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Bikini Armor Battle Damage: Sexy Armor Hypocrisy (?) featuring (some of) NeoGAF™


I think i even made a similar point to her's in the thread.
However i will never be cool with the idea of "non-practical design = bad design".

If i were, i couldn't enjoy and even love the extravagant look Tarsem movies have, for that very reason.



The thing is, we’re waaaaay past the “badly designed sexy female armor” quota, so there’s lots of “badly designed sexy male armor” quota to meet. And until balance of the two is restored, I don’t really think anyone is in the position to request male sexyness to be up to some arbitrary design quality standard.

This is a shitty position to take on anything. You move past things that are wrong and learn from them. You don't commit the same wrongs for retribution sake or to meet some quota.
That's nice and all but those are a drop in the bucket.

Like I said, those were the biggest releases last fall. It's hardly a drop in the bucket. Does that mean that everything is equal? Of course not. But over the past generations a lot of female designs have moved in the direction.

I have to wonder if Japan and Korea are the majority doing this. That thread quickly turned into a East vs. West debate on female characters.

I think the main difference is that the west has moved toward perusing realism in every area of gaming. As such if you're going down that route then obviously you can't have really over the top character designs or it's just going to standout. Japan and Korea really haven't gone down that route. So everything about their games from the setting, mechanics to the designs are really over the top.
I have to wonder if Japan and Korea are the majority doing this. That thread quickly turned into a East vs. West debate on female characters.


If you want to look at great looking female characters, Kojima has usually done a good job with Meryl, Olga, The Boss, Mei Ling, Rose all not wearing...bikinis. Even Fortune who wore one piece is a respectable character. And Eva...


bikinis at least reduce down to the female form
this isn't the same, it's bolted on trash. I suppose the exposed abs are enough to garner a pass though.


The worst thing about this topic is that people make the most illogical excuses for sexualized designs because they refuse to admit that the design in question is meant to titilate. There's such a huge pushback and defense of sexualized designs whenever the topic comes up that it just seems like a waste of time. The last one I can recall were probably the Witcher 3 thread and/or the Cid in FFXV thread. Tons of effort is put into debunking anyone who dares to call out the boob windows in female character designs, because such destabilization of the status quo should not be allowed.

Look, it's fine to have your dick-stroking designs in your video games, just be upfront about it and don't try to excuse it as something it's not. That's all there is to it.

whenever this topic arises, this should be mandatory accompany:


I've already seen a couple of the same dumb arguments in this thread.

If you want to look at great looking female characters, Kojima has usually done a good job with Meryl, Olga, The Boss, Mei Ling, Rose all not wearing...bikinis. Even Fortune who wore one piece is a respectable character. And Eva...

And then Quiet happened, with her torn stockings and thing bikini.


That's nice and all but those are a drop in the bucket.
The biggest AAA franchises of last year are just a drop in the bucket?

i think if boob plate were the exception rather than the rule you'd have far fewer people complaining about it, myself included

as the situation stands it's extremely difficult to find non-sexualized female characters in games at all, much less fantasy-style games which tend to be much worse overall
But then the problem is with the sexualized character, and not necessarily with the boob plate, because I think a character can have a boob plate without it making her overly sexy.

The argument that Boob plates should be retired because they're not scientifically accurate is just dumb to me.
bikinis at least reduce down to the female form
this isn't the same, it's bolted on trash. I suppose the exposed abs are enough to garner a pass though.

If there was no top, the design would be a lot better.

I have no idea what's going on with the top thing.
This is a shitty position to take on anything. You move past things that are wrong and learn from them. You don't commit the same wrongs for retribution sake or to meet some quota.

Yeah, I have to agree. And if the writer likes it, I'm glad. But I'll stand with the (non-homophobic) people that think it's a friggin terrible design. It's like Revengeance's armor gone even wrong-er in terms of gluing pointy things onto people. At least Revengeance went all-in with that design philosophy. Here we just have half a smock painted on, and some spiky parts attached at random. And some ropes for good measure.
Like I said, those were the biggest releases last fall. It's hardly a drop in the bucket. Does that mean that everything is equal? Of course not. But over the past generations a lot of female designs have moved in the direction.

I think the main difference is that the west has moved toward perusing realism in every area of gaming. As such if you're going down that route then obviously you can't have really over the top character designs or it's just going to standout. Japan and Korea really haven't gone down that route. So everything about their games from the setting, mechanics to the designs are really over the top.
That is true. Also you have to include Otakus since they are a prime audience for this type of stuff.


If you want to look at great looking female characters, Kojima has usually done a good job with Meryl, Olga, The Boss, Mei Ling, Rose all not wearing...bikinis. Even Fortune who wore one piece is a respectable character. And Eva...
I think Peace Walker had some of the best female characters in MGS. Dr. Strangelove especially.


The worst thing about this topic is that people make the most illogical excuses for sexualized designs because they refuse to admit that the design in question is meant to titilate. There's such a huge pushback and defense of sexualized designs whenever the topic comes up that it just seems like a waste of time. The last one I can recall were probably the Witcher 3 thread and/or the Cid in FFXV thread. Tons of effort is put into debunking anyone who dares to call out the boob windows in female character designs, because such destabilization of the status quo should not be allowed.

Look, it's fine to have your dick-stroking designs in your video games, just be upfront about it and don't try to excuse it as something it's not. That's all there is to it.

Oh at S-E they've been very upfront about it.
It's mostly the fans trying to "clean up behind them [SE] ", so to speak.
Cidney is still an ugly design to me.

I'm ok if they wanted to do sexualization, but they just went to an extent that is comical.
If you look at the way Gladiolus is also sexualized, he's mainly got that one element (shirtless) to add the sexual element, ok, but Cidney has like 3 different ones, which comes off as very desperate and to the detriment of the design, even from a sexualized point of view.
They could've tone down the boob window (even without outright removing it) and made those pants a little less short (you can see the ass cheeks, IIRC). and it would've come off as less pathetic in its intentions.


The biggest AAA franchises of last year are just a drop in the bucket?

But then the problem is with the sexualized character, and not necessarily with the boob plate, because I think a character can have a boob plate without it making her overly sexy.

The argument that Boob plates should be retired because they're not scientifically accurate is just dumb to me.

I don't know if dumb is a good word for it. It may seem irrelevant and it may seem superfluous, or maybe even unimportant, but it's certainly not a dumb argument.
How is it hypocrisy when a female with that armor would also get complaints about her design on here?

Maybe, these type of dudes are the unrealistic ideal men girls want, we've achieved parity.


This was and continues to be a terrible comic. I get the point, but that redesign at vest would appeal to the tumble crowd


whenever this topic arises, this should be mandatory accompany:

I've already seen a couple of the same dumb arguments in this thread.
Oh please god no. Bingo Cards are just a lazy way to kill off discussion and saying that an argument is often made does say nothing about the value of that argument.


Look, it's fine to have your dick-stroking designs in your video games, just be upfront about it and don't try to excuse it as something it's not. That's all there is to it.

whenever this topic arises, this should be mandatory accompany:


I've already seen a couple of the same dumb arguments in this thread.

Your appeal boils down to "please refer to your own aesthetic tastes as debased perversions (e.g., literal masturbation) so they are easy to shame and target in my righteous war against things I don't like".

Followed by a typical echo chamber built bingo board meme. Look at these arguments and judgment values of varying merit I don't agree with and despair under the weight of my dismissive attitude!


I actually like his design. I like Cidney's too.

Realism has very little to do with what I'm looking for in a Final Fantasy game.


It's not like real female mechanics dress lightly and even lighter than Cidney does.

Oh wait.

It's commonplace for women to dress like this as mechanics, especially in southern American states, I don't see how it's "stupid" that Cidney, who is quite clearly taking basis from southern greasemonkey women, is also dressing like a greasemoney from southern America.

They wear light clothes, have cleavage exposed, wear daisy dukes and have plenty of bare skin exposed because it's hot, Cidney's design is clearly based on this concept of southern mechanic women, even her dub accent is a nod to this, and it's one through a Japanese filter so you have the Zettai Ryouiki with the daisy dukes, she's not any more "stupidly" dressed than real female mechanics are.


And you can find just as much images of women like this but with topless men, older fat men at that.
Except you cherry picked Team Mustang Girls specifically so you could show off how "real girl mechanics dress like that all the time, it's totally realistic".

When I look up 'female mechanic' on Google images, those certainly aren't the images that pop up. Moreover, from the look of professional female mechanics:
"Judy Merlo has been taking apart cars and putting them back together since she was a child."

Sarah Lateiner: "She felt like mechanics were taking advantage of her so she learned how to fix it herself. And really, she says, that's what empowered her more than anything."

"Southern female mechanic" Sarah Lyon. She worked on a calendar featuring actual female mechanics at work, some of the pictures which can be seen here. (You might see a difference between what they are wearing and what Cindy wears.)

Seems like the professionals don't dress like Cindy when working on cars either. It probably doesn't help that when I visit the Team Mustang Girls site, it largely consists of pictures of cars or pictures of girls posing with cars. From the site itself: "Team Mustang Girls is an online community for Mustang enthusiasts to share their stories and adventures." They are not proclaimed female mechanics. 'Commonplace for women to dress like this as mechanics', lol.

Cidney is wearing a jacket because it's clearly her work uniform jacket, same as her hat since they both have the same logo on it, she unzips it because even though it's her work uniform she is hot, do you even posses logic?

You also haven't explained how this is somehow "stupid" when it's something a real person would also do, are you saying because they based Cidney on a real existing representation of female mechanics in south American that it's somehow bad because she also happens to have a revealing outfit?

And what does it matter if it is targeted towards men or not? How sheltered do you even have to be to think that is a problem? Are you saying that pictures of fat shirtless balding men fixing cars is also for sexualization purposes?

And how do you know Erin doesn't dress like that on a daily basis at her shop? Why does it matter in the slightest even if it were true that that picture were only taken for the interview? How does that change a single thing? Face it, it doesn't.

And the fact that how Cidney is dressed is based on real female mechanics from Southern america already disputes any of your counter claims, I guess when evidence is posted that destroys your delusions you have a hard time coming up with counter arguments so you just outright ignore them, eh?
Most of the arguments in this post become moot once you lose the ground on how 'realistic' Cindy's appearance is for a female mechanic. I'd argue design wise Cindy's jacket serves two purposes: 1) to push up her boobs and 2) to give her the faux air of being a mechanic, when combined with the cap. The latter serves to outline her functional role as a character, but the former places emphasis on her physical characteristics as the distinctive part of her character. In other words, the logic here is that Cindy is merely a plot/gameplay vehicle dressed up in fanservice. It is a stupid design because it is actually unrealistic and clearly intended for other purposes. You'll have to find better than Team Mustang Girls as an example for justification.

"Oh, but maybe her character just wants to be sexy! There are women that want to be sexy! Why are you being an illogical prude?" So there are countless female character designs that have scanty amounts of clothing, and I suppose all those female characters are all females that just want to be sexy. Is it too much to ask for a female character that quite possibly can choose her own sensible wardrobe fitting to a personality that isn't generically "wanting to be sexy"?

Why use "pictures of fat shirtless balding men" instead of the equivalent argument of "well-built, good-looking shirtless men" for arguing if something appeals to men/women specifically? It matters if a design specifically caters to men or women because it can be unappealing to the other gender, and that would decrease the number of possible audience. Take a look at Resident Evil 6 character designs for example: the female designs know how to be good-looking and functional without being outlandishly pandering like Cindy's design. In a modern setting with as wide a range for fashion that the modern world has, the best Cindy is given is the same old fanservice style garbage? Right now when I buy a game with poor female character design, I buy it in spite of the designs—and I buy when it's gone bomba, because why bother paying $60 for more poor female characterization and general bullshit? How does one expand the audience for their game? Not through designs like Mevius guy or Cindy. You do it through creating better content, and saying "well, it's tradition" and "it's been done before" is no justification for lack of progress.
It does remind me a bit of Lost Odyssey for some reason also, not even sure why exactly.

My only issue is that it looks too busy and overdesigned. Way too much going on for an outfit that's barely there for the whole torso.
These accusations of hypocrisy would make sense if anyone here actually liked Lightning, or Square's hyper "badass" reimagining of Batman.


I prefer this version of that comic~

Giorno Giovanna > Batman.

That image doesn't really work on me as i would take a "feminine" male design, over an "hyper masculine" one every day of the week (just look at how awful Batman looks in the Arkham games, ffs) however as a larger point, you can see where it's coming from, given the reactions to Melvius' design.

Then again, i'm one who really loved Reign: The Conqueror's designs:


The discussion in these threads always becomes weird. If you don't care about practical design and like a characters design such as Cidney because she's hot that's fine. Non practical design is perfectly fine.Form over function is fine. You don't have to dig out complex evidence in order to justify it. You can like what you like and not feel ashamed of it. There's nothing wrong with liking a character for their sexual appeal to you. Nor is their anything contradictory or hypocritical for not liking a similar character for being designed to be sexually appealing to people other than you. And its perfectly acceptable to express your opinion in either case. Sure if you're arguing that one is morally acceptable but the other isn't then there is an issue, so don't do that.

Furthermore, anything having to do with design is subjective so you don't have to preface any expression of your opinion with an imo or something to that extent.

On that note, design in OP looks like crap. And Cidney is awesome.
Giorno Giovanna > Batman.

That image doesn't really work on me as i would take a "feminine" male design, over an "hyper masculine" one every day of the week (just look at how awful Batman looks in the Arkham games, ffs) however as a larger point, you can see where it's coming from, given the reactions to Melvius' design.

Then again, i'm one who really loved Reign: The Conqueror's designs:

Yeah, I think dude bro designs look stupid when they have 500 muscles and are like, 100 inches wide. Like, I heavily dislike the He-Man style of muscles.
Giorno Giovanna > Batman.

That image doesn't really work on me as i would take a "feminine" male design, over an "hyper masculine" one every day of the week (just look at how awful Batman looks in the Arkham games, ffs) however as a larger point, you can see where it's coming from, given the reactions to Melvius' design.

Then again, i'm one who really loved Reign: The Conqueror's designs:
I'd make the argument that batman has to look intimidating when he lives in the most dangerous city filled with mass murderers and psychos. When he's not wearing the suit you see more of a light almost feminine side to him.


I didn't see the original thread, however the thigh guards are the first things that stand out to me. Maybe sprint cyclists are the prototypical attractive body shape in that universe and accentuating the quads is a thing.

I generally don't care too much about the skimpiness of outfits for males females in games, however it does seem odd that equivalent armours (stats wise) can be so different between male and female characters. Although, game universes can be inconsistent internally and with the real world.


uhm....what? It's not like FF has had hunky men(without the male power fantasy thingy) before? Like many of them tbh...but what usually gets me is how everyone's value seem to be so...sheltered?
Reminds me of the Dave Chapelle whore uniform bit, not the end point. I can look outside and see more revealing outfits on both men and women. Have a few of those myself I like to wear when I go out and except for some drunk idiots neither I or my partner get any flack. Then again I live in a country where it's legal to masturbate in public, as long as I'm not basing my masturbation on someone in the vicinity.

1. But this was just done to start discussion again? Since I see no point to this other than that.

2. Why the fuck must everyone always talk as it was "finally" a thing when something that fits their agenda happens? Do we really have a bad memory so that we can only talk about what is happening right now? Are we that fucking dumb? -.-

Give me FFXIIHD with sexy costumes for Balthier or at least a PC version so I can mod it in. <3


So the argument is we should accept bad male design because there's a lot of bad female design? A bad design is a bad design. Not saying the design is bad, just her hypothetical situation.
So the argument is we should accept bad male design because there's a lot of bad female design? A bad design is a bad design. Not saying the design is bad, just her hypothetical situation.

Nope, the argument is more like to expose people that think it's fine to have overly-sexualized (and bad) female designs and, at the same time, think it's not fine if a male character has a comparable design.
The discussion in these threads always becomes weird. If you don't care about practical design and like a characters design such as Cidney because she's hot that's fine. Non practical design is perfectly fine.Form over function is fine. You don't have to dig out complex evidence in order to justify it. You can like what you like and not feel ashamed of it. There's nothing wrong with liking a character for their sexual appeal to you. Nor is their anything contradictory or hypocritical for not liking a similar character for being designed to be sexually appealing to people other than you. And its perfectly acceptable to express your opinion in either case. Sure if you're arguing that one is morally acceptable but the other isn't then there is an issue, so don't do that.

Furthermore, anything having to do with design is subjective so you don't have to preface any expression of your opinion with an imo or something to that extent.

On that note, design in OP looks like crap. And Cidney is awesome.

This lines up a lot with the way I see it. I don't care about practicality at aaaallllll when it comes to games and comics, etc. If we based all designs on practical outfits, we'd have some really boring characters. On a strictly design basis, I think the OP guy looks stupid.

The problem with the blog post is it's effectively trying to shut down criticism of characters like this until there are as many shitty male character designs as female, which is stupid. There's no reason to marry those two arguments.

If you want to point and laugh at homophobes, fine. If you want to say other criticism is invalid, then I'm afraid you might need to reevaluate your definition of criticism.
Nope, the argument is more like to expose people that think it's fine to have overly-sexualized (and bad) female designs and, at the same time, think it's not fine if a male character has a comparable design.

fine in theory but that post is in no way pointing out anybody who has said both of those things. It's making assumptions based on... what, exactly?


It's a bad design, but I can pretty much guarantee Fran didn't get nearly the amount of hate when FFXII was released compared to this dude. Hell, some people were defending Fran while saying this design was bad recently. A LOT of female armor and character design in general is ridiculous. I find it funny that one of the recent games that didn't fall into this trap, Dragon Age Inquisition suddenly gets threads upon threads (not necessarily here) about how the characters are ugly and unromanceable because of it.


Nope, the argument is more like to expose people that think it's fine to have overly-sexualized (and bad) female designs and, at the same time, think it's not fine if a male character has a comparable design.

somebody should cross-reference that original Mevius thread with that thread where people talked about how proud they were to be perverts in games
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