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Splatoon Global Testfire Demo Schedule and Info Thread (https://youtu.be/l4UFQWKjy_I)

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Woke up 30 minutes ago so I only got to play a few rounds, but it was super fun. Wish there was proper dual analog though. Had to recalibrate the gyro on my Game Pad at least once a round, sometimes twice. Still happy I pre-ordered my physical copy though! :)

You can, press start on the weapon select screen and turn off motion controls

-The lack of communication really hurts the game. Even the in-game commands are sorely lacking. Half the time I have no idea where my teammates are.
-This game needs more controller options. Gamepad only for online? I really like to use the classic controller, or heck even the pro controller. After Nintendo provided so many options for Smash it's hard to go back to just a single controller for the Wii U.

Your two points here don't make sense, look down at your gamepad, there is a map that shows where your team is at all times assuming they're alive, and you can instantly warp to any if their locations by tapping on them. Looking at the same map also shows you quickly where you need to go, or who on your team is stuck in a fire fight and needs back up.

Yes the game would be nice with a voice chat option, but the gamepad gives you all the info you need and quickly lets you warp to allies with a touch to aid them or help them push or help them defend
Just finished my time with the Demo.
I have to say. Really fun and even addicting.
Splattershot and roller are pretty easy to pick up.
Splattershot jr being faster but weaker and the charger take some more getting used to.

Controls were pretty easy after you get used to them. And with the tutorial. I was used to them quickly.

I'm looking forward to my next hour.


Shooter guns:
Aerospray MG
Jet Squelcher
The Blaster

Charger guns:
Splat Charger
E-Liter 3K

Roller guns:
Splat Roller
Dynamo Roller

Sub Weapons:

Splat Bomb
Splash Wall
Suction Bomb
Burst Bomb
Pointer Sensor
Ink Mine
Squid Beakon


Killer Wail

Is the paintbrush part of the free DLC rollout then?


Yeah, I didn't look at the map the first time around. This time, I did and I jumped to areas. (though I only did it when I died, and should remember to do it mid run). Felt good.
-By chance, is there some kind of ability or something that I'm missing that allows you to see where the other team is super jumping? I'm wondering, because there was these two games back-to-back where I just kept getting killed wherever I super jumped. It got to a point where I just stopped using it. Felt like it was way too often to be coincidental.

Yes there is. You can see the spot people are jumping into. Don't jump right into a hot zone, try to land near the fight, not in it.


-By chance, is there some kind of ability or something that I'm missing that allows you to see where the other team is super jumping? I'm wondering, because there was these two games back-to-back where I just kept getting killed wherever I super jumped. It got to a point where I just stopped using it. Felt like it was way too often to be coincidental.

Yes, it shows up where you are Super Jumping to for everyone.


the real thing to look out for is rollers who know how to use their suction bombs properly. one match this fucker was baiting me all match into backing off into his suction bombs until I figured out what he was doing


Neo Member
I imagine that Snipers will be more useful in the Ranked mode when battles are more focused mostly on one spot. They were certainly a lot better for me in the map with the important giant square area at the top.


I'm really looking forward to the Paint Brush. A smaller, but faster Roller that can spray ink more efficiently sounds perfect for my play style.


So Splatoon is excellent. My favorite weapon is Charger. It's so satisfying when you nail down that perfect shot at unsuspecting enemy. On top of that it's pretty useful for covering a large area from one spot. That said I had fun with all weapons. They all have their pros and cos. Didn't see why people think Roller is overpowered. It too has its own shortcomings. Maybe when the game has been playable for longer people learn to know them better.

Once I learned to utilize map better my gameplay got a lot better. It's not like other FPS's in that sense. Map is just so important.

Man it just looks so good seeing your own ink overlap with the enemies'. I think the simple fact how good ink looks and 60FPS makes this game a looker. Sounds good too. Nothing we didn't know but the upbeat soundtrack supports the gameplay so well. Getting to play that little 8bit squid jumping game makes for such a good time killing instead of just watching people join and such. Nothing complicated but it works at that.

Only downside I encountered was frequent communication errors (something about the game being full or whatever). Other than that this game is a serious GOTY contender for me. Can't wait for another hour of the demo later tonight and then of course the full game release. I think Nintendo has a real gem on their hands with this title.


the Splat Roller is definitely my type of weapon. as long as i get a team that provides good support, we steamroll the opponents. i only lost when i got bad teams and that was few times.

i need to skip the tutorial next time.
-By chance, is there some kind of ability or something that I'm missing that allows you to see where the other team is super jumping? I'm wondering, because there was these two games back-to-back where I just kept getting killed wherever I super jumped. It got to a point where I just stopped using it. Felt like it was way too often to be coincidental.

There is a spinning marker on the ground indicating that someone will jump there. I wrongly thought it was an item pickup and got slammed hard by an incoming roller.


Yea it's called get outta the way. Everytime I used a roller people came directly at me like retards. A few people would back off while firing and you dead by the time you squash or shake paint at them. The normal splatgun is perfect roller counter, nades gun with distance. I prefer the jr myself though.

Plus everyone crying isn't even considering all the upgrades and new weapons come release day. Nerf nerf nerf it's kiddie CoD.

It was a joke about Little Mac, not the roller. I had no problem with the roller.
A good roller (tank) needs a Blaster to keep it safe if there is an effective Charger on the other team.

But.. seriously.. I ran around with my Splatshot Jr. and wrecked the Roller Derpies. People just assume it's a grand weapon. It's.. not. :p Especially if there's wide open area or tall areas.
-By chance, is there some kind of ability or something that I'm missing that allows you to see where the other team is super jumping? I'm wondering, because there was these two games back-to-back where I just kept getting killed wherever I super jumped. It got to a point where I just stopped using it. Felt like it was way too often to be coincidental.

The one downside of super jumping is that everyone can see where you are going to land. An indicator shows up on the main screen.
I hate how there's not really anything to do in a Roller vs. Roller situation except just accept that it'll be a double KO.

And the thing I hate most about double KOs is that the game seems to randomly decide who pops second and splatters their ink, and it seems to always randomly choose me, giving the other team the advantage.


Much fewer people posting. West Coast gaf must be asleep.
Haha. Some of us are still up. That hour went by quick. :( But I guess that's a good thing.

I'm finally getting the hang of aiming with the gyro and jumping which I've found to be super important. I've also realized just how good a little elevation can be and gotten much better at constantly swimming.

My last three games were awesome. All were vs teams with 3 rollers and I saw just how weak they can be. Now that my aim is pretty good I can take them out head on, and if you're too close you can just squid backwards a bit and then attack them. On the oil rig level I got up high and controlled the whole middle area. They're nearly helpless when you're up high. Putting down ink also seems to be faster from a vantage point than on the ground.


force push the doodoo rock
The thing i realized this time was that you really need to use the environment, dont get in a head on firefight, stealth is the number one most important aspect of pvp.

You see someone coming, ika up behind a corner, they run past and boom they're dead. In fact going ika for a few seconds once you're out of view is a surefire way to get someone to forget about you.

This game is sooooo goood!!!


-By chance, is there some kind of ability or something that I'm missing that allows you to see where the other team is super jumping? I'm wondering, because there was these two games back-to-back where I just kept getting killed wherever I super jumped. It got to a point where I just stopped using it. Felt like it was way too often to be coincidental.

this squid circle thing pops up on everybody's UI, you can see it pretty easily
Shooter guns:
Aerospray MG
Jet Squelcher
The Blaster

Charger guns:
Splat Charger
E-Liter 3K

Roller guns:
Splat Roller
Dynamo Roller

Sub Weapons:

Splat Bomb
Splash Wall
Suction Bomb
Burst Bomb
Pointer Sensor
Ink Mine
Squid Beakon


Killer Wail

I think there are even more than that; Nintendo's Twitter and Tumblr stuff showed off a heavier Shooter called the .52 Gal that wasn't featured in the Direct, and I'm pretty sure there were one or two weapons in the shop that weren't named or showcased.


To counter roller just retreat when you feel necessary and flank them. Finding higher ground helps too. One strategy I used when I had nowhere to go in squid form, I kept backing up and with steady aim killed them with the splattershot. But for a roller at that close range they can flick and kill you.

You just need to find a new strategy when dealing with rollers like I have and like I've seen used against me.


don't ask me for codes
Felt pretty strong using the Roller, but I'm guessing it's just a very easy to use weapon, and people still need to learn how to counter them properly. I do hope there will be ways to setup squads in the final game. Because you need a good balance of different weapon classes. Or at least have the possibility to change weapons in-game, so that you can adjust your squad balance.


Mechanically, the game is sound. Now I'm wondering the progression system is going to be like. That's going to be key in how long I stay playing the game. If I'm unlocking things at a good pace and there's a lot of things to unlock, I could be playing the game for awhile. It's a lot of fun.
There is your unlock rank and there is your skill rank which can only be found in ranked mode which fluctuates on winning and losing.


Okay, participated in both sessions so far, together with my kid, and it's been great. We literally ripped the gamepad from each other's hands, match after match but only for half an hour each session.

I have one question: in the direct they were talking about three different weapons for each set but I only could fire two of them.

ZR fires main weapon, R fires grenades/whatever, but what fires the third weapon? Thanks!


Roller, man. All about the roller.

Is there a Jorge in the house? If so, damn you and you perfect Splattershot Jr aim. Damn you to inky hell.

Yeah, that's me. Haha, my apologies man. You need to do what must be done. Survival of the fittest xD

Are we sure that painted walls don't count towards the score? I don't think I've ever seen the total percentage even close to 100% despite looking like total coverage on the minimap.


also being in squid form, building up momentum as you go forward, jumping, transforming back to a humanoid while in mid-air, and then immediately shooting downward while still in the air may be one of the most satisfying things I've done in a video game

this game just feels great. the controls, the ink graphics, and the sound design really make this game feel satisfying.


I hate how there's not really anything to do in a Roller vs. Roller situation except just accept that it'll be a double KO.

And the thing I hate most about double KOs is that the game seems to randomly decide who pops second and splatters their ink, and it seems to always randomly choose me, giving the other team the advantage.
You can try to roll in from the side or back and you'll floor them instead.
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