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Bungie hired David Cross (Tobias, Arrested Dev) to write jokes for Destiny, used none


Gold Member
That reddit rumor basically painted the original story as another space-marine opera.

Actually no, the twist was...

You, as well as all of those who were worshiping the Traveler were actually the evil ones trying to exterminate the true followers of light (which is why light pops from them when head-shotting) and he used your people for war against them. Then he/she/it was left ravaged in like a "stasis" and he had to revive downed soldiers with the Ghosts he/she/it created (kinda like space zombie/slaves). That was the twist, and not very space marine hero like we are used to. But guess what now... we are space heroes.
I know Peter Dinklage is in the cast but who else was wasted?

Nathan Fillion, Gina Torres, and Lance Reddick are probably the standouts. They've also got Claudia Black playing a bloody shopkeeper, and Bill Nighy as The World's Most Boring Expositor (AKA The Speaker).
Destiny must have the most squandered talent in any videogame ever. I'm talking most amount of talent being put to the least amount of use.


The intended humor that is in the actual game is so terrible. There's one sequence where your character calls the Ghost "little light" trying to be funny and it's just sad. Peter Dinklage's uninspired delivery doesn't help either.
David Cross and Brian Posehn aren't funny anyway. Maybe they just didn't want a bunch of rants about hating people from the south and details of their masturbation adventures in the game.
A lot of the things I hear about the development of Destiny confuses the fuck out of me. I suppose other games have hired writers and not used them before though. I guess.


Neo Member
Does anyone else have a problem with how he quotes David Cross and uses the European version of the word "Humor"

That just kinda irks me.


That's a damn shame. I would've taken to the Ghost character a little more if they kept some of their humor in there. He's got almost zero in the main game on top of his lazily voice acted lines.


A lot of the things I hear about the development of Destiny confuses the fuck out of me. I suppose other games have hired writers and not used them before though. I guess.

They threw out all of Halo 1's written dialogue and hired two outside writers to re-write all of Halo 1's dialogue for them.
Tobias is the only funny thing I've ever seen David Cross do - not a Mr. Show fan, not a fan of his stand-up - so I don't know that this would have been up my alley. Still, I'm curious about the material he and Posehn wrote.


This becomes more and more apparent as time goes on. So much amazing voice talent and for nothin. What the fuck happened to this game man.
Same thing that happens to a lot of games: Shit changes. Destiny probably was supposed to be the FPS equivalent of WoW at one point but the Leads at Bungie either couldn't figure out how to make it work or severely underestimated how much work it would take to build that much content.


Gold Member
Same thing that happens to a lot of games: Shit changes. Destiny probably was supposed to be the FPS equivalent of WoW at one point but the Leads at Bungie either couldn't figure out how to make it work or severely underestimated how much work it would take to build that much content.

Cross platform did not help at all. Having 256-512MB of ram versus what could have been with 8GB, yet keeping the game the same mechanics/gameplay wise.
Activision will, Bungie won't, but I guess we still need to learn the difference between developers and the publishers that work out these deals when all the contracts are signed.

If you think Bungie are innocent of all the horrible business schemes surrounding Destiny you're either blind or in denial.


If you think Bungie are innocent of all the horrible business schemes surrounding Destiny you're either blind or in denial.

Dude is posting like Bungie deserves no sort of criticism. No, I've been buying their games since Myth with my first 3dfx card, I can talk as much shit as I'd like.


I imagine the reveals about this game will just keep on coming. The amount of cut and changed content surrounding it is almost unprecedented.


While there's no guarantee that his jokes would've made the game more amusing, I can't imagine Bungie/Activision brought him out without prior knowledge of his work and then saw the final stuff and thought "Huh, this isn't what we expected at all"


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Fuck you, Bungie. This alone would've taken the game from "forgettable disappointment" to "memorable disappointment". Fuck you very much.


While there's no guarantee that his jokes would've made the game more amusing, I can't imagine Bungie/Activision brought him out without prior knowledge of his work and then saw the final stuff and thought "Huh, this isn't what we expected at all"

Considering they worked with him before, I'd say it's safe to say they know what he's all about.
I imagine the reveals about this game will just keep on coming. The amount of cut and changed content surrounding it is almost unprecedented.

Not really. It's just a hell of a lot more public with this game. Halo 2 ironically was pretty close in that regard as well.

Destiny was always a stupidly ambitious project, it was always either going to blow people away or fall flat on it's face trying.

They managed to salvage it into something that millions of people love at least, myself included, but it's obvious to absolutely everyone that followed the game even a little that what we got was hacked to pieces.


I imagine the reveals about this game will just keep on coming. The amount of cut and changed content surrounding it is almost unprecedented.

Halo 2 had an entire game chopped off the end of it. There's STILL the E3 2003 demo that people STILL complain about not being the final game. The game was basically rebooted entirely mid-development. And it almost killed Bungie. Destiny has issues (what game doesn't), but it's development wasn't that unique in terms of modern AAA development. Halo 2 was. And they paid dearly for it - Halo 2 literally cost people their marriages. And they've been extremely open about how damaging Halo 2 was and how unfinished it was.

The same outlets that want to spend their time claiming they'll get to "the bottom of the story" regurgitate an outright PR lie by Microsoft as legitimate news, even though the most basic effort journalism of "search Twitter" would have laid bare what was going on should tell you how selective they are at expending effort to collect their paychecks.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Kieth David recorded Arbiter lines for Halo 2 that weren't used until Halo 3. Namely, the entire scene where Arby kills Truth.

Just because voice acting or lines may be recorded or written for a game, does not mean they all make it to the final game, or even pop up later as things change.

I'm only pointing this out because it's like, 100% standard to every Bungie game, and isn't even a special note for Destiny. Before, people went "ah, some behind the scenes stuff! Neat!". Now everybody is cynical and shit and it's "zomg proof of canspiracy!!11" when it's standard game development.
All of the Christina missions in AC:Brotherhood were supposed to be in 2. This stuff does happen all the time. Although, that doesn't stop the fact that some shady shit went on behind the scenes with Destiny.


The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Bungie.

Seriously, they're even flogging energy drinks just like in the show. You cannot make this shit up.



? What are you talking about?
Someone said they thought bungie wanted the game to be serious
They put out this dude bro commercial that's anything but serious.

What is there not to get?

Marketing means nothing when the game doesn't match the tone. The actual game is pretty dreary. Unless this changed with the post-release content, I guess.

down 2 orth

Actually no, the twist was...

You, as well as all of those who were worshiping the Traveler were actually the evil ones trying to exterminate the true followers of light (which is why light pops from them when head-shotting) and he used your people for war against them. Then he/she/it was left ravaged in like a "stasis" and he had to revive downed soldiers with the Ghosts he/she/it created (kinda like space zombie/slaves). That was the twist, and not very space marine hero like we are used to. But guess what now... we are space heroes.

That's actually kind of cool...

Edit: It would at least add an extra layer of depth to the enemy, something that could be explored in the expansions and sequels. I mean, there's nothing evil looking or antagonistic about the Cabal, they actually look like a civilized alien species and its kind of puzzling why they're butting heads with humans.
That's actually kind of cool...

Edit: It would at least add an extra layer of depth to the enemy, something that could be explored in the expansions and sequels. I mean, there's nothing evil looking or antagonistic about the Cabal, they actually look like a civilized alien species and its kind of puzzling why they're butting heads with humans.

They're basically a race all about conquest. All they are interested in is expanding their territory it would seem based on the grimoire cards that I've read.

They seem to take a hell of a lot of influence from the Roman Empire.


They're basically a race all about conquest. All they are interested in is expanding their territory it would seem based on the grimoire cards that I've read.

They seem to take a hell of a lot of influence from the Roman Empire.

the Cabal music is even styled after the old Roman/Gladiator war film epics


They're basically a race all about conquest. All they are interested in is expanding their territory it would seem based on the grimoire cards that I've read.

They seem to take a hell of a lot of influence from the Roman Empire.

Actually it's even more interesting than that. The cabal we meet and fight aren't expanding, they're *running*. Don't remember if it's exactly confirmed but I'm pretty sure the cabal we meet are literally the last of them.
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