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Sony is officially helping with funding and development with Shenmue 3

It's not that complicated.

Cancel the KS, Sony funds the game and sells it for $60. People can only buy it for $60.
Don't cancel the KS, fans and Sony fund the game. Get it on KS for $30 early or at retail for $60.

What's hard to understand about this?

The rewards that people pledged for? The OST, Artbook, and the game at a lower price than the retail price? Don't tell me you think they should give that out for free.

Pledging $30 gets you a copy of the game.

There's no way it will be $30 when it releases.

The stretch goals to see how many people are interested in the game. The different languages, the extra mini games and expanded village

Ok didn't know that. Not sure why everyone is being snarky just from me asking.


Maybe if Microsoft had ponied you'd got one there

What would you do with your very Japanese focused game? Would you take the funding from MS who has no presence in Japan or would you work with Sony? I'm just saying we don't know if MS tried or not and if they did I can see why Sony would win out.


IMO yes, they should pull the Kickstarter. The stretch goals when Sony is funding seem strange to say the least.

How about some people would still like to donate and receive the backing rewards?

Removing it is so fucking stupid I can't believe people are suggesting it.



Have some of you lost your effing minds!? I am at a loss for words. The fuck is going on here? This is Shenmue 3 for Christ's sake.

Who cares how it got funded. I am getting my dream game after all these years. Stop fucking destroying the hype and good will. I can just see this mothballing and gaming websites reporting it spreading like misinformation fire storm. Please don't anyone pull your pledges. We need more backers to give this game the maximum funds possible.

Why would you hate this? Why do you want to take away my perfect game from me and other fans after the hell we have been through to finally get this to happen?

I am shaking in anger and tears are streaming down my face.I have lost all hope at some modern gamers today.
And there's no evidence they wouldn't have otherwise: it really goes both ways. I think they could, since I believe that the budget for a game like this is much bigger than $2,000,000. Maintaining that trend of thought, I also think there are other ways to evaluate market viability, ways that don't involve ask people to fund a game that is already funded. But it's just an assumption, which is the reason you believe they couldn't make this game happen by other means, and that's perfectly ok.

If the game turns out good, I'll buy it as any other. And repeating myself: I'm happy that it's happening. I just think that it's okay to question things, that's all.
Money talks, simple as that


Then why the Kickstarter?

Why do we still got monkeys?

That is not entirely true. Bloodborne isn't hitting PC.

Bloodborne was a native PS4 game from start to finish LOL. Its funded by Sony in collaboration with FROM. Sony Japan is a Sony Dev team who worked with them like Demon's Souls. There never was a PC version.

You got the whole thing wrong. When Sony steps in to fund an external IP, I feel the original creator gets the freedom to make a PC port if they wish. Sony doesnt seem to care as long as they get exclusivity of the console version thus SF5 and Shenmue 3.


I don't have time to sift through the whole thread, but were people this upset about Bloodstaind? I funded it knowing there was an outside party helping fund and develop the project, don't remember a big fuss.

Because it's one of the big 3 helping with the funding so they outrage when no one else was willing


They are in fact obligated to complete the project, if the completed project is a pledge reward. Kickstarter rules state that all prizes must be awarded no matter what.

Looking more closely into the matter you're right. Recently more courts have been handling failed crowdfunding projects and they are taking the position that fully back projects are now a contract. If the project fails you need to refund the pledges.


Have no problems with how this was done. Shows interest in actual dollars, as opposed to petitions etc that really anyone can say yes to.

Although it would be good if it was clear on their Kickstarter (although quite obvious) that there was a conditional funding source.


Brilliant, and I highly applaud everyone involved, and every other such approach to crowd funding titles, that those holding the purse strings have arbitrarily decided shouldn't get made, just because they think anything that isn't going to sell COD numbers, isn't worth making.

I mean people have the right to complain about it. Kickstarter being used in this way seems outside what Kickstarter is, but as someone that would like to see something like Psychonauts come back, I can't complain.

I hope something like this happens for other games.



Have some of you lost your effing minds!? I am at a loss for words. The fuck is going on here? This is Shemnue 3 for Christ's sake.

Who cares how it got funded. I am getting my dream game after all these years. Stop fucking destroying the hype and good will. I can just see this mothballing and gaming websites reporting it spreading like misinformation fire storm. Please don't anyone pull your pledges. We need more backers to give this game the maximum funds possible.

Why would you hate this? Why do you want to take away my perfect game from me and other fans after the hell we have been through to finally get this to happen?

I am shaking in anger and tears are streaming down my face.I have lost all hope at some modern gamers today.

I don't get it either. People are....insane.

Ive been waiting for this game so long and now people want to take it away from me because they didn't like the approach? Then too fucking bad for you.


I really don't see how having 35k supporters (as of now) guarantees Sony that this game will be a hit. I

mean, you can make market analysis research and you would get similar answers. The kickstarter is just a PR thing. And it's fine, but i don't find it ethical. People dismissing the ethical implications well, there's a lot to say out of that.
It doesn't guarantee anything, but it adds data points that can be used to extrapolate what the sales potential of the title is. They can look at the trajectory of the pledges and number of backers and compare with other Kickstarted projects to estimate results. Before the Kickstarter, they would have only been able to make very rough estimates based on how other games like Shenmue have performed in the last few years, and outright guess at how many people still care about the franchise. In other industries polls and petitions can be used to gauge interest, but it doesn't really work for games as unique as Shenmue.


Shenmue III is happening... made possible by convincing Sony to help fund it after the fans themselves poured out their support for the project. It's the quintessential happy ending.

... And yet people are still complaining.
Less visibility, mostly. Far less coverage, etc. Stuff like that.

Hobby projects that are generally considered the essence of crowd-funding will go away when they have to complete with billion dollar corporations using it for Twitter buzz or to eliminate traditional business risk.

Okay, thank you for describing a negative in this scenario that might make sense. I think I agree that I could envision a future where so many AAA games with their advertising/mindshare reach are inhabiting kickstarter (or its future replacement) that real indie/hobby game would be marginalized.


They basically told him they would support him and back a large portion of the project if consumers showed they were still interested. You know the series that's been irrelevant for fourteen years and never came out on PlayStation. The kickstarter has shown that the demand is still there, so therefore the project moves ahead.

People keep saying "they should refund people then." Number 1, no money has been taken, and number 2 if every kickstarter worked that way then the site wouldn't exist. People can fake pledge anything and not buy it later. Learn how to business please.

People should really take note of this. It makes a lot of sense.

Not to mention most projects are in this exact same situation. Bloodstained is doing this, Wasn't OUYA in the same boat as well?

Most kickstarters just don't tell you this.




Actually, this is a really interesting point. Their FAQ doesn't actually mention reasoning for why it wouldn't come to Xbox/Mac/Linux other than "Currently we are planning development only for PC (Windows) and PS4. Other platforms have not been decided yet." If you knew the investors, it would be clear that Xbox is unlikely - of course that could be wrong too and maybe Sony / Yu Suzuki and Co understand the significance of the game particularly and do release it for Xbox One - in the end I first played Shenmue II thank to the OG Xbox
Then what was the damn point of the kickstarter? To gauge response, there are other ways to do that, many other ways.

What the fuck.

A fund is the best way though, as, for example, a poll or vote doesn't necessarily show any genuine commitment or want for a game, whereas someone putting cash down for it does.


People making a big deal where there really isn't one.

Bloodstained was in a similar situation, and I'm sure other kickstarters as well. It doesn't really matter. This is actually a positive for pretty much everyone involved.
It just blows my mind that Sony is okay with blowing money on Lair, Haze, Knack and stuff, but they're hesitant about one of the most requested games of all time... to the point where they want people to throw up their own money to prove to Kaz that it's a worthy risk. That's just crazy.

I'm glad to see the game is going to see the light of day, but I don't understand why they didn't just help out like any of the other Third Party Production games.

Because Shenmue in all likelihood will STILL be a financial failure. Maybe breaking even is their ultimate goal and having hte good faith of the some of the most vocal fans out there. Lets not pretend this game will actually sell a lot at retail.


I don't have time to sift through the whole thread, but were people this upset about Bloodstaind? I funded it knowing there was an outside party helping fund and develop the project, don't remember a big fuss.

Somewhat, same with Amplitude, but this is a whole new level.
It's not only to "gauge interest" it's also to cultivate interest and awareness and invest people in the fate of the project. It goes wayyyyy further than drumming up a couple million dollars.


The fact that you can pledge $30 to get a game that is probably going to retail at a higher price and to have it equated as an 'exploitation' just makes my head spin.

Also the calling for Sony to refund the cash. I understand if you're personally uncomfortable with this whole situation and no longer feel like you're willing to pledge the money anymore.

But from my understanding, you're able to pull your pledges anyway. So...why would you want them to cancel the KS then?

Yeah, you can cancel the pledge while the kickstarter is still open. They charge when it is closed at the end I believe.

There are people saying this is to get money from the whales now and the pre-order page should be up instead of getting the game for half price....

Seriously wtfamireading.jpg


I guess for a project as big as Shenmue 3, one that could have never been funded with only 2mil, 4mil, 10mil, or even 50mil, publishers keeping their eyes on the KS and gauging interest before swooping in with their big pockets and publishing deals was an inevitability.

It happened before and will continue to happen. So none of this sets a precedent.

What's different is the mere fact that Suzuki was invited on stage to announce the kickstarter. One that Sony had prior knowledge of and preemptively started publishing talks like in the case of other KS.

It's something that still lies in a grayish area, but this gave Suzuki what's arguably the biggest platform to announce/push a KS, and gave Sony pretty big PR points. So it was mutually beneficial for both.

What remains to be straightened out, is the announcement of Sony's involvement on the KS page. An updated that'll be pushed to all backers, giving them the opportunity to adjust (or even cancel) their pledges. And hopefully Sony doing good on their promise that this is still a Suzuki/Ys project, meaning Yu's full creative freedom is still intact with no external pressures.

What are you talking about with Sony publishing the game? When was this revealed? People are jumping the gun here, in a crazy way.

You guys are so stupid. Yeah, I said it. You guys are soooo fucking dumb. You hear the words that Sony's involved, and it turns into Sony's publishing the game, or Sony's spending $40million on the game or Sony is taking the $2 million from Ys Net's kickstarter.

How fucking dumb can all of you be?

Jesus christ, this is Ys Net's kickstarter. Sony can't refund your money because they aren't taking it. How fucking dumb can you be to demand Sony refund your money? How fucking dumb can you be if you think that your kickstarter money is going to Sony?

How fucking dumb can you actually be? Just take a step back, and think. Please. Just take a deep breath, and think. This is Ys Net's kickstarter campaign. Sony is providing support. That is basically all we know. All these conspiracy theories are insane. And dumb.


How about some people would still like to donate and receive the backing rewards?

Removing it is so fucking stupid I can't believe people are suggesting it.
So, make a pre-order page for it instead? It's the "kickstarter" part that just seems wrong when Sony is already behind it..


Where does your 10M figure come from ?

The campaign is already at 2 and half in less than 24 hours. How much will they reach ? I reckon they will get around 5, like Bloodstained.

So the remaining 5 that Sony brings forward pays for the PS4 port and the exclusivity.

Why are people expecting Sony to pay for everything and are angry at them ?
A proper Shenmue game would cost at least $10M. Suzuki's vision probably can't be fulfilled with just that much money, so if the Kickstarter is more successful than expected, the scope of the game will be enlarged as well. A $5M campaign will probably mean at least a $20M game.



Have some of you lost your effing minds!? I am at a loss for words. The fuck is going on here? This is Shenmue 3 for Christ's sake.

Who cares how it got funded. I am getting my dream game after all these years. Stop fucking destroying the hype and good will. I can just see this mothballing and gaming websites reporting it spreading like misinformation fire storm. Please don't anyone pull your pledges. We need more backers to give this game the maximum funds possible.

Why would you hate this? Why do you want to take away my perfect game from me and other fans after the hell we have been through to finally get this to happen?

I am shaking in anger and tears are streaming down my face.I have lost all hope at some modern gamers today.

Don't worry about it. People will still pledge regardless. I complain about most things and even I think this thread is embarrassing.

Have some of you lost your effing minds!? I am at a loss for words. The fuck is going on here? This is Shenmue 3 for Christ's sake.

Who cares how it got funded. I am getting my dream game after all these years. Stop fucking destroying the hype and good will. I can just see this mothballing and gaming websites reporting it spreading like misinformation fire storm. Please don't anyone pull your pledges. We need more backers to give this game the maximum funds possible.

Why would you hate this? Why do you want to take away my perfect game from me and other fans after the hell we have been through to finally get this to happen?

I am shaking in anger and tears are streaming down my face.I have lost all hope at some modern gamers today.
yeah, thread should be locked.Too anger hidden.
You are not giving money for a video game in return. You are only promised an item in return, but there is no quarantee. You don't know when you will get it and for all you know, the development could become ill and project cancelled before the end. It could be 2 years from now or 5 and you have no power about it. Who knows where your money goes during the production, you are not funding the game, you are simply backing up an idea only.

I don't think Sony would possibly fuck this up. The backlash would be insane
Owner of Shenmue I and II on Dreamcast.
Yes, I said this was shady from the start. If business arrangements are already in place, the full details should be added to the KS page immediately. I've Kickstarted games before where the funding was 'to gauge interest' but in those cases there was no existing agreement with a publisher.

How much are Sony contributing? How much would it have taken take to get Sega involved? $10 million, $20 million, $50 million?

I have a far bigger problem with the apologists calling the rest of us 'whiners' when they have no more idea about the circumstances of the deal than the rest of us.

I think the safest way to handle the situation is:
"Hey, sony, yu and other people I don't know did things and the result of whatever they have done or they plan to do is that Shenmue III is in development now."

After all this years, I sincerely, with all of my heart, don't care how they game is being made. The fact alone that one day I will be playing it is sufficient to be happy with my hobby.

If someone told me last week "what can we do in order to bring shenmue III to life?"
My answer would always be: "Do whatever you want"
They had to put that Silent Hills money somewhere.

I'll probably have this be my big re-introduction into Shenmue since playing a little of the first when it came out. It's good to see some of these properties finally see some light.

Dino Crisis next please!
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