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Splatoon singleplayer campaign announced


well at least we can rest easy the Internet won't make something perverted about a game where squid-girls fight tentacles and squirt fluids on each other


Man looking at this game reminds me of the "good ol days" Anyone else feeling that? Even kinda nostalgic?

Same here! The irony is that this is a brand new IP yet I have those same feelings towards the game wich is awesome! The game just screams pure classic videogame fun and crazy no-sense characters that you can't help but love them. Since this game is made by the youngest developers at Nintendo, I'm sure they wanted to express that feeling with this game since they grow up precisely during the 90s wich was filled with tons of crazy cartoon shows and videogames.


Man looking at this game reminds me of the "good ol days" Anyone else feeling that? Even kinda nostalgic?

Like that summer camp at the lake level? Exploring an industrial site with friends? It does draw childhood memories out of me. Like transforming a grown-up's world into a playground :p


Man looking at this game reminds me of the "good ol days" Anyone else feeling that? Even kinda nostalgic?

Seems like the type of game that'd be released in Gen 6, which is great because I love that gen. Though Wii U's library in general has given off a very Gamecube-esque vibe IMO.

Hello new Smash character.

I wouldn't be surprised if she's the first character revealed for Smash 5.
Pls not DLC for 4

well at least we can rest easy the Internet won't make something perverted about a game where squid-girls fight tentacles and squirt fluids on each other

Which development team is making this again?

It's by EAD 2, the same group that does Animal Crossing, Nintendo Land, and Wii Sports. Directors are Tsubasa Sakaguchi, this is is first directing project, but he's worked on NSMBWii and Nintendo Land, and Yusuke Amano, who previously directed NSMB2. Lead programmer is Shinataro Sato, who's worked on NSMBU and Wii Music. Most of these people are working in leading positions on a project for the first time.


I was thinking about this earlier, Splatoon is like everything I like about classic Sega games crossed with everything I like about Nintendo games.

Yes. This is a great way of putting it. It feels like the love child of a Nintendo team and a Sega team.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Gorgeous, but yes.


Game wishes it had the image quality and clarity of this.

Got to play the game for the first time at PAX AU, if ever so briefly, and had a great time.
Notice how her hair color and eye color are different, unlike all the other Inklings. She's probably special somehow.

Though I thought orange was their go-to mascot color? Eh, might've just been all the fan art.

No, looking at the other images, it seems the multiplayer Inklings can have mismatching eyes and hair too. Still think she's an important character, though, maybe some kind of anti-hero.


well at least we can rest easy the Internet won't make something perverted about a game where squid-girls fight tentacles and squirt fluids on each other

the internet just looks at it and goes

"nah. too easy."


Definitely getting some Portal 2 vibes out of the SP.

Portal 2 is in my top-10 games of all time, so that's a very big compliment.
No, looking at the other images, it seems the multiplayer Inklings can have mismatching eyes and hair too. Still think she's an important character, though, maybe some kind of anti-hero.

Given the newest trailer i think clothes, skin color, gender and hair color are highly customizable. Amiibo unlockables should be a given, maybe some paid cosmetic stuff as well.


Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about Rayman Legends Wii U.
So: I don't know if anyone here follows the small community surrounding science fiction in print, but years ago there was a running joke about Squidpunk, a send-up of the growing spate of neologisms splitting off from cyberpunk and steampunk and all the other nascent subgenres that claimed the suffix -punk. The author and editor Jeff Vandermeer (whose latest work, The Southern Reach Trilogy, is stupendous, by the way) took it upon himself to propose a joke anthology under the banner of his Squidpunk Manifesto:

Now look what Nintendo hath wrought.

Anyway, I like the term and I hope it sticks. There really is no better way to describe Splatoon.

thanks for sharing, that's pretty interesting.

Do you magically have insights into Nintendo's next game by chance? 0_0


Alright, yeah. This game looks amazing and the soundtrack is looking to be awesome.
Just, for the love of all that is holy, have in-match voice chat. If it doesn't, I will be very disappointed.


This game is looking so fucking gorgeous. Can't wait to play it.

Back at E3 I thought the art style reminded me of Despicable Me. The Octopus minions now reinforced that.

Single player looks so good! Honestly, you could just give me that and I would totally buy Splatoon. Looks really inventive.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Music, art, and mechanics just seem so fresh. More than anything, it feels like the start of a new generation at Nintendo to me.
Same here! The irony is that this is a brand new IP yet I have those same feelings towards the game wich is awesome! The game just screams pure classic videogame fun and crazy no-sense characters that you can't help but love them. Since this game is made by the youngest developers at Nintendo, I'm sure they wanted to express that feeling with this game since they grow up precisely during the 90s wich was filled with tons of crazy cartoon shows and videogames.
Thats whats driving me crazy its a new ip but it makes me feel nostalgic. Ive never seen this stuff but its reminding me of stuff i did.


So what do people figure, will there be any way to play 8 player offline? The multiplayer looks like so much fun but console, and especially Nintendo online communities die off so fast. Then the servers get taken down.

My ideal would be if Nintendo allowed a Wii U LAN, but there's no way they'd do that, is there?
So what do people figure, will there be any way to play 8 player offline? The multiplayer looks like so much fun but console, and especially Nintendo online communities die off so fast. Then the servers get taken down.

My ideal would be if Nintendo allowed a Wii U LAN, but there's no way they'd do that, is there?

Well they pulled it off at E3... maybe they include it via the Lan adapter if there is enough noise on the net demanding it.


So what do people figure, will there be any way to play 8 player offline? The multiplayer looks like so much fun but console, and especially Nintendo online communities die off so fast. Then the servers get taken down.

My ideal would be if Nintendo allowed a Wii U LAN, but there's no way they'd do that, is there?

Let's hope they figure a way to do online co-op by the time it will release.
So what do people figure, will there be any way to play 8 player offline? The multiplayer looks like so much fun but console, and especially Nintendo online communities die off so fast. Then the servers get taken down.

My ideal would be if Nintendo allowed a Wii U LAN, but there's no way they'd do that, is there?

No way for LAN.

As for multiplayer the news at E3 was just planned to do a 2-player mode with one person on the Gamepad and one with a Pro Controller. A hunter mode.

Splatoon would work really well in split-screen considering the main objective is to paint objects which decreases the issue of seeing everyone else's screens.

At the same time a 4-player split-screen version of Splatoon would run horribly. To even get to 30 fps they would have to make sure to graphically downgrade everything and probably limit how fast the ink can be shot.

I really wish they would though. I have BLOPS II for shooter multiplayer but I'll love a wackier option. It'll be the perfect compliment to Smash and Mario Kart in terms of competitive local multiplayer games.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
You think that's strange, I just realized something even weirder!

Those Octopus enemies aren't actually Octopus at all... they're... tentacles!

As in "Day Of The"...

Beyond that there seems to be real octopus people like the inklings, so the tentacle enemies might just be broken off pieces from the octogirls
I'd say so, they had a 'reveal' for her in the trailer.


Sweet!! I hope they reveal her name soon.

So Octopus propaganda includes their own take on Adam and Eve.

Huh. I guess that means any of those tentacle creatures throughout the game could be either a male or female, seeing as the only difference there is the eyelid colour.
They will be referred to as "he" in the manual though, won't they dangit!
I was already pretty sold on this as multiplayer, but single-player looks really good. Amazing artstyle, and part of me hopes if these a lot of story, it's told in the propaganda.

Wii U is really becoming my Dreamcast 2 (for better and worse).

I can't get that theme out of my head now.

Mory Dunz

SO question.... is it not possible visuals have been updated since you last played? Have we seen the best of Wii U 2 years in? Is it not possible with this artstyle that they are able to pull off those shots. I mean Nintendo is not usually a bullshot type of company. Not suggesting anything these are serious questions.

It's 720p, but that screenshot has no jaggies whatsoever, perfect AA. Even though it was youtube, in the HQ video today, you could see some.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
SO question.... is it not possible visuals have been updated since you last played? Have we seen the best of Wii U 2 years in? Is it not possible with this artstyle that they are able to pull off those shots. I mean Nintendo is not usually a bullshot type of company. Not suggesting anything these are serious questions.

Nintendo bullshots every now and then, even if it's not usual. They did it on the Wii, too. The assets are accurate but the clarity likely isn't. As noted there's almost no aliasing, texture filtering is high quality, etc. All these things tend to take a hit on hardware like the Wii U (and then some), especially when targeting 60fps. Much like Mario Kart 8 I figure Nintendo wants the game to run smooth over looking smooth, which would explain the aliasing in playable builds.


Let's face it, this game doesn't seems to have the production values of MK8 so we shouldn't expect an incredible looking game. That said, it looks quite good to me with what
they have set to achieve, and what it is interesting to me now it's how they will flesh out the gameplay. This is where this game could be awesome.
The game looks fine to me. I barely notice MK8's jaggies when the game is whizzing by at 60 fps anyway. 60 fps (or a stable frame rate generally) is way more important than anti-aliasing or high quality texture filtering. As long as the game can render the essence of that shot, I'm fine.


I guess that 8-bit segment is probably just part of the counterculture cut-ins the trailer was filled with, and not actually part of the game...but, you never know.
That was the feeling I got at the moment but I'm pretty sure now it will be in the game. At first it started as fun multiplayer shooter but this may become a really big thing for Ninty.


It seems like it's been discussed a bit, but that new track was definitely Hideki Naganuma. It has to be. The twitter comment raised suspicions, but I think I'm convinced now.

Can't wait.


The trailer put all my worries about the single player to rest. Now the game looks like unadulterated fun. I am so glad Nintendo still embraces the wacky.
That was the feeling I got at the moment but I'm pretty sure now it will be in the game. At first it started as fun multiplayer shooter but this may become a really big thing for Ninty.

It does seem like they're fleshing out the world and I appreciate it because it makes it seem like they care about the game.
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