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Kojima will no longer be a Konami executive from April 1st + KojiPro is no more?

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Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony and Nintendo didn't try to make moves to get him. Kojima is one of those rare developers that seemingly can do what he pleases..

Money wouldn't be a problem then, but I would like to see him working at a third party studio. Having him making games for just one of the Big 3 would be a bummer.


I don't want to sound like "that guy" but...have you guys considered that maybe Kojima is the one who wanted to leave his executive position at Konami?

And remove his name from his games?

Confirmed: the Patriots are Konami's board and they've been around for millennia:

Damnatio memoriae is the Latin phrase literally meaning "damnation of memory" in the sense of a judgment that a person must not be remembered. It was a form of dishonor that could be passed by the Roman Senate upon traitors or others who brought discredit to the Roman State. The intent was to erase someone from history, a task somewhat easier in ancient times, when documentation was much sparser.


- There's a chance Kojima could disappear into obscurity after leaving Konami much like Yasumi Matsuno did after leaving Square Enix and Yu Suzuki did after leaving Sega.

Matsuno stepped down for health reasons and still works on projects with various companies, kind of bouncing around from project to project.

I think it was mainly stress and he can't handle being the head of a AAA game. I personally think that's fine and even if not on a huge scale I'm glad he's creating new works. He's a brilliant designer and his strongest games are timeless classics.
"As we have already announced, we are shifting our production structure to a headquarters-controlled system, in order to establish a steadfast operating base capable of responding to the rapid market changes that surround our digital entertainment business. Konami Digital Entertainment (including Mr. Kojima), will continue to develop

The bolded screams mobile games to me. Does Konami even make a majority of its money from games today? Don't they own gyms or love hotels or something?


This is kind of a death sentence to Konami if you ask me. Outside of the MGS/MG games of the past few years, Komani has only done so-so when it comes to Castlevania and PES games (FIFA is still selling way, way more). MGS is a giant selling point for them, probably the biggest they have and them removing Kojima will basically doom them. Kojima is everything that MGS is and they are now taking that away from him, and I can't see it being a good thing.

Do the right thing and stop fucking things up Konami...

I guess they don't want their new Silent Hill game to be good either...
PES sales have seen a real catastrophic collapse in the last couple iterations. That's why they pulled Seabass, who headed up the series for over a decade in 2012.

Iga left last year as they shifted CV to western devs and into Kojima's responsibility.

As I said, they're pulling a Capcom here. The senior talent is getting marginalised or driven out.
PES sales have seen a real catastrophic collapse in the last couple iterations. That's why they pulled Seabass, who headed up the series for over a decade in 2012.

Iga left last year as they shifted CV to western devs and into Kojima's responsibility.

As I said, they're pulling a Capcom here. The senior talent is getting marginalised or driven out.

Kojima does own the Metal Gear IP though right?


And on the sixth day the LORD David Bowie created man and woman in His image. And he saw that it was good. On the seventh day the LORD created videogames so that He might take the bloody day off for once.
Holy shit, I always wondered what would happen to the KojiPro brand if Kojima decided to leave or step down from his executive position. Guess this is it.

MGSV should still be on track, but I just hope this ordeal doesn't effect their plans for Silent Hills... Or more importantly RISING 2! Now that would be devastating.
Seriously, if Kojima isn't leaving I can't possible imagine why Konami thinks this is a good idea. They have to know that the "A Hideo Kojima game" and "Kojima Productions" lables carry far more weight than the "Konami" label these days. At the very least they should have kept the "A Hideo Kojima game" label.
According to wiki, it had another name and design direction at the point he took over. It's kind of iffy to say the game that actually happened wasn't his game.

The story behind the original Metal Gear game on the MSX is that Konami wanted an action game (think something like Ikari Warriors), but the hardware was only powerful enough to allow a few characters on screen at once making an action-heavy game with a lot of sprite-based characters on screen too hard or impossible. Instead, Kojima made the game more stealth focused, allowing for fewer characters on screen at one time. It's in one of the history of Metal Gear documentaries. So technically the game may have been in development before Kojima, he certainly made it his own game.
I knew this was going ot happen someday. Konami is scared that Kojima has become more powerful than them. By that, I mean that his name as a "brand", if you will, is stronger and catches people's attention more than "Konami". Konami probably thinks that if they let things be and Kojima ever decides to jump ship and make his own company, their shares would plumet. And they probably would.

Seriously, if Kojima isn't leaving I can't possible imagine why Konami thinks this is a good idea. They have to know that the "A Hideo Kojima game" and "Kojima Productions" lables carry far more weight than the "Konami" label these days. At the very least they should have kept the "A Hideo Kojima game" label.

That is precisely why they are changing things: to reverse this scenario.
This is ...terrible. for the Industry as a whole.
We need more auteur lead games, not less.

On any given list of the greatest he ranks up there with Miyamoto and Suzuki. A fundamental understanding of games few possess.

It will be interesting(read: tragic) to see how this plays out.
Valhalla. And by Valhalla I mean Platinum.

I can't imagine Hideo Kojima as the kind of guy who would struggle to find work in the industry.
Yeah, I don't think there's a single company that wouldn't hire him. I'd say he's second only to Miyamato as far as game creators go in terms of influence.

The guy invented stealth games and is the greatest creator of cinematic games, hands down.

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
We need more auteur lead games, not less.

The higher ups at big publishers disagree, and they're the ones calling the shots.

The divide between "indie" and big triple-A games/mobile blockbusters is only gonna become wider and wider. It looks like there's no place for something in-between.
Konami just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase MGS V for either system, nor will they purchase any of Konami's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Konami has alienated an entire market with this move.

Konami, publicly apologize and put back 'A Hideo Kojima Game' for PS4/XB1 or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Konami just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase MGS V for either system, nor will they purchase any of Konami's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Konami has alienated an entire market with this move.

Konami, publicly apologize and put back 'A Hideo Kojima Game' for PS4/XB1 or you can kiss your business goodbye.


I don't see proof that he's leaving; I just see clear evidence of a reorganization.

Even if he were to leave, Konami would be fine. I know most people in here only pay attention to Konami's games (and even then, mostly just their console games), but Konami has diversified very successfully. Yes, Metal Gear is now a huge portion of Konami's console gaming business, but the console gaming business is only a fraction of their overall business at this point.


I like how we're all assuming this is Konami's fault.

Well, I mean, maybe it is, but perhaps the decision to leave and take the branding with him is actually his own choice.
I knew this was going ot happen someday. Konami is scared that Kojima has become more powerful than them. By that, I mean that his name as a "brand", if you will, is stronger and catches people's attention more than "Konami". Konami probably thinks that if they let things be and Kojima ever decides to jump ship and make his own company, their shares would plumet. And they probably would.

Well they have taken advantage of that better brand recognition for years. I mean giving the man LoS and then the Sillent Hills teaser, sure give both IPs a new fresh air (as a Castlevania fan I hated LoS, but I doubt a traditional one without Kojima would have perform better sales wise). I think that the name Kojima as brand and recognition have already surpassed Konami years ago. I mean the only big franchise Konami had left to give it the Kojima treatment was PES, and even that got some of that with the Fox Engine.
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