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Rumor: Paper Mario Wii U in development (Intelligent Systems)


Considering prices for copies nowadays, it's worth the price to try it. Who knows you might end up liking it. Just remember it's considered the worst Paper Mario game.

Okay, I'll see if I can borrow a copy from a friend and check it out. If I'm bored by the time I face off against the first boss, then I'll drop it. Thank you for giving me some feedback on Sticker Star.

Also nice avatar ;)

Eh, I was getting bored with my Captain Toad and Protoman avatars, and I wanted something that was a bit more....bouncy. ;)


I loved the N64, GCN, & Wii installments of the Paper Mario series, but I honestly haven't played Sticker Star, given how most of my friends have said the 3DS game was like poison. Is it worth checking out, or should I skip it entirely?

As for this announcement, there was a fan concept artwork of what a potential Paper Mario game would look like on the Wii U, with paper textures on the models. Visually, I would like it if the next console PM game would go in this direction.

Check out Sticker Star. I thought while not as good as other installments, it was a good game and some really enjoyed it.

Also that art looks kind of snazzy. I'd like to see other environments in the type of world with that quality.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Can we atleast say whoever did Sticker Star's OST can return? Shit was tight.
If it is in development, it be heavily outsourced. Even the 3DS one was 50/50 developed by Vanpool.

To be fair, if Sticker Star wasn't trying to reinvent the series, the game would have likely been done with not too much involvement from Vanpool. It wasn't until Feb 2011 when Vanpool entered the picture and the original game would have been pretty far along as of that time if E3 2010's showcase was anything to go by
And Vanpool has quite a few Square folk, with Kudo (the game's codirector) being a member of the Super Mario RPG team
I can't recall how many times I've seen fake E3 lists so I'll take this with a grain of salt

Edit: just a job expo? Could be legit. Still don't trust pieces of paper since its so easy to fake
If this is real

And if this plays like PM64/TTYD


If its more poorly thought out garbage like SPM or SS then PM is truly dead


Sticker Star sold pretty well though, so they'll hardly notice the troops of angry internet forum dwellers.

There is this thread: http://m.neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=963700

Says Sticker Star was at 2.21 mil, first PM at 1.37 mil, TTYD at 1.66 mil, at SPM at 4.23 mil, all as of March of this year.

Not to pile on the game, but while Sticker Star may have sold over two million copies, anecdotally a lot of people bought that game very cheap and a number of people on the boards talk about seeing cases of $5 or $10 copies at flea markets and the like. I haven't seen this myself but I can certainly accept it was probably overshipped compared to PM64 and TTYD. I think SPM was reprinted at like $20 so it's a bit of a different situation.


Can we atleast say whoever did Sticker Star's OST can return? Shit was tight.

Didn't care for it, wasn't my style. I thought it was very well done though. I'm just not big on live sounding instruments.

My favorite is the original PM64 OST. I hope the soundtrack for the next game is closer in style to that one.


Well, that must certainly be for emotional reasons, because there's nothing about SPM that I can think of that I would consider subpar or even average; everything about it was excellently made. It's only flaw would be that it doesn't have the turn-based battle system that PM64 and TTYD, which would be a matter of taste.

Super Paper Mario was so bad i had to stop playing it, not because it was so bad, but because it pissed me off so much how bad it was. I would literally get mad playing it.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
2 PM installments in one console cycle? Ehh...

Then again, the "DLC pack" of Mario Galaxy happened, so...

Don't see why that matters.

There was only a four-year gap between 64 and TTYD.

Sticker Star came out in 2012. This game, if true, probably won't come out till 2016...so about the same gap more or less.


This could be big but as others said only if the right kind of game is the result. As much as I've enjoyed the experimental efforts I want something back to form.


Don't see why that matters.

There was only a four-year gap between 64 and TTYD.

Sticker Star came out in 2012. This game, if true, probably won't come out till 2016...so about the same gap more or less.

And to be fair, I think Super Paper Mario was originally a Gamecube title, and came what, 3 years after TTYD? So I don't think 2016 is a bad guess.


Never thought I'd say this, but I really hope Miyamoto stays out of this project if its true. My heart can't take another sticker star.


What if the characters and story elements were removed from SS because they decided to use them in a bigger and better Wii U version...

Yeah, I'm going to close my eyes and go with that


Every time a new IS game is announced, it's not a new Advance Wars. This has been going on for years now.
Every damn time. Sigh.


Neo Member
Plz be a real Paper Mario 3 instead of some experimental game like Super and Sticker Star.

I hope almost exactly the opposite of this. Paper Mario is supposed to be experimental and artfully frustrating. I want Intellegent Systems' adaptation of Kafka's The Castle.

Mory Dunz

Can we atleast say whoever did Sticker Star's OST can return? Shit was tight.

Defintely. I don't own the game but have listened to the OST several times on youtube. Really good.

Didn't care for it, wasn't my style. I thought it was very well done though. I'm just not big on live sounding instruments.

My favorite is the original PM64 OST. I hope the soundtrack for the next game is closer in style to that one.

I can understand this. The OST is very jazzy so if someone wasn't into that, they probably wouldn't enjoy the OST. I'm not sure where I'd rank TTYD and 64 though.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
I honestly feel Super Paper Mario (and even TTYD in places) have this almost cynical design to them that seems entirely on purpose, like Intelligent Systems was testing how far they could push and berate the player under the guise of a Mario game. Seriously, I agree Super Paper Mario made me frustrated constantly, and angry, but I sort of liked it for that reason---have really no urge to play it again, tried and gave up due to the slow-paced tree in Chapter 3---but it's one of those games I'm glad I played through at least once.

Actually, if anything Sticker Star's biggest flaw for me is that it never made me feel angry or frustrated---it didn't seem like I.S. really had that attitude they did with TTYD and Super where they just did what they wanted.


I hope almost exactly the opposite of this. Paper Mario is supposed to be experimental and artfully frustrating. I want Intellegent Systems' adaptation of Kafka's The Castle.

Aside from a rare few poorly paced areas I can't really think of a single thing that's "artfully frustrating" (or any kind of frustrating) about the first two games. Sticker Star just fucking sucks and the combat system literally hates you, SPM is eh. Sounds like you're working backwards from the massive flaws of the last two games.

I hope we're not comparing a single section of Peach baking a cake in 1 and the tree in TTYD to the entire gameplay overhaul of Super Paper Mario and the deliberately annoying primary gameplay mechanic of Sticker Star.



But thanks to Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario Sticker Star my hype is deflated.

omg would buy a poster of this 10/10


I am really excited about the news - but seems like everyone has forgotten about this awesome game above.. I just want a sequel to this so much.

Pls god no sticker star HD
I have no hope of this turning out to be good. But I hope I'm proven wrong.

The Paper Mario series stopped being a traditional RPG series a long time ago. It's basically Nintendo's go-to series for weird (and in Sticker Star's case, moronic) gameplay gimmick experiments now.

And I can't really blame them. The Mario & Luigi series already does the "traditional RPG" thing very well, and Nintendo probably just doesn't see the need for two traditional RPG Mario series (despite PM vs M&L being different in many ways). Not saying I agree with it, but that's the sense I get from them.

Mory Dunz

I hope and pray that this is one time they look at the attach rate instead of number sold. I mean a Paper Mario for Wii U will probably be the worst selling one barring a MK8 attach rate

Funnily, a Wii U Paper Mario maybe could've topped 1.37 if Sticker Star didn't exist to take away potential sales (People who owned a PM for 3DS might not buy another for Wii U).

Of course, if it had a AAAish effort of course.

The Real Abed

Recreate the charm of Thousand Year Door and all will be good.

Recreate the horribleness of Sticker Star and the franchise is dead.

Remember this, Nintendo.


Please be good and old school if true.

No sticker gimmick bullshit. Gimme exp/levels/tight as always humor, difficulty and challenges and I'll be there.


after sticker star I refuse to get excited

sticker star crushed my dreams

sticker star stole my girl

sticker star killed my family


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I kind of want a new Battalion Wars, could definitely make good use of the gamepad with something like that.

Ive been wanting to make a thread about how battalion wars 3 would be the most perfect thing for WiiU and how it will never happen, and I started thinking how I'd probably slip into a rant blaming peopel for not buying the console for it to not happen and so i hesitate.
I really enjoyed Super Paper Mario, even if it wasn't anything like its predecessors. Another poster compared it to something similar to Ys III or the Adventure of Link, and I think that's a pretty apt comparison. I can't comment on Sticker Star, because word of mouth has kept me away from that one, but I do appreciate that they've used the series as a vehicle for experimentation within the genre.


I just hope the next Paper Mario (which is gonna happen eventually whether this rumor is true or not) is much more like the first 3 games in terms of tone, humor, characters, story, etc. Say what you will about SPM
I love it, personally
but it still had the heart and soul of a PM game, even if the gameplay was radically different.

One of the biggest problems with Sticker Star, beyond all the issues I have with the gameplay, was that it felt like another sterile Mario game, instead of it's own separate thing. Same world themes as NSMB (though I did love the papercraft look), generic enemy types, little to no real text or humor or story, heck I forget if Bowser even says anything in it. To go from having some of the best lines in the series to the regular old big bad who says pretty much nothing is crushing. It's just such a bland, nothing game. I could have tried to look past this stuff if the game itself was fun, but it just wasn't to me.

this topic has been beaten to death already... I just hope they don't repeat the same mistakes they made with Sticker Star. I'm honestly fine if they want to keep experimenting with the series (though I definitely wouldn't mind a return to the first 2 games' style), I just really want them to return to the quirky humor and stories and worlds of the older games above all else.
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