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Friday and Saturday saw funding see a significant boost and essentially double the previously trending amount as a result of the stream. That's obviously amazing for the campaign but Sunday has seen funding grind to a halt. The funding total has barely moved for hours now. Awesome Japan really need to become active on weekends. Sunday would have been the perfect time to post an update but because they evidently take weekends off we're now waiting until Monday. The PS4 physical version would give this a shot in the arm.

Hopefully one is added at a premium tier (anything above $29 to create an incentive for people to upgrade) at some point next week. Preferably early next week.


That #ShenmueonConan stuff on Twitter is pissing me off. It's doing more harm than good as it's really annoying. People should help the Kickstarter, not such a pointless campaign created by a "voice actor" who wants some publicity.

Come on now. Are you really mad that the voice actor and fans want to potentially have this reach as many people as possible? Sure it probably won't work but at least someone is doing something.
That #ShenmueonConan stuff on Twitter is pissing me off. It's doing more harm than good as it's really annoying. People should help the Kickstarter, not such a pointless campaign created by a "voice actor" who wants some publicity.
That's what you took away from it? Wow.

Corey's been a mega fan since he worked on the series and wants to do something positive for it. He's already tweeted consistently about the Kickstarter. You're talking out of your ass.
The PS4 physical version would give this a shot in the arm. Hopefully one is added at a premium tier (anything above $29 to create an incentive for people to upgrade) at some point next week. Preferably early next week.

I'll confess that I've been one of the few holding out for a physical copy on the PS4. I'm really excited that Suzuki is seriously considering this possibility and it would undeniably boost the campaign with its lackluster reward tiers at the moment. As soon as the announcement drops, Ys Net can have my money for this monumental dream project.


Very excited about this game :) I was #185 to back it, which sounds cool because it's a lowish number.

That said, holy crap the funding has come to a screeching halt. The comments make it sound like it'd take US$10m to get the game in all its glory, but that seems like an impossible goal right now :(


Junior Member
That's what you took away from it? Wow.

Corey's been a mega fan since he worked on the series and wants to do something positive for it. He's already tweeted consistently about the Kickstarter. You're talking out of your ass.

Read his Twitter bio, tells you everything you need to know.
So I would say Shenmue 1+2 HD is an inevitability, what are some hopes and dreams for it?

My personal list is:
  • Updated lighting (proper shadows for all characters, greater depth to color)
  • Updated water
  • Updated skyboxes
  • Next to no loading times (I like the screen with date, time and place)
  • No character pop-in
  • 60fps/custom resolution
  • English and Japanese VO, at a higher audio quality (don't know HQ possible, this era certainly didn't think to future proof or save assets)

I think those are all realistic expectations. There is no reason lighting, water, and performance issues can't all be easily addressed. They have the voice-overs all ready.

Here are a few dreams:
  • Updated NPC character models including:
    Full lip sync for all NPCs (If Tamura-san can have it, they all can)
    Everyone has 5 fingered hands.
    Bump in texture quality (Once again not sure about this era and future-proofing)​
  • Ryo model updated. We stare at him for most of them game, give us higher quality textures at the very least. If they have to update them from scratch, so be it.
  • A greater depth to exploration, and I mean add some things to find around the towns. There are so many places that have detail but are rarely if ever used. Create some new toys/collectibles/mini-games/anything that can be found by homes, apartments, and lesser explored areas. Give the players some incentive to actually explore parts that have no plot involvement.
  • Quick phone dialing - Select phone, open notebook, select number, person is called. I love having the rotary phone, but after the first few times of using it, I'd like a faster method.
  • Wait for event feature from S2 in S1.
  • Another sparring partner or Fuku-san in more places to spar with.
  • Shenmue Passport Updated. This was ahead of it's time, and a lot of this info is basic extras for a game now a days.
  • Save game Transfer to Shenmue 3.

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff, and everyone has their own ideas.


I didn't watch the Twitch stream. What's the deal with the bearded spaz? Is he just hosting the twitch stream, or is he the head of the Kickstarter team? Why is he being gif'd?

While I'm very disappointed with the KS team, I think it's important to remember two things:

1) had I not backed BloodStained, I'd have no expectations of what a kickstarter campaign should look like. I'd probably actually be a little impressed, but thanks to Iga's team, I know better.

2) Shenmue 3 in any form is better than no Shenmue 3 at all. Yu stated the game would be true to it's predecessors even at just the 2M goal, so I am confident we will be pleased with the results even of the KS doesn't earn another dime.

I DO think they'll get the PS4 version sorted and we'll see a huge bump at the end again and it'll get just over 6 mil, maybe more.
Well I've never played either Shenmue 1 or 2. But its only $29 for an actual digital copy of the game when its released so worth a shot I think.


corey marshall has been a stalwart supporter of the series for years. turning on him is unfair.
Personally I am not turning on him. I just want better voice actors on Shenmue III.

Very excited about this game :) I was #185 to back it, which sounds cool because it's a lowish number.

That said, holy crap the funding has come to a screeching halt. The comments make it sound like it'd take US$10m to get the game in all its glory, but that seems like an impossible goal right now :(

$10m is possible if we all work together!
It's in no way an inevitability. Sega isnt involved in shenmue 3 beyond letting Suzuki use the IP, and they don't seem to give much of a shit about consoles anymore.

Going to disagree. We are getting Shenmue 3, after all. I don't think anyone would have expected a new Shenmue announced before an HD version of the originals. I've heard the rumors there are weird legal issues with the game engines, but Sega is not blind to what is going on right now. There is clearly money to be made from porting those to at least the PC.

I'm not saying Sega will announce anything soon, but a lot can happen in the next 2.5 years leading up to the Shenmue 3.


a combination of the kickstarter and yu suzuki's intervention will likely kick sega's ass into appropriate gear for remasters. sega aren't as dumb as people think, they're just very cautious.

it'd be nice if these had hit before the kickstarter but hey, it didn't work out like that. there are plenty of people who want to try the series though.


I would personally get rid of the English dub completely, but if they do it I'm OK with getting Corey Marshall again as Ryo, as long as they get rid of everybody else, and hire a decent dubbing director :).


So I would say Shenmue 1+2 HD is an inevitability, what are some hopes and dreams for it?

My personal list is:
  • Updated lighting (proper shadows for all characters, greater depth to color)
  • Updated water
  • Updated skyboxes
  • Next to no loading times (I like the screen with date, time and place)
  • No character pop-in
  • 60fps/custom resolution
  • English and Japanese VO, at a higher audio quality (don't know HQ possible, this era certainly didn't think to future proof or save assets)

I think those are all realistic expectations. There is no reason lighting, water, and performance issues can't all be easily addressed. They have the voice-overs all ready.

I think you forgot 16:9 support (ideally custom aspect ratio support). I would also hope they base the ports on the Dremacast version, and not on the Xbox Shenmue II. That means no bloom at night and no missing street signs and such.

I'd also add camera control on the right stick and controlling on the left (maintaining the D-pad functions like in the original games).

And, about improved character models, I see no reason why they couldn't use the passport models for the main characters ingame. Some hackers at Shenmuedojo already used them some years ago (you can check the result here). At least with Ryo and Shenhua and Lan Di it would seem possible...


I would personally get rid of the English dub completely, but if they do it I'm OK with getting Corey Marshall again as Ryo, as long as they get rid of everybody else, and hire a decent dubbing director :).
The dubbing director wasn't the problem with the Shenmue dub! It's kind of a long story.
The other problem the plagued both dubs was the compression they had to use to fit the vast number of audio recordings they had on GD-ROM
I too think there should only be a Japanese dub recorded. There's no point wasting money on having two audio tracks in the game when the budget is so slim to begin with, and English voice acting has no place in Shenmue anyway. It was already awful and misplaced in the previous two games, I don't need to hear it again.
I think you forgot 16:9 support (ideally custom aspect ratio support). I would also hope they base the ports on the Dremacast version, and not on the Xbox Shenmue II. That means no bloom at night and no missing street signs and such.

I'd also add camera control on the right stick and controlling on the left (maintaining the D-pad functions like in the original games).

And, about improved character models, I see no reason why they couldn't use the passport models for the main characters ingame. Some hackers at Shenmuedojo already used them some years ago (you can check the result here). At least with Ryo and Shenhua and Lan Di it would seem possible...

When I put custom resolution that naturally includes aspect ratio.

Camera controls have to included. Can't believe I for got that.

Yea they have the Passport models, but that's just the head. I want Ryo's Jacket and Jeans improved too. We look at that far more than his face.
Not having an English dub is a sure way to deter any new comers from discovering the series. Even the Xbox version of Shenmue II sprung for dubbing.
I'd settle for dual analog support for 1 & 2 rather than expect Sega to pour money in to them. I doubt they'd go that far with updated models and such if they haven't bothered to release the games already.


The dubbing director wasn't the problem with the Shenmue dub! It's kind of a long story.

Oh? I thought the voice director was trying to get the English cast to deliver their lines in a Japanese fashion. If that was the case then the voice director was an idiot. Effective use of language is more than simply saying words, and trying to imitate the style and cadence of one language with another is an exercise in futility.
Not having an English dub is a sure way to deter any new comers from discovering the series. Even the Xbox version of Shenmue II sprung for dubbing.

Exactly. Having an English dub is a must for the popularity of Shenmue. We don't want to keep it niche and risk not getting more Shenmue after III. Also the voice acting needs to actually be good this time.
So I would say Shenmue 1+2 HD is an inevitability, what are some hopes and dreams for it?

It would kill an aspect of realism so maybe it's not a good idea but...

I'd like Ryo to be able to pull up a map which shows the movements of characters in real-time.
When you highlight one of these characters their bio (from the Passport Disc) appears along with possibly their daily routine, or at least place of work.

This would've been a cool use of the touchscreen if they had ever been ported to the 3DS.

Trojan X

So I would say Shenmue 1+2 HD is an inevitability, what are some hopes and dreams for it?

My personal list is:
  • Updated lighting (proper shadows for all characters, greater depth to color)
  • Updated water
  • Updated skyboxes
  • Next to no loading times (I like the screen with date, time and place)
  • No character pop-in
  • 60fps/custom resolution
  • English and Japanese VO, at a higher audio quality (don't know HQ possible, this era certainly didn't think to future proof or save assets)

I think those are all realistic expectations. There is no reason lighting, water, and performance issues can't all be easily addressed. They have the voice-overs all ready.

Here are a few dreams:
  • Updated NPC character models including:
    Full lip sync for all NPCs (If Tamura-san can have it, they all can)
    Everyone has 5 fingered hands.
    Bump in texture quality (Once again not sure about this era and future-proofing)​
  • Ryo model updated. We stare at him for most of them game, give us higher quality textures at the very least. If they have to update them from scratch, so be it.
  • A greater depth to exploration, and I mean add some things to find around the towns. There are so many places that have detail but are rarely if ever used. Create some new toys/collectibles/mini-games/anything that can be found by homes, apartments, and lesser explored areas. Give the players some incentive to actually explore parts that have no plot involvement.
  • Quick phone dialing - Select phone, open notebook, select number, person is called. I love having the rotary phone, but after the first few times of using it, I'd like a faster method.
  • Wait for event feature from S2 in S1.
  • Another sparring partner or Fuku-san in more places to spar with.
  • Shenmue Passport Updated. This was ahead of it's time, and a lot of this info is basic extras for a game now a days.
  • Save game Transfer to Shenmue 3.

I'm sure I'll think of more stuff, and everyone has their own ideas.

Controls optimization should be one of the highest priority.

Perfectly happy to leave the phone the way it is. It's part of the immersion.

There is no way we can expect additional things to be included into the game and we should not adjust the formula. So the only thing that should be done is controls optimization and graphical upgrades (not silly tricks like blooming) and save game transfer to Shenmue 3.


They said in the stream they would put up an update on Friday and still haven't.
Maybe Yu really did fire them


Going to disagree. We are getting Shenmue 3, after all. I don't think anyone would have expected a new Shenmue announced before an HD version of the originals. I've heard the rumors there are weird legal issues with the game engines, but Sega is not blind to what is going on right now. There is clearly money to be made from porting those to at least the PC.

Why would they do an HD version of Shenmue 1&2? So they can sell a whopping 30-40K copies? So they can promote a sequel that they have little financial interest in?

Sega is a company that won't even do localizations of finished games running on their native platform (Yakuza). Expecting them to up-port and do massive improvements to games from mega-old hardware seems unreasonable at this point. I suppose it might happen if the work has already been done (as is the popular rumor), but a new project is probably out of the question.
Why would they do an HD version of Shenmue 1&2? So they can sell a whopping 30-40K copies? So they can promote a sequel that they have little financial interest in?

Sega is a company that won't even do localizations of finished games running on their native platform (Yakuza). Expecting them to up-port and do massive improvements to games from mega-old hardware seems unreasonable at this point. I suppose it might happen if the work has already been done (as is the popular rumor), but a new project is probably out of the question.
Yeah if they're already supposedly done or near done, I'd see them being released but no way in hell would Sega put in extra money for them.


It is too late but I think the KS should have been $60 for a digital copy for something as ambitious as Shenmue. It has the caliber to pull it off and would have increased funds significantly.



I didn't know Jeremy Blaustein of Silent Hill 2/3 also did Shenmue. I actually thought the voice direction/writing in those games were good. Maybe not great, but they did its job and lots more. I actually contributed that to him.

It's interesting to hear what went on behind the scenes from him though. Hopefully, with a tighter project, they can be more focused on the important details and actually make a few compromises that could help better the quality more. Sorry, I was laughing way too hard on that voice actors in Japan anecdote.


Neo Member
When I put custom resolution that naturally includes aspect ratio.

Camera controls have to included. Can't believe I for got that.

Yea they have the Passport models, but that's just the head. I want Ryo's Jacket and Jeans improved too. We look at that far more than his face.

Second screen support, would be cool to emulate what the vmu did for the game lol, not really a biggie though


I didn't know Jeremy Blaustein of Silent Hill 2/3 also did Shenmue. I actually thought the voice direction/writing in those games were good. Maybe not great, but they did its job and lots more. I actually contributed that to him.

It's interesting to hear what went on behind the scenes from him though. Hopefully, with a tighter project, they can be more focused on the important details and actually make a few compromises that could help better the quality more. Sorry, I was laughing way too hard on that voice actors in Japan anecdote.
English voice actors in Japan anecdote! Honestly there is no worries of this repeating on a Shenmue III. They can't really afford it.

It is too late but I think the KS should have been $60 for a digital copy for something as ambitious as Shenmue. It has the caliber to pull it off and would have increased funds significantly.
I think $60 is too much for a digital KS copy. Yes that is the same as it will cost at launch but I don't think it is a fair price on a Kickstarter. You are asked to put your money upfront for 2 years. You deserve a discount of sorts.


That #ShenmueonConan stuff on Twitter is pissing me off. It's doing more harm than good as it's really annoying. People should help the Kickstarter, not such a pointless campaign created by a "voice actor" who wants some publicity.

this is pretty much all in your head.
  • Japanese/Chinese only, saves money and is native to both the people making the game and its setting. It's easier for them to make this of a decent quality. Worst for expanding the audience.
  • "Classic" English VO itches nostalgia but is objectively bad and makes the tone goofier. Which is both good and bad, I guess.
  • New, decent VO seems the most expensive, difficult to achieve, but also most accommodating to newcomers/broader audience and for upping the quality of the game and making the tone fit the original vision better. For us fans it'd surely be weird to hear someone else's English voice coming out of Ryo, but I'm sure we'd adjust.
I wasn't sure which I found preferable, but typing that up I feel I've convinced myself it's the third one. But I'd personally be fine with any of them.
I'll say though, regardless of how it ends up, Corey Marshall deserves to have some level of involvement just for old time's sake if nothing else.

This would be great but Sega couldn't even be bothered bringing over Yakuza 1 & 2 HD, and that has translations already done that they could just copy and paste. I can't see them putting actual work into hd-ifying Shenmue.
I reckon the odds of it happening are low, but poking them in the right direction won't hurt. Especially now that the odds are the highest they've ever been.
The message in that petition is questionable though. Basically telling Sega to start a kickstarter and we'll fund it for them. Also "for PS4" only? Should probably be on PC too, I think.
I definitely want a Shenmue HD Collection to happen, and if Sega ever does decide to release one, I'd certainly be interested in buying it. But that petition's naff.
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