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Nobody is playing titanfall.

I never understood why this game doesn't have cross play between platforms. Would've helped it stabilish a community so much.

But to be honest, it shouldn't matter if there are 4000 or 4000000 players as long as the community is loyal. Metal Gear Online survived with 2000~4000 concurrent players for years.

Problem is matchmaking systems. Older games survived due to server browser's so you can find a game to play. With matchmaking only systems, if you don't got high population, your stuck searching for games for long periods of times.

Reason why so many console game modes never lasted more than a few months, is because matchmaking prevents ppl from playing if theres not enough players. Games like Battlefront 2 were still going with only 100 or so players till servers shut down because you could always instantly find the games to join via server browsers.


Yeah, I got no problem with TTK and Titans at all. I feel like people giving negatives on things like this really haven't got their skills up enough. You have to adapt.

Nah, you know that's not gonna happen. That's why people would rather shit on Ghosts or any other CoD for getting shot in the back or whatever other excuses than adapt.


I'm always impressed how many people like to complain about numbers for this game. Reminds me of the dislike CoD used to get. Haven't had any issues with finding a match, so numbers haven't been an issue for me.
This entire thread comes off as lack of math comprehension: the thread. The player counts are perfectly reasonable for a game on a console userbase the size of the XB1's. They're not as good as Ghosts and BF4, but it would be amazing if they were considering the massive name recognition those two games have had for years.

Its funny how the heavily marketed and and versions that were released first, the PC and X1 have barely anyone playing them. However, a lot of people are still playing on the delayed xbox 360 version.

You have absolutely no idea how many people are playing on the 360.
Is Titanfall even a stable 60fps? I don't remember.

Also if the 360 has the pop counter, what do those numbers say?

Feels light years better than destiny even with occasional frame rate drops.

I was really disappointed to see the player numbers after the patch. I think if the game had all the content it has now at launch it would be a lot more popular. I feel like the game needed another 6-8 months in the oven.
Titanfall's formula is perfectly balanced, I don't see Respawn changing that in TF2 at all, it's even ok for the mechanics to continue in two more iterations before people (that are ACTUALLY playing it like Titanfall) start to feel it getting old.
Paid DLC
Lack of a server browser or community servers
No competitive support
Lack of any sort of community involvement or SDK
No Steam

These are the reasons it is dying or has died out on PC. It's pretty obvious that the PC version was never a priority for EA or Respawn.

As a more general note, I can't help but wonder why nobody in the industry learns from how Valve supports and fosters their games' communities. CSGO would make an especially interesting case study. Valve outsourced the initial development of CSGO to another studio and as a result the game was a complete mess at launch. Then Valve took over development, listened to their community about what changes to make and the result is that you have upto 200,000 people playing the game at the same time daily. At the same time, they released weapon cosmetics that don't affect gameplay in the slightest and have probably made more than Respawn did with Titanfall.
I'm not sure how ~9000 concurrent players on XB1 prompted a "Nobody is playing" reaction. The population is healthy, especially for an MP-only game that came out nearly 8 months ago. A brand new property from a brand new studio in an already-dominated FPS market, and there were at least NINE THOUSAND Xbox1 people online at once tonight, 8 months after release? Not exactly a signal that we should all retire. =)

That's not to discount legit criticism or concerns of course. Everybody has opinions on design and decisions, and there's some good things to discuss. But the "oh man what a ghost town" talk is weird.

...but then I grew up in a remote city with barely a quarter of that population, so maybe my perspective is extra skewed. ;)

The fact that this post came and went on page 5 with almost no attention paid to it says everything you need to know about GAF and Titanfall.

2340 people online worldwide at moment.

On what platform? Just looked at XB1 and its around 8,000.


Can we not get the numbers on the 360 version or was region numbers added in update 8, which the 360 does not have yet?


Junior Member
Maybe if we keep repeating this, it'll eventually become true. All the 'one weekers' and "if only it was on PS4" people, they'll finally be right.

The Cowboy

The player counts for the DLC on PC, makes me feel like an idiot for even owning it.
I always thought it was bad (player counts on the DLC on PC), but when we got to actually see them it was quite shocking - due to the number of people playing the DLC, its basically unplayable.


I've been playing it less and less. No new content update I'm interested in. No new Titans, no new titan abilities, no new titan guns, no new soldier guns, no new side arms, no new anti-titan guns, no new tactical abilities, no new ordinances, no new "perks" (or whatever they're called).

All we've gotten is mostly just maps and some stuff peripheral to the gameplay. What is this 2007? New maps were good enough 7 years ago. It's 2014. We need new "toys"! Could you imagine LoL trying to keep the game fresh and active without releasing any new champions but only releasing new maps? Or Hearthstone just releasing new game boards but never plan on releasing new cards? Of course they'd dry up.

New maps are overrated. People have been playing LoL largely on one map, Summoners Rift, for 5 years without problem. They do it because they've always got a steady stream of new champions and abilities to play on it. If there's one feature that would bring me back to titanfall it would be single-map servers. Let me play the same map 24/7. Monetize me by selling me new guns, Titans, and other toys to play on that map.

Of course, LoL is an esport and Titanfall is not. And that's the problem. It's 2014. If you're going to be a competitive online game in 2014 you need to be an esport and have the continual stream of new toys that esports have too keep players interested. If not people will get bored and move on. And that's exactly what happened to Titanfall.


Titanfall is continuing to sell. There will be millions of new XB1 owners in the coming months and a lot of them will buy Titanfall. Then it will be added to EA Access next year, and thousands more will jump in. The game is going to be alive and well through next year at the very least. The sequel will show up in 2016.

Actually no it won't ever be a part of EA Access because it is an EA Partner game not an EA game. They said so prior to EA Access' release. But let's not let silly facts get in the way of your biased dialogue. Especially when it's what you constantly accuse others of doing: disregarding the facts.

The PC user base has declined to near non existence and while there is still a username on XB1 it is a far cry from what anyone would have expected given the prerelease hoopla that was made of the game and is most likely due to lack of competition on the platform more than anything else. No doubt population will look strikingly similar to PC once November is done and so many new games release. The XB1 is basically a captive market right now outside of a handful of other games which generally have higher populations.
I thought this game would have some legs to it, and as I just got an xb1 recently, I finally picked it up.

It is a really fun game and I enjoy it more on xb1 than when I played it on PC. It seemed like mouse aiming made the game a little to easy to kill and be killed for how open the environments are.

The problem is that as of right now the only modes with more than 1000 players are attrition and the new defense mode.

Worse yet is most of the other playlists are 200-400 players.

And in the expedition and frontiers edge playlists there are only 20-30 players..

Is this game's community on life support? I can see myself putting this in occasionally and having a blast but with such low numbers I am certainly not likely to buy any map packs. I worry about finding a game a year or two from now.

Edit: these are worldwide numbers, not the server I'm on.

I was reading the cross-gen thread from earlier, and I think it applies. Because there's a pc version, but most of all a 360 version then people don't have motives to buy an xbone for titanfall. That would probably explain why its dead. Anyone have the numbers for 360? Its probably substantially bigger, right?
Actually no it won't ever be a part of EA Access because it is an EA Partner game not an EA game. They said so prior to EA Access' release. But let's not let silly facts get in the way of your biased dialogue.

Yeah, people corrected me on that pages ago when I posted it. I apologize for my bias mistake. I will look to you in the future as an example for me to follow so I don't make bias mistakes like that in the future.


I was reading the cross-gen thread from earlier, and I think it applies. Because there's a pc version, but most of all a 360 version then people don't have motives to buy an xbone for titanfall. That would probably explain why its dead. Anyone have the numbers for 360? Its probably substantially bigger, right?

Update 8 isn't on the 460 I guess, so no pop numbers.


Yeah, people corrected me on that pages ago when I posted it. I apologize for my bias mistake. I will look to you in the future as an example for me to follow so I don't make bias mistakes like that in the future.

I said biased dialogue not biased mistake but you know keep on changing words to suit your point it really does wonders for your credibility. I read through most of the thread and didn't see any responses along those lines. Must have missed them. Regardless you stated a scenario not only as a possibility but as if it were a fact or foregone conclusion when, in fact, it is an impossibility. I figure that's worth a correction.

This is Destiny's inevitable fate and it will be deserved, just as it is here.

This is what happens when your base game lacks enough content to support itself and then you try to sell the majority of any new content via DLC.

This is pretty much how I see it as well. Destiny has basically one advantage in that it's a game designed to be played with friends and when doing so it's a lot of fun it's just dreadfully repetitive and barren otherwise. I hardly play anymore but I log on once a week to do the raid and some crucible with a few friends.

While you can do the same with Titanfall the cooperative experience when I played on PC is just not as compelling in my opinion. Regardless, both will undoubtedly have similar severe drop offs in population as time goes on. Hopefully it will clue developers in that they need to supply a significant amount of content either prior and/or post release if they want to maintain their audience in a crowded and competitive market.
I think Destiny stole a lot of players from it.

This is what got me to finally stop. Fucking love Titanfall, but haven't touched it since Destiny. Need to get back to it sometime to check out the DLC, but I assume at this point all my skills will have left me, especially after having spent all this time playing a 30FPS shooter on PS4 versus a 60FPS with mouse and keyboard.


I said biased dialogue not biased mistake but you know keep on changing words to suit your point it really does wonders for your credibility. I read through most of the thread and didn't see any responses along those lines. Must have missed them. Regardless you stated a scenario not only as a possibility but as if it were a fact or foregone conclusion when, in fact, it is an impossibility. I figure that's worth a correction.

It may be unlikely... but it's hardly an impossibility is it? It just means the choice isn't EA's to make. I doubt they'd say no if Respawn wanted to include it.

Purest 78

When people say a game is dead they don't mean no one is playing the game. Killzone is as dead as they come,doesn't mean you can't find games quickly. The hype surrounding TF is why most consider it dead. It was supposed to be the fps killer app.

No matter how much you love the game. Under a year later in no way it lived up to the hype. When the new cod and Mcc arrive it's gonna be a ghost town.
Problem is matchmaking systems. Older games survived due to server browser's so you can find a game to play. With matchmaking only systems, if you don't got high population, your stuck searching for games for long periods of times.

Reason why so many console game modes never lasted more than a few months, is because matchmaking prevents ppl from playing if theres not enough players. Games like Battlefront 2 were still going with only 100 or so players till servers shut down because you could always instantly find the games to join via server browsers.
Hmm, that makes sense. It's a pity when new games cut lobbies altogether and just force people to use matchmaking, plus I heard TF didn't have private lobbies and the like? Did that ever get fixed?


It may be unlikely... but it's hardly an impossibility is it? It just means the choice isn't EA's to make. I doubt they'd say no if Respawn wanted to include it.

It is in fact not a possibility as the vault only contains EA games not EA Partner games. They clarified as much when they introduced the program. Titanfall will never be on EA Access unless they redefine the program/rules which, as of right now, makes it impossible.


MS just need to make it the Nov Games with Gold free download. Playerbase will rocket. Thats what they need to do to get people hyped for the eventual sequel. If players enjoy it, they will get the DLC.
So if I get an xb1 tita fall will be one of the first games I pick up. Mainly want to play the campaign mp first. Are there still players for that?
Meanwhile the consistent bugfest (until recently at least) that is BF4 is still regularly pulling 40k peak players per platform across PC, PS3 and PS4.


I said biased dialogue not biased mistake but you know keep on changing words to suit your point it really does wonders for your credibility. I read through most of the thread and didn't see any responses along those lines. Must have missed them. Regardless you stated a scenario not only as a possibility but as if it were a fact or foregone conclusion when, in fact, it is an impossibility. I figure that's worth a correction.
I quoted him letting him know but I did go onto say that I hope respawn works out a deal with EA to add it to EAA so you might have just skimmed my post and saw that.

I think it's somewhat likely that it gets added to EAA, I mean it just seems like a waste of time otherwise to have ranked play, horde mode and all these updates coming out now when the population is about to drop off due to MCC/Cod next month. Respawn will want people to play these updates, the game isn't selling any more and most people who own the game probably won't bother going back to it with MCC and CoD coming out.

So I think it's likely that we will see either 1) Free with GWG 2) GOTY edition or 3) Added to EA access once ranked play etc is available to the public

#1 is probably safe to say it's not going to happen, #2 I can't see many people buying a GOTY edition at this stage especially at full price so the only real option left is #3... or to release a huge update like this that only a small amount of people will play.

I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get added though, but I do think there is a decent chance of it happening aswell.
It is in fact not a possibility as the vault only contains EA games not EA Partner games. They clarified as much when they introduced the program. Titanfall will never be on EA Access unless they redefine the program/rules which, as of right now, makes it impossible.

I don't think they have said that, have they? I thought it just said "titanfall is excluded from EA access" in the small print?


When people say a game is dead they don't mean no one is playing the game. Killzone is as dead as they come,doesn't mean you can't find games quickly. The hype surrounding TF is why most consider it dead. It was supposed to be the fps killer app.

Know matter how much you love the game. Under a year later in no way it lived up to the hype. When the new cod and Mcc arrive it's gonna be a ghost town.

Yea, but we've been through this... 66% of CoD's concurrent playerbase isn't "dead" by any serious metric. Prior to Destiny and Diablo 3's release the game seemed to be the go-to MP game on the console. It's only recently that most of the players seemed to have moved onto other games. I expect MCC and the new CoD to have more of an impact on Destiny's userbase, than those still playing TF today.

It is in fact not a possibility as the vault only contains EA games not EA Partner games. They clarified as much when they introduced the program. Titanfall will never be on EA Access unless they redefine the program/rules which, as of right now, makes it impossible.

Yea, but that only makes it unlikely. It's not something that can't happen. Usually I wouldn't be so pedantic about your choice of words, but you were just going at BruiserBear for stating something as fact... impossible is very rarely a fact.


Meanwhile the consistent bugfest (until recently at least) that is BF4 is still regularly pulling 40k peak players per platform across PC, PS3 and PS4.

People will keep playing buggy games because they have a history behind them. They will announce BF5, everything and their mother will go bonkers and it will still be a buggy mess.


Selling the Xbox 360 version from their store for $5 seems to have increased player count a lot on that edition. I'd expect a similar deal over the holidays for Xbox One now that the bundles are gone.


People will keep playing buggy games because they have a history behind them. They will announce BF5, everything and their mother will go bonkers and it will still be a buggy mess.

They play it because it is fun, nothing to do with the history of the title.

The history behind the name is what brought them there initially.

Purest 78

Yea, but we've been through this... 66% of CoD's concurrent playerbase isn't "dead" by any serious metric. Prior to Destiny and Diablo 3's release the game seemed to be the go-to MP game on the console. It's only recently that most of the players seemed to have moved onto other games. I expect MCC and the new CoD to have more of an impact on Destiny's userbase, than those still playing TF today.

People are saying 7k to 9k is good for a game under a year old. For a normal released game That would be fine. A game like TF that was hyped more than any game I can remember. I feel those are terrible numbers. If you love the game great, I'm not trying to change your mind. The game went from a couple 100k to where it is now. The numbers will only get lower in November.


They play it because it is fun, nothing to do with the history of the title.

The history behind the name is what brought them there initially.

Titanfall is fun, yet people largely ignored it. The BF series gets a pass time and time again.

I am sure that TF2 is coming but MS need to expand the fans now.


They play it because it is fun, nothing to do with the history of the title.

The history behind the name is what brought them there initially.

Nah, this is only partially true. A series history is mostly responsible for where it is today, but each individual entry doesn't need to keep the quality up to have people playing it. It's a snowball effect, and after a while it take quite a lot of rolling over clear pavement before it becomes small again.

I'm sure you're aware of the Sonic series, and how even horrible entries would sell better than most competent platforming competition.

People are saying 7k to 9k is good for a game under a year old. For a normal released game That would be fine. A game like TF that was hyped more than any game I can remember. I feel those are terrible numbers. If you love the game great, I'm not trying to change your mind. The game went from a couple 100k to where it is now. The numbers will only get lower in November.

Well, we don't actually know what it went from tbh (although I can picture a few hundred thousand in its opening days). I don't really want to get into the whole "hype" argument, because that nearly always just ends up referencing two things... IGN's preview, and Major Nelson's "Have you SEEN Titanfall". Outside of those, it just seems like any other game with a lot of marketing behind it. I'm just comparing the numbers to the other games on the console that we have. CoD was at about 13k and BF4 at about 16k, when TF was at 9k. Unless all of these games are considered fucked, I don't see the problem with Titanfall's number on the console. What other games do we have concurrent numbers to look at?
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