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Bloodborne gameplay : The first 18 minutes

Saw this on reddit: Alpha vs IGN's footage

If look look closely, the textures are actually more detailed now, just look at the architecture in the first comparison shot.

Everything comes down to this being a different time of day and the blurriness comes from being a pretty terrible quality capture.


Saw this on reddit: Alpha vs IGN's footage

Some of that does look like a downgrade...

Some of the textures in this recent video look weaker than what was in the alpha demo. The coffin and the imagery above the door in a few of the shots have redone textures. They don't look as good as what they're replacing.


I think every game from now on should be set at permanent night to avoid those stupid mockups claiming downgrades because the lighting is not the same. smh



In the spirit (since we'll probably need more of these when the OT hits)

They could hand me whatever build this is right here on release day and I would play it with a giant shit eating grin on my face and a mind completely free of thoughts of anti-aliasing, textures, jaggies, etc. I will never understand the obsession with this stuff. That goes for 30 vs 60, as well.

I hope we get some substantial gameplay details from IGN soon, and that when we do, we can have a gameplay thread free of all discussion of graphics.
Hmm direct capture vs streamed video

Even still, you can see enough to be sure there has been no downgrade!

People can be as annoyed about the jaggies, animation etc as they want. I think it's impressive in some ways (world design, detail) and underwhelming in others (IQ) but the game has ALWAYS looked this way in any footage that's been released.

If you were judging the IQ based on screenshots I can see why you'd be disappointed here, but PR shots are almost always downsampled to hell and back.


They could hand me whatever build this is right here on release day and I would play it with a giant shit eating grin on my face and a mind completely free of thoughts of anti-aliasing, textures, jaggies, etc. I will never understand the obsession with this stuff. That goes for 30 vs 60, as well.

I think the big issue is less to do with the games than the fact that we've all bought underpowered consoles (compared to PCs) and will be stuck with them for years to come.


They could hand me whatever build this is right here on release day and I would play it with a giant shit eating grin on my face and a mind completely free of thoughts of anti-aliasing, textures, jaggies, etc. I will never understand the obsession with this stuff. That goes for 30 vs 60, as well.

I hope we get some substantial gameplay details from IGN soon, and that when we do, we can have a gameplay thread free of all discussion of graphics.

Souls games are an entirely different experience at 60fps. 100%. This comes from having literally thousands of hours between Demon's DkS1, and DkS2 on every platform imaginable.

Albeit not being impressed with the game graphically, or happy about 30fps, I'll still play the shit out of it like I did every other Souls games at FROM-quality at 30fps.


Some of that does look like a downgrade...

Some of the textures in this recent video look weaker than what was in the alpha demo. The coffin and the imagery above the door in a few of the shots have redone textures. They don't look as good as what they're replacing.


Downgrade may be in the cards.

That is if the IGN footage is the latest.


I don't care if theres a downgrade, if it runs at a solid 30 I'm fine.

This is a souls game afterall. You don't expect technical prowess from From Software. You expect an emotional and epic game with an amazing story and atmosphere and some super satsifying game-play.

That's all I can ask for.



Now THIS is the kind of thing people should be concerned about. From what we've seen it's pretty obvious this game will inherit some of the legacy issues from other Souls games including some dodgy camera work especially with bosses/big enemies.

This might actually be more of an issue with this game due to the faster pace.

I can see how difficult it can be to address the issue when you combine traditional lock-on mechanics with large enemies, but I feel it's something they should have at least TRIED to alleviate.

The camera needs to orbit the boss for the player to see the attacks coming, but attacking requires a closer proximity..causing the camera to get wonky at critical moments. If it wasn't for the HUD, I wouldn't be able to if some of those close-up dodges even worked half the time.

Still, I think for most enemy encounters this will be a non-issue.
This thread wow. People chomping at the bit to beat down a From Soft game for its technical level is really funny to see. The game looks absolutely amazing so far, in combat and art design. Let it come out first then you can complain about the jaggies.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Gotta love the troll defense on bloodborne threads.

Shows concern or just plain trolling, but emphasize that is a great fan and will keep the collectors ultimate power edition pre-ordered, because you know, the gameplay is fantastic and nobody expects a game from FROM (pun not intended) to be visually appealing.

It's like the classic excuse from the "not" console warrior: "but I have all systems"

Downgrade may be in the cards.

That is if the IGN footage is the latest.

Seriously a Downgrade what sense? Less than stellar AA or slightly altered textures?

Look at the details on the gates to the right:


This game has possibly been downgraded if the IGN footage is the latest.

Youre fucking kidding me right? Look at the capture quality of both those images then come back to me. Doesnt surprise me honestly that you orochi, are hopping on the concern wagon.


Look at the details on the gates to the right:


This game has possibly been downgraded if the IGN footage is the latest.
I don't see how you can compare the two when the capture quality of the image below is shite. Look at the HP/Stamina bar and the item slots. They're not even the same colour.
Alright, finally got around to watching the video uninterrupted on my TV. Good lawd.

Here are my thoughts on the actual game.

1.) Combat looks absolutely phenomenal. Looks fast paced and downright brutal. I LOVE THE AUDIO OF THAT BLUNDERBUSS. It is loud as fuck, and echoes through the environment. I cranked my surround up and holy shit, fantastic ambience.

2.) This is the same hub system that is in Demons Souls, no doubt about it. When entering the Dream Refuge you can see 5-6 other tombstones that the character uses to warp into Yharnam. And when he unlocks Central Yharnam and reaches that checkpoint he is then able to warp to it ala 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 which worked the same way in Demons Souls. I couldn't be happier with this as getting trapped in a section in Dark Souls and really having no way to get to a more interesting area besides trudging through the current section or backtracking for awhile was downright frustrating. I loved just being able to hop around to different areas of Demons Souls if I got bored of one or got stuck or whatever.

3.) The daylight is interesting to me and here is my theory. I do not think this is a day/night cycle, but a return of the World Tendency system that is used in Demons Souls but now it is much more visual. Instead of just having a little orb on a character portrait show the world tendency or player tendency, now it changes the entire aesthetic of the world itself. When you are just starting, as this player is, you are in a dawn type ambience within the world. As you die and the world tendency drops, the world begins to slip into a bleak darkness. As night reigns, things begin to change within the world. Enemies get stronger and harder to kill, but drop better loot ( ala Demons ). If the players are winning and bringing World Tendency toward the light, the outside world begins to brighten and get more sunny. Enemies are weaker and easier to kill, but drop worse / less loot. This could be completely wrong, but is my current thought process on the situation.

4.) It is interesting how the intro has the character getting a blood transfusion and put into a dream-like state before he is visited by the bloodhound and then surrounded by those ghoul creatures that are the messengers as well. And then you awaken in the Clinic again and must die before being transported to the Nexus. I wonder who that Doctor was and what exactly is being done to you at this time.

5.) It is quite interesting how the populace seems to have their wits about them. They talk as they attack you and banter back and forth. And YOU are thought to be the Beast and the evil one here. Very interesting twist that is. You are called the Hunter. But the hunter of what exactly? Blood?

And jesus fuck you people need to get over this downgrade stuff. Its become a sort of cliche at this point.


Seriously a Downgrade what sense? Less than stellar AA or slightly altered textures?


I mean, if you can't see how flat, lifeless, and bland this looks for PS4 at 30fps, then I don't know what to say.

The only hope is that this is not final footage and truly there's a world of difference to be had in the final version.

People are allowed to dislike the level of graphical fidelity but admit they'll still play the game. I don't have to be 10/10 in agreement with every aspect of the game to be allowed to enjoy it. I am just not blind to what is clearly subpar graphics and performance for this generation, if this video is at all indicative of final quality. Let's hope it is not.


People keep posting that is an alpha so we shouldn't worry about the graphics, but in almost every game the alpha looks better than the final build.


I don't see hwo you can compare the two when the capture quality of the image below is shite. Look at the HP/Stamina bar and the item slots. They're not even the same colour.
Still, the textures hes talking about simply doesn't show on the ign video, its not matter of compression, they are not there.

Plus aliasing on the gate over there <-, compression blurry details, doesn't create aliasing unless I'm wrong?



I mean, if you can't see how flat, lifeless, and bland this looks for PS4 at 30fps, then I don't know what to say.

The only hope is that this is not final footage and truly there's a world of difference to be had in the final version.

People are allowed to dislike the level of graphical fidelity but admit they'll still play the game. I don't have to be 10/10 in agreement with every aspect of the game to be allowed to enjoy it. I am just not blind to what is clearly subpar graphics and performance for this generation, if this video is at all indicative of final quality. Let's hope it is not.

Seriously, do you not understand the concept of video compression?
Gotta love the troll defense on bloodborne threads.

Shows concern or just plain trolling, but emphasize that is a great fan and will keep the collectors ultimate power edition pre-ordered, because you know, the gameplay is fantastic and nobody expects a game from FROM (pun not intended) to be visually appealing.

It's like the classic excuse from the "not" console warrior: "but I have all systems"

Uh oh. I have the CE preordered and I have all systems. I feel like an asshat.

I mean, if you can't see how flat, lifeless, and bland this looks for PS4 at 30fps, then I don't know what to say.

The only hope is that this is not final footage and truly there's a world of difference to be had in the final version.

People are allowed to dislike the level of graphical fidelity but admit they'll still play the game. I don't have to be 10/10 in agreement with every aspect of the game to be allowed to enjoy it. I am just not blind to what is clearly subpar graphics and performance for this generation, if this video is at all indicative of final quality. Let's hope it is not.

Its fucking FROM SOFTWARE. Theyve never been touted as graphical powerhouses in any sense. They live and die by their art design.

DS2 while a much cleaner game seemed bland(maybe even uglier) to some because of the subpar art direction compared to DeS and DaS.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Seriously a Downgrade what sense? Less than stellar AA or slightly altered textures?

Youre fucking kidding me right? Look at the capture quality of both those images then come back to me. Doesnt surprise me honestly that you orochi, are hopping on the concern wagon.

That one has actual altered textures around the door.

But the IGN capture is assy regardless.
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