skeptical of the thigs they say... depending on which angle you're arguing at the time. Should we trust what EA says about EA Access? Yes or no?

My statements in regard to EA Access announcement were actually about the things they were not saying or not clarifying and arguing that you should be skeptical of them in regards to those things. I also argued that they could incorporate DLC and other things into the device in the future because they said nothing that explicitly ruled it out whereas in this situation they have explicitly stated it will not happen. The two are not the same. Skepticism is merited when they are being vague, dismissive or simply not commenting at all. Arguing that it should be used to disavow the use of the word "impossible" when they have explicitly stated as much makes no sense. So to sum up: in the absence of explicit statements skepticism is indeed merited in the presence of explicit statements regarding policy they should be taken at face value unless vague, dismissive, or conflicting with other known statements/policies. I assumed this was common sense but apparently not.

Furthermore, whether or not you agree, the example statements I made are in fact related as they are all concerning IP ownership which is the crux of the issue with EA Partners games on EA Access. If EA wanted to include an EA Partners game on EA Access they would have to pay the IP owner a significant sum of money; something that they do not need to do with their own titles. The process for them adding IPs they don't own to their own service platform is essentially the same as console platforms securing IP rights. Both entail the exchange of money for the use or exclusivity of an IP. They aren't exactly the same but the principals and transactions involved as well as the end results are definitely analogous.

The reason emphasized "factual" with Bruiserbear's comment was because it was factually wrong. There is no arguing otherwise. Statements prove it was completely incorrect. Somehow my pointing this out seems to have bothered you. Why? Why is my correction of his comment of sick concern for you that you are insistent upon debating insignificant semantics if word usage which are completely irrelevant to the original post or the conversation at hand? Clearly we disagree about my use of the word "impossible." I think it's valid you think it isn't but either way it's a pointless conversation and as such if you want to debate it further let's do so over PM because it contributes nothing to thread.

Not a "her"... I think I need a new avatar...
Apologies I assumed because of your avatar my mistake.
I played this game almost daily until Madden and destiny came out. I've been meaning to jump back in for a little while now but with SO I probably will not until there is a dlc sale or something...

It's the best multiplayer game on consoles right now IMO but I don't think it did enough to keep people around with no ranking system and fairly easy Regeneration system.


It's only in the most popular list every week on xbone.

Seems like sometimes some people post threads just so the thread title will be visible.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it.


Titanfall is fun, yet people largely ignored it. The BF series gets a pass time and time again.

I am sure that TF2 is coming but MS need to expand the fans now.

Population won't be a problem with the second one. EA won't make the same mistake twice. They'll be releasing TF2 on the PS4 no doubt.


Oh vey. Now we're comparing low spec PC games, meaning the potential userbase dwarfs the XB1 userbase by leaps and bounds.

I'm comparing two very old games to one new, high profile multiplayer game. Besides, it's partly to also compare it to the PC version too. Titanfall on PC has low minimum requirements, obviously not as low as those two CS games, but still very low. In fact, games like CSGO (with 240k average peak players) isn't far off the minimum requirements of Titanfall.

Titanfall has low numbers regardless of how you look at it.
It's only in the most popular list every week on xbone.

Seems like sometimes some people post threads just so the thread title will be visible.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it.
yeah, I think you are...fact is, the game is nowhere near as popular as it was marketed it to be and has a small community.

These "I can find people to play with" comments are annoying, just the same as people "dissing" the game.

it is what it is, a solid game with not enough content.

The Cowboy

I'm comparing two very old games to one new, high profile multiplayer game. Besides, it's partly to also compare it to the PC version too. Titanfall on PC has low minimum requirements, obviously not as low as those two CS games, but still very low. In fact, games like CSGO (with 240k average peak players) isn't far off the minimum requirements of Titanfall.

Titanfall has low numbers regardless of how you look at it.
A better comparison is BF3 (talking PC here), consider the fact BF3 looks as good and requires similar hardware, it was released 2+ years earlier, it has a sequel already out (BF4) - and it as of right now on PC has 22.043 players worldwide.

Its actually pretty amazing to me that with BF3 released in Oct 2011 and with BF4 being available, it has around 10x the player base of Titanfall (heck BF BC2 has similar player stats to TF).
it is what it is, a solid game with not enough content.
Yep, its a pretty good game in terms of its gameplay, it just released way to soon with to little content.
I've found it hard to get into a game since the first week on PC, but I usually put that down to nearly always partying up with a couple of others.


I think with each passing day, more and more people are downloading the patch. Now the number worldwide is 9235, and it's only 12:35PM EST.


It's as if some people need Titanfall to fail or something.

"nobody is playing", yet for some reason I never have any trouble loading up the variety or attrition playlists on Xbone.
That is the problem, the only active play lists are the same boring play lists since day 1

If the game released as it is today, and added on atop of that, then the player base wouldn't be so small, it shipped bare bones


Mark for death was recently added in, and Fronteir Defense is on right now. They switch certain playlists every month or so.
Yeah but for a game with no single player, defense should have shipped with the game

Hell, when you went through 'training' the last part (which was a defensive horde mode) was probably my favorite part of the game


Reminds me that I should bring this to the trade bin. I guess I hung onto it hoping it would evolve into something better. Haven't had the desire to play for quite some time.
This year was full of disappointments, Titanfall is one of them. Glad I had rented the game before going out on launch day and wasting my money.


My statements in regard to EA Access announcement were actually about the things they were not saying or not clarifying and arguing that you should be skeptical of them in regards to those things. I also argued that they could incorporate DLC and other things into the device in the future because they said nothing that explicitly ruled it out whereas in this situation they have explicitly stated it will not happen. The two are not the same. Skepticism is merited when they are being vague, dismissive or simply not commenting at all. Arguing that it should be used to disavow the use of the word "impossible" when they have explicitly stated as much makes no sense. So to sum up: in the absence of explicit statements skepticism is indeed merited in the presence of explicit statements regarding policy they should be taken at face value unless vague, dismissive, or conflicting with other known statements/policies. I assumed this was common sense but apparently not.

Furthermore, whether or not you agree, the example statements I made are in fact related as they are all concerning IP ownership which is the crux of the issue with EA Partners games on EA Access. If EA wanted to include an EA Partners game on EA Access they would have to pay the IP owner a significant sum of money; something that they do not need to do with their own titles. The process for them adding IPs they don't own to their own service platform is essentially the same as console platforms securing IP rights. Both entail the exchange of money for the use or exclusivity of an IP. They aren't exactly the same but the principals and transactions involved as well as the end results are definitely analogous.

The reason emphasized "factual" with Bruiserbear's comment was because it was factually wrong. There is no arguing otherwise. Statements prove it was completely incorrect. Somehow my pointing this out seems to have bothered you. Why? Why is my correction of his comment of sick concern for you that you are insistent upon debating insignificant semantics if word usage which are completely irrelevant to the original post or the conversation at hand? Clearly we disagree about my use of the word "impossible." I think it's valid you think it isn't but either way it's a pointless conversation and as such if you want to debate it further let's do so over PM because it contributes nothing to thread.

Apologies I assumed because of your avatar my mistake.

k, fair enough. I apologise for the EA Access tangent, as I wasn't properly recalling our disagreements over it. The first of my two examples would still suffice though, as MS had explicitly stated that the Xbox One wouldn't be sold without the Kinect. Yet here we are.

I don't really see the similarities with Smash or Bloodborne on XB1 still. I can maybe see the similarity to Bloodborne on PC, but even then... who would have said it would be impossible for Dead Rising 3 or Ryse to hit PC at some point, because the devs of both explicitly claimed otherwise? Games published by a console owner are extremely unlikely to hit an opposing console as there would nearly always be a legal clause in the publishing contract preventing it (and even then, you have stuff like Ninja Gaiden 2 and Mass Effect happening). I doubt there's a "No EA Access" clause in EA's publishing agreement with Respawn. If EA thinks it'll be beneficial enough to the service (or that it'll make enough back in DLC), and Respawn think it'll help the IP in the longterm, or they like the potential payout, there's nothing to really prevent it being added.. even if only temporarily. There's wouldn't really be a concrete loser in this case, unlike Mario appearing on Xbox, which would be horrible for Nintendo even if it sold loads.

I will drop the point now though. It's not that your response to BruiserBear bothered me. My initial reply was intended to be a quite innocent "it's not really impossible". I didn't really expect that to expand out into an argument, as I didn't really see how it'd be something we'd disagree on once pointed out. Anything past that is more down to me being stubborn about it (and imo you being the same with your view on it too).

EDIT: Just remembered that like Demon's Souls, Bloodborne's IP will be owned by Sony, making it closer to Smash Bros than Dead Rising. Still though, it's a closer comparison with signing the exclusivity deal in the first place, rather than trying to break free of one. The former is hardly an impossible scenario, as it happens all the time.
The reason emphasized "factual" with Bruiserbear's comment was because it was factually wrong. There is no arguing otherwise. Statements prove it was completely incorrect. Somehow my pointing this out seems to have bothered you. Why? Why is my correction of his comment of sick concern for you that you are insistent upon debating insignificant semantics if word usage which are completely irrelevant to the original post or the conversation at hand? Clearly we disagree about my use of the word "impossible." I think it's valid you think it isn't but either way it's a pointless conversation and as such if you want to debate it further let's do so over PM because it contributes nothing to thread.

The fact that you've gone to such lengths to debate this, when you later admitted the crux of my argument was in fact accurate, is amusing to me. In the post you originally quoted me on, I was saying the game was not dead and would get a further boost in players once it became part of EA Access. You quoted me to say how wrong I was, and my bias was talking, etc.

Then you admit that the game is likely show up on GWG, which will have the same effect I was suggesting (and then some), which backs up my original point that Titanfall is far from being dead on XB1.

It's only in the most popular list every week on xbone.

Seems like sometimes some people post threads just so the thread title will be visible.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it.

The thread titles always makes a very declarative statement.
This year was full of disappointments, Titanfall is one of them. Glad I had rented the game before going out on launch day and wasting my money.

Can't really agree with that. I have no problem finding matches in Titanfall on Xbox One. I return to it every once in a while. And the gameplay is top-notch, so I'm usually having a blast.

Would love to go in with a real team at some point though. So if anyone wants to jump in together with me, feel free to add me on XBL (GT is the same as my username).


Is this game's community on life support? I can see myself putting this in occasionally and having a blast but with such low numbers I am certainly not likely to buy any map packs. I worry about finding a game a year or two from now.

Edit: these are worldwide numbers, not the server I'm on.
Why do people act like this is the only game in existence like this?

Fuck, should I post "Nobodies playing Chromehounds!"

I get into games just fine, what's the point of this thread?

I get into the game and I have fun and I pull off epic shit like this:







And I don't go "OH MAN my experience would be so much better if their were 300,000 players!"

So it has a low player count, so does BF4 on XB1. I don't see anyone going "IT ONLY HAS 8000 PLAYERS ON! OMG!"


Why do people act like this is the only game in existence like this?

Fuck, should I post "Nobodies playing Chromehounds!"

I get into games just fine, what's the point of this thread?
I think the point is even after the new DLC/mode the game peaks sub-10k users per day.
It is really low.

But I think it is fine because you have Destiny... and soon AW and MCC... so the drop will be more critical after November.
Whatever excuses you want to throw at it, Titanfall still has respectable numbers compared to BF4 and Ghosts on XB1. Yet we have people declaring Titanfall dead in this thread.......

Its important to remember that this is worldwide.

If only 300 people are playing a mode you want to play worldwide, the chances of getting matched into a good connection and good skill match is very low.

It basically means that the only viable vs mode is attrition and even a population of 3000 or so means matchmaking compromises.
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