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Cheers...that puts some perspective on it. Well, looks like this is being funded pretty easily, happy for you guys to get a resolution after 15 years.

BTW I wasn't being disrespectful towards the series by my post, just trying to gain an understanding.

I know you weren't

I'm just extremely excited at the moment

I can't fucking believe the ending is coming. Shenmue has a pretty awesome kung fu story, about revenge, ancient secrets, mystical forbidden martial arts, betrayal, etc.

The first chapter - the entirety of shenmue I, is pretty slow. But the following chapters, which happen in Shenmue II, move really fast and have some really incredible set pieces for a game from the early 2000's. The most memorable is fighting a triad crime boss in the crumbling ruins of Kowloon while handcuffed to a thief.


I don't get it, why didn't Sony fund this themselves? 2 million is nothing for them

This sort of crowd sourcing acts as a proof of concept and business case. If it smashes $2m in pre-order now then that means that people still want it and the bigger publishers will pay attention.

This will always be remembered as the E3 that Yu Suzuki DDoS'd Kickstarter. Their entire website is completely broken now.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
What is the record for fastest Kickstarter to $1 million?

This has got to be close if it isn't it (or rather will be in about 20 minutes!)
My only problem is that open world games have improved massively since the last Shenmue came out. So I don't think it would be wise releasing the first two as they have aged badly and could put people off buying the third game.
Why there is so little info, who owns the rights?. A game like this for 2 million is impossible unless they are going for something really small just to tell the story, or is Yu or someone paying part of the development cost?.

I imagine Sony is cutting them a fairly large check as well.


Ps blog.
Hello everyone. Yu Suzuki here. It has been 14 years since Shenmue II first went on sale. The game system it was released on, the Dreamcast, is not around anymore, but the voices of the fans that have been eagerly awaiting the sequel are still there and are as loud as ever. Any country I visit for work, any event where I am up on stage, any interview I do, the question I always get asked is, “When is the next Shenmue coming out?”

Moved by the fans and their passion, I have been constantly doing my homework and preparing for this day. And here it is — today marks the beginning of the Shenmue III project on Kickstarter. If there were to be a sequel to Shenmue, I wanted the voices of the fans to be heard, so we could make it together. I knew that could happen with Kickstarter.
PlayStation fans love video games, deeply understand video games, and have great ideas about what video games should be. Your support and cooperation will be absolutely necessary for this project. Our Kickstarter goal of 2 million dollars is certainly not an easy one. However, if we do reach that 2 million dollar mark, Shenmue will live again on PS4 (and PC).

The more our project can collect for game development during this campaign, the more the game will come alive — with more quests, more story events, more mini-games, the addition of a free-battle system, and more fight options. Stretch goals are part of the project to show supporting fans what they can expect as project funds increase. Like at the 2.5 million dollar stretch goal, Shenmue I & II flashback scenes will be added.

If you have not heard of Shenmue or are a first-time Shenmue gamer, this stretch goal will give you an even deeper gaming experience. Both you and your friends will benefit from your support, and you will be helping to create the next generation of Shenmue fans.

One of the rewards for the project will be the Shenmue III Demo Version. Something like this, of course, was not around for I & II. This is a Kickstarter-only privilege that will allow you to play Shenmue III before it gets to the stores. Besides me and the development team, those who play the Demo Version will really have the first word on the new Shenmue III.
Remember what it was like when you saw Mario 64 the first time? How you can define pre-mario 64 3D gaming, and post-mario 64 3D gaming.

Shenmue was that for modern gaming. It was also the last hurrah for Yu Suzuki, Sega's Shigeru Miyamoto. Suzuki is the guy behind Space Harrier, Outrun, Afterburner, Virtua Fighter, Daytona USA, etc.

Imagine if Miyamoto suddenly stopped making games after Zelda; OOT. And imagine OOT ended on a cliffhanger. And the resolution got announced 15 years later with Miyamoto's glorious return.

I apparently have dust in my eyes.


Pretty sure Sony is bankrolling some of this but I put $100 in because this is what I've been hoping for the past...too man...years.


$2m seems too low for a game like Shenmue.
Seeing it coming only for PS4 + PC, it wouldn't surprise me if it is being partially funded by Sony too.


2Mil? Is Yu crazy? Isnt that peanuts?

I mean Iga just got 5.5Mil which was way more than he wanted. So Yu is asking 2Mil for funding this massive wanted game? Wont be surprised if its surpasses that within 24 hours.

Now stretch goals have to inclide Physical PS4 copy and HD remakes of 1+2. This must happen because Yu is about to get a truckload of cash money.


going in for digital copy unless they give me an option for ps4 physical.

now all I need is a Shenmue 1 and 2 remaster because my Dreamcast and Original xbox are dead.
Expect more niche games to follow. This game is pretty much opening the floodgates for publishers to get whale money on non f2p games by allowing them to significantly reduce their risk.

This isn't an indie dev who needs money for a game. This is essentially Sony telling you guys to fund this game because we don't want to. 8000 backers are throwing this much money at it. If they were smart they wouldn't cap the price and would do some humble bundle with it.

Really don't like where this is going. I think everyone may be too excited to realize that.

Seriously, this is like MS coming out and saying we don't want a remaster or Rares old games, but you guys can fund the development.

I don't remember Sony making Shenmue I & 2 or investing into AM2.


Almost to one million already? Holy shit.

Sony did Yu Suzuki a HUUUUGE favor by having this front and center at their show. This is like the biggest kickstarter unveil ever.

There is absolutely no question that this will pass funding. Passionate Sega fans have dropped more than this in prototype hardware alone.
Backed for $120.



Expect more niche games to follow. This game is pretty much opening the floodgates for publishers to get whale money on non f2p games by allowing them to significantly reduce their risk.

This isn't an indie dev who needs money for a game. This is essentially Sony telling you guys to fund this game because we don't want to. 8000 backers are throwing this much money at it. If they were smart they wouldn't cap the price and would do some humble bundle with it.

Really don't like where this is going. I think everyone may be too excited to realize that.

Seriously, this is like MS coming out and saying we don't want a remaster or Rares old games, but you guys can fund the development.
I think this is a similar case of what's happening to BloodStained. If they can prove it can gather up a certain amount of money then Sony's gonna pony up the rest for them. I mean, why do you think it's not coming to the Xbox One (or even Wii U for that matter)
We've seen what happened with Street Fighter V so this is not something out of the realms of possibility.
2 Million is also a bit on the low end for a game in 2015 (except if it's a snall indie game I guess)

Can't say I like it but hey, it's better than getting nothing at all.


IGN gave a pretty good analysis on this

Basically, like Igarashi's kickstarter, someone else has forked over the budget. This is just money to prove there is demand for the game.

Wouldn't surprise me if Sony or another publisher dropped anywhere from $5m and upwards for this project.


I detest Kickstarter but I'm happy to back this as it's an act of faith. Shenmue 3 beyond being talked about was no sure thing so if a KS of $2mill is needed to gauge interest then get that shit backed. The game will likely cost ten times as much and for $29, which here in the UK is about £18, I've just bagged a digital version of a game I've wanted for 14 years

No. Brainer.
I skimmed their Kickstarter, is there any indication of if SEGA is involved? I don't understand how they are using the Shenmue name in this.

yea I'm wondering this too. People are so busy dancing around there not asking real questions like how are they going to get the rights from Sega? Have they already gotten permission? Where was it said? and why do they need $2 million of fans money? Couldn't Sony or Sega EASILY cough up 8x that amount??
Yep and I'm curious if they got Sony to put them onto E3, then howcome Sony didn't fund it? I'm thinking Sony knows they could save money because with how successful some kickstarters have been, they can get fans to fund about 60% of the game.

Sony is probably footing the bill in the backend of things right now, or will do so if the Kickstarter actually works.

Shenmue 3 is something of an odd issue. It's a "loud minority" sort of dealio and it's completely hard to gauge whether or not this niche ass game will be supported by the fans.

The KS is probably the gauge of that, and if gamers want it, all they need to do is show their support.

Most publishers aren't going to fund projects that aren't decently sure bets, especially with game costs these days.


Deep Silver didn't hold a two-hour press conference at E3 to brag about how it was letting people foot their own bill to make a game they were publishing and otherwise uninvolved with. They just let the Kickstarter go up. Not really the same thing, now is it?

The "morons" but wasn't necessary either.

More publishers should be paying to make their own damn games! The point of Kickstarter isn't to gauge interest or hedge risk, it's to fund projects.
It's both, Pebble Watch did this exact thing, There is nothing wrong with this use for kickstarter. I don't think this is sleazy or stupid. This is a good way to show support for a game that wouldn't be made otherwise.

The morons part seems entirely on point with how some are saying this is a bad thing.


Gold Member
What's with The Kickstarter hate? Does it really matter if I pay my game trough Kickstarter, PSN og Steam?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
2Mil? Is Yu crazy? Isnt that peanuts?

I mean Iga just got 5.5Mil which was way more than he wanted. So Yu is asking 2Mil for funding this massive wanted game? Wont be surprised if its surpasses that within 24 hours.

Now stretch goals have to inclide Physical PS4 copy and HD remakes of 1+2. This must happen because Yu is about to get a truckload of cash money.

Sony (and likely others) will fund the rest. The kickstarter is just an interest-meter and an advertisement campaign.


If Shenmue 3 almost killed Kickstarter, I wonder what would happen if something like a new Chrono Trigger got a KS.


Nearly at 1 million in less than 2 hour.


But jesus, why no box copies of the ps4 version??? Why pc only???


This will definitely be one of the highest points in e3 history. Sony got 3 for 3 in the most wished for announcements that many people gave up on.
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