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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore


Just got to chapter
, sure there could be more to the gameplay, but the shooting is great. As are the weapons. The characters are great. The graphics are the best ive ever seen. And i'm really into the story right now.
, legit shocked I hadn't seen that spoiled anywhere....I hope it sells well.

edit: oh, and i'm also just shy of 8 hours right now.
My problem with the graphics seemed to console specific so I just bought a new PS4. Problem solved and loving it so far just got to
the part where you chase the lacy down the street

Anyways the NPD thread can add one confirmed PS4 sale to their tally lol


really enjoying this game. Wish they'd have gone without 4x msaa and something else to get 60 fps. Also slightly less grain filter. Otherwise I'm having a blast with it.


If a sequel were to happen, i pray to god that they pull back the camera behind whomever will be the protagonist (please Galahad!). Found the stock camera a bit too close for my liking =(
how come lafayette
gets his first taste of blackwater in 1886 and live through to see the 2 revolutions (america and french). he must be over at least 121 years old
. how did he survive for so long?
Just finished it. While I really did enjoy it and would recommend it with a warning about the type of game it is, it does have lots of minor problems and some more significant ones.

Sorry for wall of text, but as a white knight of The Order leading up to release, I had to jot down final impressions..

I'm trying to gather my thoughts because as much as I liked it, I had quite a few issues with it. Overall it was a good experience and I plan on playing it at least a few more times.
I can agree with some of the review scores but at this point I can't agree with anyone that would call this a BAD game. For a first original IP on a home console, I am thoroughly impressed.
RAD has laid down quite the foundation here, if they can take the criticism and build from that, I can see great things from this franchise.

The Order falls short in some ways but it also has its moments of brilliance. The sheer level of quality in the games visual presentation cannot be ignored. This is IMO opinion one of the
most beautiful game worlds ever made. The level of detail is absolutely remarkable. Every pixel was just oozing atmosphere. This whole experience was a shock to my visual cortex. Bra-fucking-vo.

The story is serviceable but the voice work really shines. Solid performance from everyone involved, Galahad takes the crown.

The begining moved really slow. The pacing through the second third of the game was good but the begining and end were pretty boring on the gameplay side of things aside from the second last chapter.
Whats up with the super short chapters later on? With little or no gameplay in them, that was odd. Who decided that was a good idea?

The gunplay is extremely satisfying, everything has a great weighty feel to it and the weapons pack a nice punch. The arc gun and thermite rifle were so much fun. Thats why it boggles my mind they
were barely in the fucking game. Death animations and dismemberment were done very well. Guys firing off a last few rounds as they fall to the ground was a nice touch. It blows my mind that the
gameplay during gun battles was so good yet took up so little time in the game. Its funny to me that the gameplay was my favorite part of the game. Its a damn shame that quality it achieves is
tainted by a lazy implementation of button prompts littering the game. They could have put more effort into that. But no, press triangle to win. They also hyped up the branching QTEs, where the hell were they?
There was like 5 of them, the rest were just press triangle, tap x, hold triangle. Oh shit! A square! Way to keep me on my toes!

Popping in and out of cover felt wonky at first, but after getting used to it, it felt pretty good. I didn't even realize you could press up on the left stick to peak over cover. You would think since they have
to explain every single action I do with huge white letters in the top right corner for the whole game, they could explain anything usefull like peaking over cover or sticking to cover around corners.
But no, lets give instructions on how to do everything else with no option to turn it off.

The lycan encounters can fuck right off. Go find a corner and just wait for them to charge and shoot them untill it tells me to dodge with a button prompt. Then lets run over and finish it off with
the same long animation every single time. For a game I was so excited to fight lycans in, this is the most disappointing part for me. I had imagined these thing sniffing you out while you hid from
them and when it came time to fight them, they would climb walls, attack you from above, actually be a fucking challenge. But no, every encounter is the exact same pattern. I thought we would see lycans fighting human
enemies, maybe taking both on at once in bigger open areas with som sense of verticality, UGH! So much lost potential there.

The environmental destruction in the game was so goo... Wait, what destruction? Oh ya, some glass, pots and a few platforms.

Melee was pretty bad, I had way too many times in tighter spaces where I got wierd camera angles. They were brutal in more than one way. I ended up just sticking to shooting.

Lol at the morse code. That was it? Hahaha.

Plus the ending.

End boss spoilers
its the same fucking fight as earlier in the game! WTF!?

So at the end of the day, I did enjoy myself quite a bit but kept on thinking about how great it could have been. Ultimately I'm disappointed.
I would give it a 7 out of 10. I can't deny, the things it got right, it fucking got right. Its a few design choices away from achieving greatness IMO and I cant wait for a sequel. I pray we see one.

Edit. Played on hard, aim assist off. Probly took around 12 hours.
Kind of off topic but with this easy plat that makes it 2 platinum trophies in ONE day



Feels good man

Gonna start a 2nd play later this week I think, collectibles be damned Im gonna speed run those nonskippable cutscenes!


Damn I have been thinking about this game more and more after beating it earlier today. I really hope this week (ideally tomorrow) that Sony announces that it has sold 1 or 2mil+ already like they did after Second Son came out. A sequel will be so effing amazing.
Man. the soundtrack in this game is fantastic and probably one of the best game soundtracks I've listened to. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was on Spotify....
Beat it today. Loved the story.
Graphics were amazing.
Voice acting, atmosphere, and sound were top notch fantastic.

Pacing / Gameplay were atrocoius


Yea, Just finished it and got the Platinum. Took for what it was and found it, alright. Basically a Batman Begins: 1886.

The graphics is great. RAD straight up hit it out of the park in this area. Pretty much in awe with just how much attention to detail that was going on in a lot of the game, especially with the clothes. I love seeing clothing physics in games. Shit's awesome.

As for the story, it falls into predictable territory, but it all felt like a Batman Begins setup to me. Of course though, I'd be better if they had 1 or more chapters near the end.
Like an arc where you at least guide the person to White Chapel, tease a little talk between Ingraine and then jump into the last chapter.

But yea, Hopefully, RAD & Sony can absorb and tackle the criticism well, and move quick to release a follow up in like 2 years or so. It's got a good setup as a new ip and it'd be a damn shame if it doesn't receive a chance to explore it.


I hate how Lakshmi wears fuckin wedding jewellery in combat !!

Lol why cant they get Indian actors to play Indians. The accent was hilarious! Clearly a non Indian playing an Indian.
Lakshmi's Hindi was very very weird....on one hand it had only a little bit of accent on other the pronunciation was so fuckin funny, hatiyaar (weapon) sounded like haataree...and baat (talk) sounded like baare. And it felt like her tongue was glued to the bottom of her mouth while speaking considering how it sounded. By contrast the voice of the other woman sounded better and maybe even correct.

Lakshmi - Tehmina Sunny
Devi - Nishi Munshi

Both are Indian.
I don't think he meant Indian in terms of ethnicity but rather Indian in terms of nationality. Neither of those are Indian in that sense and hence they dont sound like one, Lakshmi speak with British accent lol. A decent voice actor can pull off a foreign accent decently, especially if it's an accent from his or her own ethnic background....see Naveen Andrews as Sabal in Far cry 4.


I'm at chapter 8 and holy shit. Someone mentioned that there is a lack of epic enviroments a la Uncharted. I lol'd because even it's just some minutes long
the burning airship wrack on the ground
was freaking awesome and really terrifying. Game gets really better now


Lakshmi - Tehmina Sunny
Devi - Nishi Munshi

Both are Indian.

Lakshmi's Hindi was very very weird....on one hand it had little to no accent on other the pronunciation was so fuckin funny, hatiyaar (weapon) sounded like haataree...and baat (talk) sounded like baare. And it felt like her tongue was glued to the bottom of her mouth while speaking considering how it sounded. By contrast the voice of the other woman sounded native and correct.

Tehmina Sunny was probably someone brought up outside India. They should have picked someone who grew up in India. Would have been easier for them to make the accent and pronunciations more authentic. They probably found it more convenient to get local voice actors from the US/UK


Tehmina Sunny was probably someone brought up outside India. They should have picked someone who grew up in India. Would have been easier for them to make the accent and pronunciations more authentic. They probably found it more convenient to get local voice actors from the US/UK
Even then it's not uncommon for an Indian/Pakistani brought up outside of Indian to speak Hindi/Urdu with no accent and manage to pull off one of the desi accent as well.

Far cry 4 has very good and accurate Hindi with accurate accents both for Hindi and English everywhere. If that game which is entirely set in the subcontinent can do it then surely a game with only two Indian characters can do it. It doesn't matter if the actors are Indian in ethnicity when they are going to sound like every other British in the game.


Tehmina Sunny was probably someone brought up outside India. They should have picked someone who grew up in India. Would have been easier for them to make the accent and pronunciations more authentic. They probably found it more convenient to get local voice actors from the US/UK
Do we know the background of those two characters?. Maybe they've spent most of their lives among British speakers or in England itself?. I'm just up to that part so don't know if they go in depth with them after.


Even then it's not uncommon for an Indian/Pakistani brought up outside of Indian to speak Hindi/Urdu with no accent and manage to pull off one of the desi accent as well.

True true. Don't know what happened there. According to history, Rani Lakshmibai died in 1858. May be in the alternate version, she moved to the UK and lost her Indian accent in 28 years! :D

Do we know the background of those two characters?. Maybe they've spent most of their lives among British speakers or in England itself?. I'm just up to that part so don't know if they go in depth with them after.

Nah. The game mentions where she allegedly died in India, which is historically accurate as well. Lakshmi was born in India and home schooled. Devi on the other hand is a fictitious character (I think) and could have been born in England. Strangely she has a more Indian accent.

Nuke Soda

Beat the game last night. I liked it. My biggest complaint is that the werewolf shootouts were not fun, I actually did not mind the QTE fights though. Hope we get a bigger, better sequel.


Do we know the background of those two characters?. Maybe they've spent most of their lives among British speakers or in England itself?. I'm just up to that part so don't know if they go in depth with them after.
Lakshmi is a real historical figure she was a queen in India who died in a conflict with the British in 1858.

She'd have be 51 years old in 1886 !! But I guess she drinks that Blackwater too, must also explain why she made it out alive.

rdrr gnr

Even then it's not uncommon for an Indian/Pakistani brought up outside of Indian to speak Hindi/Urdu with no accent and manage to pull off one of the desi accent as well.
It's also not uncommon for them to brought up outside of India and just not speak another language. It's totally possible she doesn't know Hindi and is being fed the lines.
Far cry 4 has very good and accurate Hindi with accurate accents both for Hindi and English everywhere. If that game which is entirely set in the subcontinent can do it then surely a game with only two Indian characters can do it. It doesn't matter if the actors are Indian in ethnicity when they are going to sound like every other British in the game.
That statement is utter nonsense. They spoke Hindi for a total of a paragraph the entire game.


True true. Don't know what happened there. According to history, Rani Lakshmibai died in 1858. May be in the alternate version, she moved to the UK and lost her Indian accent in 28 years! :D

Nah. The game mentions where she allegedly died in India, which is historically accurate as well. Lakshmi was born in India and home schooled. Devi on the other hand is a fictitious character (I think) and could have been born in England. Strangely she has a more Indian accent.
Wahhhh that's cool didn't know she was real figure, just I grew up with an Indian friend and although he had a bit of a twang you could tell he grew up largely among native English speakers.


It's also not uncommon for them to brought up outside of India and just not speak another language. It's totally possible she doesn't know Hindi and is being fed the lines.

That statement is utter nonsense. They spoke Hindi for a total of a paragraph the entire game.
No it's not because she spoke with a British accent thought the game when the character is a real historical figure that is from India. Why is it "utter" nonesense to demand authenticity from the one major Indian character you have in a game? My complaint is more about her English than her Hindi.

I'll say it again...Far cry 4 did it right and if a game of that scope and size can do it, surely this one with one Indian character can.

rdrr gnr

No it's not because she spoke with a British accent thought the game when the character is a real historical figure that is from India. Why is it "utter" nonesense to demand authenticity from the one major Indian character you have in a game? My complaint is more about her English than her Hindi.
Authentic? Was she also as attractive and did she fight Lycans with mustachioed men? I don't think there is a problem with casting simply because her English didn't sound foreign enough. I don't think people are taking her for a Celt with a nice tan.
Why bother grounding anything in reality then? Why not make everyone speak in a US accent and wear jeans and tshirts? You are missing the point. The game takes the pain of explaining who she is and where she's from. The least they could do is cast a voice actor who could do justice to that established background.
I'm not sure how the example of an American accent with jeans and t-shirts compares to how backgrounds are inherently comprised in fictional depictions. Did the actual person she is based on speak English? Are you hiring linguists to check dialogue and accents that surely would have changed in the 130 years since? Is every instance of theater or film set in Greece or Rome "not grounded" or done "justice" to when the actor has a British accent? No? Then at some level you concede it's not a problem. I'm not arguing against more "genuine" depictions or that the people who speak those languages have different standards, I'm just not finding a compelling reason to think her voice actor is a problem.
Just finished it up. It really should have been much better. The presentation is amazing, but everything else hovers between mediocre and terrible, with it mostly landing in the mediocre zone.

- Gunplay is decent enough, but character movement is stiff and inconsistent. Enemy reactions and environmental damage are the same - inconsistent.
- Story has an interesting premise but pretty terrible execution after it peaks with Percival's story.
- I expected more from the weapons but they were okay
-Poor feedback whe you're under fire

- Terrible ending
- Dumb forced stealth and instant kills in Ch.11
- No trophy or collectible progress tracking


Authentic? Was she also as attractive and did she fight Lycans with mustachioed men? I don't think there is a problem with casting simply because she didn't sound foreign enough.

Why bother grounding anything in reality then? Why not make everyone speak in a US accent and wear jeans and tshirts? You are missing the point. The game takes the pain of explaining who she is and where she's from. The least they could do is cast a voice actor who could do justice to that established background.


So much detail. Did you notice that silverware (jugs, cups etc) all reflect Galahad when you come close? Amazing. And yet mirrors don't reflect at all -
Galahad vampire confirmed! The Order are all Vampires, the Blackwater and the Grail is just coke in a cup, Vampires is the real reason they're essentially immortal


So much detail. Did you notice that silverware (jugs, cups etc) all reflect Galahad when you come close? Amazing. And yet mirrors don't reflect at all -
Galahad vampire confirmed! The Order are all Vampires, the Blackwater and the Grail is just coke in a cup, Vampires is the real reason they're immortal

Hehe. I actually captured a small part where a mirror was on the wall and a vase was on a table right next to it. You could see the character moving around in the vase reflection and yet no reflection from the mirror. Definitely felt awkward.


Did the actual person she is based on speak English? Are you hiring linguists to check dialogue and accents that surely would have changed in the 130 years since? Is every instance of theater or film set in Greece or Rome "not grounded" or done "justice" to when the actor has a British accent? No? Then at some level you concede it's not a problem. I'm not arguing against more "genuine" depictions or that the people who speak those languages have different standards, I'm just not finding a compelling reason to think her voice actor is a problem.

I give up. We are trying to suggest something that could have made her performance more convincing and your counter is that there is no reason to make it more convincing, because <insert random example here>. Don't you think Lafayette's accent sold his role as someone from outside Britain? Why doesn't Lakshmi get the same treatment? It's a minor issue, but just dismissing it as unnecessary seems unfair.

rdrr gnr

I give up. We are trying to suggest something that could have made her performance more convincing and your counter is that there is no reason to make it more convincing, because <insert random example here>. Don't you think Lafayette's accent sold his role as someone from outside Britain? Why doesn't Lakshmi get the same treatment? It's a minor issue, but just dismissing it as unnecessary seems unfair.
Sure it did. But he also looks indistinguishable from the rest of the cast. My argument isn't that there is no reason to make things more convincing, My argument is that I don't think there is some "convincing" discrepancy that needs to be remedied, thus my example.
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