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Splatoon has surpassed 1 million sales world wide

Well when you put it that way...

-Wall of Shame-

LMAO... rough. After the numerous crows I had to consume when I lost to Amir0x about Zelda getting delayed to 2016, I try to stay out of the prediction business.
For now.

Legit glad for Splatoon, though. Shows what happens when Nintendo focuses on making a good game that they then advertise/market properly.


Didn't see this posted, but Nintendo actually gives a regional breakdown

That figure includes more than 476,000 physical and digital units sold in the Americas, more than 368,000 sold in Japan, more than 230,000 sold in Europe and an additional 20,000 sold in Australia and New Zealand.


I'm not surprised Splatoon sold 1 million, but I am surprised it did it so quickly and with so much momentum still behind it. Nintendo has done an uncharacteristically fantastic job of launching the title, kudos to them and the developers.

Didn't see this posted, but Nintendo actually gives a regional breakdown

Seems like Splatoon is having a (relatively) massive June in the US. Could double Mays figure.


First nintendo title I've actually been interested in enough to buy day 1 so congrats Nintendo this time, just don't do SP levels tied to Amiibo anymore please.


Woah, I remember when this was suppose to sale on TW101 level lol

I thought it would be maybe 500k by the end of its launch year when it was announced back 1 mil in less then a month is amazing for a new ip on any system
With 476,000 sold in the US, there's gonna be a LOT of people surprised to see splatoon tripling its may numbers in the NPD next thread. Gonna still be in the top 5 in the charts i'd imagine
Third time posting here, but this news makes me so happy. What a great game that TRULY deserves it!

I wonder how Nintendo is going to celebrate this news?


Originally Posted by mineshaft_gap

I expect Splatoon to fail miserably. As a concept, it's just flawed. Plain and simple. Children do not want to play first person shooters. It's been proven time and time again. The only way Nintendo can keep from going the way of SEGA is to produce games their primary audience wants to play. In my opinion, Nintendo made a huge mistake by letting Minecraft fall into the hands of Microsoft. Nintendo shouldn't make the same mistake twice. They should buy the Five Nights at Freddy's IP right now while they have the chance.

This couldn't be serious.
With 476,000 sold in the US, there's gonna be a LOT of people surprised to see splatoon tripling its may numbers in the NPD next thread. Gonna still be in the top 5 in the charts i'd imagine

America's, not just the US. The US will be the bulk but not all of it.the game probably launched to good success in Canada as well for example.
This is the result when you try something new with effort on both quality and advertising. Can't do no wrong.

I hope Nintendo's shareholders and board directors get the call on this one and pressure the company to change their current direction.


The definition of front-butt.
It deserves it. Its good to see innovation in the shooter genre being rewarded. I predicted at least 1 million lifetime and put "potential for 1.5-2 million" in parenthesis thinking that was too high but it looks like that will actually come true! I didn't think it would reach a million so fast.

Mory Dunz

I don't think they do, they just don't want to pay for it.

I agree.

I think they know a w101 would've sold better if it had this kind of marketing push.
....but exactly how much more would it have sold? And would it make the money back at all?


Say what you want about the Wii U, but Nintendo's output on the system has been stellar.

Agreed,. Both in what they have created for it and the contracts they put in place to get other games for it (ZombiU, TW101, Bayonetta 2/1).

Nintendo has been putting out some great games on this little machine that could.

Absolutely laughing at the Splatoon naysayers. If the sails continue, this could be a 2 or 3 million unit seller. On the Wii U. Impressive.

Hoping they may this a once a generation game franchise moving forward. With the sort of weapons and content spill out they can do, it makes a lot more sense doing it that way.


Great news for a great game.

This is honestly my favourite shooter of all time, and I doubt anything will top it for my personal 2015 goty.


If we rolled the clock back six months, this is about the peak of what I would have expected, and given it hit this already it probably still has a fair bit of headroom to boot.

Well Smash and MK8 gets a boast in sales everytime a game on the wii u does really really well. I hope Splatoon gets that treatment too if Star Fox or Mario Maker does well too.
This is the result when you try something new with effort on both quality and advertising. Can't do no wrong.

I hope Nintendo's shareholders and board directors get the call on this one and pressure the company to change their current direction.

Yup. And this is a no bones about it, "traditional" video game too. No gimmicks here. Unless you count the tablet I guess, but at its core, it's a gamers' game.
Well Smash and MK8 gets a boast in sales everytime a game on the wii u does really really well. I hope Splatoon gets that treatment too if Star Fox or Mario Maker does well too.

Hell yeah. I just saw a guy walk into Gamestop a couple days ago and buy a Wii U for his kids. He also bought MK8, Smash, and Splatoon- all at once.


This. They underestimated how much advertising ties in into console awareness/sales.

It's pretty naive to think Nintendo has only just now learned the importance of marketing. They've always known it. It's just very difficult to market a new IP. And sometimes it's not worth the costs involved. Unlike W101 or Devil's Third, Nintendo saw potential for Splatoon to reach a broader audience so they gave it a massive marketing push. And it has very clearly paid off for them.

Good for Nintendo on the success. Splatoon isn't really my thing but a lot of people seem to enjoy it.


With 476,000 sold in the US, there's gonna be a LOT of people surprised to see splatoon tripling its may numbers in the NPD next thread. Gonna still be in the top 5 in the charts i'd imagine

Does NPD chart digital and physical?

I wonder what date these numbers are for. We still have a week and a half to go.

Jay RaR

So Splatoon did <500k in NA huh? Just about what I expected.

And ouch that Japanese copies outsold European copies. Europe clearly doesn't give a shit about this game. Maybe time will tell when August comes around, but damn that's kinda low. It was also sold at a lower price in Europe from what I heard.

Congrats on Splatoon nonetheless.


Didn't see this posted, but Nintendo actually gives a regional breakdown

I wonder what the tail of this title will be like. I have to admit I am surprised it sold this much already. If sales follow a typical console title pattern, it could end somewhere around Wii Party U and the Zelda remake at 1.5 million. If it has evergreen Nintendo legs, perhaps two or even three million?


Here's the NOA press release


Nintendo has hauled up its nets, tallied its catch and crossed another milestone. Sales of Splatoon, the new squid-based game for Nintendo’s Wii U home console, have crossed 1 million worldwide, according to Nintendo’s internal figures. That figure includes more than 476,000 physical and digital units sold in the Americas, more than 368,000 sold in Japan, more than 230,000 sold in Europe and an additional 20,000 sold in Australia and New Zealand.

“Ever since Splatoon launched on May 29 in the United States, we’ve seen thousands of people go online to have fun in this colorful, chaotic competition,” said Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime. “This milestone puts us in a nice position as we prepare to launch 11 more exclusive Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games before the end of the year, plus amiibo, digital offerings and games from our third-party partners.”


Great news. Nintendo took a risk by marketing the hell out of a weird game like Splatoon and it's paying off.
I'd be amazed if the NX came out in 2016. It'd be pretty amazing for Nintendo to go from reveal to Launch in 18 months.

I'd imagine we get specs/information next e3 with a 2017 release date which should give plenty of time to target software for it. Pretty much WiiU gets one last hurrah for 2016 and doneskis.

So yeah I can seen Splatoon Next being a perfect launch title and it will also afford the devs time to really flesh out the modes, maps, single player and add overall polish. Also they can be more confident in their roll out plans not be so stingy with the content roll outs.
I think they could squeeze one more fall out of Wii U but it will be bleak.


It's pretty naive to think Nintendo has only just now learned the importance of marketing. They've always known it. It's just very difficult to market a new IP. And sometimes it's not worth the costs involved. Unlike W101 or Devil's Third, Nintendo saw potential for Splatoon to reach a broader audience so they gave it a massive marketing push. And it has very clearly paid off for them.

Good for Nintendo on the success. Splatoon isn't really my thing but a lot of people seem to enjoy it.
I'd say they needed to market the hell out of their IPs more, new/original or not. Truth of the matter is to get people to play their games, and they're not doing a good job of commmunicating it, either because of said lack of marketing funding/push or just outright laziness.


I think Splatoon will chart in the June NPD without issue. I wonder what the digital attach ratio is for the title. It seemed to be doing rather well on the US LTD eShop chart for Wii U software.
What Nintendo release doesn't hit 1 million? They have the formula down to a science. What else do owners of a Wii U really have money to blow on? Some VC games?

Not to say Splatoon doesn't deserve the sales though. No doubt I will pick it up down the road once I get the system again


What Nintendo release doesn't hit 1 million? They have the formula down to a science. What else do owners of a Wii U really have money to blow on? Some VC games?

Not to say Splatoon doesn't deserve the sales though. No doubt I will pick it up down the road once I get the system again

Not all nintendo releases especially on the WiiU reach 1 million this quickly unless they are released during the holiday season.
I'm more shocked it sold almost 400K units in Japan. What happened to the supposed dying console market there? Was it a case where more or less everyone who owned a Wii U in Japan picked up Splatoon?


Good numbers, hopefully Nintendo will start seeing the benefits of advertising games.



What Nintendo release doesn't hit 1 million? They have the formula down to a science. What else do owners of a Wii U really have money to blow on? Some VC games?

Not to say Splatoon doesn't deserve the sales though. No doubt I will pick it up down the road once I get the system again

A lot? The only current million sellers for Wii U are the popular franchises like Super Mario, Smash and Mario Kart, as well as some bundled games. Of all the new Wii U games they announced last year, only one reached the million mark (Splatoon).


What Nintendo release doesn't hit 1 million? They have the formula down to a science. What else do owners of a Wii U really have money to blow on? Some VC games?

Not to say Splatoon doesn't deserve the sales though. No doubt I will pick it up down the road once I get the system again

X :(


I think Splatoon will chart in the June NPD without issue. I wonder what the digital attach ratio is for the title. It seemed to be doing rather well on the US LTD eShop chart for Wii U software.

It supposedly has 346k in the Americas so I'd guess it will chart. 346k - Canada, Central and South America - May and June's digital numbers = ?

Most probably enough to improve on last month's sales and it charted then.
A lot? The only current million sellers for Wii U are the popular franchises like Super Mario, Smash and Mario Kart, as well as some bundled games. Of all the new Wii U games they announced last year, only one reached the million mark (Splatoon).

Really? Could of swore I saw some report showing all the million selling Nintendo franchises with a good bit of Wii U ones included. But yeah was also more taking overall not just on Wii U. Still hard to hit 1 million in a console with that amount of overall sales. So good for Splatoon. One of the more inviting shooters to of released in a long time
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