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36 minutes of The Order 1886 gameplay (offscreen)

When people say The Order is "bare bones" or "nothing special", I really don't see how they don't say the same about nearly every other TPS out there. Hell, this doesn't look all that different to Gears(gameplay wise) and people love that series.

You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.


You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.

How is active reload any gamechanger? Thats like saying Order 1886 is unique because it has blackwater.


You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.

not sure if sarcasm.


When people say The Order is "bare bones" or "nothing special", I really don't see how they don't say the same about nearly every other TPS out there. Hell, this doesn't look all that different to Gears(gameplay wise) and people love that series.

Agree. I'm not crazy about this type of game but they're usually a good fun romp.

I understand that when you get more serious about a genre you get more discerning, but my perception is that if you can only get so serious about the gameplay of theme-park cinematic third person shooters before you really want an good fps.

Shows what I know.

Someone throw me a bone, here. Do you want the game to be very replayable the way I'd want a character action to be? Vast and explorable like a platformer? Rephrase: what's so great about gears/uncharted? Cuz I play these games once and have a decent time but usually don't even bother to finish the campaigns before I get my fill and move on. I just enjoy them casually so I need to be educated on why the order is so boring.

Oh wait....

You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.

... Forget I said anything.


There are larger areas with lots of NPCs and crazy vistas. If people are going nuts over this, their heads will explode come full release.

Wait and see.

This is excellent.I'm going to try to avoid all media leading up to release,a game that is as good looking as this i really don't want spoiled.



Am I only one who finds this impressive. It looks seamless. The melee animation start perfectly syncs with the enemy's position. Only issue I have with the melee system is not the camera cuts but the fact that there is a big ass triangle on top of the enemy. I hope that is removed in the final game or if players have the option of disabling it. For a game trying to mimic film I would have thought having less symbols floating around would be the aim.



Am I only one who finds this impressive. It looks seamless. The melee animation start perfectly syncs with the enemy's position. Only issue I have with the melee system is not the camera cuts but the fact that there is a big ass triangle on top of the enemy. I hope that is removed in the final game or if players have the option of disabling it. For a game trying to mimic film I would have thought having less symbols floating around would be the aim.

i think that is to help the reviewers, and i hope they can make like the last of us where u can turn off everything
When people say The Order is "bare bones" or "nothing special", I really don't see how they don't say the same about nearly every other TPS out there. Hell, this doesn't look all that different to Gears(gameplay wise) and people love that series.
Whoa there, this and gears are totally different gameplay wise. I'm not saying one is better than the other but watching this, looks nothing like gears gameplay wise.


Made a quick comparison of the field of view in The Order versus The Evil Within







Nice comparison, thank you. Field of view seems comparable and I always thought the game looked good but OH MY! The Order looks just faboulus. I am actually gaining faith that this will be a great game.


You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.
Oh i see you have played the game
You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.

First laugh of the day. Thank you.


its going to be a hell of a tall order to beat this game visually

and to the dismay of many the gameplay is looking solid as hell too


The Order has really good graphics. No-one can deny that. That’s very common for a new franchise on a new console (even if the PlayStation 4 is a year old now) and we can totally understand why it was a priority. But after having played it, what we don’t understand is why so little effort effort has gone into the gameplay. We don’t just mean in the sense that it’s been overlooked but that the developers seem to actively resent its necessity.


More disappointing though is the enemy artificial intelligence, which is so simplistic and clockwork-like it could have come straight out of a PlayStation 2 game. At times the game even seems to specifically tempt you into taking advantage of this, with one section making it impossible to get a bead on enemies that are hiding round a corner, unless you zoom in carefully with the sniper rifle.

At this point you can shoot their hands, which is the only part of them poking round the corner. Time for some impressive next gen physics as the gun goes flying out of their hand with a clang of metal, we thought. But no, they instantly fall down dead. We can only assume out of embarrassment. Next gen gameplay, yeah!

Beyond the visuals there’s nothing in the game, or at least the demo, that couldn’t have been done on a PlayStation 2. Nor is there any sign that developer Ready At Dawn were in the least bit interested in inventing anything new. We haven’t see any of the combat with the monsters yet, but it and the story are going to have to be out of their world to prevent this being a huge disappointment.


The Order has really good graphics. No-one can deny that. That’s very common for a new franchise on a new console (even if the PlayStation 4 is a year old now) and we can totally understand why it was a priority. But after having played it, what we don’t understand is why so little effort effort has gone into the gameplay. We don’t just mean in the sense that it’s been overlooked but that the developers seem to actively resent its necessity.


More disappointing though is the enemy artificial intelligence, which is so simplistic and clockwork-like it could have come straight out of a PlayStation 2 game. At times the game even seems to specifically tempt you into taking advantage of this, with one section making it impossible to get a bead on enemies that are hiding round a corner, unless you zoom in carefully with the sniper rifle.

At this point you can shoot their hands, which is the only part of them poking round the corner. Time for some impressive next gen physics as the gun goes flying out of their hand with a clang of metal, we thought. But no, they instantly fall down dead. We can only assume out of embarrassment. Next gen gameplay, yeah!

Beyond the visuals there’s nothing in the game, or at least the demo, that couldn’t have been done on a PlayStation 2. Nor is there any sign that developer Ready At Dawn were in the least bit interested in inventing anything new. We haven’t see any of the combat with the monsters yet, but it and the story are going to have to be out of their world to prevent this being a huge disappointment.


That really sucks.. oh boy.

The Order has really good graphics. No-one can deny that. That’s very common for a new franchise on a new console (even if the PlayStation 4 is a year old now) and we can totally understand why it was a priority. But after having played it, what we don’t understand is why so little effort effort has gone into the gameplay. We don’t just mean in the sense that it’s been overlooked but that the developers seem to actively resent its necessity.


More disappointing though is the enemy artificial intelligence, which is so simplistic and clockwork-like it could have come straight out of a PlayStation 2 game. At times the game even seems to specifically tempt you into taking advantage of this, with one section making it impossible to get a bead on enemies that are hiding round a corner, unless you zoom in carefully with the sniper rifle.

At this point you can shoot their hands, which is the only part of them poking round the corner. Time for some impressive next gen physics as the gun goes flying out of their hand with a clang of metal, we thought. But no, they instantly fall down dead. We can only assume out of embarrassment. Next gen gameplay, yeah!

Beyond the visuals there’s nothing in the game, or at least the demo, that couldn’t have been done on a PlayStation 2. Nor is there any sign that developer Ready At Dawn were in the least bit interested in inventing anything new. We haven’t see any of the combat with the monsters yet, but it and the story are going to have to be out of their world to prevent this being a huge disappointment.


Well jesus, he fucking hates it lol


Visually the game looks stunning, but I have to echo that I just don't feel like the gameplay is anything special. Perhaps I'm tired of third person shooters in general, perhaps not, but the game doesn't look like I would find it fun to play at this point

Nevertheless, I will reserve judgement until it's out
You have no idea what you're talking about. The Order is like Pong with pretty graphics and on-the-rails gameplay + intrusive QTE and cutscenes every 5 minutes. In comparison, other TPS games have complex controls and rich mechanics. For instance, in Uncharted, you can run-and-gun, or shoot while hanging from a ledge. In Gears, you have active reload. In Resident Evil, you can do a quick 180 degree turn, and mix red and green herbs to make medicine.

This is a horrible post, but I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's a failed joke.


Game seems to be heavily narrative/story driven but so far the characters seem to lack any kind of personality. They've given no reason to care about any of the characters or whats going on.

I'm getting some serious Destiny vibes from this in the sense that it makes me think "there's got to be something more to it, right? Something they aren't showing..."


Looks good to me. Pretty much what I expected by now. Lots of atmosphere and great presentation but a bit of boring looking shooting bits. Still, combined with Uncharted 4 this is probably my reason to end up getting a PS4.

Though, lol at the lightbar reflecting on the tv.


So I played the demo level last night from the comfort of my own home.. (several times)..

Here are some quick impressions... (have to write a preview later today, so will have to make this short)..

- The graphics are amazing. First I played it on my old 720p Grundig TV (in my bedroom), that wasn´t very smart though. The black border thing makes my TV cut of the sides of the screen, I made sure my PS4 settings had the screen shrinked to the minimum, but nothing helped. You can´t see all of the text for the prompts because of this.. it cut´s of alot of the screen on my TV (which has no setting to correct that)
So I had to move my PS4 to one of my 1080p TV´s.. it looked alot better, and the screen ratio was perfect..

- The demo is fun... first time through.. second time the demo shows that the gameplay is very limited...
First time I played the demo, it felt like you could do alot and the game offered some kind of freedom to approach the level. But this is just an illusion. In the beginning of the level you have to sneak up on some guards to take them down. You can approach them from different parts of the halls, but you can´t do anything else than sneak up on them from behind and wait for the button prompt. So that part is just waiting for them to pass you and sneak up behind them, if you miss the button prompt you have to do it all again, because that is instadeath.
Later the gameplay get´s much better.. when you enter a gunfight. That is the fun part of the game, this is where the game shines. You can pick up all the weapons from the enemies, throw grenades back, pop in and out of cover fast and painless, take down enemies with a fast button prompt and more.. That part is really fun and after several playthroughs (on different difficulty levels) the enemies seem to have a great AI that changes stuff up a bit. But the level that is demoed is really small and confined, the areas where you fight are a bit small, which results in a feeling of linearity.. there are only very few ways to progress in the level.

- Some of the sections look amazing, but I feel like the gameplay there is wasted. It might look good that you rappel down the side of an airship, but it isn´t fun to "play" at all. Point the stick in on way.. press X 4 times.. move point the stick another way.. and it never feels like you have control, it looks and feels like a cgi cutscene, I don´t see the need to "play" it, you do not feel immersed in the scene by moving a stick or pressing a button, especially when the character seems to all by himself anyway.
Same goes for the other button prompt sections.. it looks like they wanted to make a cutscene interactive and immersing, but I don´t feel like they succeeded.

Luckily this is only a small taste of the complete game.. so I don´t hope the rest of the game follows the same formula through the game. There is some fun to be had with this game, and the story seems to be really good and well told... I´m looking forward to the final game.

if you have questions just ask..

Robot Pants

Game seems to be heavily narrative/story driven but so far the characters seem to lack any kind of personality. They've given no reason to care about any of the characters or whats going on.

I'm getting some serious Destiny vibes from this in the sense that it makes me think "there's got to be something more to it, right? Something they aren't showing..."
Is this another joke?
They've shown almost nothing of the full game. How can you make an assumption based on this demo that they've given no reason to care about the characters.


Ahhhhh the music and atmosphere give me goosebumps. I dont get why ppl keep complaining about too much QTE, didnt TLOU also have lots of it?



I read the entire thing, and he does make some good points. The issues with the AI hopefully get ironed out, but I thought that the AI seemed better in this build compared to previous ones. You can see them be more aggressive and try to take flanking routes when you hide behind cover, and they're actually pretty decent in terms of taking cover (not exposing themselves for too long while they're in cover for example). But as stated, there were some weird behavior as well, like not recognizing danger and simply standing there waiting to be shot for example (or that guy running in place).

The gameplay mechanics seem to be solid, and the worst thing you could say about the gunplay is that it's probably functional and by the books. In all honesty, I am fine with a good third person cover based shooter, so long as the entire package comes together (but that's just me, it is my favorite genre after all), However I remain very optimistic that there's more to the Order than what they're showing us, and gameplay scenarios could end up being more varied.

Let me just speculate here, and there's nothing to suggest that these will happen in the game, but they did provide hints at more interesting combat scenarios.

1. The lycan encounters could add a new dimension to gameplay, which could add variety to the general flow of combat. I'm not just talking about the 1 on 1 melee scenario teased at PSX. The E3 2013 teaser for example, hints at combat scenrios with packs of lycans coming at the four knights. The lycans are much more agile, and make use of their agility when coming at you, this could add a different layer to combat.

In the end, this is me not just speculating, but at least hoping that the lycan combat is much more dynamic than simply being reduced to Galahad and the knights just using the powerful arsenal to combat the lycans.

2. We've already seen the rebels get hold of Tesla's weapons, this would give them access to the thermite rifle (which was described by Ru as a 'cover buster', so you may not want to stick to cover when matched up with rebels with power weapons.

To me, that they showed, in my opinion, the least interesting part of what The Order has to offer (the rebel combat) and received mostly positive reception is cause to be optimistic. I have said multiple times before that I have faith in RAD, and I'm hoping that once they get to show us everything they have to offer in The Order that I will be happy with the game.
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