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Giant Bomb @ E3 2015 | L.A. on Lockdown

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I think its fine if you are not as emotionally attached to a game or at least don't want to act like an overly enthusiastic person. But I have to say their coverage this year sucked.

They all had "I would rather be dead" faces during all the fucking conferences and all they did was make snarky/stupid comments that DSP would be proud of while checking their notebooks/cellphones.

I think they ended all the conferences with an "it was ok" remark. I mean, show some enthusiasm, jesus christ, even if you are not into some of these games, for someone that has been in the industry for so long it should be pretty clear that we got some freaking long awaited games/reveals, especially by Sony.


I think its fine if you are not as emotionally attached to a game or at least don't want to act like one. But they all had "I would rather be dead" faces during all the fucking conferences and all they did was make snarky/stupid comments that DSP would be proud of while checking their notebooks/cellphones.

I think they ended all the conferences with an "it was ok" remark. I mean, show some enthusiasm, jesus christ, even if you are not into some of these games, for someone that has been in the industry for so long it should be pretty clear that we got some freaking long awaited games/reveals, especially by Sony.

You can't force someone to be enthusiastic, and false enthusiasm is the worst. There are other places you can get genuine enthusiasm.

And them being the industry for a long time is precisely why they're so subdued. They've seen everything, and blowing smoke up their ass doesn't work anymore. I'm sure they understand that Shenmue, TLG and FF7:Re resurfacing is a big deal, but they are personally not that interested and they are expressing that on their personality-driven games coverage platform.

edit: Or maybe it was the year before.

I did some checking, it was the same year. bummer because it was probably the best looking set they've ever used.

this year's set would have looked 1000x better if they had some nice, non-white tablecloths, maybe with a proper logo if they really wanted to go all-out
I think its fine if you are not as emotionally attached to a game or at least don't want to act like an overly enthusiastic person. But I have to say their coverage this year sucked.

They all had "I would rather be dead" faces during all the fucking conferences and all they did was make snarky/stupid comments that DSP would be proud of while checking their notebooks/cellphones.

I think they ended all the conferences with an "it was ok" remark. I mean, show some enthusiasm, jesus christ, even if you are not into some of these games, for someone that has been in the industry for so long it should be pretty clear that we got some freaking long awaited games/reveals, especially by Sony.

If you expect the GB guys to be excited over a FF7 remake, a Shenmue kickstarter, or The Last Guardian getting a new trailer, you don't know the GB guys all the well. They got excited over things they were personally excited about.
Honestly, I'm rather disgusted with this expectation of extreme enthusiam some gamers (and Gafers) expect others to have over video games trailers and announcements.

Are you excited over some games at E3? Good for you. I got hyped over some games as well. Just don't tut-tut people who don't share the same level of excitement that you and your friends are having.
Honestly, I'm rather disgusted with this expectation of extreme enthusiam some gamers (and Gafers) expect others to have over video games trailers and announcements.

You don't have to be enthusiastic, but to me some of the comments made it seem like the PS4 is hopeless and in a "dire" situation without first party stuff for this year, which isn't necessarily true. Just thought those kinds of comments weren't really reflective of what's actually happening in the market.
While we're talking about professionalism I guess I wish their E3 sets hadn't gotten so sterile the past couple years.

I guess the robbery changed some stuff, and some high profile people started showing up? but this last supper setup is just a little boring and not very fun. I definitely can see why they did it though.


It's hard to fault GB for taking a skeptical approach if you've been paying attention to the game industry for the past... Well, ever.

When one of them like something it's easy to tell. I've bought lots of games after being sold on them by GB. They've just never had to throw a tantrum and stand in their chairs to do it.
You don't have to be enthusiastic, but to me some of the comments made it seem like the PS4 is hopeless and in a "dire" situation without first party stuff for this year, which isn't necessarily true. Just thought those kinds of comments weren't really reflective of what's actually happening in the market.

I'm not really referring to comments like yours. I'm talking about this general attitude that you are a cynical killjoy if you're didn't react to a single E3 reveal like that Gamtrailers guy did that I see on this forum.


If you expect the GB guys to be excited over a FF7 remake, a Shenmue kickstarter, or The Last Guardian getting a new trailer, you don't know the GB guys all the well. They got excited over things they were personally excited about.

If you read my post again I am obviously not "forcing" anyone to be excited. I just think that the moment you commit yourself to do a livestreaming of your reactions, its rather disappointing that most of the time you are watching them NOT react and instead talk about something else/look at their notebooks/act completely bored. It kind of misses the point imo.


Master of the Google Search
weren't they robbed from the porn set?
I think you are right. Looking into it I was probably thinking of how people kept knocking on their door at the creeper space because they thought Giantbomb was filming a porno lol. So edited:

2008 - just them on the show floor?
2009 - Hotel Room
2010 - Frat House
2011 - Frat House 2
2012 - Creeper Space
2013 - Porn Studio (+Robbery)
2014 - Hotel with the standees
2015 - Generic hotel conference room so far?


My gawd, just saw the GB Sony recap. Look, it's their opinions and I get that...that's cool but boy were they completely cynical.

Ah well.
If you read my post again I am obviously not "forcing" anyone to be excited. I just think that the moment you commit yourself to do a livestreaming of your reactions, its rather disappointing that most of the time you are watching them NOT react and instead talk about something else/look at their notebooks/act completely bored. It kind of misses the point imo.

They gave level-headed and informed commentary on most of games featured in these streams, backed by literally decades of close intimacy with the gaming industry. Does that not constitute a "reaction" for you?

I'm so disgusted that the giantbomb crew didn't have the journalistic integrity to get hype for a major publisher announcing a crowdfunding campaign and an HD remake as the two core pieces of an E3 presentation. Shame on you giantbomb


What were all of them at this point?

2009 - Frat House
2010 - Frat House again
2011 - Creeper Space
2012 - Place they were robbed from
2013 - Porn Studio
2014 - last year's place

I forget what they did in 2008 though. Maybe that was Frat House year 1 and I'm forgetting someplace else before the creeper space?

The frat house and porn studio have been the best so far.



I'm so disgusted that the giantbomb crew didn't have the journalistic integrity to get hype for a major publisher announcing a crowdfunding campaign and an HD remake as the two core pieces of an E3 presentation. Shame on you giantbomb

Yeah...I just got back from my exams and am taking everything in now - I don't understand the Shenmue hype? They literally just announced a Kickstarter ('Hey guys I know you want this, so come chuck your money at us!) rather than taking any of it on themselves? Is there something I'm missing here? Doesn't that feel kinda...gross?


Yeah...I just got back from my exams and am taking everything in now - I don't understand the Shenmue hype? They literally just announced a Kickstarter ('Hey guys I know you want this, so come chuck your money at us!) rather than taking any of it on themselves? Is there something I'm missing here? Doesn't that feel kinda...gross?
14 years of crazy person blue balls?
Also doesnt help the white balance is off the charts!
can someone confirm/deny that the colors were all fucked up on purpose to reflect the main color branding of whatever company's press conference they were covering at the time? I though that's what they were going for (eg microsoft was skewed green and sony blue), but during sony's presentation especially it looked pretty bad.
Giant Bomb displays an appropriate amount of hype, the kind that's buffered by seven different layers of cynicisms so that it can never be unjustly hurt ever again. Y'know, the proper sort of excitement to have towards all consumer products in this day and age.

And remember: Giant Bomb created(?) the hype meter. I think that says it all.

I'm so disgusted that the giantbomb crew didn't have the journalistic integrity to get hype for a major publisher announcing a crowdfunding campaign and an HD remake as the two core pieces of an E3 presentation. Shame on you giantbomb

I fully expect a Polygon opinion piece on this image tomorrow morning.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Yeah...I just got back from my exams and am taking everything in now - I don't understand the Shenmue hype? They literally just announced a Kickstarter ('Hey guys I know you want this, so come chuck your money at us!) rather than taking any of it on themselves? Is there something I'm missing here? Doesn't that feel kinda...gross?

I mean, to concisely sum it up, for 14 years fans have heard "This thing you really want will never happen." and now they're hearing "Here is how you can make the thing you want happen."

It's a big deal having it on Sony's stage because it gets a huge number of eyes on it.

I see where you're coming from with the gross angle, but undoubtedly getting it announced on stage will be a huge boon for it. So hard to get too upset about it.
Yeah...I just got back from my exams and am taking everything in now - I don't understand the Shenmue hype? They literally just announced a Kickstarter ('Hey guys I know you want this, so come chuck your money at us!) rather than taking any of it on themselves? Is there something I'm missing here? Doesn't that feel kinda...gross?

Sony is going to be on the hook for something, the Kickstarter is only $2million. I think the numbers were Shenmue 1 costed $40 million, 2 costed $70 million. So this is to gauge interest and prove to the Sony execs that there is a market for this and worth their investment. They will reach the $2 million in less than a day, they are almost there already (like 3/4 of the way there) in just a few hours.

Just for those wondering about the 'budget':


Jobe already had his concepts on paper for Warhawk 2, but said it would be too expensive for Kickstarter. He knows what he is talking about and probably doesn't have the funding lined up to help with a kickstarter..


I thought the little chat they had after the Sony conference was great; down-to-earth with some decent 'still just processing the event' observations and thoughts. On a surface-level, Sony had a wonderful showing, brimming with highlights, and I think it takes a certain maturity (not cynicism, per se) - not to mention confidence in your audience - to be able to immediately have the capacity to step back from the 'afterglow' of a conference like that one, with so many notoriously clamoured-for boxes checked, and to consider it from angles other than celebratory. That willingness for initial nuance in the conversation, even if it's just testing out thoughts on the fly, is a damn sight more interesting for me than "OMG", "nailed it" and "for real tho?" repeated ad infinitum.


I mean, to concisely sum it up, for 14 years fans have heard "This thing you really want will never happen." and now they're hearing "Here is how you can make the thing you want happen."

It's a big deal having it on Sony's stage because it gets a huge number of eyes on it.

I see where you're coming from with the gross angle, but undoubtedly getting it announced on stage will be a huge boon for it. So hard to get too upset about it.

Yeah but exactly how many fans are hyped? Both games sold like shit but it's developed a cult following from a vocal minority.

I think it's great for those people but the kickstarter announcement is a shrug for most.

I'm so disgusted that the giantbomb crew didn't have the journalistic integrity to get hype for a major publisher announcing a crowdfunding campaign and an HD remake as the two core pieces of an E3 presentation. Shame on you giantbomb
'shame on you' giant bomb, here is a picture about why it is bad to shame.

Journalistic integrity = 'getting hype' over kickstarter campaigns and individual products. Treating games and its industry as worthy of discussion in all its elements is so awful.


Yeah...I just got back from my exams and am taking everything in now - I don't understand the Shenmue hype? They literally just announced a Kickstarter ('Hey guys I know you want this, so come chuck your money at us!) rather than taking any of it on themselves? Is there something I'm missing here? Doesn't that feel kinda...gross?
I mean it's Shenmue III. I'm not a Shenmue guy personally, but it's a beloved franchsie that's been dormant for a long time. Lots of pent up hype and anticipation.

Just saw that the Kickstarter has already funded almost $1.5 million. In six hours. Goddamn.
Apologies if this has been covered earlier in the thread, but I can't seem to download any of the five "We talk over..." videos -- is this an issue or is something up on my end?
Ok, I'll weigh in on this before I go to bed and get up to venture onto the show floor.

You have to remember that most of the GB guys are a lot older than the crowd they were pitching to/the GT guys and they have very different personalities. They don't have any reverence for FFVII, or Shenmue or TLG. Nor do I for that fact. I couldn't care less for any of those games, but I'm happy that other people are psyched for them, but I'm with Brad as I feel the money spent to remake FFVII could have been used better to fund another different game than a remake of a game instead.

Also It's insanely hard to get excited for games that are not coming out for YEARS. You think Shenmue is coming out anytime soon? Nope. Technically it could fail and we'll never hear from it again (I know that's not the case, but it is fraction of a possibility) Knowing SE's release schedule, FFVII will be out sometime in 2022. And yay another trailer for a game we saw a trailer to 6 years ago... that still looks like a launch PS3 game. Sorry guys, but these aren't "Megaton" announcements to me nor to GB. Horizion looks rad though.

Anyways, let's just be happy about the few games and talk about that instead...also, I miss the community side of this thread, why'd it get locked?
How are you going to hold them accountable? By not buying games that aren't for sale? Not buying a system you own? Not buying 2016 releases you want? I guess you could trade in your PS4 for another console. Maybe even a PC.

All I mean by "being held accountable" is proper scrutiny in the mainstream gaming press, and fanbases.

Anybody who deludes themselves into thinking Sony would be "better off" with Uncharted in Spring should be ignored.
'shame on you' giant bomb, here is a picture about why it is bad to shame.

Journalistic integrity = 'getting hype' over kickstarter campaigns and individual products. Treating games and its industry as worthy of discussion in all its elements is so awful.

call_kotaku was being sarcastic FYI. Nice touch in appropriating that Gamergate image IMO.


Yeah...I just got back from my exams and am taking everything in now - I don't understand the Shenmue hype? They literally just announced a Kickstarter ('Hey guys I know you want this, so come chuck your money at us!) rather than taking any of it on themselves? Is there something I'm missing here? Doesn't that feel kinda...gross?

It's announcement of a campaign that you don't have to fund if you're not interested. Sure Sony did it for showmanship but it's completely optional.


Are they not expecting anything worthwhile to be announced at the PC Confrence other than hardware? You think they wouldn't need 2 hours unless they had something worth while planned. Will Valve be there?

Das Ace

Are they not expecting anything worthwhile to be announced at the PC Confrence other than hardware? You think they wouldn't need 2 hours unless they had something worth while planned. Will Valve be there?

It's hosted by PC Gamer so it'd probably feel like they are poaching content. Same reason why they didn't chat over the MGS trailer.
Are they not expecting anything worthwhile to be announced at the PC Confrence other than hardware? You think they wouldn't need 2 hours unless they had something worth while planned. Will Valve be there?

They're not covering it because they feel it would be weird talking over another publication's show. It'd be like talking over the YouTube premiers of trailers, it's not their place.

Valve won't be there. Here's a list of attendees that I pulled from IGN.

Humble Bundle
Blizzard Entertainment
Bohemia Interactive
Cliff Bleszinski
Heart Machine
Paradox Interactive
Square Enix
Cloud Imperium Games
Dean Hall
Tripwire Interactive
CCP Games
Creative Assembly
Frictional Games
Frontier Developments
Pixel Titans
SCS Software
Splash Damage
Ok, I'll weigh in on this before I go to bed and get up to venture onto the show floor.

You have to remember that most of the GB guys are a lot older than the crowd they were pitching to/the GT guys and they have very different personalities. They don't have any reverence for FFVII, or Shenmue or TLG. Nor do I for that fact. I couldn't care less for any of those games, but I'm happy that other people are psyched for them, but I'm with Brad as I feel the money spent to remake FFVII could have been used better to fund another different game than a remake of a game instead.

Also It's insanely hard to get excited for games that are not coming out for YEARS. You think Shenmue is coming out anytime soon? Nope. Technically it could fail and we'll never hear from it again (I know that's not the case, but it is fraction of a possibility) Knowing SE's release schedule, FFVII will be out sometime in 2022. And yay another trailer for a game we saw a trailer to 6 years ago... that still looks like a launch PS3 game. Sorry guys, but these aren't "Megaton" announcements to me nor to GB. Horizion looks rad though.

Anyways, let's just be happy about the few games and talk about that instead...also, I miss the community side of this thread, why'd it get locked?

I'm going on 32 and have reverance for all those games. GB exists to be ultra cynical.


I can't wait until Half-Life 3 is announced to a chorus of "Oh well, we knew it was coming eventually." "It's not out yet, so why be excited?"

Alex: The fact that Valve has caved into their fans and made this game is troubling!

Brad: I only care about DOTA 2.

Jeff: I don't like Half Life 2 so I don't care.

the funny thing is that seems pretty realistic reactions from them lol, and i expected them to be "meh" about all 3 of the megatons today as well.

jeff has been making fun of shenmue and ff7 for years! lol. the best icing on the cake was to see GB's reaction to this compared to the hysteria of most of the internet.

the biggest shock to me is that all 3 seemed like "never gonna happen" projects, and they all got announced in the span of about 30 minutes.
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